CNN Poll: Barack Obama Now as Unpopular as Former President George W. Bush

Guess what, Barack Obama was not “The One” that we had been waiting for …

In a recent CNN poll, Barack Obama is now as unpopular as former president George W. Bush. Both Obama and Bush now have a 51% unfavorable rating. Obama’s approval rating has dropped to 47%. However, that most likely is not the low that this president will see before he leaves office, and none too soon. With scandals abound like IRS-gate, Fast & Furious, Benghazi-gate and most recently the VA scandal and the release of 5 Taliban, GITMO detainees for an alleged deserter. Not to mention a continued poor economy, a jobless recovery, a disastrous foreign policy and last but certainly not least, Obamacare. As commented on by Hot Air,  a Fox News poll out this week shows continued sharp disapproval of President Obama’s signature domestic “accomplishment,” with a sizable majority expressing the opinion that they wish the 2010 healthcare law had never passed.


Who is laughing now Barack?

In January 2009, as President George W. Bush was days away from leaving the White House, the unpopular President’s favorable rating stood at 35% in a CNN/ORC International survey. The man who was succeeding him, Barack Obama, was fresh from his historic 2008 presidential election victory and had a 78% favorable rating among Americans.

But a new CNN/ORC International poll released Thursday indicates a milestone of sorts: Obama is now as unpopular as Bush. Fifty-one percent have an unfavorable view of Bush; 51% feel the same way about Obama. Obama’s favorable rating is now at 47% – a new low for him, and virtually identical to Bush’s 46% favorable rating, a significant improvement over his 2009 numbers.

Obama started out strong, but as many predicted, the public’s love affair with Obama faded as reality set in. Obama dealt with the severe recession plaguing the nation and pushed for controversial proposals such as the federal stimulus and health care reform. By 2010, the President’s favorable rating had dropped by double digits, although his numbers generally remained in the mid-50s throughout the 2012 presidential campaign.

EXIT QUESTION: Will Barack Obama’s favorable and unfavorable ratings be worse than GWB’s by the end of his presidency … Magic 8-Ball says, “Signs point to Yes”.

CNN Poll: 58% Disapprove of Barack Obama’s Handling of the VA Scandal, As Some How 37% Approve


According to a recent CNN poll, Barack Obama get’s extremely poor scores on his handling of the Veterans Administration scandal.  The poll shows that a whopping 58% disapprove of Obama’s handing of the VA scandal, while only 37% approve. It is just the latest scandal during the Obama presidency as they are adding up more than the number of Americans gaining jobs. However, the VA scandal is just one of many important issues where Obama is failing Americans. Obama fails on the economy, 61% disapprove – 38% approve. Obama fails on healthcare 63% disapprove – 36% approve. Obama fails on foreign affairs 57% disapprove – 40% approve. Obama fails on the federal budget deficit 67% disapproval – 31% approval.

Nearly six in ten Americans give President Barack Obama a thumbs-down on how he is handling the Veterans Affairs controversy, according to a new national poll.

But a CNN/ORC International survey released Tuesday indicates that the scandal at VA hospitals doesn’t seem to be affecting the President’s overall approval rating, which remains at 43%, identical to the last CNN poll conducted a month ago. The survey also indicates that Obama scores some of his highest numbers on the environment and terrorism, two other issues in the spotlight this week.

According to the poll, 58% say they disapprove of how the President’s handling the VA scandal, with 37% saying they approve of Obama’s actions.

The Veterans Affairs controversy has mushroomed since CNN first reported last November on allegations of alarming shortcomings within the VA medical care system that potentially have had deadly consequences in dozens of cases.


Real Clear Politics: Poll: Majority Unhappy With Obama’s Handling of VA Woes.

Obama accepted VA Secretary Eric Shinseki’s resignation “with considerable regret” last week after a report by the VA inspector general found a longstanding pattern or wrongdoing by agency personnel.

Just 22 percent of those surveyed believe Shinseki should have remained in office, while 68 percent say he should have resigned.

Wait until America voices their opinion with Barack Obama on the release of alleged deserter Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl for 5 Taliban detainees in GITMO.

CNN/ORC International Poll: Sen. Rand Paul (KY-R) Rising to the Top in the GOP Field for 2016 Presidential Race

It is obviously way too early, but Sen. Rand Paul (KY-R) is trending upward and leading the pack for the 2016 Republican presidential race.

According to the most recent CNN poll, the Republican Kentucky Senator top the list of potential Republican presidential candidates for 2016 in a national poll. It is early in the game and one would think these polls are more about name recognition than what a candidate may actually stand for or be against. However, Paul’s surge to the top may have more to do with his libertarian and Tea Party, anti-establishment roots, rather his popularity. One thing is for certain, Rand Paul is on a roll as he recently topped a Republican N.H. poll and overwhelmingly won the straw poll at CPAC. Could we please nominate a GOP candidate who actually believes in the US Constitution, the rule of law and making America that shining city on the hill, rather than just being concerned about their power?

Rand Paul has done something his father never did – top the list of potential Republican presidential candidates in a national poll.

According to a new CNN/ORC International survey, 16% of Republicans and independents who lean toward the GOP say they would be likely to support the senator from Kentucky for the 2016 nomination.

Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, the 2012 Republican vice presidential nominee, garnered 15%, with longtime Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who’s considering another bid for the White House, at 11%.

