Natalee Holloway Investigation, Videos from April 30, 2007 (Bill O’Reilly and Hannity & Colmes)

Greta Van Susteren on Bill O’Reilly

“Lot of people with questionable background hang out on the beach late at night”

What happened to One Happy & Safe Island?

Greta, please just report the news and stop trying to spread your agenda. Why do you insist that Joran Van der Sloot is telling the truth about being on the beach? Also, enough of this Buti has not been investigated or questioned. Greta, just because you did not get access to a police report does not mean it does not exist. Scared Monkeys posted more of the witness and suspect statements than you ever covered on your show. Does that mean that they don’t exist either? 

Greta, you and your producers may want to do some research and you will find the following from the Dr Phil/Kalpoe motion to compel. It would seems that Buti was interviewed, so much for the information you have been told.


(Page 127 of pdf motion to compel doc)

What is more plausible, Aruba sacrificing their economy over an island beach “drunk & drug” bum that is related to an Aruban ex-police chief or a cover up of a Dutch individual who is connected to judges and political officials?

Hannity & Colmes, 4/30/07: Mark Fuhrman video interview.

Scared Monkeys Go to Miami to Support Natalee Holloway against Aruban Tourism .. Justice For Natalee


 I feel so blessed for having done this. It was an act of love and I am a better person for this. (Vickie, Scared Monkeys)












Special thanks to all who went to Miami to show their support for Natalee Holloway and continue to ask questions and demand … Justice for Natalee.

Vickie, from Scared Monkeys will be interviewed on The Dana Pretzer Show tonight.

NOVA Interview with Paul Van der Sloot

The following is the transcript and translation of the NOVA interview from over the Paulas VDS casinocompare2weekend with Paul van der Sloot on the house search of the last two days. Priceless that he adds a gratuitous plug for his son’s book during an interview designed to focus on a search of his home.

Introduction: Today two years after the disappearance of Natalee Holloway again a house search has been conducted in the parents house of JvdS on Aruba. Still the main suspect in the murder- or disappearance. case of Natalee Holloway. Not just another house search… This time more then 25 forensic experts from Holland and members of the KLPD (Corps Nat. Police Services) and they re-started the investigation. They were supposed to have serious leads that could point to the murderer. On the telephone, PvdS the father of Joran…

Nova: You are at Aruba… Can you tell what has happened today at your house… and yesterday?
PvdS: Yes, they started a house search yesterday. From around ten o’clock on and they went on till the evening. And this morning they continued that and around two o’clock Aruban time they ended the search.

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Latest Updates from Aruba and the Natalee Holloway Disappearance Van der Sloot Search

Kimberly Guilfoyle, The Line Up, April 29, 2007

Interviews with Jossy Mansur & forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden

Interview with Van der Sloot Attorney Joe Tacopina

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Van der Sloot Residence Search in Pictures, Part 3

More pictures of the search that took place at the Van der Sloot residence. So why again was this not allowed to take place in June 2005?










And now for some of Paul Van der Sloot who does not look happy.




(Pictures courtesy of Aruba Diaro)

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