88 Year old WWII Vet Delbert Belton Attacked (Beaten to Death) in North Spokane, WA by Two Black Male Teens … Update: Delbert Belton Died of Injuries … RIP

Another murder at the hand of two black teen thugs … So let’s get this correct, a rodeo clown wearing an Obama mask is a hate crime, but two black teens beating an elderly, white war vet to death is not.

88 year old Delbert Belton, a World War II veteran, was beaten to death Wednesday night, August 21, 2013 around 8 pm in the Eagles Lodge parking lot near the Eagles Ice-A-Rena in North Spokane, Washington.   Belton was rushed to the hospital where he was placed in the intensive care unit. Belton died Thursday morning at Sacred Heart Medical Center from his injuries. The police are looking for two suspects in the murder that are described as two black teens between the ages of 16 and 19. Both low-life thugs were wearing black clothing, one was wearing a black “Do-Rag”. Delbert Belton served during WWII in Okinawa, was wounded, but survived. However, he could not survive the streets of  North Spokane and two black thugs. This man served his country and this is his reward from a generation of thugs where murder has become an epidemic.

Police say two teens assaulted 88-year-old Delbert Belton outside the Eagles Lodge in North Spokane Wednesday night around 8pm. Belton was rushed to the hospital where he was placed in the intensive care unit but later died. Police are actively searching for two suspects. They are described to be 16-19 in age, black males & both wearing black clothing, one was wearing a black “Do-Rag” police say.

Family & friends of Delbert Belton tell KHQ’s Dylan Wohlenhaus that Delbert was “full of life” at 88-years-old. They say Belton loved working on cars and helping out others. Belton also served overseas in the military in WWII.

Friends of Belton say he was wounded in WWII in Okinawa but survived. Police have not said if or what the motive was for the beating. Police believe this was a random attack.

Spokane, North Idaho News

Police are claiming it was a random attack. Why? How do they know it was not a hate crime and this elderly man was not targeted because he was white and an easy mark? Enough of the BS random crap and call it for what it is. The police, the media and the race hustlers would certainly not be calling it random if two white teens assaulted and murdered and elderly black WWI vet.

Pic of murder suspect from surveillance video camera

Suspect_murder_ N Spokane

Another pic of suspect from surveillance video camera

Suspect_murder_ N Spokane2

What say you Barack Obama? What say you Al Shapton? What say you Jesse Jackson? What say you NAACP?

UPDATE I: Belton’s daughter-in-law says that the suspects beat him with flashlights.

Belton’s daughter-in-law tells KREM-TV that the suspects beat him with flashlights.

“They used those great big heavy flashlights,” Bobbie Belton said. “The doctors said he was bleeding from all parts of his face.”

Spokane Police say they have surveillance images of the attackers — at least one of them has been taken into police custody.

The Major Crimes Detectives are investigating the incident and are asking anyone with information to call Crime Check at 456-2233.

Sybrina Fulton, Mother of Trayvon Martin, Says Stop and Frisk Is Racial-Profiling … The Exploitation of Trayvon Martin’s Death Continues

NYC … soon to be the new Chicago.

Are you kidding me, first Trayvon’s mother is against stand your ground laws and now stop and frisk? Neither of which had anything to do with her son’s death. What is the point of her honoring her son’s death other than calling everything racist?

Sybrina Fulton, the mother of Trayvon Martin, goes on NBC’s ‘Meet the Press’ and states stop and frisk is racial profiling. Even though ‘stop and frisk’ laws have made NYC a safer place and actually prevented crime, these misguided individuals just want to call everything racially profiling. Flanked by NAACP’s Ben Jealous and Fulton’s attorney Benjamin Crump, this poor woman does not even realize she and the memory of her dead son are being exploited by race-baiters. How sad, or worse … she does. Sorry, but to end a police progam that actually works and actually saves the lives of individuals, including blacks, is just irresponsible. These race baiters have been looking for their “racial profile” campaign and they have found it by exploiting the death of Trayvon Martin. I can empathize with Sabrina Fulton’s loss, no parent should ever have to bury their child. But that certainly does not give you the right to back ignorant and foolish positions without question or criticism. Of course any one who disagrees will be branded a racist.

