GOP Presidential Candidate Ben Carson from the Fox News Republican Debate … “There is No Such Thing as a Politically Correct War”

We will be showing some of the better moments from the Fox News Republican Presidential candidate debate, because trust me I have much to say later regarding this debate and FOX News. Shame on you FOX for this liberal-like gotcha, low rent, Media Matters-like opposition research attack questions that passed as a debate.

The debate can be seen HERE.

One of the individuals I thought did a fantastic job was Ben Carson

Former neurosurgeon Ben Carson is a political outsider and one of the reasons why we love him. His matter of fact tone and answers make him a favorite amongst those who can’t stand the political-insider elite political class. As Ben Carson answers Megyn Kelly’s lame question on water-boarding, Carson hit it out of the park and started by making an interesting comment about wondering whether he was ever going to get to speak again during the debate. I had wondered the same thing. Sadly, moderators like Kelly think this was about her. Ben Carson stated, “I would not necessarily be broadcasting to everybody what we are going to do. We have gotten into this mindset of fighting politically correct wars, there is no such thing as a politically correct war.”

Carson’s comment on race relations in the United States was a home run and I believe that Martin Luther King Jr. stood up, nodded and cheered.

 ”There is No Such Thing as a Politically Correct War”

I would not necessarily be broadcasting to everybody what we are going to do.” We have gotten into this mindset of fighting politically correct wars, there is no such thing as a politically correct war.

Race Relations in America – (go to the 6:30 mark of video)

I was asked by an  NPR reporter once, why don’t I talk about race that often? I said that is because I am a neurosurgeon.
And she thought that was a strange response. I said that when I take someone to the operating room, I am actually operating on the thing
that makes them who they are, the skin doesn’t make them who they are, the hair does not make them who they are and its time for us to move beyond that.
Our strength as a nation comes in our unity. We are the United States of America, not the divided states and those that want to destroy us are trying to divide us.

Ben Carson’s Closing Statement

I’m the only here who has separated Siamese twins. The only one to operate on babies still in the mother’s womb.
The only one to take out half of a brain, although you would think if you go to Washington that some one had beaten me to it.

Because freedom is not free and we must fight for it every day. Everyone of us must fight for it because we are fighting for our children and the next generation.

Dr. Ben Carson Is In … He Announced Today That He Will Run for 2016 President of the United States of America


We had all expected that Dr. Ben Carson would officially enter the presidential race next week in Detroit; however, he told local media today that he would run for the President of the United States. Carson shared his decision with WPEC-TV, the CBS affiliate in West Palm Beach, FL  in an exclusive interview on Sunday.

Carson, 63, will formally jump into the race at an event in Detroit, where he grew up.

His presidential campaign will mark Carson’s first run for office, though he’s been a Tea Party hero since 2013 following his blistering attack of Obamacare at the National Prayer Breakfast in front of President Obama.

While he enters the race as a long shot to capture the GOP nomination, he currently polls ahead of several more established Republican contenders in Iowa, site of the first caucus, including former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum, the winner there in 2012.

Dr Ben Carson

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The Republican field of candidates continues to widen.

Retired neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson is expected to make a major announcement at an event Monday in his hometown of Detroit.

But in an exclusive interview Sunday, Dr. Carson tells our National Correspondent Jeff Barnd he is in the race for the White House in 2016.

“I’m willing to be part of the equation and therefore, I’m announcing my candidacy for President of the United States of America.”

With that, Dr. Ben Carson is off and running. He rose from poverty in Detroit to the head of the pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. He’s now retired from medicine.

“Many people have suggested to me that I should run for president, even though I’m not a politician,” Carson said.

Dr. Carson’s political star rose at the National Prayer Breakfast two years ago when he admonished President Obama for several white house policies including Obamacare.

“I began to ask myself why are people clamoring for me to do this? I represented a lot of the same thoughts that they have,” Dr. Carson says. “I’m not 100% sure ‘politics as usual’ is going to save us. I think we are in a severe problem … a problematic situation.”

CNN/ORC Poll Has Jeb Bush as 2016 Presidential GOP Frontrunner at 23% … Please, This RINO Wins and the GOP is Finished


CNN has released their most recent CNN/ORC poll that shows former Florida Governor Jeb Bush leads the long list of potential GOP candidates for the Republican nominee for president in 2016. Bush came in at 23%, a 10 point lead over his next closest competitor, fellow RINO, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. Physician Ben Carson comes in third, with 7% support, and Sen. Rand Paul and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee are both tied for fourth with 6%. Honestly, the last thing the GOP needs is another Bush to run for president. Sorry, but the United States is not a monarchy, no one family gets to monopolize the White House. That same sentiment goes to the Clinton’s as well.


Sorry, since when did the GOP need just one family to get presidential nominees?

Jeb Bush is the clear Republican presidential frontrunner, surging to the front of the potential GOP pack following his announcement that he’s “actively exploring” a bid, a new CNN/ORC poll found.

He takes nearly one-quarter — 23% — of Republicans surveyed in the new nationwide poll, putting him 10 points ahead of his closest competitor, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who tallied 13%.

Physician Ben Carson comes in third, with 7% support, and Sen. Rand Paul and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee are both tied for fourth with 6%.

That marks a drop in support for all but Christie and Bush from the last CNN/ORC survey of the field, conducted in November. That poll showed Bush in the lead, but only taking 14% of the vote, while Carson came in second with 11% and Christie tied Rep. Paul Ryan for fourth with 9% support.

