CNN Poll: What Obama Job Revovery … Only 24% Believe That an Economic Recovery is Under Way
Remember when President Barack Obama spoke of the job recovery that was under way … Neither do most Americans!
During Barack Obama first State of the Union Address in 2009 he stated the following: “It’s an agenda that begins with jobs. As soon… As soon as I took office.” Instead he focused 100% on passing Obamacare against the will of the people.
According to the most recent CNN poll, not only is Barack Obama struggling with low job approval numbers and trust issues on Onamacare, with regards to the #1 issue facing Americas today, the economy, 59% things are going badly, only a mere 24% believe the economic recovery is under way. Exactly how long has Obama been making that promise? And instead of making jobs the number one issue, he goes out of his way to destroy jobs with over-regulation and his healthcare and energy agenda. Obamacare has caused business to fire individuals or reduce the jobs from full-time to part-time. An his energy policies are doing their best to destroy the coal industry in the United States.
Americans views on the state of the nation are turning increasingly sour, according to a new national poll.
And a CNN/ORC International survey released Friday also indicates that less than a quarter of the public says that economic conditions are improving, while nearly four in ten say the nation’s economy is getting worse.
Forty-one percent of those questioned in the poll say things are going well in the country today, down nine percentage points from April, and the lowest that number has been in CNN polling since February 2012.Fifty-nine percent say things are going badly, up nine points from April.
Besides an obvious partisan divide, which contributes to a urban-rural gap, the survey also indicates a difference of opinion between younger and older Americans.
So its not just Obamacare that Americans are dissatisfied with Barack Obama. It is coming from all directions and at some point it will reach the point of no return, if it already hasn’t.
Yea, imagine if we actually did what Obama promised and did oil exploration in the US and made dependency on Middle East oil a thing of the past. Imagine if we regulated less and allowed the American industrial machine to take off. Imagine if we allowed for increases in nuclear, clean coal, oil, natural gas and the dreaded fracking
Imagine what we could accomplish if we followed their example. Think about the America within our reach: A country that leads the world in educating its people. An America that attracts a new generation of high-tech manufacturing and high-paying jobs. A future where we’re in control of our own energy, and our security and prosperity aren’t so tied to unstable parts of the world. An economy built to last, where hard work pays off, and responsibility is rewarded.
The very small business jobs that Obama is touting are the very one’s that Obamacare is destroying.
But we have never measured progress by these yardsticks alone. We measure progress by the success of our people. By the jobs they can find and the quality of life those jobs offer. By the prospects of a small business owner who dreams of turning a good idea into a thriving enterprise. By the opportunities for a better life that we pass on to our children.
This recession has also compounded the burdens that America’s families have been dealing with for decades – the burden of working harder and longer for less; of being unable to save enough to retire or help kids with college. [Save enough? How are Americans supposed to save with the increase in energy costs, the price at the pump and high premium costs of Obamacare? Let along college ids can't get jobs.]
The plan that has made all of this possible, from the tax cuts to the jobs, is the Recovery Act. That’s right – the Recovery Act, also known as the Stimulus Bill. Economists on the left and the right say that this bill has helped saved jobs and avert disaster. But you don’t have to take their word for it. [Yea, how did that "Hopey-Changey" stimulus waste of tax payers money work out for you America?]
That is why jobs must be our number one focus in 2010, and that is why I am calling for a new jobs bill tonight.[What was his #1 focus, jobs or Obamacare?]
You don’t need to hear another list of statistics to know that our economy is in crisis, because you live it every day. It’s the worry you wake up with and the source of sleepless nights. It’s the job you thought you’d retire from but now have lost, the business you built your dreams upon that’s now hanging by a thread, the college acceptance letter your child had to put back in the envelope.
The impact of this recession is real, and it is everywhere. [Hmm, doesn't it sound like Barack is talking about the affects of Obamacare on families and businesses?]