The wider point, Sabrina Fulton, i welcome you to the program. Just your reaction as a mother who’s lost her son so tragically and as now someone who’s trying to create something positive out of that searing loss by talking about stand your ground laws. You’ve heard the commissioner of new york say, look, what happened to Trayvon Martin, even though it was referenced in the judge’s ruling, is quite different. that was civilian on civilian. This is about civilians interacting with the police department. do you see that distinction or not?

I think it’s all about laws, and I think you have to give not only civilians, but you have to give the police officers the right direction. You can’t give people the authority, police officers the right to stop somebody because of the color of their skin.

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Now for the sane side of the discussion from New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly who is adamantly is against the recent court ruling that ‘stop and frisk’ is Unconstitutional. This very law actually protect blacks in inner cities, but some how that is irrelevant. Once the law is banned and murders are on the rise of blacks  in NYC, the same people will be complaining that the police are doing nothing.

From transcript:

No, absolutely, we are sensitive to this. nobody wants to be stopped. at the very least, you’re giving up your time. But we need some balance here. the stark reality is that violence is happening disproportionately in minority communities, and that, unfortunately, is in big cities throughout America. We have record low numbers of murders in New York City, record low numbers of shootings. We’re doing something right to save lives. last year, as i said, we had a record low in murders. This year we’re running 30% below that. let me give you another figure. In the last 11 years, 11 full years of the Bloomberg administration, there were 7,363 fewer murders in New York City than there were in the preceding 11 years. Now, if history is any guide, those lives saved are largely the lives of young men of color. so, we’re doing something.

Let me go back to those numbers that you referenced and put it up on the screen for our audience and go through some of those numbers and where some of the criticism is. 4.4 million stops. 6% arrests. 6% summons. 88% no further law enforcement action. And then look at who is getting targeted. 52% black, 31% Hispanic, 10% white. I first want to focus on that 88% number of people not doing anything wrong. Does that not say to you as the commissioner of the police, we’re doing too much of this?

No. it doesn’t mean that people are not doing anything wrong. If you look at the statute, it says reasonable suspicion that individuals may be about to commit, are committing or have committed a crime. One of the classic examples that we use is somebody going down the street trying door handles, or a group of young men that the bodega owner fears going to strong arm rob them when they leave their store. so, there’s a preventive aspect to this. and people say innocent. that’s not the appropriate word. what we use here.

Wait until NYC looks like Chicago with the ridiculous murder rates … Maybe Trayvon’s mom will be happy then?

Bill O’Reilly Blasts ‘Race Hustler’ Al Sharpton: You Have Failed. FAILED! Your Day Is Done! … Make a Lot of Money by Promoting Racial Division

I give Bill O’Reilly a lot of credit for discussing the situation for fear of being branded a racists …

Fox News Bill O’Reilly blasted Al Sharpton, the race hustler for his failure to help the black community and only promote racial division while making money in the process. Previously, O’Reilly did a talking points memo as to what the real problems were in the black community and was spot on. However, the race hustlers like Sharpton could never accept such comments because it did not promote racial divide and Sharpton could not turn a profit off it. It is a sad state of affairs when today’s Civil Rights activists are nothing more than agitators and the MSM gives them credibility. In the end, O’Reilly stated that Sharpton’s days are over, done! I could only hope so for the sake of the black community and racial peace in the United States.

“Sharpton and others are attacking me because I am a threat to them. They have failed. FAILED. to deal with problems in the black community and they make a lot of money promoting racial division… Talking Points believes the day of the race hustler has come to an end. This we and them business gets the country nowhere. There are severe problems in the black community that have to be solved… You bet, Al. Your day is done.”

VIDEO Hat Tip – The Gateway Pundit

Check out the talking points memo from O’Reilly that started it all as to the real problems in the black community. To not have a real conversation on the black community, not just racism … is the real racism. How can whites, blacks, anyone just sit by and watch it continue to happen without lifting a finger? O’Reilly called out the black race baiting merchants to address the real problems, not pray on the continued racial division and jump on the anti-George Zimmerman band wagon.

