Jossy Mansur: “definitely convinced” answers will come as to what happened to Holloway.

Jossy Mansur is optimistic that answers will come in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. Eventually over time the truth does come out. Joran, Deepak and Satish … don’t get too comfortable.

Mansur said he’s “definitely convinced” answers will come as to what happened to Holloway.
“There are sufficient declarations of the suspects themselves to the police that give me the indication, the strong indication, that it does have a solution. I mean, these guys have said many things to the police that should have been looked at further, but were not; they just lie there on paper,” he said. (NBC 13)

Amigoe, Aruba: “Growing poverty in our society” … Post Natalee Holloway Aruban Economy

So do those that thought the “individual” boycott of Aruba by those following the Aruba_boycottdisappearance and handling of  Natalee Holloway will have no effect? Of course it is not the only reason why Aruba finds itself in the predicament they are; however, it has a great deal. Does it really come as an surprise to anyone what the outcome is when cost of living increases, revenue decreases and government spending remains the same. What is the answer? Tax the little guy.

Governments raise taxes on its citizens in a desperate effort to generate revenues from losses in other areas. In Aruba’s case it was the loss of tax revenue generated from tourism. When the cost of living naturally goes up, Aruban’s were done no favors by their government officials  when they had to endure higher taxes, higher oil prices and a declining pay check. The fact of the matter is that Aruba’s economy saw a decline following how the Natalee Holloway investigation was handled. As the rest of the Caribbean saw increases, Aruba’s economy saw a decline.

Aruba 3 suspects

(The face of Aruban Tourism)

Did Arubans really not think that this was going to affect them in their pockets?

Nearly two years later as  Aruban tourism tries desperately to sway tourists to coming to Aruba they are met with protests like at the Tourism trade shows in Boston and Miami. One only needs to take a look HERE to see how ineptly the Aruban government has handled what has turned into a PR nightmare and economic disaster known as Post Natalee Holloway cover up.

It is no coincidence that all of this began in full swing following the disappearance of Natalee Holloway and many tourists refusal to travel to an island that would handle a missing persons case as they did. The effects are still being felt today. An economic ship takes a long time to turn.

Amigoe: May 3, 2007, Cabinet Oduber causes poverty    

Mike Eman ( AVP ) listens.

ORANJESTAD – The cost of living has increased in such way that people on a minimum wage have massively run into problems.   But not only the people with a low income, also the ones with a medium income are about to run into problems.   Mike Eman of AVP says that it is so sad that the Oduber-government refuses to consider the problems of the Aruban citizens.    

Read more

Natalee Holloway Investigation, “On The Record,” … Julia Renfro and Dave Holloway

Interview with Aruba Today Editor & Chief, Julia Renfro

“One of the suspicious locations would be the Van der Sloot home since all three boys, all three suspects claim that they actually went to the home but they never got out of the car so that would be a location they would need to search”. (Julia Renfro)

How believable is it that they would drive to the Van der Sloot home and never get out of the car? The question that should arise is, why did they change their mind if that was the case.

 Interview with Dave Holloway

Greta Van Susteren: “In terms of Joran, Deepak and Satish, what questions would you like to put directly to them?”

Dave Holloway: “Well obviously I would want them to tell the truth and disclose you know what happened to Natalee.”

What a novel concept … telling the truth. If that had been done in the beginning by all three suspects Aruba would never be in the predicament they are.

Dave Holloway Stressed But Happy About New Search in Aruba for Natalee Holloway

The recent events in the search and investigation of Natalee Holloway can be best summed Dave holloway signup as a “Tale of Two Dad’s Stress”. While Dave Holloway, father of missing Natalee Holloway, is stressed that the focus is once again front and center on efforts to find his daughter. He is also happy that efforts are once again focusing on finding Natalee.

Dave Holloway said the next few weeks could be “stressful” now that Dutch police renewed the investigation into his daughter, Natalee’s disappearance.

He said he has not been told why they searched the home of a one-time suspect.

About 20 investigators from the Netherlands dug up earth outside the house Friday and Saturday, reviving a case that had seemed to grow cold since the American teenager vanished during a school trip to Aruba nearly two years ago.


“They haven’t told us anything, but it does add extra stress,” Holloway said Monday. “You wonder what they are looking for and if they are going to find my daughter. You know, its been quiet for awhile, and then this happens, and it seems to begin again. I can see this could be a stressful month already.”

“We’ve been so pleased with all the prayers and support from the community.” (Meridian Star)

However, Joran’s father, Paul Van der Sloot, is dealing with quite a different form of NATALLEEHOOLOWAY18-1_Pstress. Its a stress that should have occurred nearly two years ago as Aruban investigators should have gone through the Van der Sloot residence and property with a fine tooth comb. The Van der Sloot’s feel that their privacy has been violated? A small price to pay as compared to Natalee’s family experiencing the loss of a daughter with Joran Van der Sloot being one of the last reported people with her. The heat is probably just beginning for the Van der Sloots. They best get used to it.   

Paul van der Sloot, Joran’s father, told the Nova program on Dutch television that investigators found nothing suspicious and ‘‘they have been reassured.’’

‘‘You can hardly believe it, but they must have seriously been looking for Natalee in our garden. It’s incomprehensible,’’ he said in the interview Saturday.

He said that investigators seized diary notes and letters from him and his wife, as well as a personal computer that was returned later Saturday. He felt his privacy had been invaded.

Natalee Holloway Investigation Continues … Videos, podcasts and news

If you missed The Dana Pretzer show with interviews with Tim Miller, Jossy Mansur, Larry Garrison and Vickie from Scared Monkeys, go here and listen. Get the news and hear questions answered that are not in the MSM.

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