Posted November 30, 2013 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, CNN Opinion Research, Consumer Confidence, Economy, Energy, Epic Fail, Jobs, Labor Force, Misleader, Obamanation, Obamanomics, Oil, Over-Regulation, Politics, Polls, PT/FT Jobs, Recession, Restoring America, The Lying King, Unemployment, War on Coal, Wasteful Spending, We the People, Welfare State | one comment |
Pew Research Poll, The Failure of Barack Obama to Black America: Only 26% Say the Situation of Black People in US is Better Now Than It was 5 Years Ago
Barack Obama – The Phony President: Wasn’t Barack Obama supposed to be the answer for Blacks Americans … not even close, he is not the one they were waiting for.
Wasn’t everything supposed to change for blacks in America when Barack Obama was elected in 2008? Obama was supposed to part the seas, “The One” was supposed to help blacks because they helped him get elected. They were no loner going to have to worry about paying for their “gas and mortgage” (VIDEO) because their Savior, the Obamamessiah was President. So after having elected the first black president, how is it that only 26% of black America think that their situation is better today than it was five years ago before “The One” was elected? That is correct, according to a PEW Research poll, only 26% of blacks say that their situation is better today than before Obama was elected. That is down from 39% in 2009 when they fell for the “Hope & Change” nonsense, hook, line and sinker.
Just the other day it was reported that under Obama, only the top 5% have benefited. The remaining 95% have not and are still feeling the effects of a recession. Where do you think a majority of minorities fall in the 5%-95% range?
The sense of progress black Americans felt in 2009, on the heels of Barack Obama’s historic election as president, seems to have reversed itself. Today, only about one-in-four (26%) say the situation of black people in this country is better now than it was five years ago, down sharply from 39% who said this in 2009. Nearly as many (21%) say the situation of black people is worse today, and 51% say it’s about the same.
The positive feelings registered in 2009 among blacks represented one of the peaks in this long-term trend. Even in the face of the Great Recession, blacks seemed buoyed by the promise of an Obama presidency. This poll does not provide evidence as to what caused the downward shift in opinions about black progress. However, the fading glow of Obama’s first term and the lingering effects of the recession are likely to have been important factors. [...]
In the most recent Pew Research survey, the share of both whites and blacks who see short-term progress for black Americans is down significantly from the 2009 levels. For whites, the current share (35%) saying the situation of African Americans is better than it was five years ago is similar to what it was in 2007 and lower than it had been in the mid-1980s and 1990s. For blacks, the share saying blacks are better off today (26%) has returned to roughly where it was prior to Obama’s election.
Barack Obama was not the one they had been waiting for, far from it. Obama has made promises and delivered on nothing except maybe make minorities even more dependent on government. If a white president was in office under these circumstances there would be marches in the streets and cries of discrimination. Seriously folks, how did Obama get reelected and why? If blacks think they are worse off than they were before his election in 2008, why would blacks have voted for Obama at a rate of +90%?
We are the One’s we have been waiting for … Not even Close
What is truly amazing is that under a black president just how bad the perception is among blacks that their situation is terrible. Let’s face it Obama has been a total failure for blacks in America. Black unemployment is high, teen blacks unemployment is through the roof, and food stamps are given out like candy. Black unemployment under Obama is now once again double that of whites. Blacks have not made strides under Obama, they have regressed. Obama has done nothing economically for them, because he has done nothing for America.
Black adults are much more likely than whites to say the average black person is worse off financially than the average white person (59% vs. 39%). Whites, meanwhile, are more likely than blacks to say the average black person is about as well off as the average white person (43% vs. 27%).
Under Barack Obama Only 5% Have Recovered from Recession, the Other 95% are Still Experiencing It
President Barack Obama … the 5% President. CNBC reports, Obama’s policies have only benefited the top 5%. What else would you expect from the “phony” President who claims he is for the middle class to get their vote and then vacations and hangs with the 1%, or 5% as the case may be. His very policies have helped the rich, not those he claims are his peeps. 95% of Americans are still experiencing the recession.
Ha, and you thought I cared, I cared about your vote, nothing more
How strong the economic recovery has been since the Great Recession ended in 2009 probably depends on viewpoint.
For those in the top 5 percent, the recovery has been pretty good.
As for the other 95 percent, well … maybe not so much.
Post-financial crisis wealth disparity has been well-chronicled.
Federal Reserve Gov. Sarah B. Raskin drew widespread attention with this speech in April that showed how poorly the lower income levels have fared during the recovery, particularly because those demographics have their wealth concentrated in housing and are hit far more severely by falling prices.
