Rep. Michele Bachmann (MN-R) Responds to IRS Targeting Scandal … “The Power to Tax is the Power to Destroy”

Rep. Michele Bachmann asking the questions that now all of America want to know …

US  Representative Michele Bachmann (MN-R) comments on the IRS targeting scandal where the Internal Revenue Service admitted to targeting Conservative and religious groups who opposed the Obama administration, while at the same time fast-tracked those non-profit organizations looking for tax exempt status who agreed with the Administration. Bauchmann makes and important point as the MSM has really only focused on one part of the story. Not only did the IRS prevent, stall and make Conservative organizations lives miserable to get tax exempt status in the run up to the 2012 political election, they also, and just as important, favored liberal and progressive organizations to get theirs in s timely manner.

Bachmann then when on to emphasize the fact that it will now be the IRS that enforces and polices Obamacare. Michele Bauchmann stated, ”It is important and reasonable to ask, could there potentially be political implications regarding healthcare, access to healthcare, denial of healthcare. Will that happen based upon a person’s political beliefs or their religiously held beliefs. These question would have been considered out of bounds a week ago. Today these questions are considered more than reasonable. And more than fair for the American people.”

Of course this was before that we found out that the woman who was in charge of the very department that was responsible for targeting Conservative and religious groups that the very IRS scandal is predicated upon is now the head of the IRS agency for Obamacare. Speaker of the House John Boehner stated that he was not interest in who resigns, “my question is about who’s going to jail over this scandal.” However, it appears in the Obama administration that being a good little soldier and effectively attacking Conservative and the Tea Party gets you a career advancement to the IRS division of Obamacare. Barack Obama said he would hold everyone accountable, Sarah Hall Ingram now heads the Obamacare implementation office. UNREAL. There is no way the internally this woman was not advanced because of the job she did in targeting a segment of the population who opposed President Barack Obama. How is this women still employed, if we are to take Obama at his word that those responsible would be held accountable and better yet, how is she not in jail?


President Obama Waited 3 Days after IRS Apology to Address IRS Scandal of Targeting Conservatives and Uses the “IF” Word … “IF in fact IRS Personnel Engaged in the Kind of Practices that Have Been Reported on …

With President Barack Obama, it all depends on what “IF” is … When it Comes to an Enemies List.

Talk about late to the game. Finally after three days President Barack Obama addresses the scandal of the IRS targeting Conservative groups like the Tea Party or non-profit groups with the word “patriot” or groups that would teach others of the US Constitution. Barack Obama tried to absolve himself from the scandal by saying he just learned about this scandal on Friday when the report came out. Really Mr. President, you just learned about it? Next thing you are going to tell us that the Benghazi attack was a result of the video tape. Obama went on to say with a look of a child who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar, ”If in fact IRS personnel engaged in the kind of practice that have been reported on and were intentionally targeting Conservative groups then that’s outrageous. And there is no place for it. And they have to be held fully accountable”. IF THIS IS TRUE? IF? Has Obama been listening to what the IRS has been saying or is he just not that bright? The IRS has already admitted that they intentionally targeted Conservative non-profits, and those organizations that would educate as to the US Constitution on and those that would dare criticize the Obama government. Mr. Presidnt, why do you think the IRS apologized … um, for their intentionally  targeting of Conservative groups. Also Mr. President, what the IRS did was not just outrageous, IT WAS ILLEGAL!!!

Hey America, this is the same IRS that is in charge of enforcing Barack Obama’s Obamacare. How’s that “Hopey-Changey” stuff working out for ya?


On Monday, President Obama called the singling out of conservative groups by the Internal Revenue Service “outrageous”, adding: “I have no patience with it. I will not tolerate it.”

Obama’s strong condemnation of the growing scandal came amid similar denunciations from Democratic elected officials.  Montana Sen. Max Baucus called it an “outrageous abuse of power and a breach of the public’s trust.” West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin described the IRS’ actions as “unacceptable and un-American.” You get the idea.

The question being asked in the political world today is whether the condemnations are too little, too late. As in, did the Obama Administration — and other Democrats in the House and Senate — miss their chance to claim some sort of high(ish) message ground by largely taking a pass on the story when it broke on Friday morning?

So why is Barack Obama so outraged? The IRS really didn’t do anything that his own reelect campaign did not do with the Tea Party, Conservative or those who believe in the US Constitution and put them all on an Obama enemies list. Wasn’t it this president who created a snitch website  in 2012 for moonbats to report anyone who dare make comments about Obama and criticize him called Attack Watch?

Better than Obama’s dribble of trying to BS the American public that he never knew of any of this comes the quote of the day from Hot Air. Attorney Dan Backer, whose client TheTeaParty said, “And that’s when we knew it was gonna be a problem.”… “Nobody wipes their own ass in the government without a lawyer clearing it,” Backer said. “The idea that this is not at least a few layers up is nonsense.”

EXIT QUESTION: For Obama being the supposed smartest President ever, why does he always seem to play dumb when confronted with a scandal?

Ben Carson Says White Liberals Are “The Most Racist People” In America on Mark Levin Radio Show

Why we love Dr. Ben Carson, he calls it like it is an is unafraid to do so.

