Former President Jimmy Carter May not be Dead, But his Presidency Was … Donald Trump Makes Reference at CPAC to the “Late, Great Jimmy Carter” … I’m Not Dead Yet!!! (VIDEO)

Former President Jimmy Carter needs to borrow a line from Monty Python and the Holy Grail …  I’m Not Dead Yet!!!

It would appear that Donald Trump was a bit premature in announcing the death of “the late, great Jimmy Carter (VIDEO).” Yesterday at CPAC, The Donald compared the Obama presidency to that of the disastrous, failed presidency of Jimmy Carter. Trump stated that Obama’s job approval numbers at 38% were now in Jimmy Carter territory and that he never thought he would see another presidency like the late, great Jimmy Carter. Oops. Make no mistake, Jimmy Carter, 39th President of the United States has not passed away. However, Carter’s presidency was.

“We’re getting into Jimmy Carter territory, and I never thought I’d see anything like that again,” he said as the audience chuckled. “I lived through that time and it was not a good time and we’re pretty close – I think maybe by next month we will have surpassed the late, great Jimmy Carter.”

 With Barack Obama’s failed foreign and domestic policies and adverse impact on America, it would look like from his falling polling number, Obama’s presidency is dead as well.

Arkansas Senate Rce: Incumbent US Sen. Mark Pryor (D) in Trouble in Polls, Trails GOP Challanger Tom Cotton, 46% – 42%


Define irony? Barack Obama needs to hold a Democrat Senate and gain the House in the 2014 to further Obamacare and to finish the devastation that his administration and policies have brought upon America. However, his signature piece of legislation, Obamacare, that may cost Democrats the Senate and lose more seats in the House. According to a recent poll, incumbent US Sen. Democrat Mark Pryor is in real trouble against his Republican challenger, Tom Cotton. The poll currently shows that Cotton leads Pryor, 46% to 42%. Obamacare is weighting down Democrats with an upset electorate.


Tom Cotton –  U.S. House of Representatives from Arkansas’s 4th district

A recent poll shows U.S. Rep. Tom Cotton, R-Dardanelle, gaining ground in his bid to unseat Democrat U.S. Sen. Mark Pryor. The poll results also show the Arkansas’ governors race to be tied up, and U.S. Rep. Tim Griffin, R-Little Rock, with an advantage in the race for lieutenant governor

In the U.S. Senate race, Cotton had 46% support from poll respondents and Pryor had 42%. This is a favorable shift for Cotton compared to an Oct. 24 Impact Management poll that had Cotton at 43% and Pryor at 41%.

The poll further shows that Barack Obama’s Obamacare is sinking Democrats chances in Arkansas to retain the Senate seat. Check out the Independents against Obamacare.

Following are two questions and results related to Obamacare and Arkansas’ private option plan.
Q: Do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Obamacare?
27%: Favorable
63%: Unfavorable
10%: Don’t know

On this question, 58% of Democrats were favorable and 26% were unfavorable. On the Republican side, 95% were unfavorable and only 2% were favorable. Among Independents, 74% were unfavorable and 14% were favorable.

The Arkansas Blog - Polling in statewide races: Edge to Republicans.

The race for Governor is a dead heat; however, in a midterm election if Republican voters are energized in their vote against Obamacare, that will tilt the balance in favor of the GOP candidate from its current tie, Democrat Mike Ross, 42, Republican Asa Hutchinson, 42.

Look for an upcoming post that will handicap the upcoming US Senate races for 2014.

#You Lie … New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo Says He Was Misunderstood when He Said Conservatives “Have No Place in the State of New York”

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo should try out for the men’s US Olympic gymnastic team with the back-bending, back-flips and contortions he went through trying to spin what he originally said, in that Conservatives have no place in the state of New York.

New York Gov. Cuomo is now saying he was misunderstood. Of course you were governor, because some how you are the victim here. Now Cuomo is back-peddling off his initial comments on WCNY and trying to say, I wasn’t telling anyone to leave … “My position is the exact opposite, right? We have all sorts of opinions in this state. We have people all along the spectrum, and it’s one of the things that makes New York special.” Yeah, that’s the ticket. And if you like your health insurance and doctor, you can keep your health insurance, Period! Cuomo said specifically, that there was “no place” in New York state for “extreme” conservatives who are pro-life and support the Second Amendment.

