Monmouth University Poll: Ben Carson Takes 14 Point Lead Over Donald Trump in Iowa

With just a couple days ahead of the next Republican primary presidential debate, Ben Carson has surged into the lead in Iowa.

According to a recent Monmouth University poll, Ben Carson has taken a commanding 14 point lead over The Donald in Iowa. Carson is currently in first place at 32%  followed by Trump at 18%. This is quite a turnaround from previous Monmouth polls. Carson is ahead among all demographic groups in Iowa, including Republicans who describe themselves as “somewhat” and “very conservative,” as well as self-described moderates, evangelicals, non-evangelicals, men and women. There appears to be a swing in Iowa as this is now the third poll showing Carson ahead in Iowa. Earlier, a Des Moines Register-Bloomberg poll released last week showed Carson with a 9 point lead, and a Quinnipiac University survey found Carson ahead by 8.

Dr Ben Carson

Ben Carson has overtaken Donald Trump in Iowa, surging to a 14-point lead, according to a new poll.

A Monmouth University survey released on Monday found Carson taking 32 percent support in Iowa, followed by Trump at 18 percent.

That’s a 9-point gain for Carson from the same poll in late August, while Trump has fallen five points in that time.

The poll found Carson with the best favorability rating in the field, with an astounding 84 percent of Iowa Republicans having a positive view of him, compared to only 7 percent who view him negatively.

Imagine, just imagine if Ben Carson won the GOP nomination and became president. Talk about the worst nightmare for Democrats, liberals and the MSM, how could they continue the myth and lie that Republicans are racist?

Daily Commentary – Tuesday, October 27, 2015 – Donald Trump and the Other GOP Candidates Are Sniping At Each Other

  • While Hillary seems to be enjoying it. The GOP needs to shop this crap or she’ll end up in the Whitehouse

Daily Commentary – Tuesday, October 27, 2015 Download

Ben Carson Takes Lead Over Donald Trump in Latest Bloomberg Politics/Des Moines Register Iowa Poll


According to the most recent Bloomberg Politics/Des Moines Register Iowa Poll, Ben Carson has taken a commanding lead over Donald Trump in Iowa, 28% to 19%. The retired  John Hopkins neurosurgeon and current GOP presidential candidate is surging in the polls in Iowa. According to the polling data, Evangelical Christians, who represent 42% of likely Republican caucus participants in the poll, appear to be aligning behind Carson. The political outsider, Carson’s rise in the polls has also been fueled by gains with Tea Party supporters. Huh, how can that be … we have been told by a lying, bias Democrat media complex that the Tea Party was racist. Wouldn’t that be a kick in the pants to the LEFT if it was the Tea Party and conservatives who Carson road to the White House?

Iowa Poll_102215

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson has moved into a dominant position in Iowa, surpassing former front-runner Donald Trump as evangelical Christians begin to coalesce around him in the state that will cast the first 2016 nomination ballots.

A new Bloomberg Politics/Des Moines Register Iowa Poll shows the retired neurosurgeon is backed by 28 percent of likely Republican caucus participants, up 10 percentage points since late August. Trump is supported by 19 percent, down 4 points.

Those planning to caucus for Carson are drawn to his personal story and his status as a non-career politician, the poll shows, and they view him as someone who approaches issues with common sense and with guidance from his faith in God.

“His standing has improved in every way pollsters traditionally measure,” said J. Ann Selzer, president of West Des Moines-based Selzer & Co., which conducted the poll. “This might be a wake-up for Donald Trump.”

Donald Trump and Ben Carson Threaten to Boycott The Next GOP Debate on CNBC (Update: CNBC Caves to Demands)


The two outsider, non-establishment GOP candidates, Donald Trump and Ben Carson, have threatened to boycott the upcoming GOP debates on CNBC after the networked changed the rules in extending the debate time from 2 to 3 hours.The problem does not just seem to be the extension of the the time, but instead it appears that CNBC wants to add extra ad time so to make money. REALLY? CNBC is the business channel arm of the NBC, but looking ti make a buck off of what is supposed to be an informative Q&A with presidential hopefuls?


The political Odd Couple take it to CNBC

What would a GOP presidential primary debate be if it did not have the two front running candidates? Without Trump and Carson, CNBC can expect to have an audience of whatever the total count make up is the remaining candidates family and friends.

Donald Trump and Ben Carson are both threatening to boycott the next Republican presidential debate if CNBC, who is hosting the event, and the Republican National Committee do not change the stated format of the event.

“Neither Mr. Trump or Dr. Carson will participate in your debate if it is longer than 120 minutes including commercials and does not include opening and closing statements,” the letter, obtained exclusively by NBC News and signed by both candidates, reads.

They take issue with CNBC’s plans for a debate that doesn’t include opening and closing statements, and runs two hours plus up to another 16 minutes in commercial breaks. According to Politico, CNBC distributed a memo outlining these plans that indicated all candidates had agreed to them.

In the letter, the candidates write that “neither of our campaigns agreed to either the length you propose or your ban on opening or closing statements. In fact, neither of our campaigns were even consulted.”

UPDATE I: CNBC Caves to Trump and Carson debate Demands.

CNBC has agreed to limit its Republican primary debate later this month to two hours, acquiescing to the demands of Donald Trump and other GOP campaigns, CNN has confirmed.

A source with knowledge of the decision said the Republican National Committee was putting in calls to the campaigns on Friday morning to inform them of the new format, which will cap the debate to two hours, including commercials.

Early Friday morning, Trump tweeted that CNBC had agreed to limit the Oct. 28 debate to two hours.

“Fantastic news for all, especially the millions of people who will be watching!” he wrote.

CBS News Poll: The Outsiders … Trump and Carson Continue to Lead the GOP Pack


In the most recent CBS News poll, Donald Trump and Ben Carson continue to lead the polls in the the GOP presidential race. Try as the liberal and bias MSM might to knock down both Trump and Carson, they continue to be the two front-runners. Trump leads with 27% while Carson is second with 21%. Call them The Outsiders or The Odd Couple, Trump and Carson have tapped into the pulse of what is on the minds of Americans and upsetting them. Namely, anyone who is a politician and has their political power and aspirations ahead of We the People. Business Insiders makes an astute point, a key argument against taking Donald Trump’s candidacy seriously is evaporating before the so-called political pundits very eyes as according to this CBS poll, voters are stating that they are more interested in the race at this point than they were in the last election.


Donald Trump continues to lead the field nationally in the race to become the Republican nominee for president. Twenty-seven percent of Republican primary voters support Trump, giving him a six point lead over his closest competitor, neurosurgeon Ben Carson (21 percent).

The rest of the Republican field is in single digits, with Texas Senator Ted Cruz inching up into third place with nine percent, followed by Florida Sen. Marco Rubio with eight percent. Businesswoman Carly Fiorina and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush follow at six percent each. Former Governor Mike Huckabee has also slipped considerably since the summer, from eight percent in August to just two percent today.

When Republican voters are asked who would be their second choice for the nomination, Ben Carson (20 percent) and Marco Rubio (18 percent) are the most mentioned candidates.

Among Trump supporters, Carson is the top second choice, far ahead of any other candidate.

Seven in ten Republican primary voters would support Trump if he became the party’s eventual nominee, though many would have reservations. Twenty-nine percent would support Trump enthusiastically, while 42 percent would support him with reservations, and another eight percent would only support him because he is the party’s nominee. One in five Republican primary voters would not support Trump if he became the nominee.

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