Last night on Mark Levin’s radio show Dr. Ben Carson, the new voice of conservatism, discussed the “left-wing media’s” attempt to attack him and stop his speech on many issues and views on gay marriage and religion. As Carson has stated in the past, political correctness, threatens to destroy our nation. Carson states that “they” need to shut me up completely and the reason why the attacks against him are so vicious. There is nothing like a comment from a  Black conservative for the LEFT to lose their minds. Dr. Carson told Levin that, in his experience, white liberals are the “most racist people there are.”

 From Mediaite:

“They need to shut me up, they need to delegitimize me,” Carson told the radio host while explaining why he believes the media has scorned him for lumping homosexuality in with unsavory sexual acts like bestiality and pedophilia.

Levin added that the doctor has been attacked by “white liberals” because he is a black conservative, to which Carson replied: “They are the most racist people there are. Because they put you in a little category, a little box. You have to think this way. How could you dare come off the plantation?”

“I don’t have a particular agenda that I’m pushing,” he added. “So it would be particularly difficult for them to trip me up.”

As Weasel Zippers aptly states, Libs prove Ben Carson’s point by calling him a “token” or “uncle tom” in 3 … 2 … 1.


How Easter-like … Obama’s Church Pastor Plays Race Card against Right During Easter Service

What would Jesus say, certainly not these shameful, divisive comments …

President Barack Obama and the First family attended Easter service  at St. John’s Episcopal Church in DC. ABC News reports that the sermon turned slightly political when Leon said there are some members of the religious right who are trying to pull people back rather than letting them move forward. SLIGHTLY POLITCAL? A pastor plays the race card and that is only slightly political for of all things an Easter service sermon?. One can imagine what is overly political. However, what a better religious-political message with Obama, the “Divider” in Chief in attendance.

The captains of the religious right are always calling us back, back, back. For blacks to be back in the back of the bus, for women to be back in the kitchen, for gays to be in the closet and for immigrants  to be on their side of the border,” Leon said. “What you and I understand is that when Jesus says you can’t hang onto me, he says you know it’s not about the past, it’s not about the before, it’s not about the way things were but about the way things can be in the now.”

Hmm, some words seem to be missing, but what else would one expect from the liberal MSM who thinks playing the race card. More from the Right Scoop as to what Barack Obama and his family listened to as they sat in the pews on Easter Sunday. How very sad that this be the message of hope, resurrection and rebirth in an Easter service.

As Jesus told Mary not to hold on to the past, “You cannot go back.”

“It drives me crazy when the captains of the religious right are always calling us back … for blacks to be back in the back of the bus … for women to be back in the kitchen … for immigrants to be back on their side of the border.”

“The message of Easter is about the power of love over loveless power.”

Of course Barack Obama just sat attentively in his Sunday best listening to this divisive bullsh*t and thought nothing of it.  But what else would we expect from a man who attended the church of Reverend Wright for 20 years and his racist, anti-American rants and thought nothing of that ether.

A note to this misguided pastor and to all else who want to blame others for their plight in life or just wish to blame others just to cause division, take a real good look who is holding you back, put you back on the plantation or at the back of the bus. Who is making you dependent on the government rather than those who want you to be all that you can be? Who is calling for blacks to go to the back of the bus or that woman have to be in the kitchen? Seriously, who? As for immigrants to stay on their side of the border, I think many are calling for the laws of the United States to be enforced and “ILLEGALS” to be dealt with accordingly. I wonder what Jesus would say when the Church becomes a propaganda tool of a the government?

John McCain Apologizes to Senators Rand Paul & Ted Cruz for ‘wacko birds’ Comment

Mavericky Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) apologized for his  ‘wacko birds’ comment that he made toward Sens. Rand Paul and Ted Cruz for their outspoken brand of politicking on the Hill. The long time Arizona senator and failed GOP Presidential candidate took exception to the fact that he has been passed by the young Turks. What McCain might finally be realizing is that Paul and Cruz represent a breath of fresh air for the GOP Senate and what the GOP base wants to embrace, not Democrat light. During CPAC 2013, Rand Paul took the opportunity to slap back at McCain and said “the GOP of old has grown stale and moss-covered.” Whether McCain’s apology was sincere, who knows. However, one thing is for certain … the balance of power is being to shift in the GOP Senate and is moving away from the failed establishment senators and more toward the new brand of  Republican Senators like Rand Paul (KY), Ted Cruz (TX), Marco Rubio (FL), Jeff Flake (AZ) and Pat Tommey (PA).

Sen. John McCain is apologizing for calling Sens. Rand Paul and Ted Cruz “wacko birds” and says he respects what his Senate colleagues stand for.

“[In] an interview I said that Sen. Cruz and Sen. Paul were ‘wacko birds.’ That was inappropriate and I apologize to them for saying that, and I respect them both. I respect what they stand for and what they believe in. They both made an impact out here in the United States Senate,” McCain (R-Ariz.) said on Fox News on Friday.

McCain at some point best realize that his days are behind him and that he is on the wrong side of the future of the Republican party. Of he wants to make such criticisms he might as well pull an Arlen Specter  or Charlie Crist and switch parties.

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