Pew Research Poll, The Failure of Barack Obama to Black America: Only 26% Say the Situation of Black People in US is Better Now Than It was 5 Years Ago

Barack Obama – The Phony President: Wasn’t Barack Obama supposed to be the answer for Blacks Americans … not even close, he is not the one they were waiting for.

Wasn’t everything supposed to change for blacks in America when Barack Obama was elected in 2008? Obama was supposed to part the seas, “The One” was supposed to help blacks because they helped him get elected. They were no loner going to have to worry about paying for their “gas and  mortgage” (VIDEO) because their Savior, the Obamamessiah was President. So after having elected the first black president, how is it that only 26% of black America think that their situation is better today than it was five years ago before “The One” was elected? That is correct, according to a PEW Research poll, only 26% of blacks say that their situation is better today than before Obama was elected. That is down from 39% in 2009 when they fell for the “Hope & Change” nonsense, hook, line and sinker.

Just the other day it was reported that under Obama, only the top 5% have benefited. The remaining 95% have not and are still feeling the effects of a recession. Where do you think a majority of minorities fall in the 5%-95% range?

PEW_black Progress

The sense of progress black Americans felt in 2009, on the heels of Barack Obama’s historic election as president, seems to have reversed itself. Today, only about one-in-four (26%) say the situation of black people in this country is better now than it was five years ago, down sharply from 39% who said this in 2009. Nearly as many (21%) say the situation of black people is worse today, and 51% say it’s about the same.

The positive feelings registered in 2009 among blacks represented one of the peaks in this long-term trend. Even in the face of the Great Recession, blacks seemed buoyed by the promise of an Obama presidency. This poll does not provide evidence as to what caused the downward shift in opinions about black progress. However, the fading glow of Obama’s first term and the lingering effects of the recession are likely to have been important factors. [...]

In the most recent Pew Research survey, the share of both whites and blacks who see short-term progress for black Americans is down significantly from the 2009 levels. For whites, the current share (35%) saying the situation of African Americans is better than it was five years ago is similar to what it was in 2007 and lower than it had been in the mid-1980s and 1990s. For blacks, the share saying blacks are better off today (26%) has returned to roughly where it was prior to Obama’s election.

Barack Obama was not the one they had been waiting for, far from it. Obama has made promises and delivered on nothing except maybe make minorities even more dependent on government. If a white president was in office under these circumstances there would be marches in the streets and cries of discrimination. Seriously folks, how did Obama get reelected and why? If blacks think they are worse off than they were before his election in 2008, why would blacks  have voted for Obama at a rate of +90%?

We are the One’s we have been waiting for … Not even Close

What is truly amazing is that under a black president just how bad the perception is among blacks that their situation is terrible. Let’s face it Obama has been a total failure for blacks in America. Black unemployment is high, teen blacks unemployment is through the roof, and food stamps are given out like candy. Black unemployment under Obama is now once again double that of whites. Blacks have not made strides under Obama, they have regressed. Obama has done nothing economically for them, because he has done nothing for America.

Black adults are much more likely than whites to say the average black person is worse off financially than the average white person (59% vs. 39%). Whites, meanwhile, are more likely than blacks to say the average black person is about as well off as the average white person (43% vs. 27%).

Barack Obama American Flag Makes Appearance at ‘March on Washington’ in DC

I pledge alliance to the flag of Barack Obama …

Look what showed up at yesterdays ‘March on Washington,’ …  a US flag with Obama’s face on it. So this is what is presented at the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther Kings Jr’s ‘I have a Dream’ speech at yesterday’s ‘March on Washington’? Sorry to remind the folks there but this event has nothing to do with Barack Obama. Another  reminder to these idiots … STOP DESECRATING THE AMERICAN FLAG!!! Could the LEFT be more offensive? Michelle Malkin provides us with the United States flag code.

Enough of your hero worship of Obama. He has more than proven, he is not the one we have been waiting for. I would dare say that MLK Jr. would have been disappointed with Obama’s presidency as nothing more than a squandered opportunity.


Much more at Twitchy.

Sequester, What Sequester … No Money in Fed Budget for White House Tours or Vet Benefits, But Have the $’s to Fly Bo on Osprey to Martha’s Vineyard

The Community Agitator strikes again: Obama says, sequester, what sequester … let them eat kibble.

If the current occupant of the White House was a Republican and any other Democrat but Barack Obama, they MSM would be going mental that how dare a president during such economic hard times, record number of Americans on food stamps, only jobs being created are part time ones, scandals abound and the Middle East is on fire. But not so when it’s Barack Obama. Instead, an individual who has done nothing to be rewarded with a vacation winds up taking one at the tax payers expense as even Bo gets his own  MV-22 Osprey flight to Martha’s Vineyard.

Just yet another example under the Obama administration of your hard earned tax dollars at work. How come we have Congressional hearings over wasteful IRS spending on conventions, but not this?


Bo, the president’s Portuguese Water Dog, arrived separately on one of two MV-22 Ospreys, a hybrid aircraft which takes off like a helicopter but flies like a plane.

It was the first time the Ospreys have been taken on holiday by a US president.

More than 70 hotel rooms, each costing up to $345 (£220) a night, have been booked out for Secret Service agents, who took charge of luggage including two large mesh bags full of basketballs.

