Its Back … Artist Jon McNaughton Depicts Barack Obama Trampling The Constitution in “The Forgotten Man”


Certain works of art just have a way of resurfacing over and over again … as does “The Forgotten Man” depicting Barack Obama trampling the US Constitution. What a powerful piece of art showing a man sitting on a park bench, representing “We the People,” as he tries to find the American dream as an overwhelming expansion of government is trust upon him. All the Presidents of the past look upon the government of today and Barack Obama trampling on out freedoms, liberty and Constitution.

As the artist Jon McNaughton says in the below VIDEO, actions speak louder than words, as does the brush strokes of his painting … “Mr President, you took an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States”. If you have not already seen this video, I suggest you do so.

In front of the White House a man is sitting on a park bench in the throes of depression. He is surrounded by all 43 presidents. In the forefront, purposefully ignoring the depressed man is President Obama, whose right foot is stepping on the Constitution. James Madison is next to Obama, pleading with him to stop.

“For a long time I didn’t know if I wanted to paint this picture, because I worried it might be too controversial,” McNaughton explains in a voice over. “(T)his man (on the park bench) represents every man, woman, and child who is an American… he hopes to find the American dream of happiness and prosperity.

“But now because of unconstitutional acts imposed by the American people by our government we stand on the precipice of disasters,” he added.

Tennessee College Republicans from the Obama Generation to “The Debt Generation” … Welcome to Obama’s Generational Theft

Obama’s reelection bid is no longer and promises of “hope & change,” its about running on his record …

Barack Obama has pretty much disillusions ed every one that voted for him in 2008, no voting block more than the college age youth.  They have gone from the Obama generation in 2008 to the “DEBT GENERATION”. Watch the video below from the Tennessee College Republicans, aptly titled, ” The Debt Generation”. Check out the Debt Clock.

The Debt Generation

Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit

In 2008 more than 2/3 of America’s youth voted for Barack Obama; however, little did the naive college kids know that Barack Obama would hang them out to dry and create an out of control debt of political gifts that they would be responsible for. Many of them now regret that they ever voted for Obama. The One handed out gifts like Santa Claus; however, Santa does not charge you for the gifts he gives, Obama does. Fewer young voters see themselves as Democrats and unlike 2008, the Obama magic is gone. The bloom is off the rose and Obama is not perceived as “Hope & Change” but instead the same old, same old of an establishment politician.

Welcome to the “generational” theft of Barack Obama. The result, Obama has lost the luvin’ feeling of America’s youth.

UPDATE I: A blast from the past from Vanderbilt from 2009 … And the Obama gang thought we would just forget.


Mark Oxner Campaign Ad for Florida District 27 … “Turn This Ship Around” … ““let’s not enslave our children with debt”

And now for a campaign ad that is completely different … from Mark Oxner for Congress. Oxner appears to be running against liberal flame thrower and  former Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson, who was booted out of his District 8 office in 2010. The New Times actually calls it a “slave ship,” as depicted in the ad. Really? Have the libs at the NY Times not noticed the mountain of debt that Obama has strapped future generations to come with? Sorry if this ad does not meet the NY Times politically correct standards.

From The Blaze:

File this one under wackiest political advertisement ever made — or, at the least, one of the oddest to date. You may think that I’m being dramatic here, but take a moment to watch the 39-second clip called, “Turn This Ship Around,” that was recently created and released by the Mark Oxner campaign.

Oxner, a Republican, is hoping to win the District 27 congressional seat in Florida come November. His new video, which departs wildly from more issue-based campaign pleas, is turning heads for more reasons than one.

The bizarre ad takes place on a vessel that looks like pirate ship — but with some amenities. The New Times actually calls  calls it a “slave ship.” While there’s no definitive way to determine that this is, indeed, intended to invoke images and themes related to slavery, footage of children rowing the massive boat with a voiceover that says “let’s not enslave our children with debt,” only add fuel to the fire.

Just curious, when Obama and Democrats only want to increase taxes and spending on the backs of the American people and continually increase the debt on the Chinese credit card, have record numbers on food stamps, high unemployment and actually stopping a work projects like the Keystone XL Pipeline that chooses Saudi and Venezuelan oil over Canada … what else would one call it?

The proposed District 27 is supposed to  encompass most of Oceola County, plus bits of Orange and Polk counties, if the map survives probable challenges in court.

Simply Laughable & Media Bias: Obama Claim as 4th Best President, but ’60 Minutes’ Broadcast Edits it Out

As former democrat President Bill Clinton says, “It all depends on what the meaning of Obama’s”legislative and foreign policy accomplishments,” is. Welcome to Obama in Wonderland … Can America survive with an ego like this?

Once again we are witness to the liberal media bias and a laughable President Obama who obviously lives in another universe. No one can be this arrogant and pompous, then again the US has never had the misfortune to elect such a liberal, out of touch president like Barack Hussein Obama.