New York and America got a peak into what Go. Andrew Cuomo truly thinks and believes when it comes to anyone who does not agree with his liberal view point and agenda. Because liberals are oh so tolerant. Just curious, where was the MSM with the reporting of this political intolerance? Imagine if a Republican had said the same?

Watch and listen to the VIDEO below of what Cuomo said and decide for yourself.

From FOX Nation:

People misunderstood New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo when he said conservatives “have no place in the state of New York,” the Democratic governor explained Wednesday.

“I was not saying anyone should leave the state, right? And anyone who heard the comments knows that’s not what I was saying,” Cuomo said when asked about his comments at a press conference. “To the extent people want to have a political dialogue, that’s what it is.”

“I wasn’t saying anyone should leave the state,” Cuomo explained Wednesday. “My position is the exact opposite, right? We have all sorts of opinions in this state. We have people all along the spectrum, and it’s one of the things that makes New York special.”

Cuomo is up for reelection this year.

Why can’t politicians just admit they made a mistake instead of just further showing that they are lying sacks of bovine scatology?

Liberals Drink More Alcohol Than Conservatives … Alcohol Consumption Rises as a State’s Population Becomes More Liberal

A new study by the Journal of Wine Economics finds that alcohol consumption in American states rises as the population’s politics becomes more liberal. The American Thinker brings up a valid and important point, “all of this makes perfect sense when you consider the extraordinary unhappiness that liberalism and socialism bring to the lives of ordinary humans.” It’s probably safe to say that a survey on pot smoking would be the same.  I would want to drink myself into an oblivion as well if my state became more liberal.


Cheers America, How’s that Hopey-Changy stuff working out for you?

A sobering new study published by the Journal of Wine Economics — yes, there is a Journal of Wine Economics — finds that alcohol consumption in American states rises as the population’s politics becomes more liberal.

The study by Pavel Yakovlev and Walter P. Guessford of Duquesne University in Pennsylvania shows a direct correlation between political beliefs and the demand for alcohol. The study compares sales of alcoholic beverages against the political leanings of a state’s members of Congress, as ranked by liberal organizations Americans for Democratic Action (ADA) and the AFL-CIO Committee on Political Education (COPE).

The research reveals that states with more liberal representatives like Nevada tend to consume up to three times more alcohol per head than more politically conservative states like Arkansas and Utah.

Also, in a lesser known empirical survey, we at Scared Monkeys have noticed that liberals also drink more Obama Kool-Aid as well.

Gallup: Wyoming, Mississippi and Idaho Most Conservative States in US … District of Columbia, Socialist Republic of Vermont and Taxachusettes Most Liberal

Who are the most RED and least RED states in America?

So who are the most conservative states in the United States? According to Gallup, Wyoming, Mississippi, Idaho, Utah and Montana are at the top of the list. Followed by Arkansas, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Alabama. Hmm, maybe the Volunteer state of Tennessee and those that claim to be conservative can explain how they have voted into office two less than conservative US Senators.  Bob Corker is bad enough, but long time Sen. Lamar Alexander ranks rather low with a 53% on the Club for Growth’s scorecard.   Tennessee has a chance to put their conservatism where their mouth is and vote in a true conservative candidate in 2014. Alexander is being primary challenged in the GOP primary by TN state Representative  Joe Carr. It us time to get rid of establishment Republicans who claim they are conservative.

Also, how in the hell is Montana considered the 5th most conservative state and yet they currently have two Democrat US Sens. Jon Tester and the retiring Max Baucus. If Arkansas actually considers themselves a conservative state, they will replace Democrat Sen. Mark Pryor in 2014. Some of these states that claim they are conservative best stand up and be counted in 2014 and 2016, or forever be a minority.

Gallup_Conservative States

Imagine that, the District of Columbia is the most liberal place in the United States, followed closely by the Socialist Republic of Vermont and Taxachusettes. Check out the states that are considered most liberal, all of them except Maine have two Democrat Senators and many of which are among the most liberal.


Complete list of states can be seen HERE.

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