President Obama Grapples with Japan Earthquake, Libya and Oil Prices … As He Plays Golf & Yuks It Up at 126th Annual Gridiron Club Dinner Saturday Night
Could Obama be any more inappropriate?
According to President Barrack Obama, the catastrophic earthquake and tsunami in Japan that has killed so many and caused so much destruction has left him heart broken. Really? I guess he was trying to get over his broken heart while playing golf again today or attending the 126th Annual Gridiron Club dinner is DC tonight, yuking it with the press.
In the video above Obama also tried to defend his handling of the volatility of the situation in Libya by saying, “we are slowly tightening the noose on Muammar Gaddafi”. Tightening the noose? Imagine if any one in the GOP every used such verbiage, it would be deemed hate speech. Obama also tried to dowenplay the soaring gas and oil prices.
President Barack Obama will speak at the 126th annual Gridiron Club dinner in Washington on Saturday evening.
The white-tie event is an opportunity for journalists to poke fun at public figures and political themes of the day. .
With the world in turmoil from earthquakes to escalating oil prices to uncertainty in the Middle East to the world and US economic down turn and Obama us going to find fun and humor in the political themes of the day. Really? How appropriate. Obama missed last years event because shilling for Obamacare was too important; however, with crisis every where … The Comedian in Chief thinks it is perfectly A-O-K to joke around while Americans are jobless, losing their homes and Japan is in complete disarray.
Posted March 12, 2011 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Bizarre, China, Earthquake, Lost in Smallness, Media, Middle East, Missing Persons, Obamanation, Obamanomics, Rush Limbaugh, Tsunami, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | one comment |
Google: Missing Persons Finder Tool To Help Find Loved Ones In Japan
Following the devastating 8.9 magnitude earthquake and tsunami in Japan, Google has launched the Person Finder Tool to help locate or get information on missing loved ones and friends.
Now, Google has launched the Person Finder Tool, a free information service for those posting information about people or looking for someone. The tool is available in multiple languages. Google uses data from the social networking sites and across the Internet to find records on missing people – they are currently tracking 64,600 records as of Sat., March 12.
Google Missing Person Finder Tool: 2011 Japan Earthquake page can be found HERE or in English. More information about the Google Missing Person Finder Tool, HERE.
Google Person Finder, a project of the Google Crisis Response division of, was built by Google engineers in response to the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti to help those affected by the earthquake connect with their loved ones. Google Person Finder can also accept data from other similar registries and display them together at one place.
UNREAL, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews Sees Devastating Japan Earthquake/Tsunami Disaster as an ‘Opportunity’ for Obama to Remind People He Was Born in Hawaii
Most likely 1000′s are dead, people are missing and too many to count are injured and without a home in the wake of the 8.9 magnitude earthquakein Japan and the tsunami that followed; however, for MSNBC’s liberal mouth piece, Chris Matthews looks to have President Barack Obama use it for his person opportunity. Even worse, after watching the carnage and devastation of buildings collapsing, a 30 foot wall of water wrecking havoc and people’s lives being ended, Matthews first though was how this could benefit Obama? This man truly has no heart or soul.
After watching the video below, is the first thing that comes to your mind that Obama should use the Japan disaster for his own gain and remind people that he grew up in Hawaii?
In the imortal and discable words of Rahm Emanuel, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.” It would appear that Chris Matthews is following the same tact for Barack Obama when it comes to the Japan earthquake and tsunami. From NewsBusters comes the following where Matthews poses the question and believes Barack Obama should use the earthquake as an opportunity, “Was this sort of a good opportunity for the president to remind everybody that he grew up in the United States and Hawaii?”
When it comes to the Leftist, in the tank liberal MSM, why is everything supposed to be about Barack Obama and getting him reelected? Why isn’t it about those that are affected by a natural disaster and the families of missing loved one’s and those who have perished?
“That’s the first thing I thought of,” Matthews insisted. “Such a large number of people believe he grew up in [Kenya], they’re buying this thing that’s coming from Huckabee,” Matthews insisted.
A somewhat visibly flustered Todd politely rejected Matthews’s argument:
TODD: Look, do I think they thought this was another chance? No. I mean, they called this press conference because they hadn’t had an opportunity to speak about gas prices…. This was a case where events crowded out the whole purpose of the press conference. That’s an interesting theory. It certainly did give him an opportunity to remind folks of where he grew up and the folks he grew up with.