The unemployed in lower-income groups also take a hit because they have a more difficult time finding jobs that pay at a rate commensurate with the positions they lost.
The conclusion isn’t pretty:
Huge leaps in the income and wealth of the top 5 percent mask the decline of income and wealth of the bottom 95 percent. Average all wealth and income and it appears that the economy is expanding to the benefit of all, when it fact only the top 5 percent have escaped the recession; the recession never ended for the bottom 95 percent.
And there’s more:
An even better way to create an illusory expansion is to simply not measure trends that would reveal a deepening recession. For example, what percentage of student loans are purposefully taken out as a substitute for income, i.e. used to pay basic living expenses rather than education? Anecdotally, there is plentiful evidence that a great many people are signing up for one class at the local community college in order to get a student loan to live on.
Posted August 26, 2013 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Chicago-Style Politics, Community Agitator, Divider in Chief, Economy, Epic Fail, Jobs, Labor Force, Obamanation, Obamanomics, Recession, Recession, Unemployment | one comment |
White House Defends Barack Obama’s African Boondoggle … Obama’s $100M Africa trip ‘great bang for our buck’
White House defends Obama’s $100 million trip to Africa as a ‘great bang for our buck’. Obama was also supposed to be the smartest president ever and care about the middle class as well. As stated at Michelle Malkin, wasn’t these the same people who said that investments into Solyndra (VIDEO) and other green energy companies were the same? How did that “bang for our buck” work out for America? Oh, that’s right, they are bankrupt. Maybe the comment that should be emphasized is when Deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes said, ”the White House doesn’t determine the cost of security.” Actually, Obama nor Michelle Obama care what it cost the tax payers is more accurate. Just curious, what part about the African safari was a “bang for our buck”? Even though it has since been canceled because the WAPO actually questioned and criticized the event, the fact of the matter is it was initially planned. The occupants of the White House not only don’t care about the cost of the security, they care little about any tab they make the struggling tax payers pay. America, its not just the IRS who has been pissing our money away, you can start by auditing 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to see where our money has gone.
President Obama’s $100 million trip to African offers “great bang for our buck,” the White House said Friday.
Deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes defended the cost of Obama’s upcoming trip to South Africa, Senegal and Tanzania, which could cost taxpayers as much as $100 million.
He said the White House doesn’t determine the cost of security and argued traveling to the often overlooked region would help the U.S.
“Frankly, there will be a great bang for our buck for being in Africa, because when you travel to regions like Africa that don’t get a lot of presidential attention, you can have very long-standing and long-running impact from the visit,” Rhodes said.
WHAT A JOKE, Americans are suffering and Barack, Michelle and the kids in tow are off the Africa at a $100 million price tag to “We the People” and we get the BS in return that the trip is a great bang for our buck. Who, but a community agitator spends $100 million at a time when so many Americans are struggling? Obama wants people to be divisive and say things about him to be able to say, see the Right is unhinged. When the reality is, this slacker, scandal plagued president will do anything to take the people’s eye off the multitude of scandals going in in his administration. This president has claimed that he was for the middle class and the poor and demonized the rich 1 prevent. WAKE UP AMERICA … THE OBAMA’S ARE THE 1%!!!
Posted June 15, 2013 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Budget Deficits, class warfare, Community Agitator, Divider in Chief, Government, Imperial President, Narcissist in Chief, National Debt, Obamanation, Recession, The Lying King, Wasteful Spending, WTF | 11 comments |
OUT OF TOUCH, a Disaster for the US Economy … Barack Obama Says 80,000 Jobs is a “Step in the Right Direction” … Romney Says “Its a Kick in the Gut”, You Make the Call America
If this is a step in the right direction for the American economy … Obama needs to keep stepping right out the door of the White House in 2012 election.
WAKE UP AMERICA … Either President Barack Obama is the most out of touch with the people President ever, or he is just a bold face liar who thinks the American people are stupid. Following yesterday’s disastrous jobs report that say a meager 80,000 jobs created in the month of June and unemployment remained at 8.2%, President Barack Obama actually had the audacity to say that this was “a step in the right direction. HUH? From what the even more pathetic and anemic jobs numbers from April and May 2012 where April was revised from +77,000 to +68,000, and the change for May was revised from +69,000 to +77,000? In the last three months under the Obama administration, the economy has created a paltry 225K jobs or an average of 75K per month.
