55% of Americans Want to Keep ICE, Not Abolish It Like Democrats


According to a recent Rasmussen poll, 55% of Americans are opposed to getting rid of ICE, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, while only 25% are in favor. After all of the MSM and Democrat blitz against President Donald Trump on illegal immigration policy, Americans can see through the BS. Americans realize that Trump is doing the same thing as the three Presidents who preceded him, including Obama. But for some reason the LEFT, MSM and Democrats were silent when that occurred. Now with all the cries from the LEFT and Democrat politicians to abolish ICE, a majority of Americans say no. 69% of Republicans and 53% of voters not affiliated with either major political party oppose getting rid of ICE. Immigration is said to be a top issue going into the 2018 midterm elections and the Democrats are on the wrong side of most Americans.


A growing number of Democrats are calling for abolishing the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency, but even among voters in their own party, there’s not much support for the idea. Maybe that’s because voters think the government needs to be even more aggressive in deporting illegal immigrants.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that only 25% of Likely U.S. Voters favor getting rid of ICE whose duties include border control. Fifty-five percent (55%) are opposed. Twenty percent (20%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Sixty-nine percent (69%) of Republicans and 53% of voters not affiliated with either major political party oppose getting rid of ICE. Democrats agree by a narrower 44% to 36% margin.

Thirty-three percent (33%) of all voters believe the U.S. government is too aggressive in deporting those who are in this country illegally. But a plurality (46%) disagrees and says the government isn’t aggressive enough. Just 13% consider the current number of deportations as about right.

YAWN … Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton & Bernie Sanders Top 2020 Democratic Presidential Candidates in New Poll


According to a recent Harvard CAPS/Harris poll, with more than two years to go before the 2020 presidential election,  former Vice President Joe Biden is the early favorite to represent the Democrats, Hilary Clinton is second and Bernie Sanders third. That is correct, the same old tired usual suspects are the leading candidates to take on President Trump in 2020. So the Democrats have the following as their best presidential candidates. Crazy Uncle Joe Biden, did we forget to mention CREEPY was first with 32%, Hillary Clinton, two time presidential candidate loser and the women who lost lost in the greatest political upset in history was second with 18%. And socialist Bernie Sanders was third with 16%. Doesn’t that just make you want to run out and vote? Did we mentions that for the 2020 elections, Biden will be 77, Hillary Clinton 72 and Sanders 78. What is this Jurassic Park 10? Honestly, I just can’t see Hillary running again after her 2016 debacle and her never getting over her loss. Sorry, but Biden and Sanders are too old. However, something tells me that Sanders will run and take the Democrat party of the liberal socialists cliff.

Others making the poll and showing the further lack of a Democrat bench were Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) was fourth with 10%, who will be 71. She was followed by Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) 6%, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg 3%, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) 2%, and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo each with 1%. Wow, that’s it? Others who have been rumored to be running are Former Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe, Former U.S. attorney general Eric Holder, Former Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick.


With more than two years to go before the next presidential election, former Vice President Joe Biden is the early favorite to represent the Democrats and try to unseat President Donald Trump in the 2020 election, according to a new poll.

Biden was the choice of 32 percent of Democrats in a Harvard CAPS/Harris June poll that was obtained by The Hill. The party’s 2016 standard bearer, Hillary Clinton, came in second with 18 percent and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., was third with 16 percent.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., was fourth with 10 percent of the vote.

Biden, who would be 77 on Election Day in 2020, has been one of Trump’s most vocal critics since the 2016 campaign. On at least two occasions, the former vice president has indicated that he wishes he was back in high school so that he could physically confront the president over his comments about women. (Trump responded in a tweet that Biden would “go down fast and hard, crying all the way” if they fought.)

Although Clinton has given no indication she intends to run again, both Biden and Sanders have not ruled out a run in 2020.

Among other Democrats included in the poll, The Hill reported that Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., got 6 percent, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg got 3 percent, Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., got 2 percent, while Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo each got 1 percent.

Democratic Pollster Mark Penn: 84% of Americans Support Turning Undocumented Immigrants Over to Authorities


Democratic pollster Mark Penn stated during an interview with Hill.TV “Rising,” that 84% of Americans favor turning undocumented immigrants over to federal agents. Penn asked during polling, “Do you think notifying ICE would in fact increase crime because it would inhibit people from reporting crimes or does it decrease crimes because it takes criminals off the street?” According to Penn, the overwhelming majority said, “decrease.” This is in stark contrast with Democrats and Lefties who are  calling for the end of ICE. Eighty-four percent of respondents is a lot more than just Trump voters and Independents. That would include many Democrats as well. But Democrats are openly calling for the end of ICE, which some think is insanity and a gift to the GOP. Ya think?

