Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz Wins The 2014 Value Voters Summit Presidential Straw Poll … Mocked MSM & PC Police with Undocumented White House Visitor Joke

America, if you really want to elect a true Conservative to turn the country around, you best get serious about Ted Cruz.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) wowed them at the 2014 Values Voters Summit and won the straw poll for the second year in a row. Ted Cruz won with 25%, former Johns Hopkins University neurosurgeon and political newbie Ben Carson came in second with 20%, while former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee  came in third, with 12%. Carson also came in first in the polling for vice president, winning 22% of the votes. Just a note to those at Value Voter Summit, Huckabee is not a conservative.

But Ted Cruz was the star of the show and had the crowd laughing with joke about the recent White House fence jumper, nailing the MSM, political correctness and illegal immigration all in one.

“We should hold the media to account. Because I will say in their reporting on this person who broke into the White House, they really have not used the politically correct term and we should insist that ABC, NBC, CBS, they refer to the visitor according to the term that is politically correct, an undocumented White House visitor. 


The Hill:

Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz won the Value Voters Summit presidential straw poll on Saturday.

The crowd burst onto applause on Saturday, as Family Research Council President Tony Perkins announced that Cruz won 25 percent of votes at the annual Washington conference.

The victory is a big victory to the Republican firebrand and Tea Party icon, coming just a day after he drew standing ovations with a religious and emotional speech that blasted ObamaCare, congressional Democrats and called for Republicans to take over the White House in 2016.

Cruz also won the straw poll in 2013.

Coming in second was neurosurgeon Ben Carson, a political novice who has a large following in conservative circles but said earlier this week that there is a “strong” likelihood that he would run for president. He won 20 percent of the votes.

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) came in third, with 12 percent of the vote.

As a signal of Carson’s popularity at the summit, the former Johns Hopkins University neurosurgeon came in first in the polling for vice president, winning 22 percent of the votes.

Sarah Palin TV … Sarah Palin Launches Her Own On-Line TV Channel


Sarah Palin launches her own on-line TV channel to eliminate the liberal media news filter and speak directly to the people. Subscribers to the Sarah Palin Channel will have the ability to post their own videos to the website, submit questions to her and participate in online video chats with her and other subscribers. Palin says, most importantly, I want you to talk directly to me. Palin says, the channel is more than just news, it is a community.

Go to Sarah Palin Channel and check it out for free.


The Sarah Palin Channel, which costs $9.95 per month or $99.95 for a one-year subscription, will feature her commentary on “important issues facing the nation,” as well as behind-the-scenes looks into her personal life as “mother, grandmother, wife and neighbor.” Palin serves as executive editor, overseeing all content posted to the channel.

“I want to talk directly to you on our channel, on my terms — and no need to please the powers that be,” Palin, who is also a Fox News contributor, said in a video announcing the channel. “Together, we’ll go beyond the sound bites and cut through the media’s politically correct filter.”

Laura Ingraham Comes to Nashville, TN to Support Joe Carr for US Senate … Beat Lamar Rally … Retire Lamar, Vote for Joe Carr!!!

Laura Ingraham rocks the Millennium Maxwell House. 

Conservative talk show host Laura Ingraham came to Nashville, Tennessee in support of  Joe Carr in his efforts to defeat establishment GOP US Senator Lamar Alexander in the upcoming Republican primary. At the “Beat Lamar Rally” Ingraham held nothing back and blasted the out of touch incumbent Alexander as a senator who has lost touch with Tennessee in front of a crowd between 600 and 700 people. Laura Ingraham stated out with the old and in with the new as she compared Alexander to an old sweater. Ingraham looks to do for Carr what she did for Tea Party challenger David Brat in his shocking primary victory over Majority Leader Eric Cantor in Virginia.


Facebook: Joe Carr for US Senate

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Watch VIDEO at  The Tennessean

In a speech that seemed to tap into the audience’s deep-seated concerns over immigration and the pace of change in the country, Ingraham spoke for 45 minutes to a packed house at the Millennium Maxwell House Hotel that attended a “Beat Lamar” rally for Carr.

Comparing U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander to an old sweater, a hooked fish, beige wallpaper and a baseball player who has struck out, Ingraham urged listeners to believe Carr, a three-term state representative from Lascassas, can upset the incumbent senator in the Aug. 7 Republican primary.

She said Alexander has failed to stand up to liberals and Democrats, whom she said were more concerned with reshaping America than standing up for their interests.

“I’m here to tell you that he still is not hearing you,” she said.


Lamar Alexander

Breitbart.com: Laura Ingraham at Rally for Joe Carr: Lamar Alexander is Old, Out of Touch, In With the New

“I say this, and I mean it: Lamar Alexander, he’s probably not an evil guy, he probably doesn’t hate the Tea Party, I don’t think he knows the Tea Party, I don’t think that’s what he’s about, I really don’t,” she said.

On amnesty, she explained, Alexander was wrong on the number one issue in the country, citing the recent Gallup poll showing that the issue was at the top of voters’ concerns. She criticized Alexander for supporting the Senate “Gang of Eight” immigration bill, working with Senate Democrats like Sens. Chuck Schumer (NY) and Dick Durbin (IL).

“What planet are you living on, are you that naive, that tired, or are you that bought off?” she asked, as the delighted crowd applauded.

