Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) Speaks at the Iowa Freedom Summit … “Reigniting the Miracle of America” … We Need to Bring Together a Coalition of Americans Who Want to Believe Again in the “Miracle of America”.


Senator Ted Cruz, one of the few red blooded, true conservatives in the Republican party, wowed them this week at the Iowa Freedom. Cruz spoke of reigniting the Miracle of America. He asked how do we bring back the Miracle of America? Cruz answered his question by stating the following:

“Number one, we champion jobs and economic growth and opportunity. We bring back an environment where small businesses are growing, are creating opportunity and we get the senseless obstacles from Washington out of the way. That means tax reform, regulatory reform, it means sending the ‘locust’ of the EPA back to Washington. [...] And the most important regulatory reform we can do is repeal every word of Obamacare. We need tax reform and the most important tax reform we can do is to abolish the IRS. We need a simple flat tax that is fair that every Americans can fill his or hers  taxes on a post card. There are 110,000 employees at the IRS. We need to padlock that building and put everyone of those 110,00 on our Southern border. I say that somewhat tongue-in-cheek, think about that for a second imagine you travel 1000′s of miles through Central America, through the heat, you’re swimming across the Rio Grande and the first thing you see is ten thousand IRS agents, you would turn around and go home too.

The second key to reigniting the Miracle of America is we need to defend our Constitutional rights. Every single one of them, the 1st Amendment, the 2nd Amendment, the 4th, the 5th, the 10th Amendment.  You know no liberty has been more under assault in recent years than religious liberty. Whether it is the Federal government going after Hobby Lobby, a Christian company, or going after the Little Sisters of the Poor. By the way, here is a real good rule of thumb, if you are litigating against nuns, as the Obama administration is, you probably have done something wrong. I am sorry to say one of the most graphic examples of the threat of religious liberty occurred in my home town of Houston. Where the city of Houston subpoenaed five pastors and demanded of those pastors that they hand over their sermons and hand over your sermon notes. [...] The heat and pressure was so great that the city folded under it and withdrew the subpoena.

Third, we need to restore Americans leadership in the world. Over the past six years we have seen the fruits of the Obama/Clinton foreign policy of receding from leadership in the word. Leading from behind does not work. Just a couple of weeks ago we were horrified at the terrorist attack in the streets of Paris. And then horrified again when 40 world leaders came in solidarity and yet missing from that rally graphically was the United States of America. You cannot fight and win a war on radical Islamic terrorism if you are unwilling to utter the words radical Islamic terrorism. [...] You know that Paris also illustrates that a big ocean doesn’t mean we are protected from radical Islamic terrorism. It is one of the reasons why I have joined Steve King and Chuck Grassley to introduce the ‘Expatriate Terrorist Act’ that says if an American citizen takes up arms with ISIS, he forfeits his or her citizenship.”

Must see Video …

This is a must watch VIDEO from probably the greatest Conservative and defender of the US Constitution of all elected politicians in Washington, DC today. He ended his speech by saying the following when it comes to the upcoming primary season, every person is going to tell you that they are the most Conservative person to ever walk. Cruz said, “talk is cheap” and the Word tells us, “that you shall know them by their fruit”.Cruz went on to say:

One of the most important roles of Americans and the people of Iowa will be to look each candidate in the eye and say, “don’t talk, show me”. Ted Crud went on to say, “if you say you support liberty, show me where you stood up and fought for it. If you say you support religious liberty, show me where you stood up and fought for it. If you say you oppose Obamacare show me where you stood up and fought against it. If you say you oppose the president’s Unconstitutional executive amnesty, show me where you stood up and fought. If you say you support life and marriage show me where you stood up and fought. If you say you’ll stand up to the Washington establishment, the career politicians of both parties, that have gotten us into this mess, show me where you have stood up and fought. If you say you oppose common core, show me where you have stood up and fought. And if you say you stand with our friend and ally the nation of Israel show me where you stood up and fought.