This is what another 4 years of Obama looks like … 80,000 jobs nearly 4 years in Office is a step in the right direction
Make no mistake about it America, the job growth situation is getting worse not better. Did I miss something, Obama says in the VIDEO above in commenting about the poor jobs numbers that 84,000 were created. He cannot even seem to tell the truth about that as he did not use the total number created which was 80K (businesses created 84,000 while government lost 4,000). A note to the smartest President ever, 84,000 – 4,000 = 80,000. Even if you are to take Obama at his spin and cherry pick the numbers, he states that 4.4 million jobs have been created over the past 28 months. Hmm … that averages to about 157,000 a month much below the last three months of jobs growth that are at best 50% of the average, April 68,000, May 77,000, and June 80,000. How could anything in job growth be a step in the right direction when the numbers just do not show it. At this rate we should be out of the recession just before the Rapture.
The private sector, which was expected to have created as many as 110,000 jobs, generated a mere 84,000, less than half the 176,000 forecast just yesterday by an ADP report. Only some of the most aggressive hiring by local governments in months — presumably for summer work — helped keep the overall jobs numbers from falling further. Local governments added 18,100 new workers.
June capped the worst quarter in two years for hiring, and was way off the average of 226,000 monthly new jobs in the first quarter. From April through June the U.S. economy averaged 75,000 new jobs a month, a mere 3,000 ahead of 2010 and far behind last year’s average of 130,000.
Mitt Romney Calls today’s 80,000 jobs created reports a “kick in the gut”
Obama is so quick to say that Romney’s plan for the economy is going back to the Bush years. I would dare ask, and so should the American people and the MSM, what is Obama’s plan … 4 more years of this nonsense?
There is a reason why in the latest Rasmussen poll that only 31% of Americans give Barack Obama positive marks on handling the economy. A delusional 12% true believers who must be socialist-anarchists or the most ignorant individuals in America that want to see America implode actually said Obama was doing an excellent jobs. Then again, maybe these are the folks that received “green” energy stimulus and grants at the tax payers expense? Inn another Rasmussen poll, 50% trust Romney with the economy more vs. only 42% for Obama.
The economy has been the most important issue to voters for years, but ratings for the president’s performance in that area are at their lowest level since last November. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows just 31% of Likely Voters believe President Obama is doing a good or excellent job handling economic issues, including 12% who say he is doing an excellent job. Forty-eight percent (48%) believe Obama is doing a poor job in this area. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
At what point is America going to punish Barack Obama in the polls for his disastrous handling of the number one issue for Americans, the economy? It is obvious that Obama’s policies are not working. Also, when is anyone going to question why Obama focused so much on Obamacare during the first two years of his Presidency than the economy and jobs? Instead, President Barack Obama continues his class warfare bus tour message to folks that just drink the Kool-aid and brush off a a second quarter that saw only 224,000 jobs created … an amount that we should be seeing created in a month.
“Mr. Romney and his allies in Congress, they’ve got a particular view,” Obama said in Parma. “They believe if we cut taxes, especially for the wealthiest Americans [at the expense of education, Medicare and other programs] that somehow all this is going to benefit you.”
“I’ve got a different theory,” Obama continued. “I think they’re wrong.”
And hence the Betting on America theme. Obama presented himself as a president who has invested in working Americans, citing his support of the federal loans to Chrysler and General Motors.
One thing is for certain, Mitt Romney must come out with an economic plan of how he differs from Obama and what he will do when he becomes President to turn the US economy around. It can’t just be he will repeal Obamacare. It does not have to have all details, but Romney must create a bullet point presentation to the American people that will show what he will change and the effective job growth. Barack Obama is there for the taking because no President should ever be reelected with a continued over 8% unemployment rate and no plan for the future.
Posted July 7, 2012 by Scared Monkeys 2012 Elections, Barack Obama, Economy, Jobs, Mitt Romney, Obamacare, Obamanation, Obamanomics, Presidential Election, Rasmussen, Recession, Recession, Stimulus Bill, Unemployment, We the People, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | 5 comments |