The Family of Kate Steinle Files Lawsuit Against U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement

The family of deceased Kate Steinle has filed a federal lawsuit against U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The suit, which seeks unspecified damages, names the city and county of San Francisco, former county Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi and the United States “for their failures to perform mandatory duties and/or for the unconstitutional and/or negligent acts and/or omissions of their officers, officials, agents and/or employees.” Kate Steinle was shot to death by 45-year-old Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez -on a San Francisco pier last summer. Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez is an undocumented immigrant illegal alien and a repeat felon who has been deported five times to Mexico.

Kate Steinle

The fatal shooting of Kate Steinle on a San Francisco pier last summer — allegedly at the hands of an undocumented immigrant deported five times from the United States — became a focal point of an angry national debate over illegal immigration.

On Friday, her family filed a federal lawsuit against U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, San Francisco County’s former sheriff, the federal Bureau of Land Management and the man who allegedly fired the deadly shot.

“Kate’s death was both foreseeable and preventable had the law enforcement agencies, officials and/or officers involved simply followed the laws, regulations and/or procedures which they swore to uphold,” the lawsuit said.

On the evening of July 1, 2015, Steinle was walking on a busy pier of the Embarcadero with her father when there was a single popping sound in the air. The 32-year-old medical device sales representative was shot in the chest, a bullet piercing her aorta, according to the lawsuit.
Her father, James, held her in his arms. “Help me Daddy,” were her last words to him, the lawsuit said. She died later at a hospital.

I so hope the family of Kate Steinle wins this lawsuit against San Francisco for their “sanctuary city” policies!!!

Body Found in Farmersville, TX could be Missing Richardson Woman Jessie Bardwell


Richardson police have found  body in an isolated part of Collin County, Texas  Thursday evening in a heavily-wooded area along County Road 551 near Farmersville. The body was transferred to a medical examiner’s office to be positively identified; however, it is believed that this is Jessie Bardwell. Members of her family will be providing DNA. Jessie Bardwell has been missing for 10 days. She went missing on Mother’s Day. Her boyfriend, Jason Lowe, has already been charged with her murder based on blood and other evidence found in his muddy SUV in his garage.

Tips in the case of a missing woman led police to a body in an isolated part of Collin County.

Richardson police found the body Thursday evening in a heavily-wooded area along County Road 551 near Farmersville.

The discovery came as police worked tips in the Jessie Bardwell case. Electronic data from a car computer and a cellphone led them to the spot in Farmersville.

“This is not something you come across every day in a rural area. It’s something that may have been there for several days, maybe even weeks. And so certain expertise was required to handle this crime scene and we wanted to make sure that we had the best available to handle it,” said Sgt. Kevin Perlich, with the Richardson Police Department.

Bardwell has been missing for 10 days. She went missing on Mother’s Day and her boyfriend, Jason Lowe, is facing a murder charge based on blood and other evidence found in his muddy SUV in his garage.

Jury Selection to Begin in Ex-Cop Drew Peterson’s Murder-For-Hire Trial


Jury selection is set to begin for Drew Peterson and his murder for hire case where Peterson, the former Bollingbrook police officer and now convicted felon, is accused of plotting to kill the prosecutor who put him behind bars in his third wife’s death. Peterson pleaded not guilty to charges that he enlisted another inmate between September 2013 and December 2014 to help plan the death of Will County State’s Attorney James Glasgow. The prosecutor was responsible for putting Peterson behind bars in the death of his third wife, Kathleen Savio. The 62 year old Peterson is currently serving a 38-year-sentence at the maximum security Menard Correctional Center. Peterson also remains a suspect in the disappearance his fourth wife, Stacy Peterson.

Drew Peterson2

Jury selection is set to begin in the murder-for-hire trial of Drew Peterson, the former suburban Chicago police officer accused of plotting to kill the prosecutor who put him behind bars in his third wife’s death.

The process will start Friday in Randolph County in southern Illinois, where Peterson, 62, is serving a 38-year-sentence at the maximum security Menard Correctional Center. Opening arguments are scheduled to start Monday, with the trial anticipated to last at least one week.

The Illinois Attorney General’s Office and the Randolph County state’s attorney are prosecuting the case against Peterson, who faces a sentence of up to 60 years if convicted of solicitation of murder for hire along with solicitation of murder.

Peterson has pleaded not guilty to charges that he enlisted another inmate between September 2013 and December 2014 to help plan the death of Will County State’s Attorney James Glasgow, who is among the state’s likely witnesses. Glasgow has previously declined to discuss the alleged threats.

Scared Monkeys Forum – Drew Peterson

Squadron Member Speaks Out on Stalled Benghazi Response … ‘We Could Have Been There’

From FOX News comes the following new witness recounting the night of the Benghazi terror attacks that left four Americans dead, including Ambassador Chris Stevens. As the Benghazi consulate was under fire on September 11, 2012, hundreds of miles away an Air Force squadron answered the call. Its members raced to arm and ready their aircraft to provide the support those on the ground desperately needed. The order never came.

Honestly, this is one of the most despicable and negligent military reactions to Americans in harms way in history. The only acts that may be more despicable and cowardice is the coverup that has occurred since to protect politicians like Obama and Hillary Clinton. The Obama administration waited and waited and waited and did nothing. Then they blamed it all on a film maker. This one act alone should disqualify Hillary Clinton, then Secretart of State, from ever being President of the United States and Commander in Chief.


Click here to watch VIDEO via FOX News

His squadron got the alert: a “real world mission was going down.”

The team – at Aviano Air Base in northeastern Italy – raced to the field and was briefed, as planes were armed and prepared to launch. Hundreds of miles away, fellow Americans were under attack in Benghazi.

“There were people everywhere,” said the witness, who was on the ground that night but wished to remain anonymous. “That flight line was full of people, and we were all ready to go” to Benghazi.

Only they were waiting for the order. It never came.

“The whole night we were told that we are waiting on a call,” he told Fox News.


This account is from a squadron member at Aviano the night of the Sept. 11, 2012, terror attack in Benghazi. The source, the first in his squadron to speak out publicly since that attack, is going public to explain – in his view – that more could have been done to save Americans under attack that night.

He asked that his identity be protected for fear of retribution. He says others in his squadron also have wanted to talk about Benghazi from the beginning, but no others have been interviewed and all are afraid of the potential backlash from speaking out.

The new witness who had to have his identity protected for fear of retribution stated that his squadron could have helped. Although they may not have been able to have helped Ambassador Chris Stevens and information officer Sean Smith were killed in the initial attack on the main compound, they could have saved Former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were killed in that second wave, some 7 to 9 hours later.

“I’m not trying to give away any type of [information] that could ever harm the military,” the source told Fox News. “That is never my plan. I feel that some things need to come to light.”

Namely, he said, that a team was ready to go that night to help protect Americans under fire in Benghazi – an account that runs counter to multiple official reports, including from a House committee, a timeline provided by the military and the controversial State Department Accountability Review Board investigation, which concluded the interagency response to Benghazi was “timely and appropriate.”

The source said: “I definitely believe that our aircraft could have taken off and gotten there in a timely manner, maybe three hours at the most, in order to at least stop that second mortar attack … and basically save lives that day.”

Former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were killed in that second wave. Ambassador Chris Stevens and information officer Sean Smith were killed in the initial attack on the main compound.

“We could have been there. That’s the worst part,” the source said.

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