Aruba Blames FBI, BETH, JUG, DAVE THE FAMILY, HELL THEY BLAME YOU For the Disappearance of Natalee Holloway

Well AMERICA, we know know what Aruba really thinks of Americans. Their Aruba_boycottincompetence, corruption and cover up of a crime upon am American tourist is your fault. It’s everyones fault, but theirs. The below article would actually be laughable if it were not for one important fact. There is a teenager named Natalee Holloway missing and considered by most dead. Who on earth gave you people this advice to attack an American family, the FBI and teenagers on the eve of the birth of America. Brilliant … simply brilliant!

In the 2+ years that we have covered the case of Natalee Holloway, I thought that we had seen and heard it all. Now comes some of the most nonsensical, ridiculous and foolish garbage that has yet been printed. Maybe Aruba would like to explain why they feel the need to investigate the family and friends of Natalee more than the actual people who were suspects in this case?

You are blaming the family of a missing girl for your screw ups and cover ups. Honestly, by the words printed in this article and the feelings and comments expressed in it … No American ever need step foot on Aruba ever. They have let everyone know just how little they think of you.


Aruba’s new tourism slogan: Come to Aruba … Where we will Blame you for a crime.

We will break this article down in detail over the next couple of days. Shameful, simply shameful.

Amigoe, July 3, 2007: The other side of the Holloway-case: ‘Police Aruba hindered by FBI’

WILLEMSTAD/ORANJESTAD – The American Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has systematically hindered the work of the police and the judiciary on Aruba in the investigation of the missing student Natalee Holloway. Especially when it came to investigating her direct relatives, mother Beth, stepfather George ‘Jug’ Twitty – who apparently has direct or indirect contacts and influence reaching as far as the White House- but also when it came to investigating the more than 120 fellow students and the chaperones who accompanied them in their trip to Aruba .  

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New Orleans Travel Show … Natalee Holloway Aruban Protest … Justice for Natalee Holloway Part IV

The entire New Orleans contingent that participated in the “Make the Travel Agents and people Aware” weekend need to be congratulated. What a tremendous job they did in reminding people that Natalee Holloway is still missing and Aruba is still doing nothing over 2 years later. Aruba does nothing, but somehow they expect Americans to reward them by going there on vacation and spending their hard earned money.

Thank you for the reports a long the way and the pictures. Scared Monkeys gives a big Hat Tip to those that came up with the idea of putting the “Where is Natalee” sign on the back of the horse drawn carriage (see picture below). BRILLIANT!  The amount of eyes that saw that poster in the streets of New Orleans  from an individual’s independent thought is simply fantastic. No ATA marketing campaign can compete with that type of grass roots ingenuity and perseverance.

Meetings for the travel convention were between 9:30 and noon. We set the banners up in new locations this morning. Many were able to see them as they drove to and from-or near-the Hilton. The travel agents themselves were coming and going on tours of the French Quarter and had to pass by the banners…



About 12:30 we moved our efforts to the French Quarter, where there were organized tours for the attendees. The Quarter also was crowded with tourists and locals, as is usual on the weekends.

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New Orleans Travel Show … Natalee Holloway Aruban Protest … Justice for Natalee Holloway Part III

More reports in from those that went to the New Orleans Travel Show to remind those attending, Natalee Holloway has never been found in Aruba … neither has justice.

We have planned where we will put the banners tomorrow, and they still will be very visible. Tomorrow is the last day of this convention…and gatherings also will be held in and near Jackson Square, on the edge of the French Quarter, so we will try to put a banner on the car in a way that it still can be driven safely, then drive down the street which borders Jackson Square.

In this next picture is a man from Haiti (right side- sitting on the while post) who showed much interest in Natalee’s being found and the family getting answers. He is holding a Natalee brochure. Behind him is the World Trade Center. Some of our signs also are visible.


I am turning left again, toward Harrah’s, where you can see more signs…and some of downtown New Orleans in the background.

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New Orleans Travel Show … Natalee Holloway Aruban Protest … Justice for Natalee Holloway, Part I

The New Orleans Travel Show is the latest effort by concerned individuals who want to remind those in NO - Aruba_traadeshowthe travel and vacation booking business that people have not forgotten Natalee Holloway nor what happened in Aruba and continues to this day with regards to a cover up and lack of justice.

Let the following efforts by those that wish to remind the travel industry that it is unacceptable for a tourist to go missing and have their investigation covered up. Aruba, is not a vacation option. There are far too many other places for people to spend their hard earned money on a vacation. Promote travel to New Orleans and help revitalize their economy following Hurricane Katrina.

Lowering a price for a ticket or a package deal is not an option … Tourism industry, the only option when dealing with Aruba is … JUSTICE FOR NATALEE!

The following are the personal accounts of those on the ground including Scared Monkeys members from New Orleans: (Hat Tip: Karo)

There was good exposure for the cause today in New Orleans! Although some protesters were unable to come, last minute, and there are just 3 of us, the banners and signs are being noticed and are as well placed as possible. (Some of them are shown on the photos below.) We can only place signs on public property and Hilton Hotel security made us take down a banner they thought was too close to their property. The World Trade Center made us move signs in their lawn, near the sidewalk. Otherwise, there were no problems.


(Click on brochure to enlarge)

People were walking up to us and talking about the case, asking questions. Some were arrogant or rude and refused to take the nice brochures we were passing out. Others seemed extremely interested in the case and very sympathetic to Natalee’s family. Several even made it a point to tell us THEY are not going to Aruba!

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Lorenzo van Rijn Arrested on Drug Charges in Aruba … Hmm … Ya Don’t Say


Lorenzo van Gijn no ta un desconoci di polis. Den e bishitanan cu e Team Bijzondere Projecten a haci na diferente lugar, su cas no tabata un excepcion.

(Yes, the last name is Rijn, misspelled in article)



After all this time, the infamous house where so many parties and drugs were had is finally raided. It makes one wonder why now? Its not like authorities most likely knew what went on here. Seems like the walls are closing in on so many things that the ALE let slide.

Lorenzo’s house – Located at 172 Saveneta, Aruba


We also know from the Kalpoe law suit vs. Dr. Phil that Lorenzo was witness and gave a statement to police at least once. Wonder why they would have wanted to talk to Lorenzo? Maybe Joran Van der Sloot was there that night? The police may want to do some DNA testing in this home.


The question remains, why would investigators want to talk to Lorenzo as it pertains to the Natalee Holloway case. What is the connection? It can’t just be about the selling of drugs and parties … there would have to be a greater connection.

Check out more at Scared … rumors, pics, and more.

UPDATE: Remember this comment from a poster from Aruba in June 2005 regarding Natalee being held?


(Hat Tip: Nice find Klaas)

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