Ingraham noted that the modern left was filled with “utter distain” for conservatives and their values, and said today’s Democrats weren’t the moderate Democrats of Alexander’s era.

“They think you are more dangerous any day of the week than ISIS or Al-Qaeda,” she said as the crowd booed.

Ingraham encouraged all voters in Tennessee to work hard for Carr in the remaining days of the election to send a loud message to the Washington establishment.

“We have to grab the establishment by the lapels and say very forcefully — No. You. Won’t,” she said.

Sarah Palin Uses the “I” Word for Obama & Fires Back at Attorney General Eric Holder at Western Conservative Summit … “I Don’t Need Lectures From Eric Holder”


At the Western Conservative Summit in Denver, Colorado former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin slammed President Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder and the gutless GOP establishment Congress who do nothing about a lawless president. Palin stated, you hear politicians these days denouncing Barack Obama saying he is a lawless, imperial president who ignores court orders and changes laws by executive fiat. And refuses to enforce laws that he just doesn’t like.” Palin went on to say, “That is true, but the question is … hey politicians what ya going to do about it?” Then she went there with the “I ” word. Palin said, “we need a little less talk and a lot more action …  There is only one remedy for a president who commits high crimes and misdemeanors and it’s impeachment.”

Then Palin fired back at Eric Holder, “I don’t need lectures from Eric Holder, a guy, get this, so incompetent that he denied voter fraud existed even after someone claimed that they were Eric Holder and they got his ballot and they voted in D.C.”

“Oh dear, Eric. Not many cabinet members in U.S. history have been held in contempt of Congress, but he still wants to weigh in,” Palin said.

Palin pushed back on Holder’s claim that race might still be a major factor in America, calling it a “disgusting, false charge.”

“Try to get it,” Palin said. “Illegal immigration hurts all Americans – all races and backgrounds.”

Western Conservative Summit: 7-19-14

The Hill:

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin hit back at Attorney General Eric Holder on Saturday for criticizing her call to impeach President Obama over the border crisis.

“I don’t need lectures from Eric Holder, a guy – get this – so incompetent that he denied voter fraud existed even after someone claimed that they were Eric Holder and they got his ballot and they voted in D.C.,” Palin said at the Western Conservative Summit in Denver.

Palin was referring to an April 2012 video by a conservative activist that showed a man entering a Washington, D.C., polling center and requesting Holder’s ballot, offering up the official’s mailing address. The video did not actually show a ballot being cast in Holder’s name.

Earlier this month the former Republican vice presidential candidate called for the president’s impeachment for his handling of illegal immigration. “This unsecured border crisis is the last straw that makes the battered wife say ‘no mas,’” Palin wrote on the Breitbart website.

Holder said in an interview aired Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that Palin “wasn’t a particularly good vice presidential candidate” and “an even worse judge of who ought to be impeached and why.”

“Oh dear, Eric. Not many cabinet members in U.S. history have been held in contempt of Congress, but he still wants to weigh in,” Palin said.

Palin pushed back on Holder’s claim that race might still be a major factor in America, calling it a “disgusting, false charge.”

“Try to get it,” Palin said. “Illegal immigration hurts all Americans – all races and backgrounds.”

Fox News Poll: 76% of Voters Think the IRS Deliberately Destroyed Lois Lerner Emails … Just 12% Believe It Was an Accident


According to the most recent FOX News poll, an amazing 76% of voters believe that the Internal Revenue Service deliberately and purposely destroyed Lois Lerner’s emails. Only 12% believe in the Tooth Fairy and think it was an accident. Another 12% are unsure and are too bust watching “Here Cones Honey Boo Boo”. The 76% of those who believe the IRS acted deliberately its includes 74% of Independents and an incredible 63% of Democrats. What does this mean? As much as the White House has called IRS-gate a phony scandal and a GOP conspiracy, the American people are not buying it. “We the People” think that it was deliberate and a crime was committed and there was a purposeful destruction of property.

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Full poll can be read HERE.


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FOX News Poll_IRS emails11

The consensus is: it’s no accident. More than three-quarters of voters — 76 percent — think the emails missing from the account of Lois Lerner, the ex-IRS official at the center of the scandal over targeting of conservative groups, were deliberately destroyed.
That suspicion is shared across party lines, albeit to varying degrees. An overwhelming 90 percent of Republicans think the emails were intentionally destroyed, as do 74 percent of independents and 63 percent of Democrats.

Furthermore, Democrats and Barack Obama have tried their best, along with the lap dog liberal media to make this scandal go away. Partisan Democrats have called the investigation, silly, political and a waste of time. The liberal MSM has pretty much refused to cover the story. However, according to the FOX News poll, 74% think that Congress should continue to investigate the IRS in their targeting of conservative and Tea Party non-profit groups. This includes 65% of Independents and 66% of Democrats.

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This latest wrinkle in the IRS targeting of certain groups, including hundreds with “Tea Party” in their name, has increased voter interest in Congress investigating the matter.

Some 74 percent of voters now say lawmakers should investigate the IRS “until someone is held accountable,” up from 67 percent who felt that way in April. That includes 66 percent of Democrats.

Finally, a resounding majority do not believe Barack Obama when he says that he learned about such scandals like IRS-gate, the VA scandal, Fast & Furious and the plethora of other scandals when the president says he learned about it from the media. What does this tell us? The American people think Obama is a liar.

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