Mark Penn 84 percent

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Prominent Democratic pollster Mark Penn said on Thursday that a vast majority of Americans don’t really support so-called sanctuary cities that shield immigrants in the country illegally from deportation.

Penn, who served as chief strategist for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, revealed that 84 percent of Americans favor turning undocumented immigrants over to federal agents.

“I asked them, ‘Do you think notifying ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] would in fact increase crime because it would inhibit people from reporting crimes or does it decrease crimes because it takes criminals off the street,’ and they overwhelming said ‘decrease,’ ” Penn told Hill.TV “Rising.”

Penn said the response was strikingly “out of sync” with what the public might think about sanctuary cities. The broad term refers to cities that don’t fully cooperate with federal authorities when it comes to turning over people in the country illegally to immigration enforcement.

CNBC Poll: Majority of Americans approve of Trump’s Handling of the Economy for the First Time … 54% Say Economy is Good or Excellent, Highest in 10 Year!!!


According to the most recent CNBC poll, 51% of Americans approve of Americans approve of the job in how President Donald Trump is handing the economy. This is the first time since President Trump took office that more than half of Americans approve of his handling of the economy. What is also trending positively for President Trump is is approval rating. The percentage of Americans who disapprove dropped 10 points to 47 percent, the lowest recorded by CNBC during his presidency.  Fifty-four percent say the economy is good or excellent, the highest recorded by CNBC in the 10 years of the survey. The American people are beginning to realize President Trump is making America great again.


For the first time since President Donald Trump took office, the CNBC All-America Economic Survey shows more than half the public approving his handling of the economy, and it appears to be having some impact on his overall job approval rating.

The president’s economic approval rating surged 6 points to 51 percent with just 36 percent of the public disapproving, a 6 point drop from the March Survey.

His overall approving rating rose 2 points to 41 percent from the first quarter survey, but the percentage of Americans who disapprove dropped 10 points to 47 percent, the lowest recorded by CNBC during his presidency. Trump’s approval rating remains negative, at minus 6, but it’s also the lowest negative rating recorded since he took office.

And you wonder why the LEFT is freaking out and becoming even more unhinged that usual in their words and actions. Blue wave huh? I think the LEFT realized there will be no wave and they are losing their collective minds.  Trump is tending upwards as the LEFT, Democrats, Deep State and liberal media have thrown the kitchen sink at this man and Trump is getting more popular.

Rasmussen: Voters Blame Parents Illegally Crossing US Border, Not Feds, For Border Children Crisis


According to a recent Rasmussen poll, 54% of Likely U.S. Voters say the parents are more to blame for breaking the law. Imagine that? If one actually wants to be honest and not political and just look at this with root cause analysis, it is obvious where the problem is. That would be using the 5 Why’s to the LEFT and Never-Trumpers.  Another 54% agree with President Trump when he says, “The United States will not be a migrant camp. And it will not be a refugee-holding facility – it won’t be.” As reported at The Daily Caller, The media has put a hyper focus on the separation of families at the border over the last several weeks, leading President Donald Trump to sign an executive order ending the separation. Current U.S. law does not allow families to be detained together if the parents are referred for prosecution for illegal border crossing.

 Most voters blame the parents of the separated children at the border for the latest illegal immigration crisis, not the federal government.

When families are arrested and separated after attempting to enter the United States illegally, 54% of Likely U.S. Voters say the parents are more to blame for breaking the law. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that only 35% believe the federal government is more to blame for enforcing the law. Eleven percent (11%) are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

To help understand the current political debate over the children issue, a closer look shows that 82% of Republicans and 56% of voters not affiliated with either major political party feel the parents are more to blame for breaking the law. But 60% of Democrats say the government is more to blame for enforcing the law.

Among all voters, 49% say the administration is too aggressive trying to stop illegal immigration. Twenty-five percent (25%) say it’s not aggressive enough, while 21% view the administration’s policies as about right.

Fifty-four percent (54%) agree with President Trump when he says, “The United States will not be a migrant camp. And it will not be a refugee-holding facility – it won’t be.” Thirty percent (30%) disagree, while 16% are undecided.

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