90 Homicides in Chicago Make August 2016 the City’s Deadliest Month in 20 Years


As Barack Obama golfed on vacation in Martha’s Vineyard, the city of Chicago witnessed its deadliest month in 20 years. Chicago had 90 homicides last month, compared to 54 in 2015. Shootings up, homicides up, crime up in the city that Barack Obama calls his home. A city that has been under failed Democrat rule and policies for decades. The 90 killed in August brings the murder count in Chicago to 483 for the year so far, which is more than the combined total in Los Angeles and New York City, which have seen a total of 393 murders. And where is Black Lives Matters?  I guess these killings don’t count because they do not fit their narrative that police are killing blacks. Sadly, Chicago garnered nation’s attention last week when Nykea Aldridge, the cousin of Chicago Bulls star Dwyane Wade and a mother of four, was killed while pushing a stroller in Woodlawn. But in typical fashion all the MSM could do was focus on a tweet by Donald Trump, rather than the “killing fields” that are going on in Chicago.

Crime Scene

August 2016 saw the most homicides in a single month in Chicago in 20 years, according to newly released statistics from the Chicago Police Department.

The city saw 90 homicide victims last month compared with 54 killed in the city during the same period in 2015, city records show.

Last month saw a total of 384 shooting incidents and 472 shooting victims, police said. There were 217 nonfatal shootings in August 2015.

The 90 people killed in August 2016 is the highest number of homicides in a single month in Chicago since August 1996, according to police records.

Through Aug. 31, Chicago had recorded 467 homicides, according to CPD, putting the city on pace for 700 by year’s end. Chicago has not seen more than 600 homicides in a year since 2003 and not more than 700 homicides since 1998, records show.

Police said murder arrests have increased by 18 percent and gun arrests have increased by 5 percent compared to August 2015.

More than 200 people, mostly documented gang members, were arrested last month in enforcement missions targeting individuals “who contribute to the cycle of violence in some neighborhoods,” according to police.

I have always wondered why inner city gang violence was not handled in the same manner as terrorism. Some one needs to tell me what the difference is? Flush out the evil, the drugs and the crime, make it possible for children to get an education in a decent school (yes that means vouchers) and provide a path where a generation of children can break this sick cycle. How is it that no one has stepped up to the plate and dome this? Instead, the same party has been in power forever, with failed liberal policies and just allows the criminal element to fester in the inner cities. Before the United States decides to take in any more immigrants and refugees, maybe we might want to get our own house in order first.

Posted September 2, 2016 by
Crime, Homicide, Main, Murder | one comment

Parents of Sean Smith and Tyrone Woods Murdered in Benghazi Sue Hillary Clinton for Wrongful Death & Defamation


The parents of Sean Smith and Tyrone Woods, who were killed in the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, have sued Hillary Clinton for wrongful death and defamation. Hillary Clinton was the Secretary of State when the United States Consulate was attacked. A terror attack that Hillary Clinton and other Obama mouth pieces blamed on a video tape. Hillary lied to the American people and the families of those murdered. Hillary Clinton had continually turned down requests to beef up security ahead of the attacks. Requests that went unheard. Patricia Smith, mother of Benghazi victim Sean Smith stated at the RNC,  “If Hillary Clinton cannot give us the truth, why would we give her the presidency?” The case was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia by Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch USA on behalf of Patricia Smith, the mother of Sean Smith, and Charles Woods, the father of Tyrone Woods, for allegedly wrongfully causing the death of their sons as well as for defamation and intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress.

Sorry America, Hillary Clinton is not presidential material. She had her moment to be presidential and her 3 o’ clock phone call and she failed miserably.

 Mother of Sean Smith Speaks Out Against Hillary Clinton at RNC

The parents of two Americans killed in the 2012 terrorist attacks on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi, Libya, filed a wrongful death lawsuit in federal court Monday against Hillary Clinton.

In the suit, Patricia Smith and Charles Woods, the parents of Sean Smith and Tyrone Woods, claim that Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server contributed to the attacks. They also accuse her of defaming them in public statements.

Smith was an information management officer and Woods was a security officer, both stationed in Benghazi.

“The Benghazi attack was directly and proximately caused, at a minimum by defendant Clinton’s ‘extreme carelessness’ in handling confidential and classified information,” such as the location of State Department employees in Libya, the lawsuit said.

In an interview last week on “Fox News Sunday,” Clinton denied telling family members of those killed that the attack was sparked by an anti-Islam video, and was not terrorism. Oh really, so Hillary is calling a Gold Star parent a liar? Where is the MSM covering that like they did Trump?