You want a conversation, You got it. The only problem is it has to be an honest conversation and stop the nonsense and for leaders to actually lead the way to a better America and stop the victimization. Those were basically the sentiments of Bill O’Reilly. Of course he will be branded a racist for actually caring and wanting to make a real difference.

Every one should view this honest, hard, tough love video

Mark & Dana Michelle Gerstle, the Family Rescued by George Zimmerman Following SUV Rollover Crash in Florida Terrified They will Become Targets of Trayvon Martin Hate Mobs

An Obamanation where a heroic act goes unnoticed because of fear of the mob … This is despicable … I blame you President Barack Obama.

Mark and Dana Michelle Gerstle, the family that was rescued by George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer who was found not guilty of murder and manslaughter in the death of Trayvon Martin, have told friend that they are terrified that they might become targets of the pro-Trayvon, “no Justice, no Peace” mob following their roll-over crash where Zimmerman came to their aid. The family believes that if they go public with their story that George Zimmerman rescued them from their turned-over SUV and make him appear to be a hero, they will be targeted by the hate mobs. How sad and worse yet, sick is this? George Zimmerman pulled the Gerstles’ and their two young children from their SUV after it rolled over in Sanford, Florida near the busy I-4 motorway. However, they are afraid to get involved and state publicly that Zimmerman is a hero for fear of the backlash. It is unbelievable that this is where we have gotten in this country thanks the the race-baiting by civil rights agitators Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the NAACP, the New Black Panther Party, the MSM and President Barack Hussein Obama.


The family rescued by George Zimmerman after a rollover crash in Florida are terrified they will become targets for hate mobs who have made death threats to the neighborhood vigilante.

Mark and Dana Michelle Gerstle told friends they do not want to talk publicly about Zimmerman for fear they will be accused of portraying him as a hero – and face a backlash from those who consider he got away with murder.

‘They are very grateful to Zimmerman for what he did, but they do not want to get involved,’ said a friend, who asked not to be named.

‘There is so much hatred directed towards him they have got to think about their own family. There are a lot of crazies out there. If they say anything in support of him it could backfire.’

The neighborhood watch volunteer, who to many is the most hated man in America after being acquitted of the murder of Trayvon Martin, helped save the family after a terrifying crash.

This poor family simply had the unfortunate circumstance of getting into an accident and then having George Zimmerman save them. The reaction from the unhinged LEFT and race-baiters … how dare Zimmerman do anything good. He can’t be a hero, he is the Devil. Zimmerman can’t be a hero, that does not play into the Left’s and racial agitators narrative that Zimmerman is an evil racist. However, the truth is that the Gerstle family was rescued by Zimmerman and for that they are most likely personally grateful. However, publicly they cannot say anything for fear of being attacked. I cannot say I do not blame them, but what a commentary of society today. Thank you Barack Obama for your lack of leadership, your lack of bringing people together and your lack of character. Instead of providing leadership, Obama brought back the past and fanned the flames of racism. But what should we expect from a life-long community agitator?

The Gerstle family from Port Orange, near Daytona Beach, have refused all requests to talk about their encounter with one of the most infamous men in America.

Mr Gerstle was in no mood to discuss Zimmerman when he arrived back at the family home today in a rental car.

He screamed at reporters from his garage saying: ‘Go away. I’ve got nothing to say.’

The family have lived in the single story, tan stucco home for the past 10 years.

Gerstle drove straight into his garage after speeding down the road past several TV trucks and film crews waiting to interview him.

He appeared enraged that media wanted to talk to him.

What a Joke … Chicago Holds Rally for Justice for Trayvon Martin as Their City is a Killing Fields for Blacks … 61 Murders Took Place in Chicago During Zimmerman Trial

THE CHICAGO KILLING FIELDS: They say charity begins at home. Maybe protests and rallies should as well. The city of Chicago should maybe worry about their own issues of black teen deaths before they hold a rally for Trayvon Martin. Just saying.