MATTHEWS: Yeah, it’s pathetic he has to do that, but thank you so much, Chuck Todd.
MATTHEWS: Sorry to bring you into our intramural concerns here, but one of them is this strange critique of him from the right that he’s not really one of us that never seems to end. Thank you Chuck Todd for that great reporting on an unusual and very strange topic.
Posted March 12, 2011 by Scared Monkeys 2012 Elections, Barack Obama, Chris Matthews, Earthquake, Japan, Media Bias, Moonbats, MSNBC, Natural Disaster, Obamanation, Tsunami, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | 3 comments |
Death Toll Feared to Be 1,700 and 9,500 Missing & Unaccounted for in Miyagi’s Minamisanriku
Our hearts and prayers go out to Japan … the Kyodo News is reporting that up to 1700 people might de dead. With the wide spread damage from pictures and videos seen of the 8.9 magnitude earth quake and subsequent tsunami, it is sadly hard to believe that the death toll will not be higher.
Japan Earthquake: Helicopter aerial view video of giant tsunami waves
Damage caused by Friday’s catastrophic earthquake in Japan expanded Saturday, with the combined number of people who have died or are unaccounted for is feared to top 1,700, while an explosion occurred at the nuclear reactor building of Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant and injured four workers.
The death toll has exceeded 600 so far, a police tally showed, while 200 to 300 bodies were transferred to Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture. It was also reported that another 200 bodies were transferred to gymnasiums in Iwanuma and Natori, both in Miyagi, while around 650 people are missing following the 2:46 p.m. quake with a magnitude of 8.8, the strongest ever recorded in Japan.
It is also being reported that 9,500 unaccounted for in the single Japanese port town of Miyagi’s Minamisanriku.
As reported at the Guardian …
- Around 1,700 people are estimated to have been killed, according to local media reports, but that death toll is expected to rise dramatically. The official death toll now stands at 574, with 586 people declared missing and 1,105 injured.
- Around 10,000 people are missing in the town of Minamisanrikucho in Miyagi prefecture, according to Japanese TV reports.
- More than 215,000 people are in emergency shelters and around 50,000 rescuers have been deployed across the country.
- At least 1.4m homes are without water and around three million are without power.
Posted March 12, 2011 by Scared Monkeys Earthquake, Japan, Missing Persons, Tsunami, You Tube - VIDEO | 5 comments |
Massive Explosion Reported at Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
As reported at the BBC, a massive explosion as taken place at the Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Officials are saying that the core has not been damaged; however, several workers at the station were thought to be injured.
A huge explosion has rocked a Japanese nuclear power plant damaged by Friday’s devastating earthquake.
A pall of smoke was seen coming from the plant at Fukushima. Four workers were injured.
Japanese officials say the container housing the reactor was not damaged and that radiation levels have now fallen.
UPDATE I: To make matters worse, a magnitude 6.4 aftershock occurred at the site of the nuclear power plant. The Japanese government has expanded the evacuation radius to 12 miles around the reactor and has urged residents of the region to stay indoors, turn off air conditioning units and not to drink tap water. As reported at the Guardian, Tens of thousands evacuated after plant explosion.
UPDATE II: FOX News is reporting that three individuals taken away from one of the nuclear power plants have been exposed to radiation.
Reuters: Radiation leaks from Japan’s quake-hit nuclear plant
UPDATE III: This is not looking good, from Stratfor, Red Alert: Nuclear Meltdown at Quake-Damaged Japanese Plant.
A March 12 explosion at the earthquake-damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Okuma, Japan, appears to have caused a reactor meltdown.
The key piece of technology in a nuclear reactor is the control rods. Nuclear fuel generates neutrons; controlling the flow and production rate of these neutrons is what generates heat, and from the heat, electricity. Control rods absorb neutrons — the rods slide in and out of the fuel mass to regulate neutron emission, and with it, heat and electricity generation.
UPDATE IV: Japan declares emergencies at 5 nuclear units.
Posted March 12, 2011 by Scared Monkeys Earthquake, Japan, Natural Disaster, Nuclear Power, Tsunami, You Tube - VIDEO | 2 comments |