Together, we need to reassemble the Reagan coalition. We need to unify, we need to bring together conservative and evangelicals and libertarians and Republican women and Reagan Democrats and young people. We need to bring together a coalition of Americans who want to believe again in the “Miracle of America”.

Sen. Ted Cruz spoke of reigniting the “Miracle of America”.

  1. This country was built on an extraordinary miracle. The miracle of American began with a revolutionary idea, Our rights do not come from government, they come from God Almighty.
  2. This country was built on incredible opportunity … There has been no country in the history of the world that has allowed so many millions with nothing to come and seek the unlimited dreams of their potential.
  3. The miracle of American as been American exceptionalism. We are the clarion voice for freedom and we will back down to no face of tyranny.

Donald Trump Says in Iowa: GOP Frontrunners Mitt Romney & Jeb Bush are Doomed to Lose … Regrets Not Having Run in 2012, ‘I Would’ve Won the Race Against Obama’


In a sit-down interview with The Des Moines Register, Donald Trump said the two presumed GOP frontrunners, Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush, are doomed to lose. The Donald also went on to say that he regretted that he hadn’t run himself in 2012. Although it is easy to be a Monday morning quarterback, Trump is 47% 100% correct on a couple of issues. One, Romney had his chance against a weak, unpopular president in 2012 and failed. Romney failed because he tried to back into the victory, rather than play offense and win the game. Two, “we’re Bushed out,” especially when Jeb Bush is for “common core” and is pro ‘illegal” amnesty. Much like what Se. Ted Cruz had stated, Romney and Bush represent the “mushy middle” and have no chance of winning.

Donald Trump

Trump VIDEO with Des Moines Register

In a sit-down interview with The Des Moines Register, he said the two presumed GOP frontrunners, Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush, are doomed to lose — and he expressed regret that he hadn’t run himself in 2012.

Trump said he should be in the White House right now.

Trump said he’s not sure which of the potential GOP 2016ers he’d prefer right now, but he’s certain it would be a mistake for Romney to seek a third term.

“He failed. He choked. He’s like a deal-maker that didn’t close the deal. He shouldn’t be running again. He had a great opportunity to win against a president that was absolutely lame, and he didn’t do it. … The 47 percent statement, which was a disaster, is not going away. Romneycare is not going away. All of his problems are not going away. He should get out and get out quickly.”

As for Bush, a former governor of Florida whose family has sent two men to the White House, Trump said: “Frankly we’ve had enough of the Bushes. We’re bushed out.”

At Iowa Freedom Summit this weekend, Donald Trump slams Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush saying they are just not the answer for Republicans. Trump said as to the Presidential election in 2016 and who should be running for the GOP, “It can’t be Mitt because Mitt ran and failed.” Trump further went on to say, “the last thing we need is another Bush. Truer words have ever been spoken and imagine that, they come from The Donald. The last thing the GOP needs in 2016 is an establishment candidate that is more Democrat-like than that who would be in favor of Republican principles and the platform. Donald Trump stated in Iowa that he would “build a beauty of a fence along the southern border.”  Whether Trump would or not, or whether he would even give up the perks of his private life to run for president, is irrelevant. What is relevant is that we cannot have another loser, establishment, mushy middle candidate in the form of John McCain or Mitt Romney as the standard bearer.

CBS News: Donald Trump slams Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush:

“It can’t be Mitt, because Mitt ran and failed,” Trump said.

Trump said he liked Romney, formerly a governor of Massachusetts, but he suggested Romney’s infamous “47 percent” comments and his affiliation with a Massachusetts health care reform plan akin to Obamacare should disqualify him.

Plus, Romney “choked” in 2012, failing to unseat Obama in an election that Republicans could have won, Trump argued.

“You can’t have Bush,” Trump added. “The last thing we need is another Bush.”

Trump criticized Bush’s support of common core federal education standards, and he panned Bush’s comment that many illegal immigrants come to the United States as an “act of love” to help their families.

“Half of these people are criminals,” Trump said. “They’re coming for a lot of other reasons, and it’s not love.”

Trump also suggested the unpopularity Jeb Bush’s brother, former President George W. Bush, helped usher President Obama into office: “His brother really gave us Obama.”

