Mitt Romney Wins CPAC Straw Poll with 38% of the Vote

Mitt wins the CPAC straw poll with 38% of the vote with Rick Santorum coming in a close second with 31%. Speaker Newt Gingrich was at 15% and Texas Rep. Ron Paul stood at 12%.

Mitt tweeted: “Honored to have won the CPAC straw poll. I’m heartened that so many friends here agree with me about the need for conservative change.”

34% of the attendees at the conservative conference chose Florida Sen. Marco Rubio as Vice President

Conservatives Remain Largest Ideological Voting Group in the United States

The following is an interesting poll from Gallup and cannot make the Barack Obama White House happy. After all the talk about Republicans voting less in primaries and more people becoming independent … Conservatives remain the largest ideological voting block  in the United States.

Even when one looks at the break out of Independents, 36% consider themselves very conservative or conservative, while only 19% consider themselves very liberal or liberal.

Conservative Author and Commentator Tony Blankley Dies at Age 63, Rest in Peace

Tony Blankley, Rest in Peace …

It is a sad day in the world of Conservative politics.  Conservative author, commentator, pundit and former editor of the Washington Times. Tony Blankly has died late Saturday night at age 63.  According to accounts, Blankly had been battling stomach cancer. Honestly, I had no idea he was even sick. Blankly always seemed to be one of the busiest, engaging, thoughtful and insightful pundits as he brought his talents to so many venues.

I always enjoyed Tony Blankley on “The McLaughlin Group,” as Tony would consonantly hand uber-lib Elenore Cliff her lunch and teach her a lesson in civics and the US Constitution. However, see below the Video PSA with Blankley and Swift be on the same side for the animals.

Mr. Blankley was an executive vice president of the Edelman public-relations firm in Washington, a visiting senior fellow in national-security communications at the Heritage Foundation, a syndicated newspaper columnist and an on-air political commentator for CNN, NBC and NPR.

He was also a regular weekly guest on “The McLaughlin Group.”

Mr. Blankley was editorial page editor of The Times from 2002 to 2007, and from 1990 to 1997 he served as press secretary and general adviser to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and present GOP Presidential primary candidate commented on the passing of Tony Blankley:

“Tony was a very special person,” Gingrich said. “Everybody in our alumni who have heard about it have felt something in their hearts because he was more than a great professional. He was a great human being, he was a caring and loving person, he was a tremendous amount of fun, remarkably erudite and educated, and we will all miss him deeply.”

Tony Blankley Wiki

He was also a child actor, appearing as Rod Steiger’s child in The Harder They Fall (1955).[14] He graduated from UCLA[15] and graduated Loyola Law School in Los Angeles (with a J.D.).[16] He was admitted to the State Bar of California Bar in 1972, but has been ineligible to practice law in the State of California since 2002 for a failure to pay his bar member dues.[17] Blankley continued to write for the Washington Times; he also lectured at many universities and institutes. On 19 November 2009, Blankley presented his lecture – A Year out from the 2010 Congressional Elections – National Politics, Policy and their Communication at the New Hampshire Institute of Politics at Saint Anselm College.[18]

Americans see President Obama as the Farthest Candidate from Them Ideologically Including All Republicans

Barack Obama … the most out of touch candidate for American ideology …

According to a recent Gallup poll should cause yet more concern for President Barack Obama for the 2012 elections. Americans see Obama as the farthest candidate from them ideologically than any of the GOP primary candidates. Should this really come as a surprise as Barack Obama is the most liberal and polarizing President ever elected. Although many Americans are not not sure of some of the Republican candidates, they have had three years to figure out exactly what Obama’s ideology is. 57% consider Obama vet liberal/liberal, while 15% polled were smoking crack stating that Obama was very conservative/conservative. If Obama has not yet convinced America that he is not “very liberal” at this point, it is a lost cause. America knows exactly what Barack Obama is and stands for, there is no fooling the public like 2008.

What should further trouble Obama is that Independents consider Obama the farthest away from their ideology as well.  As for Republicans, enough said. However, just how out of touch are Democrats with the main stream of society? They think Barack Obama is spot on with their ideology.

This is coupled with other polling data showing Obama loses a hypothetical match up with Mitt Romney 45% to 39%.

UPDATE I: Barack Obama’s job approval rating back down to 41% approval – 50% disapproval as per Gallup!

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