Monkeys Media Reminder … Beth Holloway & Peter R. DeVries on Dana Pretzer Show on Scared Monkeys Radio

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Monkeys Media Reminder … Beth Holloway & Peter R. DeVries on Dana Pretzer Show on Scared Monkeys Radio



Scared Monkeys is happy to announce two of tomorrow nights (Wednesday) special guests on the Dana Pretzer Show, Beth Holloway and Peter R. DeVries. Make sure and listen to this powerful one … two punch that Joran never saw coming.

Tune in tomorrow TONIGHT, Wednesday night at 9 PM EDT for the Dana Pretzer Show on Scared Monkeys radio when Dana will be interviewing special guests:Beth_twitty

  • Beth Holloway – The mother of missing Natalee Holloway. Beth has battled and persevered the many ups and downs of Natalee’s case and has remained steadfast in her fight for answer and Justice for Natalee. Beth has not only continued her fight for missing Natalee Holloway, but also has become the voice for other missing persons and has made an effort to make people aware of traveling abroad in speeches and The International Safe Travels Foundation.

I mean, it`s stunning that 48 hours into Natalee`s disappearance, I was asked by an Aruban detective if Natalee has a history of seizures or epilepsy. And when — and when I`m hearing Joran say that it looked like Natalee was having a seizure, and then he even — what makes me sick and I want to come through the screen and kill him, when he imitates her, he imitates her as she`s suffering. And that`s in a video clip with Patrick.

  • Peter R. DeVries – The Dutch Crime Investigator (Bio) who captured Joran Van der Sloot’s admissions and confessions on secret video tape. Peter_r_devries4Peter R. DeVries did what the Aruban police could not. DeVries lulled Joran into a false sense of security and got Joran Van der Sloot to admit his involvement in Natalee’s death and disappearance. DeVries has been on Joran Van der Sloot’s tail for quite some time and it would appear that Peter R. DeVries has finally gotten his man.

Peter R. DeVries Dutch web site for out Dutch speaking friends.

From Peter R. DeVries interview with Beth Holloway during DeVries show after the secret videos were shown,

Peter R. DeVries: “He lied, everything was a lie.”
Beth Twitty: “What he did with the shoes and… Oh my gosh.”
Peter R. DeVries:“It’s a full confession.”
Beth Twitty: “He doesn’t even care, he doesn’t even care that, oh they didn’t even know if she was dead. Oh my gosh. They didn’t even know.”
Peter R. DeVries:“Did you notice how he talked about her?”
Beth Twitty: “Yeah, the don’t even know. Oh my god they could have dumped her alive in the ocean, just unconscious. I mean they don’t even know.”
Peter R. DeVries:“Maybe in coma, or…”

UPDATE 1: Also appearing tonight:

  • Art Wood, former Secret Service agent discussing the Natalee Holloway case.
  • Mike McIntyre - Mike, host of “Crime and Punishment”, will weigh in on the Natalee Holloway story.

Natalee Holloway Investigation: Jossy Mansur with Greta Van Susteren … On the Record (2/11/08) Aruban Public Turns on Joran Van der Sloot

“The attitude of the people who were standing behind him before has changed and they all want to see this man leave the island.” (Jossy Mansur)

The pendulum has swung in the attitude of public opinion in Aruba as the Peter R. DeVries tapes have shown all a window into what Joran Van der Sloot is really like when no one is around and the public cameras are off.

Discussion with the Legal Round Table 

Natalee Holloway Investigation: Witchhunt, its Called Justice! Hans Mos & Aruba if You Screw this Up … Wait Until You See What Happens to Tourism

Why does Hans Mos, OM, and Aruba continue to protect Joran Van der Sloot?

So Joran, does that mean when the rest of the time that you smoke pot, you are lying to? It’s not like this is the first time you have ever smoked. Hans Mos, the Aruban public prosecutor has made the following comment regarding the Peter R. De Vries tapes and Joran Van der Sloot.

If necessary, the OM will also protect the suspect Joran van der Sloot.  The OM is also of the opinion that yesterday’s words of Justice-minister Rudy Croes were premature.  Croes wants to declare Joran van der Sloot persona non grate.

“The boy is not convicted yet; besides, there are a whole lot of judicial hurdles ahead, before he can be refused admission to Aruba. He is legally admitted anyway”, was the reaction of the OM. 

Then Mos makes this ridiculous comment after the poor job that Aruba has provided in handling the case of missing and presumed deceased Natalee Holloway.

“The interest for this case seems to degenerate into a witch hunt, whereby several people are being menaced in an intimidated manner”, is the opinion of justice.  To the OM, these practices are ‘unacceptable’. 

No, Hans … its not a witch hunt. Its called people demanding justice for an obvious crime and an obvious suspect where Aruban police and maybe even prosecutors and judges have knowingly looked the other way and provided a cover up. I have never seen such a child like, ignorant and and obtuse form of rational and reasoning when it comes to putting the facts together to prosecute a crime. It’s as though the only way they can prosecute the case is for Joran Van der Sloot to literally write down on a piece of paper that he did it and sign it. However, even them he may claim he was high.

What is “unacceptable”, is the fact that almost three years later … Aruba has not properly investigated, nor prosecuted any suspect for the crimes against Natalee Holloway. It took a Dutch crime reporter to provide … JUSTICE FOR NATALEE.

Justice interrogates Joran (Amigoe: 2/9/08)

Read more

Beth Holloway and Peter R. De Vries with Geraldo Rivera

Beth: You know we’ve really tried to be so careful in Natalee’s investigation to stick with the known facts and it is a known fact that the only medical question that they did ask us, the only one question as far as medical issues, was does Natalee have a history of epilepsy or seizures and that was within the first 48 hours of her disappearance, so we just have to lay the facts out there and they kind of speak pretty loudly that if we hear that within 48 hours of her disappearance and we take it 2 1/2 years later and I think when I, not only just to hear Joran say this but I even see him imitate her body actions as she’s suffering, so I’m thinking you know, it’s hard not to put those two things together. (Read the rest HERE)

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