President Barack Obama is a legend in his own mind. During his ’60 Minutes’ interview Barack Obama said probably one of the most laughable comments of his Presidency. Obama actually said, “I would put our legislative and foreign policy accomplishments in our first two years against any president — with the possible exceptions of Johnson, F.D.R., and Lincoln …” WOW, OBAMA ACTUALLY BELIEVES THIS NONSENSE? Remember when so many thought that Obama would step down for the better of the Democrat party and America and have another run instead because of his poor job approval and wrong direction he has taken the country? Care to think again about Obama’s narcissism and lack of humility?

Transcript via News Busters:

KROFT: Tell me, what do you consider your major accomplishments? If this is your last speech. What have you accomplished?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, we’re not done yet. I’ve got five more years of stuff to do. But not only saving this country from a great depression. Not only saving the auto industry. But putting in place a system in which we’re gonna start lowering health care costs and you’re never gonna go bankrupt because you get sick or somebody in your family gets sick. Making sure that we have reformed the financial system, so we never again have taxpayer-funded bailouts, and the system is more stable and secure. Making sure that we’ve got millions of kids out here who are able to go to college because we’ve expanded student loans and made college more affordable. Ending Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Decimating al Qaeda, including Bin Laden being taken off the field. Restoring America’s respect around the world.

The issue here is not gonna be a list of accomplishments. As you said yourself, Steve, you know, I would put our legislative and foreign policy accomplishments in our first two years against any president — with the possible exceptions of Johnson, F.D.R., and Lincoln — just in terms of what we’ve gotten done in modern history. But, you know, but when it comes to the economy, we’ve got a lot more work to do. And we’re gonna keep on at it.

How Obama kept a straight face while making such a comment shows what such a good liar this man really is. However, a funny thing happened on the way to the Barack Obama interview … CBS ’60 Minutes’ edited the President’s comments from their TV broadcast. Of course this was just a coincidence. The FULL interview can be seen HERE, check out the 54:30 minute mark.

So Obama thinks he is better than the father of our country George Washington, really? Heck, Obama also thinks that he is better than  Presidents Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, Coolidge, Truman, Theodore Roosevelt, and Ronald Reagan just to name a few. Obama, you are not better than William Jefferson Clinton.

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Barack Obama Says He Wants His Jobs Bill Back … LOL, He’s the Only One Who Wants It, Including Democrats

PASS THE JOBS BILL, PASS THE JOBS BILL, PASS THE JOBS BILL PASS THE JOBS BILL, PASS THE JOBS BILL. A note to President Obama, they heard you the first time, no one wants to touch your toxic jobs bill or you for that matter.

President Barack Obama lectured Congress that he wanted them to pass his so-called jobs bill now, of course that was three weeks ago.  To date, not only hasn’t Obama’s “son of stimulus” jobs bill not been passed, no one really wants any part of it including Democrats.

During this weeks Presidential Address, Barack Obama whined for Congress to get their act together and pass his jobs bill. Obama stated that he wanted it back. Trust us Mr. President, no one took it. Really Mr. President you want them to pass the jobs bill? Is there an echo, or are you stuttering? You might want to take the hint that no one really wants to pass it. However, Barack Obama might want to take a complete look as to who is holding up his jobs legislation.

“It’s been almost three weeks since I sent the American Jobs Act to Congress – three weeks since I sent them a bill that would put people back to work and put money in people’s pockets,” Obama said. “And now I want it back. It is time for Congress to get its act together and pass this jobs bill so I can sign it into law.”

Obama’s nearly $450 billion jobs bill – known as the American Jobs Act – would raise taxes on the wealthy, invest in infrastructure, extend the employee payroll-tax cut and fund unemployment insurance benefits, among other things.

Barack Obama, the most devisive President ever does nothing but blame Republicans during his weekly address for not passing his jobs bill. However, it is the Democrat controlled US Senate and Dick Durbin (IL-D) that tells Obama they do not have the votes. So why isn’t Barack Obama calling out Democrats like Durbin and Chucky Schumer for not passing the jobs bill? Hmm? As stated by Jammie Wearing Fool, will Obama blame Democrats when the jobs legislation fails?

Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said, at the moment, Democrats in Congress don’t have the votes to pass President Obama’s jobs bill, but Durbin added that that situation would change.

“Not at the moment, I don’t think we do, but, uh, we can work on it,” Durbin said, according to Chicago radio station WLS.

Durbin added that the president’s bill would need bipartisan support because there are senators both on the left and the right opposed to aspects of it.

The real story here is not Obama’s joke of a jobs bill … its the fact that Democrats who have previously walked the plank for Obamacare and the $787 billion stimulus are AWOL on this and will remain so. Sorry CNN, but this is not just an issue between Obama and the GOP, there are plenty of Democrats against Obama’s job legislation. The 2012 elections are right around the corner and Dems are already looking to distance themselves from Obama. That tends to happen when a President has an approval rating in the low 40′s and one with dealing with the economy in the low 30′s.

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