Co-Pilot Andreas Lubitzn in Germanwings Crash Hid Medical Condition From Employer … Authorities Find Torn Up Doctors’ Notes Stating He Was Too Ill to Work, Including Day of the Plane Crash

Search of Andreas Lubitzn’s home finds doctor’s notes that he was too ill to work …

The NY Times is reporting that Andreas Lubitzn, the co-pilot who deliberately crashed Germanwings flight 9525 into the French Alps on Tuesday killing all aboard, had been given a mental health diagnosis but kept the condition hidden from his employer. Prosecutors said on Friday that among the items found at Mr. Lubitz’s home were several doctors’ notes stating that he was too ill to work, including on the day of the crash; one of the notes had been torn up.

Isn’t this special. We have an individual who received a doctor’s note that says he is too ill to work; however, the employer does not get the same.

Investigators probe Germanwings co-pilot Andreas Lubitz’s background

Andreas Lubitz, the pilot who flew a Germanwings jetliner into the French Alps on Tuesday, had been given a mental health diagnosis but kept the condition hidden from his employer, the authorities said Friday.

A psychiatric diagnosis might explain why Mr. Lubitz, a 27-year-old German, did not disclose his full medical record to Germanwings and its parent company, Lufthansa. Certain diagnoses are grounds for a pilot’s license to be revoked.

Prosecutors said on Friday that among the items found at Mr. Lubitz’s home were several doctors’ notes stating that he was too ill to work, including on the day of the crash; one of the notes had been torn up. These documents “support the preliminary assessment that the deceased hid his illness from his employer and colleagues,” the prosecutors said in a statement.

Body of 17 Year Old Alexis Marie Garcia Missing Since 3/1/15 Found in Blount County, AL (Samantha Wright & Shannon Yager Charged with Murder)

The body of 17 year old  Alexis Marie Garcia was found Thursday in Blount County, Alabama. Her body was located in a wooded area off Tucker Mountain Road in Remlap. According to reports, she was found face down and  partially nude with no pants, underwear, socks or shoes. Garcia was reported missing March 5, 2015 by her mother; however, she was last seen on March 1. Garcia was the victim of a brutal beating death at the hands of one of her best friends and her friend’s 39 year old boyfriend. 18 year old  Samantha Wright of Helena and 39 year old Shannon Yager of Locust Fork have been charged with capital murder in the course of a robbery and kidnapping.

Alexis Garcia_missing

Alexis Marie Garcia

The body of a 17-year-old missing Birmingham girl was found in Blount County Thursday, face down and partially nude in an area off of Tucker Mountain Road in Remlap.

Alexis Marie Garcia was last seen March 1 and reported missing by her mother several days later. Now, authorities say, Garcia was the victim of a brutal beating death at the hands of one of her best friends and her friend’s 39-year-old boyfriend.

Samantha Wright, 18, of Helena, and Shannon Yager of Locust Fork, are charged with capital murder, Blount County District Attorney Pamela Casey announced this morning. The capital charge stems from Garcia being killed in the course of a robbery and kidnapping.

Samantha Jo Wright_Shannon Bee Yager Murder

Samantha Wright  & Shannon Yager

Missing Birmingham teen found dead in Remlap; 2 charged with capital murder:

According to court documents, on March 9, Blount County Sheriff’s Office investigator Scott Kanaday received a call from Wright’s father, saying she had called him and said she woke up in a room and was covered in blood. Wright told her father she didn’t know where she was because she had blacked out.

Wright told her father that she, Yager and Garcia had been walking through the woods and she believed something bad had happened to Garcia, and that she no longer knew her or Yager’s whereabouts.

On March 15, Deputy Mark Moon went to a Locust Fork home and again was told that two juveniles had information about Garcia’s disappearance. Garcia’s mother had told sheriff’s investigators there were some juveniles in Blount County with information about the case, according to court documents.

Court documents show that a 14-year-old and 13-year-old told Moon that Wright told them she had done something she was possibly going to regret — that she had possibly killed someone. Wright told them Garcia had gotten naked in the back of her car and was making advances toward Yager. Wright said she got mad and beat Garcia unconscious, court documents show.

During the interview with investigators, Wright admitted that she was wearing Garcia’s jeans and shoes.

Garcia’s body was discovered Thursday off Tucker Mountain Road. The affidavit states she was face down, and her body was partially nude with no pants, underwear, socks or shoes.

Former Rap Mogul Marion “Suge” Knight Collapses in Court After Bail Hearing

Marion “Suge” Knight collapsed in a courtroom Friday after a judge ordered him held on $25 million bail in a murder case. “Suge” Knight, the 49-year-old co-founder of Death Row Records, has pleaded not guilty to murder, attempted murder and hit-and-run charges.  Knight was arrested in January 2015 on suspicion of murder after he allegedly ran over two men with his truck following an argument on a film set in Compton, California.

Dr Evil

25 million dollars

Former rap music mogul Marion “Suge” Knight collapsed in a courtroom Friday shortly after a judge ordered him held on $25 million bail in a murder case.

Bailiffs cleared the courtroom, paramedics arrived with a stretcher a few minutes later and an ambulance was seen leaving the courthouse.

Defense attorney Matthew Fletcher said Knight was unconscious when the lawyer left the courtroom and an update on his condition was not immediately available.

Fletcher said his client, who is diabetic and has a blood clot, previously told him that he hadn’t received any medication since Thursday.

Knight hit his head on a chair when he fell after the bail hearing, Fletcher said.

Hell, I think I  would pass out too if a judge ordered bail at $25 million.

