SOUTHERN NIGHTMARE … Deadly Tornadoes Rip Apart the South Killing 194 & 128 in Alabama
Please say a prayer for the folks in the South that were devastated by tornadoes yesterday. The pictures coming out of the devastation from the Southeast are beyond words.
Massive and deadly tornadoes and thunderstorms tore through the South killing a reported 178 194 people and 128 in Alabama alone. The state of Tennessee is reporting that 15 people have died and in Virginia 8 people died as a result of the horrible and relentless weather. The rain and wind kept coming and would not stop. The tornadoes that hit Alabama stayed on the ground for a reported 2 hours, 1.5 miles wide and laid waste to every thing in its path.
More reports and pictures of the devastation from Georgia.
It can only be described as a complete and total catastrophe. There were a reported 164 tornado sightings and this has unofficially the deadliest tornado day in the United States since 310 people lost their lives on April 3, 1974.
The AP has reported that a total of 194 have died in 5 Southern states.
Dozens of tornadoes spawned by a powerful storm system wiped out entire towns across a wide swath of the South, killing at least 194 people, and officials said Thursday they expect the death toll to rise.
Alabama’s state emergency management agency said it had confirmed 128 deaths, while there were 32 in Mississippi, 15 in Tennessee, 11 in Georgia and eight in Virginia.
The National Weather Service’s Storm Prediction Center in Norman, Okla., said it received 137 tornado reports around the regions into Wednesday night.
Tornadoes in Tuscaloosa, Alabama
More VIDEO from Tuscaloosa and you can hear the fear of the individual taking it. Words cannot even describe the size and devastation that these storms caused. More pics can be found at CNN. A State of Emergency has been declared by the Governor of Alabama.
UPDATE I: Nuclear power plants had to be shut down.
Sadly so many have died and the death toll is only going to rise as searches sift the the ruins. Please say a prayer and help the victims of this deadly storm.
More VIDEO of the deadly Twisters.
VP Joe Biden Shows Up to NY Yankees Spring Training for Photo Op as US Wages War in Libya, Middle East in Crisis & Japan Recovers
Is it possible that President Obama and VP Biden could actually take their jobs serious?
While President Barack Obama plays tourist in Latin America,VP Joe Biden not to be outdone takes time for a photo op and some laughs at NY Yankee Spring Training. UNREAL. Could these two clowns actually take their job serious, especially at a time in which they have committed US troops to yet another military action? Oh that’s right, Obama cancelled his trip to the Mayan Ruins so to appear to look like a leader.
Mr. President, would an act of war against Libya be considered a big “F’n” deal?
As stated by the Toronto Star, gues happens when Biden shows up to watch a Spring Training game … TOTAL CONFUSION. This seems to be par for the course with any thing done by Obama and Biden these days. That same confusion appears to be the order of the day in Obama’s war in Libya as well. The US along with the “Coalition of the Unwilling” goes to war against Libya in an effort to protect civilians and not target Qaddafi as Obama who wants no part of leading the action tells the world and Libya that we will in no way put boots on the ground. Who tells the enemy what their plans are?
From the overwhelmed, over their head, Gang that Couldn’t Shoot Straight … the Middle East in crisis, Japan struggling with fixing nuclear reactors and recovering from an earthquake and tsunami, more terrorist attacks in Israel and the US is now implicated in another military action, this time with Libya and Biden is in FL at a fund raiser for Ben Nelson and off to see the Yankees (VIDEO).
Maybe the reason why Biden decided to have some fun and take in a game was because French PM Francois Fillon said we were not at war. Could you imagine what the MSM would be reporting if a Republican President and VP acted like this at such a time of crisis? It is simply frightening that Obama and Biden were elected at this point in time of our county’s history. How out of touch could they be?
2012 cannot come fast enough!
Posted March 23, 2011 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, China, Earthquake, Foreign Policy, Israel, Japan, Joseph Biden, Libya, Media, Media Bias, Middle East, Military, Muammar Gaddafi, Obamanation, Tsunami, World, WTF | one comment |
As the World Burns … President Barack Obama Fills Out his NCAA Basketball Brackets
As Rome burns, Nero played the violen, the World burns and is in chaos, President Barack Obama managed to take time and do the most important task of the day … fill out his NCAA Mens College Basketball March Madness brackets. Good grief. Far be it from this President actually acting Presidential and getting down to the hard issues of the day like the Middle East in chaos, Japan trying to recover from a massive earthquake and tsunami and trying to prevent a nuclear disaster, the US economy is disarray, Americans still unemployed and gas heading to $4 per gallon. Nope, Obama is lost in smallness and makes sure that he fills out his brackets. How’s that “Hope & Change” treating you America?