Like many cities across the country, Chicago held a rally for Trayvon Martin, the 17 year old teen who was shot by George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer, in Sanford, Florida in self defense. Zimmerman was arrested, charged with murder and found “not guilty” of murder and manslaughter by a jury. But the jury verdict did not stop the race hustlers from fanning the flames of racism and calling for protests in an effort to force the DOJ to charge Zimmerman with Civil Rights charges and hate crimes.

The Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network organized the “Justice for Trayvon” rallies and vigils outside federal buildings in at least 101 cities: from New York and Los Angeles to Wichita, Kan., and Atlanta, where people stood in the rain at the base of the federal courthouse, with traffic blocked on surrounding downtown streets.

Chants rang out across the rallies. “Justice! Justice! Justice! … Now! Now! Now!” ”We won’t forget.” ”No justice! No peace!” Many also sang hymns, prayed and held hands.

And plenty of participants carried signs: “Who’s next?” “I am Trayvon Martin.” ”Enough Is Enough.”

Really Chicago, do the protesters really want to know who’s next? Is enough really enough? Who are these people kidding? Are they just in denial or do they really not pay attention to current affairs or what is going on in their own back yard? Do the people of Chicago even comprehend that there were 61 murders in Chicago, Illinois while the George Zimmerman murder trial was taking place? 61!!! Why is it that President Barack Obama has nothing to say to the black community about blacks killing blacks? Instead, it’s about racism. For some reason, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Barack Obama, the Congressional Black Caucus and the rest who show up to rallies for Trayvon Martin and his death calling for “justice” seem to care little about the real crime and issues that threaten blacks and black teens. Do they really want to break the cycle, or just find excuses to blame others?

But instead it being about the “Killing Fields” of Chicago, they make it all about George Zimmerman and focusing on a teen that was killed in self defense, so says the jury.

Zimmerman_ deathThreat_GP

Pic from The Gateway Pundit from today’s “Justice for Trayvon” march in St. Louis. Justice, looks like vigilantism.

According to data available on the Chicago Tribune’s RedEye website, 52 of those killed were black, 43 were black males, and seven were children under the age of 18. The vast majority died of gunshot wounds.

Ed Cooper, 15:

The 15-year-old boy, Ed Cooper, was shot in the chest about 5:08 p.m. in the 600 block of North Lawndale Avenue in the East Garfield Park neighborhood, Chicago Police News Affairs Officer Daniel O’Brien said.

He was taken to Mount Sinai Hospital, where he was declared dead at 5:54 p.m., according to the Cook County medical examiner’s office.

Cooper lived in the 1200 block of South Kostner Avenue.Police were dispatched to the block following a report of a person shot and found the boy, O’Brien said.The boy was playing a ballgame at the playground of Laura Ward Elementary School, formerly Ryerson Elementary, 646 N. Lawndale Ave., when he was shot, according to a relative who did not want to give her name. Ryerson was one of 49 elementary schools closed this June by the district.

 Brandon Cage:

Brandon Cage was standing with a group of people when a black Ford Taurus pulled up and a man got out and yelled gang slogans, according to police and Cook County Medical Examiner’s Office.

The group yelled back their own slogans, and the man started firing. Cage was hit several times, and was rushed in critical condition to Advocate Christ Medical Center, police said.

But in Chicago, the crime and murders go on and on and on, but some how they all focus on a “white” Hispanic who killed Trayvon Martin in Florida, who was found not guilty of the murder and no one has been able to show that he was a racist, ever was a racist and ever committed a hate crime.

But the race baiters who cling to the George Zimmerman murder trial and make him the face of racism, even though he is Hispanic, oh sorry, as the liberal MSM dubbed him, a “white” Hispanic, they sadly do not even know the names, nor care to the ones that are murdered in the Killing Fields of Chicago. Check out the following Sean Hannity interview where he  stumped Hilary Shelton, the NAACP’s Washington Bureau Director, by asking him a simple question, “There were 61 deaths in Chicago. 61 deaths during just the time of the Zimmerman trial. Can you name one one person by name that died in Chicago?” Shelton could not name one!!! Now that is criminal.

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