So we have no money for children to take White House tours, And let’s not forget from Obama’s per-vacation speech where Barack Obama played the Chicago-style politics, divisive card, fear card where he said that veterans may lose their benefits because of sequestration. Remind you two things. One, no money for veteran benefits, but Obama can piss away million on his vacations to Martha’s Vineyard. Two, it was Obama who came up with the notion of sequestration in the first place. This president is still playing the blame game when it was Obama who dreamed up the idea of sequestration in the first place. Really? Hey Barack, those reckless budget cuts were your idea!

“We’ve got these reckless, across-the-board budget cuts called the sequester that are hitting a lot of folks hard,” Obama said. “Congress needs to come together and agree on a responsible plan that reduces our deficit and keeps our promises to our veterans and keeps our promises to future generations.”

Oh yea, and not only do we not have $’s for Vet benefits under this president, as reported at  Israel Matzav, ‘Oh my: Hussein Obama giving Syrians $195 million for Eid al-Fitr’.

SACRIFICE: Obama & First Family Trip to Africa Will Cost U.S. Taxpayers Between $60 and $100 Million

Title this one, Sequester, what sequester? Or, It’s Good to be King. Or, You Can Go Home Again  ;-)

As reported at the Washington Post, President Barack Obama and his families trip to Africa will be one of the most expensive trips ever and cost the American tax payers between $60 and $100 million. That is correct. As millions of Americans are unemployed, under-employed, and struggle to get by on a day to day basis. This takes place as a record number of Americans are on food stamps and disability. This occurs as so-called sequestration has caused government departments to cut back and furlough workers. Barack Obama has said in the past that every one has to have skin in the game and must sacrifice? That is everyone but him. As Weasel Zippers states, “Just as long as the King and Queen of America enjoy themselves.” This man truly is a community agitator. Who does this at a time that the United States finds itself in record debt?

So let’s understand this, fighter jets will fly in shifts, giving 24-hour coverage over the president’s airspace, a Navy aircraft carrier or amphibious ship, with a fully staffed medical trauma center, will be stationed offshore in case of an emergency but yet Americans were left to die in Benghazi without any military help within an 8 hour range? Really? Furthermore, we are in the midst of questioning the IRS for their lavish and over the top wasteful spending, yet Obama’s jaunt to Africa gets the rubber stamp of approval? The LEFT will be quick to say, well Bush did it. Is that really a defense? I thought Obama wasn’t W? We realize that other presidents have gone on expensive trips as well, but this president is not supposed to be like others. Obama says he cares about the poor and the middle class. Obama claims that he identifies with the common man and plays class warfare. However, this imperial, do as I say, not as I do, let them eat cake president just snubs his nose at the American people and does any damn thing he wants at the expense of ‘We the People”. What a disgrace.

Hundreds of U.S. Secret Service agents will be dispatched to secure facilities in Senegal, South Africa and Tanzania. A Navy aircraft carrier or amphibious ship, with a fully staffed medical trauma center, will be stationed offshore in case of an emergency.

Military cargo planes will airlift in 56 support vehicles, including 14 limousines and three trucks loaded with sheets of bullet­proof glass to cover the windows of the hotels where the first family will stay. Fighter jets will fly in shifts, giving 24-hour coverage over the president’s airspace, so they can intervene quickly if an errant plane gets too close.

The elaborate security provisions — which will cost the government tens of millions of dollars — are outlined in a confidential internal planning document obtained by The Washington Post. While the preparations appear to be in line with similar travels in the past, the document offers an unusual glimpse into the colossal efforts to protect the U.S. commander in chief on trips abroad.


Obama’s trip could cost the federal government $60 million to $100 million based on the costs of similar African trips in recent years, according to one person familiar with the journey, who was not authorized to speak for attribution. The Secret Service planning document, which was provided to The Post by a person who is concerned about the amount of resources necessary for the trip, does not specify costs.

The Weekly Standard reports that after the WAPO questioned the costs of a planned family safari, the White House nixed the plan. So does that mean if we question the entire trip, they will cancel this ridiculous, over-priced boondoggle as well?

Easter Sunday, a Day of Rest … Not For Democrat as Obama, Pelosi, McAuliffe Issue Easter Sunday Fundraising Appeals

What ever happened to separation of Church and State?

The Democrats just have no shame and no understanding that there needs to be a day of rest from their political begging for money. Sunday, a day of rest from the political beg for money? Nope, not for Democrats. Then again, they believe that Democrat party politics is a religion. As reported at the Washington Times, at least three top party officials dispatched fundraising emails Sunday.  They went so far as to have the DCCC send out an updated fundraising email  from House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi that didn’t even mention Easter … “We could really do this! If we can hit 200,000 donations before tonight’s FEC deadline, it would send a blistering message to Speaker Boehner and the Republicans. Donate $3 before MIDNIGHT and your gift will be triple-matched.”  Good grief, give it a rest.  What would Jesus say?

Easter Sunday is not a day of rest for the Democrats’ moneychangers. At least three top party officials dispatched fundraising emails Sunday in their bid to reach loyal Democrats in between church and Easter dinner.

It’s just the latest sign that politics and fundraising have become as regular as shopping at Sears or Walmart, which also open on Easter.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Sunday morning sent out an updated fundraising note from House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi that didn’t even mention Easter.

Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) says Democrats are “in the red” and are broke. That’s ok Debbie, thanks to Barack Obama and Democrats, so is America.

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