The Middle East is afire with rebellion, Japan is imploding from an earthquake, and the battle of the budget is on in the United States, but none of this seems to be deterring President Obama from a heavy schedule of childish distractions.
This morning, as Japan’s nuclear crisis enters a potentially catastrophic phase, we are told that Obama is videotaping his NCAA tournament picks and that we’ll be able to tune into ESPN Wednesday to find out who he likes.
Saturday, he made his 61st outing to the golf course as president, and got back to the White House with just enough time for a quick shower before heading out to party with Washington’s elite journalists at the annual Gridiron Dinner.
As stated by Weasel Zippers, in a word … PRIORITIES!
Remember when Obama was billed as a different kind of President and and “Outside the beltway” one. All one has to do is look at the fact that Obama picked all four #1 seeds in his brackets to see that was a lie as well. This supposed deep thinking and intellectual president went status quo and went out on a limb and went with Ohio St, Pitt, Duke and Kansas in the Final Four. Wow, Mr. President, Dare to Dream.
Some one has to say it, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THIS PRESIDENT! Remember when US President used to lead? Obama seems to be incapable. In crisis the world looks to the US for leadership and Obama is filling out March Madness brackets. Can 2012 come fast enough?
Posted March 16, 2011 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Earthquake, Hope and Change, Japan, Lost in Smallness, NCAA, Obamanation, Sports, Tsunami, World, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | 8 comments |
60 Year Old Japan Tsunami Miracle Survivor: Hiromitsu Shinkawa Found 10 Miles Out at Sea Clinging to Roof
Miracle … Japan Tsunami survivor found 10 miles out at sea clinging to the roof of his home.
In the midst of all the horrible and terrible stories of death and destruction in the aftermath of the Japan 8.9 earthquake and tsunami, comes the following miraculous story. 60 year old Hiromitsu Shinkawa was found safe and rescued 10 miles out to sea floating on the roof of his home. After clinging to the roof for two days following the tsunami, Shinkawa was spotted by a self-defence force destroyer taking part in the rescue as he waved a self-made red flag.
A 60-year-old man has been found on the roof of his floating house nearly 10 miles out at sea, two days after the tsunami that devastated the north-east coast of Japan.
Hiromitsu Shinkawa must have resigned himself to his fate when he was swept away by the retreating tsunami that roared ashore in his home town of Minami Soma in Fukushima prefecture.
As the wave approached, Shinkawa took the fateful decision to return home to collect belongings. Minutes later he was out at sea clinging to a piece of the roof from his own home.
Talk about your real life version of Japan ‘Survivor” or ‘Castaway’.
The Comedian in Chief Obama Yuks it Up at the Gridiron Club Dinner as the World Burns
This is hardly a laughing matter … Nice priorities
Barack Obama, the Comedian in Chief does what he does best, provides us with yet another “Lost in Smallness” moment as he yuks it up and jokes around as the world is literally burning. Is an 8.9 magnitude Japanese earthquake, a subsequent tsunami where 10,000 are presumed dead, Japan’s worst crisis since WWII, 10.1% unemployment & 19.8% underemployment, increasing cost of oil & $4.00 gasoline, chaos in the Middle East, continued foreclosures in the US, states on the verge of bankruptcy, an out of control federal deficit, continued terror threats and Americans still trying to find jobs a laughing matter?
President Obama used his first appearance at the annual Gridiron Club Dinner as POTUS to push home an already labored point — with a little help from The Boss.
Taking the stage to give the evening’s closing remarks, the president looked toward the live band at the back of the room and asked, “Can we go with the song we talked about?”
The band struck up Bruce Springsteen’s “Born in the U.S.A.,” drawing big laughs from the some 650 government officials, political figures, news executives and journalists in gathered at the Washington Renaissance hotel for the club’s 126th anniversary. (read the full story at the Politico)
We stated how inappropriate this was yesterday, guess what, it is still inappropriate today. Because it is such a laugh riot that at the Gridiron Club they would play Bruce Springsteen’s ”Born in the USA”as a reference to Obama’s lack of producing a long form birth certificate as the World burns. Hell, this President could not even produce a budget that was worth the paper it was written on, maybe they should have played Pink Floyd’s ‘Money’ instead.
Posted March 13, 2011 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Earthquake, Economy, Japan, Jobs, Lost in Smallness, Middle East, Obamanation, Obamanomics, Oil, Tsunami, Unemployment, War on Terror, WTF | 4 comments |