UNREAL, The Walt Disney Company Wants to Profit from the Bravery of US Navy Seals who Killed Bin Laden by Trademarking “Seal Team 6”

Walt Disney should be rolling over in his grave … and be ashamed of what his company has become.

It would appear that it is not just President Barack Obama who wants to “spike the football” of the heroics of the US Navy Seal Team 6, but now the Walt Disney Company wants to profit from the actions of these heroes and trademark “Seal Team 6″.  WTF!!! How does some one get to trademark a name that is part of a US Government military name? Seriously, how is not a government entity part of the public domain?

The trademark applications came on May 3rd, two days after the operation that killed Bin Laden… and two days after “Seal Team 6?  was included in thousands of news articles and TV programs focusing on the operation.

Disney’s trademark applications for “Seal Team 6? cover clothing, footwear, headwear, toys, games and “entertainment and education services,” among other things.

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So Was the Navy Seal Team Raid and Killing of Bin Laden Captured on Video Or Not?

And the story changes again …

So what is the truth as to what occurred in the US Seal team raid in the capture and killing of Osama Bin Laden? Was the raid caught on VIDEO or not? According to CBS News, the entire Seal raid was captured on tiny helmet cams worn by all Navy Seals.It seems to be yet another version of the story as to what happened in a killing of Bin Laden. Why has it been so difficult for Obama’s folks to communicate what actually happened?

A new picture emerged Thursday of what really happened the night the Navy SEALs swooped in on Osama bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan.

CBS News national security correspondent David Martin reports the 40 minutes it took to kill bin Laden and scoop his archives into garbage bags were all recorded by tiny helmet cameras worn by each of the 25 SEALs.

Officials reviewing those videos are still reconstructing a more accurate version of what happened. We now know that the only firefight took place in the guest house, where one of bin Laden’s couriers opened fire and was quickly gunned down. No one in the main building got off a shot or was even armed, although there were weapons nearby.

Wait a minute, via the Drudge Report, from the UK Telegraph comes the previous story that there was a VIDEO black out during the raid.CIA Director Leon Panetta stated there was a period of 25 minutes when the Seals were in the compound that the situation room did not know what was going on.

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Obama Continues Spiking the Football, Obama: Killing Bin Laden “Should Inspire Us To Finish What We Started” By Reelecting Me …

For Obama, who cares about the present situation of the US, its all about reelection …

President Barack Obama is now using the death of Bin Laden as a reason to vote for his reelection. Unreal, wasn’t it Democrats who got upset when 9-11 was invoked by GWB? Well this is interesting, it would appear that Obama is not the only one who has made a “gutsy” decision. Some, ordered the raids multiple times … Bush twice sent commandos into Pakistan after jihadis.

However, do we really need for four more years the out of control spending and 9.0% unemployment of the Obama years? And should we be inspired by the over 100% increase in gas prices as well?

click on image to watch video from Real Clear Politics

AUDIENCE MEMBER: Thank you for getting bin Laden.
THE PRESIDENT: Well, there you go. (Applause.) Case in point. (Applause.) It should inspire us to finish what we started …

As Weasel Zippers states, it would appear that “somewhere there’s a referee blowing his whistle and throwing a flag for excessive celebration”. That is correct, a 15 yard penalty for excessive celebration and one term!

President George W. Bush Received Greater Poll Bounce for Capture of Saddam Than Obama Got for Killing Bin Laden

In a word … GUTSY!

As reported at CNS News, former President GWB received a greater poll bounce for the capture of Iraq’s Saddam Hussein than Barck Obama did for the capture and killing of Osama Bin Laden. There’s something you will not here the bias MSM or Obama’s minions tout when they coordinate their talking points that Obama is “gutsy”. According to Gallup polls, GWB received a greater bounce than Obama did.

Fox News

Obama Says, “really W, I plan on using all your same policies in the war on terror, even though I say otherwise. Because I hope to get a bounce one day, just like you.

Obama got a 6-point bounce in his Gallup job approval after he announced that U.S. Navy SEALS had raided a compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan and killed al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. Bush got either a 7-point or a 9-point bounce—depending on the day you calculate from (Gallup used both figures)–after he announced that U.S. forces in Iraq had captured alive former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.

Obama’s approval rating was at 46 percent for the three-day period ending on April 30 and again for the three-day period ending on May 1. Late on Sunday, May 1, Obama announced U.S. forces had killed bin Laden. After that, Obama’s job approval climbed for three straight days, peaking at 52 percent for the three-day period ending on May 4.

Rather interesting food for thought that you will never hear in the MSM. Also, if you have to have others tell people that you are “gutsy” its a good shot that you are not. Comparable to the size of a man wearing a bowling shirt that says “Slim”.

Former VP Dick Cheney Says, “it’s an “outrage” the Obama administration continues to investigate CIA agents who interrogated terror suspects”


Former Vice President Dick Cheney went on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace to discuss the killing of Osama Bin Laden and the continued investigations into CIA agents by the Obama Administration’s AG Eric Holder.  Talk about a mixed message and having your cake and eating it to on the part of Barack Obama. As he takes credit for the killing of Bin Laden, he also is having his administration investigate the very individuals who gathered the intelligence. Dick Cheney did provide profs to Obama; however, he also said that the justice probe of CIA agents was an “OUTRAGE”.

Cheney noted there was a “complete investigation” during the Bush administration that concluded the agents had not violated the law. He said the decision by Holder to reopen that case and hand it over to a special prosecutor sets a “terrible precedent.”

“These are government employees. They did nothing wrong, as best as any of us knows,” Cheney told “Fox News Sunday.” “It is an outrage that we would go after the people who deserve the credit for keeping us safe for seven and a half years.”

Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld also said Sunday that the Obama administration should set the CIA probe “aside” and move on, calling it a “most unfortunate thing.”

“These people were operating at the direction of the president. They were doing things that had been approved by the Department of Justice,” Rumsfeld said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.” “And it sends a chill throughout the government.”

The Lonely Conservative reminds us that this is not the first time that the Obama Administration has gone after heroes.Let us not forget when they went after Navy Seals for abusing terrorist.

Oh, and remember when they prosecuted Navy SEALS for “abusing” terrorists? The case fell apart, they were just trying to make examples of them. Now they bask in the glory brought to them by the Navy SEALS.

Which further goes to the questions that Chris Wallace would later ask Obama’s WH Security adviser Tom Donilon that shooting a terrorist in the head was consistent with US values but some how waterboarding wasn’t. I guess the same question can be asked as to Navy Seals being prosecuted for abusing terrorist. They can kill them but not abuse them, really?

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