Bush’s 10-point lead is a milestone for the potential GOP field — it marks the first time any prospective candidate has reached a lead beyond a poll’s margin of error in the past two years.

Sorry, but it is hard to imagine that Jeb Bush will win the GOP nomination when the very policies he is for make him less likely to be voted for. Each of the 5 issues below of core Republican ones, amnesty for illegals, common core, tax pledge and increased spending. He might as well run for the Democrat nomination with his position on these policies. Oh yeah, and don’t forget Jeb just quit the for-profit hospital chain Tenet Healthcare that  has benefited greatly from the Affordable Care Act. You know that Obama thing that Republicans claim they want to repeal.

CNN poll_Jeb Bush 122814

NAACP President Cornell William Brooks Reacts to Dr. Carson’s Comments on Race Relations, I Believe” He “Should Stick to the Operating Room Rather than the Campaign Trail.”


In an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer , NAACP President Cornell William Brooks was asked to comment on Dr. Ben Carson’s remarks that race relations have become worse under Barack Obama. Cornell William Brooks said, “I believe Dr. Carson, with all due respect, should stick to the operating room rather than the campaign trail.” Carson had previously stated that the president and other progressives of trying to “manipulate, particularly minority communities to make them feel that they are victims.”

Wolf Blitzer played those comments today for NAACP President Cornell William Brooks and asked for his reaction. Brooks said, “I believe Dr. Carson, with all due respect, should stick to the operating room rather than the campaign trail.”

He argued that no one can fairly blame President Obama for a criminal justice system were black males are over-incarcerated. Brooks added that Carson “is not particularly thoughtful on this issue.”

So the NAACP president does not want Ben Carson on the campaign trail? I bet they don’t. The Democrat party, the institutional black victim-hood machines like the NAACP and the race hustlers like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson would be exposed and finished. Imagine, just imagine if a black conservative was elected president and helped fixed the ills caused by Barack Obama? Imagine if blacks as well as all Americans were uplifted? Imagine a black president that was a uniter, instead of a divider?

CNN_Video grab

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Fox News radio:

He even went so far as to say that Obama and his progressive allies “manipulate… minority communities to make them feel that they are victims.”

Wolf Blitzer played those comments today for NAACP President Cornell William Brooks and asked for his reaction. Brooks said, “I believe Dr. Carson, with all due respect, should stick to the operating room rather than the campaign trail.”

He argued that no one can fairly blame President Obama for a criminal justice system were black males are over-incarcerated. Brooks added that Carson “is not particularly thoughtful on this issue.”

Over-incarcerated? Maybe some one should ask the NAACP president why a they are as a group committing a majority of the crime as a minority?

Ben Carson Says that Race Relations Were Better Before President Barack Obama … Things Have Gotten Worse Because of Obama’s Manipulation of Minority Communities


With the backdrop of the racially charged Ferguson, Missouri unrest in the “no true bill,” no indictment of officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown, former John Hopkins neurosurgeon and probably GOP 2016 presidential hopeful Ben Carson was interviewed on The Hugh Hewitt radio show, had nothing good to say regarding President Barack Obama and race relations in the United States. Carson stated that race relations have gotten worse under the first black president as “things were better before this president was elected”. I would have to agree. When asked whether Obama plays the race card, Carson said … “yes, absolutely.”

Carson cited Obama’s criticism of the police in the Henry Louis Gates incident and his remarks that his son would look like Trayvon Martin and accused the president and other progressives of trying to “manipulate, particularly minority communities to make them feel that they are victims.” And that the president “absolutely” plays the race card, but he said the president was attempting not to do so in the aftermath of the grand jury decision regarding Officer Darren Wilson.

What is sad is that many people thought that the election of Barack Obama would make the situation between the races better. In 2008, exit polls showed that voters were optimistic as they elected Obama …  47% said they thought race relations would get better, 34% said they would stay about the same and only 15% expected them to deteriorate. Personally, I thought they were out of their minds. Especially because Barack Obama had been a “community organizer” and a member of a black liberation theology church in Chicago with Reverend Jeremiah Wright as his pastor. That was then, this is now. In NBC 2014 exit polls, only 20% think things have gotten better, while 38% believe it has gotten worse.

Amid episodes like the unrest over the summer in Ferguson, Missouri, how have American voters’ perceptions of race relations changed since Barack Obama was elected the nation’s first black president? The 2014 NBC News national exit poll found that voters are twice as likely to say that things have gotten worse than say they have improved.

In the historic 2008 election, the exit poll asked voters how they thought race relations in this country would fare in the next few years. On balance, voters were optimistic as they elected Obama – 47% said they thought race relations would get better. Thirty-four percent thought they would stay about the same. Just 15% expected them to deteriorate.

New IBD/TIPP Poll  Obama Poisoned Race Relations In America:

Our latest poll suggests that far from healing America’s racial wounds, the first black president has reopened them. Obama the uniter is actually the great divider.

By an almost 3-1 margin, Americans say race relations have worsened under the man who was supposed to usher in a golden era of “post-racial” relations.

Six years after electing the nation’s first black president, a stunning 46% in the new IBD/TIPP Poll draw that conclusion compared to 18% who don’t. Nearly one in four believe race relations have gotten “much worse” under President Obama, while 35% say they’ve stayed the same.

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