ISIS Killing Muslims: Bombings: 137 People Killed & 345 Injured in Quadruple Suicide Bombings At a Pair of Mosques in Sanaa, Yemen


The BBC is reporting that hundreds are dead and even more injured after multiple suicide bombs ripped through two mosques during Friday prayer in the capital city of Sanaa, Yemen. ISIS is taking credit for the bombings saying in a statement that the terror attacks were carried out by IS in Yemen.  ISIS called these attacks, “a tip of an iceberg.” Yemen is in complete and total chaos. Wasn’t it Obama that was just touting Yemen as one of his shining successes? Typical.

Suicide bombers have attacked two mosques in Yemen’s capital, Sanaa, killing at least 126 people and wounding many others, reports say.

Worshippers were attending noon prayers at the Badr and al-Hashoosh mosques when at least four attackers struck.

The mosques are used mainly by supporters of the Zaidi Shia-led Houthi rebel movement, which controls Sanaa.

Islamic State (IS), which set up a branch in Yemen in November, said it was behind the attacks.

A statement from the group was published on Twitter accounts known as reliable sources for IS propaganda. If confirmed, the attacks would be the first carried out by IS in Yemen.



The Sunni terror group ISIS purportedly claimed it committed Friday’s bombings that killed scores of people at two mosques frequented by Shiite rebels in Yemen’s capital — an attack that would mark ISIS’s first large-scale attack in the Arabian Peninsula country.

At least 137 people were killed and 357 wounded when suicide bombers, pretending to be disabled and hiding explosives under casts, attacked the mosques in Sanaa, according to Yemen’s state-run Saba news agency.

It would also illustrate a seemingly expanding focus for ISIS, which controls parts of Syria and Iraq and earlier this week claimed responsibility for Wednesday’s killings of tourists at a museum in Tunisia.

Regardless, Friday’s attacks marked one of the worst days of recent violence during a complicated struggle for control of Yemen, where Houthi rebels — Shiites in a predominantly Sunni country — already faced resistance from AQAP and from supporters of ousted President Abdu Rabu Mansour Hadi.

UPDATE I: Yemen mosque bombings: ‘Blood was running like a river.’

Many of the worshippers in the mosques were supporters of the Shia Houthi fighters who control the capital, and responsibility for the carnage was claimed by Isis which regards all Shia as heretics – though it was impossible to immediately verify this and some analysts were sceptical. The final death toll was uncertain last night, with sources giving varying accounts, at least one putting it at 137 with a further 350 people injured. But the authorities warned that with so many of the wounded suffering critical injuries the toll is sure to rise.

After the blasts the wounded were loaded on the back of pick-up trucks and were taken to hospitals where, as they waited for treatment, they lay side by side with the dead. Among the dead was, according to Al Jazeera and Houthi-owned television, the imam of the Badr mosque, the prominent Houthi cleric al-Murtada bin Zayd al-Mahatwari.

VIDEO – AP: ISIS killing other Muslims in Yemen

And Barack Obama is too busy trying to determine if he can salvage his March Madness NCAA brackets.

Robert “Jason” Owens Charged with the Murder of Missing 38 Year Old ‘Food Network Star’ Contestant Cristie Schoen Codd & her Husband 45 Year Old Joseph “JT” Codd Buncombe County, NC

36 year old Robert “Jason” Owens has been charged with the murder of 38 year old Cristie Schoen Codd and her husband 45 year old Joseph “JT” Codd. Cristie Schoen Codd and Joseph “JT” Codd have been missing since Sunday, March 15, 2015. Cristie Codd was also reported to be five months pregnant. Cristie Codd was a competitor on season 8 of Food Network Star on the Food Network. Robert Jason Owens was charged with first degree murder of the couple on Tuesday, as well as breaking and entering, and larceny after breaking and entering charges. . He was also charged with the murder of the couple’s unborn child.

His arrest warrant states that Owens “unlawfully, willfully and feloniously did of malice afterthought kill and murder” Cristie and J.T. Codd and their unborn child, ABC 13 reports. Owens was also accused of stealing a laptop computer, jewelry, and a handgun from the couple’s home.

Cristie and J.T. Codd_Buncombe County Sheriff's Office

 Cristie Schoen Codd & Joseph “JT” Codd

FOX – Carolina:

A man who was the suspect in an unsolved missing persons’ case in Buncombe County has been charged with murder in the disappearance of a Leicester husband and wife that were expecting their first child later this year, according to deputies with the Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office.

Cristie Schoen Codd, 38, and her husband Joseph “JT” Codd, 45 were reported missing by family members on Sunday, March 15, deputies said. Family members said Cristie Codd was five months pregnant.

Deputies discovered the couple’s vehicles at their residence along with their two dogs, but the couple was nowhere to be found.

Robert Jason Owens

Robert “Jason” Owens

Family members said the home did not “look right.”

On Monday, deputies began an extensive search around the Codds’ property and in the surrounding neighborhood.

By Monday night, a deputies had taped off the area surrounding the home of Robert “Jason” Owens, 36, on Owens Cove Road. Flood lights illuminated the yard as detectives snapped photos of the property and went in and out of the home. Owen’s home stands about a half mile from the Codd’s residence.

Owen was later taken into custody and his truck was towed from the home.

On Tuesday morning, deputies confirmed that Owens had been charged with two counts of first degree murder, one count of murder of an unborn child, breaking and entering, and larceny after breaking and entering.

Arrest warrants state that Owens “unlawfully, willfully and feloniously did of malice afterthought kill and murder” Cristie and JT Codd and their unborn child on March 12.

Deputies said Owens was also a suspect in the January 2000 disappearance of Asheville teenager Zeb Quinn.

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