Missing 27 Year Old Jogger Vanessa Marcotte Found Dead in Princeton, MA


27 year-old Vanessa Marcotte was last seen 1 p.m. Sunday, August 7, 2016 when she went for a run in Princeton, Mass. Sadly, the Mass. State Police K-9 unit found her body about a half mile from her mother’s house. Marcotte was found with burns on her head and feet.  NewsCenter 5 reported that it was not immediately clear if Marcotte was assaulted, but she was naked. Obviously the savage who did this was looking to erase any evidence by burning her body. Maybe we can do the same to the individual responsible for this heinous crime.

Say a prayer for the family during this difficult time.

Vanessa Marcotte

A New York City woman visiting family in Princeton was found dead after going jogging, according to Mass. State Police.

Police said 27-year-old Vanessa Marcotte was last seen 1 p.m. Sunday when she went for a run. A Mass. State Police K-9 unit found her body about a half mile from her mother’s house.

A source told FOX25 that Marcotte was found with burns on her head and feet. Investigators are examining the possibility that Marcotte was sexually assaulted and then set on fire.

Cops: Woman missing after jog found slain in Massachusetts.

After a search with K-9s by Princeton and state police, crews found the woman slain Sunday night in a heavily wooded area about a half mile from her mother’s home, reports CBS Boston. Investigators believe the woman was killed sometime between 1 p.m. that day — when she left her mother’s home– and 4 p.m.

There’s no word on Marcotte’s cause of death or a possible suspect.

Officials say they don’t know whether the crime was a random one. They’re asking residents to be careful and to jog or walk in pairs.

“Right now we have an active homicide investigation going on, you can’t be too careful,” Worcester District Attorney Joseph Early, Jr. said in a press conference Monday.

The murder comes less than a week after another young woman, Karina Vetrano, 30, was slain while jogging in Queens, New York. Police in New York City say they believe the crime is random, and are still searching for her killer.

Anyone with information is urged to call Massachusetts State Police at 508-453-7589.

LONDON TERROR: One American Woman Dead & Five Injured in Russell Square Stabbing Rampage


A Somali teenager has been arrested on suspicion of murder after a woman was stabbed to death and five people injured in an attack in central London.

Police originally said terrorism could not be ruled out but later said they had “not found any evidence of radicalisation or anything that would suggest the man in our custody was motivated by terrorism.” However, later they called the incident a “random attack” with mental health issues at the heart of it.

The 19-year-old Norwegian, of Somali origin, was Tasered by police outside the Imperial Hotel, in Southampton Row.

He was initially in hospital under armed guard but was this morning moved to a police station and arrested on suspicion of murder, police confirmed.

Norway’s foreign ministry said the teen emigrated from the Scandanavian country to Britain in 2002 when he was five years old.

The American woman, in her 60s, was treated at the scene but she died a short time later.

Five people – two women and three men – were taken to hospital for their injuries.

None of their injuries are life-threatening, police said.

They are British, Israeli and Australian citizens.

Matthew Barzun, US Ambassador to the UK, tweeted: “Heartbreaking news that a US citizen was killed in #RussellSquare attack.

“My prayers are with all the victims and their loved ones.”

Man Held After London Knife Attack That Killed an American.

The woman who was killed was an American citizen, and the five wounded people, two women and three men, included citizens of Australia, Britain, Israel and the United States, Mr. Rowley said. All were hospitalized, but three were treated and released. Officials at the United States Embassy in London would not identify the victim, but Ambassador Matthew Barzun expressed his condolences on Twitter.

30 Year Old Missing Jogger Karina Vetrano Found Dead Near her Queens, NY Home … Investigators Believe She was Sexually Assaulted & Murdered

Karina Vetrano, a 30-year-old jogger who was reported missing by her dad Tuesday afternoon was found dead in a marsh off the Belt Parkway less than half a mile away from her Queens, New York home.  Vetrano was found in the marshes near 161st Ave. and 78th St. in Howard Beach, Queens. The father, a retired FDNY official, set out with the search party. He, along with police, ultimately discovered his daughter’s body.

Katrina Vetrano

A 30-year-old jogger reported missing by her dad Tuesday afternoon was found dead in a marsh off the Belt Parkway less than half a mile away from her Queens home — and investigators believe she was murdered, police sources said.

Karina Vetrano was discovered deep in the marshes near 161st Ave. and 78th St. in Howard Beach late Tuesday, after cops conducted a massive search for her. Her pants had been pulled down and cops believe she was strangled and sexually assaulted, police sources said.

Cops found her cell phone near a bike path and discovered her body closer to the shoreline.

The city Medical Examiner will conduct an autopsy to determine how she was killed.

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