Trump offered an ambitious preview of his prospective presidential agenda. ” If I run for president, and if I win, I would totally succeed in creating jobs, defeating ISIS, and stopping the Islamic terrorists… reducing the budget deficit… securing our southern border… stopping nuclear weapons in Iran and elsewhere… saving Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid without cutting it down to the bone… repealing Obamacare and replacing it with something far better.”

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-RX) Asks South Carolina Tea Party Conference, “Do We Go Back to the Same Old, Same Old? Or Do We Stand for Principle?” … Does the GOP Need Another Mushy Middle Nominee


At the South Carolina Tea Party Coalition Convention in Myrtle Beach, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) posed some very important questions to those in attendance and to Republicans and GOP-leaning Independents around the country, “Do we [the Republican party] go back to the same old, same old? Or do we stand for principle?”  Cruz once again brought up the GOP establishment career politician fascination with the “mushy middle”.

“There is even a bigger question facing this country in 2016. Do we go back to the same old, same old? Or do we stand for principle? Now there are a lot of voices in Washington … the only way to win is to run to the mushy middle.  They’ll tell you this its all about electability. You know what electability is, nominate the candidate who is the closest to the Democrat. The funny thing about that, every one of these Washington graybeards who goes on television and talks about the way to win, is to run to the mushy middle. Have you noticed that these consultant keep losing? Over and over and over again. Who in their right mind would listen to some one who keeps getting whupped, giving us advice on how not to get whupped.”

Listen I very much agree very much with Ronald Reagan’s observations, that Republicans win, not when we “paint not in pastels but in bold colors (VIDEO).”

“If we nominate another candidate in the mold of a Bob Dole, John McCain or Mitt Romney, all of whom are good, honorable and decent men, the same people who stayed home in ’08 an ’12 will stay home in ’16 and the Democrat will win again.”

Ted Cruz: The Base Will Stay Home if Romney is Nominee:

At the annual South Carolina Tea Party conference in the early nominating state of South Carolina, Senator Ted Cruz, R-Texas, gave an aggressive argument to several hundred activists to nominate a principled Republican who “paints not in pastels but in bold colors.”

The reference to Ronald Reagan was the first of two during his 40-minute speech at an aging beach-front resort in Myrtle Beach. But the potential presidential candidate did mention Mitt Romney several times. Cruz said Romney, who put forward Friday a public declaration that he is considering a third presidential run, was the latest Republican nominee to pacify conservative voters leading to depressed conservative turnout and a Democrat for president.

“Do we go back to the same old, same old? Or do we stand for principle,” Cruz told the mostly middle-aged and retired crowd, referring to the uninspiring “mushy middle” where he said Republican presidential candidates have gravitated in recent elections.

“If we nominate another candidate in the mold of a Bob Dole, John McCain or Mitt Romney … the same people who stayed home in ’08 an ’12 will stay home in ’16 and the Democrat will win again,” Cruz said.

Texas Republican Louis Gohmert Announces He Will Challenge to John Boehner for Speaker of the House in New Congress


This morning on FOX News, Fox and Friends Weekend, US Representative Louis Gohmert (R-Texas) announced that he will be challenging John Boehner (R-Ohio) for the Speaker of the House in the new Congress. Gohmert said, if he is elected Speaker, he would “fight amnesty tooth and nail. We’ll use the powers of the purse. We’ll have better oversight. We’ll fight to defund ObamaCare.” Unless the Republican party wants to lose its base forever, newly elected and establishment GOP representatives best vote in a new Speaker of the House. A recent poll conducted by Caddell Associates and commissioned by the People’s Poll indicated that 60% of GOP voters want Boehner replaced as Speaker. Voters are tired of the status quo and gutless GOP establishment candidates. The GOP was not given control of the US Senate and a wider margin of control in the House so that establishment Republicans like Boehner can pass bills with Democrat votes. YOUR DAYS ARE OVER.

