Nothing For You Paulus Van Der Sloot Says Supreme Court

Paulus Van Der Sloots attempts to get “restitution” for being detained in the Natalee Holloway disappearance has been shot down by the Supreme Court in Aruba. Initially Paulus had been given  financial compensation for being detained by a lower court, but that was overuled yesterday by the Supreme Court.

The reasons given we that there was a valid reason for his arrest. Paulus claimed that he had been unlawfully detained. However as those who follow the case of Natalee Holloway’s disappearance know full well, his detention was a very pertinent to the investigation as Paulus has been placed picking up his son Joran at a McDonalds the night of Natalee’s disappearance.

This is a very good sign that Paulus Van Der Sloot has been denied any ill gotten compensation.

Original Story:

Punxsutawney Phil Not Only Has a Prediction for Winter … But Aruba Tourism also

Its Ground Hog Day … The prognosticators of prognosticators and seers of seers, Punxsutawney Phil is not only making a prediction for winter, but tourism in Aruba as well.

Looks like Phil is predicting 6 more years of declining tourism. Wake up Aruba.

Leave your comments as to what else you think Phil might say.


Punxsutawney Phil says … “No Justice, no Tourism … Justice for Natalee”


There may actually be more members in the Punxsutawney Phil inner circle than on the beaches of Aruba these days.

What was Phil doing last year?

Dr Phil’s Response to Kalpoe Defamation Law Suit … Character, what Character?

Dr Phil responds to the Kalpoe’s defamation law suit … Read the legal response HERE.

The show’s attorney says widespread news reports of the brothers’ arrest “serves to mitigate any damages allegedly suffered by them and bars or reduces their right to recover any damages.”

Just a hint to AP and the media. Please stop referring to the Kalpoe’s as former suspects. They are presently the primary suspects along with Joran Van der Sloot in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.

With all the lies, deceit and cover up by the Kalpoe’s it makes one ask the question … in order for some one to sue for defamation of character, wouldn’t one first have to have character?

Aruba Tourism 2006 into 2007 … Money, Money, Money … Down the Drain

 As reported earlier today, Aruba tourism still on the downward slide. So much this being over in four days. The 2006 tourism numbers are a far cry from what they were in 2004 prior to the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.

Take a look at the video … For an island based on the monies from the tourism dollar, they certainly are going in the opposite direction.

(Hat Tip: Klaas)


Aruban Tourism … Different Month … Same Results … Tourism Down Again for 2006 … When will it End?

Try as they might, Aruba has spent millions on tourism marketing, lowered rates, and Aruban tourism graphprovided other incentives to have tourists come to Aruba. All to no avail, its just not working. The Central Bank of Aruba is reporting that tourism is at best stagnant and at worst, still in decline for October and November, 2006.

Aruba’s efforts are not working because they are attempting to put a Band-Aid on a broken leg. They refuse to deal with the underlying issue. Until they do, Aruba can expect for increases of 0.9 and decreases of 5 to 6% per month. Aruba may never learn; however, eventually they are going to have to do something.

Watch the Video of Aruban Tourism.

The number of sojourns and their number of nights spent dropped with respectively 7.7 and 5.7 percent in the first 10 months of 2006, while the numbers for September of that same year increased with respectively 0.9 and 0.1 percent, and dropped in October with respectively 3.1 and 4.4 percent.

Compare the tourism rates over the past 2 years since Natalee Holloway has gone missing and Aruba officials took part in a concerted effort to obstruct an investigation. See if an increase of 0.9% means anything after the losses that have already been experienced.

Aruba NH Vanderbilt

(Vanderbilt – ‘06)

September 2004 (Pre-Natalee Holloway): The number of stay-over visitors and their nights spent on the island went up, respectively, by 15.7 percent and 12.7 percent during the month of September 2004 compared to September 2003. Stay-over visitors from the United States and Venezuela rose by 18.8 percent and 14.5 percent, respectively. In contrast, the Dutch market fell by 3.3 percent. The average hotel occupancy rate registered a 6.5 percentage points increase to 73 percent. On a year-to-date basis, stay-over visitors surged by 14.6 percent against a 2.3 percent decline a year earlier, while visitor nights increased by 11.4 percent compared to a 3.9 percent increase in the corresponding period in 2003.

Sept 2005: The Aruba Tourism Authority has not yet published information on stay-over visitors and their nights spent for July, August, and September 2005. Data on the average occupancy rate of the hotels for September 2005 show a decrease of 6.2 percentage points to 69.3 percent, compared to the corresponding period a year earlier. In September 2005, cruise passenger arrivals fell by 35.4 percent, despite a 16.7 percent increase in the number of ship calls.

October 2005: The Aruba Tourism Authority has not yet published information on stay-over visitors and their nights spent on the island for July, August, September and October 2005. Data on the average occupancy rate of the hotels for October 2005 show a decrease of 4.9 percentage points to 77.8 percent, compared to the corresponding period a year earlier. In October 2005, the number of cruise passenger arrivals and ship calls both fell sharply by 38.9 percent.

Another interesting development is the decrease in cruise line passengers to Aruba. Although there have been more ships docked in Aruba, the end result is a decline in cruise passengers to Aruba.

Data on the occupancy rate for November 2006 has also not yet been published. In the month under review, the number of cruise passenger arrivals decreased by 1.8 percent, despite a 28.6 percent increase in the number of ship calls.

A drop in cruise line passengers and it doesn’t even count the loss of the ones from the Carnival Cruise ship Destiny that docked for the last time in Aruba in December 2006.

“Cruise passengers on ships of the caliber of Carnival Destiny spend an average of one-hundred dollars when they are in Aruba.  This cruise ship accommodates an average of 2000 passengers, which means a source of income of about 200.000 dollars per week years after years.”

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