Daily Commentary – Thursday, October 16, 2014 – Preview of Tonights Podcast with Blink from Blink on Crime

  • Blink will be with me discussing the Morgan Dana Harrington case and the Hannah Graham case and how the two are connected

Daily Commentary – Thursday, October 16, 2014 Download

Former Defense & CIA Director Leon Panetta Says … From Beginning, I Thought Benghazi Was a “Terrorist Attack”

Former Defense & CIA Director Leon Panetta in an interview with NBC Today stated that from the beginning, he thought the attack on the Benghazi consulate on September 11, 2012 was a “Terrorist Attack”. But of course that did not go along with Barack Obama’s reelection narrative that Al-Qaeda was on the run. Instead, Obama and his minions would blame the attack on a video. Lately, Panetta has been highly critical of Obama. It is just too bad he did not speak up or resign at the time out of principle. But as Panaetta’s buddy Hillary Clinton says, “What difference does it make?”

“You know, I didn’t have any specific information but, the fact was, when you bring grenade launchers to a demonstration there’s something else going on. And, I just from the very beginning sensed that this was an attack. This was a terrorist attack.”

Bill Maher & Ben Affleck Battle Over Radical Islam … “They Will F*cking Kill You”

Ben Affleck gets his “liberal” lunch handed to him by Bill Maher … 

Poor Ben Affleck was just a perplexed mess as for once he was not surrounded by individuals who were just there to agree with him in an echo chamber. Affleck was given a lesson into the real war on woman. However, I hardly believe that he thought such a thing would happen with his appearance with Bill Maher. Affleck had a look of disbelief when Maher said,  “It is the only religion that acts like the Mafia. They will F*cking kill you if you say the wring thing, draw the wrong picture or write the wrong book.”

It was not too long ago when Maher ripped Charlie Rose a new one and informed him that Islam was not like other religions.

The Blaze:

Affleck was noticeably uncomfortable and frustrated throughout the discussion, calling claims that there are widespread problems within the Islamic religion “racist” and “gross.” Maher said liberals should stick up for liberal principles that many in the Muslim faith do not value, such as freedom of speech and equality for women.

Later in the segment, Affleck said the United States has “killed more Muslims” than radical Islamists have killed Americans while asking Maher to lay out his solution.

“I can show you a Pew Poll of Egyptians, they are not outliers in the Muslim world that say like 90 percent of them believe that death is the appropriate response to leaving the religion,” Maher eventually responded. “If 90 percent of Brazilians thought death was the appropriate response to leaving Catholicism, you would think it was a bigger deal.”

SICK … Convicted Cop Killer Mumia Abu-Jamal Gives Graduation Speech via VIDEO at Goddard College in Vermont

What the hell ever happened to the Green mountain state of Vermont, Ethan Allen would be disgusted.

On Sunday, convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal gave a graduation speech to students at Goddard College in Plainfield, Vermont by video.  Unbelievable. Mumia Abu-Jamal is currently serving a life sentence for the 1981 shooting death and murder of Philedapphia police officer  Daniel Faulkner. It is actually the second time Abu-Jamal has spoken at graduation, but what would you expect from a liberal arts college in the People’s Republic of Vermont where this cop killer received a degree.

Maureen Faulkner, the widow of Daniel Faulkner, called choosing Abu-Jamal “despicable” and “not appropriate.” The police in Philadelphia held a silent vigil for 25 minutes Sunday to protest Mumia’s speech. As stated by Chief Inspector Anthony Boyle, “We need to demonstrate how ludicrous this is.” Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA) urged the Vermont college on Thursday to revoke its invitation to have Mumia Abu-Jamal as a commencement speaker. Michael O’Neil, the president of the Vermont Troopers’ Association also asked Goodard College to rescind Abu-Jamal invitation.

Cop Killer_mumia

VIDEO – Fox News

On Sunday, Mumia Abu-Jamal spoke by video to 20 students receiving bachelor degrees Sunday from Goddard College in Plainfield.

He told the graduates to “think about the myriad of problems that beset this land and strive to make it better.”

Abu-Jamal said Goddard reawakened his love of learning and — in his mind — allowed him to leave death row and travel the world.

The decision to allow Abu-Jamal to speak angered police and others in Vermont and Pennsylvania. Abu-Jamal was initially sentenced to death in the killing of Officer Daniel Faulkner but re-sentenced to life in 2012.

VIDEO – Oct. 5, 2014 Goddard College Commencement Speech by Mumia Abu-Jamal

Get ready for the LIBERAL double standard to allow a cop killer to speak at a commencement ceremony and call it freedom of speech. In a statement posted on the school’s website, Interim President Bob Kenny said that by selecting Abu-Jamal the students are showing “their freedom to engage and think radically and critically in a world that often sets up barriers to do just that.” REALLY? So this liberal college president celebrates the First Amendment of Freedom of Speech when it serves his radical liberal views, but has an issue with that same First Amendment when it comes to freedom of the Press as the college closed the graduation to the media after claiming it was open. Goddard College also claimed they wanted to protect the student’s privacy. Wat a bunch of gutless cowards, so brave in saying they want a cop killer as their commencement speaker, but don’t want the public to know who they are. And you wonder where gutless, double standard liberals are spawn from.

The ceremony was originally planned for 4 p.m. and media was told it was open to the public.

However, two days ago, college leaders changed the time to 1 p.m. without notifying the media.

They cited security reasons, saying they received threats this past week.

They also wanted to protect the student’s privacy.

Aaron Lewis Charged With the Capital Murder in Death of Realtor Beverly Carter, Pleads Not Guilty … Why Beverly, “She’s a Rich Broker … She was a woman who worked alone.” (VIDEO)

Why was Beverly Carter targeted according to Arron Lewis  … “She’s a Rich Broker.  She was a woman who worked alone.”

In a perp walk to a police car, when asked by reporters, why Beverly? Aaron Lewis replied, She’s a rich broker … She was a woman who worked alone.” SICK, JUST SICK. Aaron Lewis has been charged with capital murder in the death of Arkansas real estate agent  Beverly Carter.  This sick SOB targeted this hard working mom to rob her and then ultimately he murdered her. Void of any empathy, this sociopath said that he was “sorry”. I doubt it. Fire up sparky.

Ozarks First: Lewis Pleads Not Guilty to Murder of Beverly Clark

Reporter: Arron are you hurting for some reason?.
Lewis: Yeah, I got in a car wreck the other day. I haven’t been to the hospital yet.
Reporter: You pleaded not guilty. Why?
Lewis: Because that’s what my lawyer said to do.
Reporter: Did you in the courtroom originally say you wanted to get it over with, that you wanted to plead guilty?.
Lewis: Yeah
Reporter: Why?
Lewis: I just want this all over with.
Reporter: So, did your lawyer basically encourage you to plead guilty.
Lewis: I’m just sorry it all happened. I just want it all over.

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