Gohmert Announces Run for Speaker of the House

Rep. Louie Gohmert (TX-01) released the following statement today regarding his decision to buck the status quo and challenge John Boehner in the race for House Speaker:

“After the November elections gave Republicans control of the Senate, voters made clear they wanted change.  There have been numerous examples of problematic Republican leadership, but we were hopeful our leaders got the voters’ message. However, after our Speaker forced through the CRomnibus by passing it with Democratic votes and without time to read it, it seemed clear that we needed new leadership. There had been much discussion. But, until yesterday, no one had stepped up.

I applaud my friend Rep. Ted Yoho for putting his name forward as an alternative to the status quo. Ted is a good man for whom I could vote, but I have heard from many supporters and also friends in Congress who have urged me to put forward my name for Speaker as well to increase our chances of change. That is why I am also offering my name as a candidate for Speaker. (MORE)

The Hill:

Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-Texas) said Sunday that he will challenge John Boehner (R-Ohio) as Speaker in the new Congress.

“I’m putting my name out there today to be another candidate for Speaker,” Gohmert said on “Fox and Friends.”

Gohmert said that after “years of broken promises, it’s time for a change.”

Rep. Ted Yoho (R-Fla.) on Saturday announced that he would not support Boehner for Speaker.

“This is not a personal attack against Mr. Boehner, however, the people desire and deserve a choice,” Yoho said in a Facebook post. “In November, they resoundingly rejected the status quo.”

“Eventually, the goal is second, third, fourth round, we have enough people that say ‘you know what, it really is time for a change,’ ” Gohmert said Sunday. “’You deceived us when you went to Obama and Pelosi to get your votes for the cromnibus. You said you’d fight amnesty tooth an nail. You didn’t, you funded it.’ ”

Gohmert said, if elected, he would ”fight amnesty tooth and nail. We’ll use the powers of the purse. We’ll have better oversight. We’ll fight to defund ObamaCare.”



CNN/ORC Poll Has Jeb Bush as 2016 Presidential GOP Frontrunner at 23% … Please, This RINO Wins and the GOP is Finished


CNN has released their most recent CNN/ORC poll that shows former Florida Governor Jeb Bush leads the long list of potential GOP candidates for the Republican nominee for president in 2016. Bush came in at 23%, a 10 point lead over his next closest competitor, fellow RINO, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. Physician Ben Carson comes in third, with 7% support, and Sen. Rand Paul and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee are both tied for fourth with 6%. Honestly, the last thing the GOP needs is another Bush to run for president. Sorry, but the United States is not a monarchy, no one family gets to monopolize the White House. That same sentiment goes to the Clinton’s as well.


Sorry, since when did the GOP need just one family to get presidential nominees?

Jeb Bush is the clear Republican presidential frontrunner, surging to the front of the potential GOP pack following his announcement that he’s “actively exploring” a bid, a new CNN/ORC poll found.

He takes nearly one-quarter — 23% — of Republicans surveyed in the new nationwide poll, putting him 10 points ahead of his closest competitor, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who tallied 13%.

Physician Ben Carson comes in third, with 7% support, and Sen. Rand Paul and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee are both tied for fourth with 6%.

That marks a drop in support for all but Christie and Bush from the last CNN/ORC survey of the field, conducted in November. That poll showed Bush in the lead, but only taking 14% of the vote, while Carson came in second with 11% and Christie tied Rep. Paul Ryan for fourth with 9% support.

Bush’s 10-point lead is a milestone for the potential GOP field — it marks the first time any prospective candidate has reached a lead beyond a poll’s margin of error in the past two years.

Sorry, but it is hard to imagine that Jeb Bush will win the GOP nomination when the very policies he is for make him less likely to be voted for. Each of the 5 issues below of core Republican ones, amnesty for illegals, common core, tax pledge and increased spending. He might as well run for the Democrat nomination with his position on these policies. Oh yeah, and don’t forget Jeb just quit the for-profit hospital chain Tenet Healthcare that  has benefited greatly from the Affordable Care Act. You know that Obama thing that Republicans claim they want to repeal.

CNN poll_Jeb Bush 122814

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