One thing is for certain, there will be no candidate that we will agree with on 100%; however, it is so important to pick the most conservative and electable of the bunch as this country cannot afford another 4 years of this Democrat insanity as president. Something has to be done to reverse what has transpired during the past 6 years of Obama, before it is too late. Actually, it can begin by voting in non-establishment House and Senate Republicans this Fall in the 2014 midterm elections.

Charles Krauthammer Says Hillary Clinton Will Be “Relatively Weak” Presidential Candidate & Republicans Going to Have “a Really Good Shot at the White House”

Krauthammer Says Hillary Clinton Will Be “Relatively Weak” Presidential Candidate …

Yesterday, syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer has some interesting things to say regarding Hillary Clinton as a Democrat nominee for 2016 and how she would fare in the general election. Much like a recent CNN poll and many others, Krauthammer believes that, should she ran and he believes she will, Hillary Clinton will have a cake walk thru the Democrat primaries. Krauthammer stated that the status that Hillary has with Democrats is semi-devine, the primaries are “not going to be a coronation, it is going to be a worship service.”  And we all know how that worked out with the Obamamessiah. There will be no serious challenger against her in the Democrat primaries. But where Charles differs from many is that he believes that that in the general election … Hillary will be  “a relatively weak opponent. And, Republicans are going to have a really good shot at the White House.”

“I think she’s going to be a rather weak, if she decides to run which she likely is, a relatively weak opponent. And, Republicans are going to have a really good shot at the White House.”

As it is, in a hypothetical match-up between NJ Gov. Chris Christie and Hillary Clinton, Hillary trails. It is not a draw as the Politico headline says, Christie leads 48-46. So even with all the popularity and exposure of a Hillary Clinton without even delving into the real Hillary, she is behind.

Hmm, I am not sure if I would call her a weak candidate; however, I will say that she will be weakened by many factors that did not even exist when she was stunned by Barack Obama in the 2008 Democrat primaries.

  1. Hillary Clinton is going to have to defend Benghazi and why she did nothing to protect Americans where individuals begged for extra security in the run up to the anniversary of 9-11.
  2. How is the black vote going to rally when Clinton most likely is going to have to distance herself from a toxic Obama?
  3. What accomplishments did she ever do as a US Senator or Secretary of State … Hillary is not Bill Clinton.
  4. How is she a change from the policies of Barack Obama?
  5. Obamacare! … Can you say Hillary Healthcare?
  6. Her husband campaigned and said that no one could have fixed the economy, so why should anyone think Hillary could?
  7. A shift in the electorate against Democrats due to Obama fatigue.
  8. Trying to defend the comments, “What Difference Does it Make!”
  9. Duck Dynasty voters
  10. Did we say Obama and Obama scandal fatigue?

CNN Poll: Reversal of Fortune … Republicans Lead Democrats in Generic Ballot 49% to 44%, a 13 Point Swing Since October, 2013

Houston Democrats, you have a problem … Obamacare and Barack Obama are toxic.

In a recent CNN poll, the GOP has captured the lead over Democrats in the Generic ballot by a 49% to 44% margin. This is a 13 point swing from poll results just two months ago in October where Dems had a 50% to 42% lead. My how the mighty have fallen and the Obamacare house of cards and lies have fallen.  The remarkable turnaround is a direct result of the Obamacare roll-out and the American people learning that all the promises made bt President Obama and Democrats that you could keep your healthcare if you liked it, that you could keep your doctor and healthcare costs would be reduced, were all lies. Worse yet and infuriating We the People, Obama and Democrats knew it in advance. Making matters worse for Democrats if possible, only 22% polled are enthusiastic about the 2014 midterm elections. A low turnout by an exhausted and disappointed Democrat electorate is hardly good news for their chances to win back the House and possibly losing the Senate.


Democrats have lost their advantage and Republicans now have a slight edge in the battle for control of Congress, according to a new national poll.

A CNN/ORC International survey released Thursday also indicates that President Barack Obama may be dragging down Democratic congressional candidates, and that the 2014 midterm elections are shaping up to be a low-turnout event, with only three in 10 registered voters extremely or very enthusiastic about voting next year.

Two months ago, Democrats held a 50%-42% advantage among registered voters in a generic ballot, which asked respondents to choose between a Democrat or Republican in their congressional district without identifying the candidates. That result came after congressional Republicans appeared to overplay their hand in the bitter fight over the federal government shutdown and the debt ceiling.

But the Democratic lead evaporated, and a CNN poll a month ago indicated the GOP holding a 49%-47% lead. The new survey, conducted in mid-December, indicates Republicans with a 49%-44% edge over the Democrats.

According to Powerline, upon learning of the news of the devastating poll what was the first thing that Democrats did … “Within a few hours after the CNN poll came out, the Democrats’ “Rapid Response” team was emailing the party’s faithful, asking for money.” Because it is never about Democrats taking responsibility for poor policy and a rejection of the American people. It is always about smearing the GOP, blaming the GOP and begging for money. Get ready for a nasty, smear-fest from Democrats because they have nothing left to run on.

From: DCCC Rapid Response []
Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2013 2:02 PM
To: Hinderaker, John H.
Subject: some tough news:

We woke up to some tough news this morning:

Washington (CNN) — Democrats have lost their advantage and Republicans now have a slight edge in the battle for control of Congress, according to a new national poll.

John — The latest Republican assault on Obamacare has proven to be dangerously effective. If we don’t respond to Republican smears with the facts right now, the damage to the Affordable Care Act AND our chances in 2014 could be irreversible.

If this trend remains the same heading into the 2014 midterms … it will be utter carnage for Democrats.

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