Obama Being Ripped by the LEFT, Michael Moore & Louis Farrakhan for Military Action Against Libya

Is Barack Obama trying to become a wartime GWB President?

One had to wonder what the far LEFT’s reaction would be to their President becoming a military initiating President. Barack Obama was the same person who as a candidate stated he would get the US out of war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Now Obama has implicated the US in a new military action in Libya. Is the LEFT going to call this Obama’s war for oil?

Pic Hat Tip: AWD

It did not take long after the 100′s of tomahawk missiles were shot into Libya for anti-war film maker and Leftist Michael Moore to rip Obama a new one. As reported at The Hill, Moore unleashed a string on tweets comparing the U.S. military’s mission in Libya to Iraq and Afghanistan. Don Suber has much more reaction of the LEFT of Obama’s imperialism and illegal war.

It’s only cause we’re defending the Libyan people from a tyrant! That’s why we bombed the Saudis last wk! Hahaha. Pentagon=comedy
And we always follow the French’s lead! Next thing you know, we’ll have free health care & free college! Yay war!
We’ve had a “no-fly zone” over Afghanistan for over 9 yrs. How’s that going? #WINNING !
Khadaffymust’ve planned 9/11! #excuses
Khadaffymust’ve had WMD! #excusesthatwork
Khadaffymust’ve threatened to kill somebody’s daddy! #daddywantedjeb

I will give Michael Moore credit, where credit is due … at least Moore is not being a hypocrit. Did I just say that? Moore’ss tirade against Obama and also stating that Obama should return his 2009 Nobel Peace prize.

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US Launches Tomahawk Cruise Missiles Against Muammar Gaddafi’s Air Defenses

And so it begins … The Pentagon has dubbed the mission, Operation Odyssey Dawn.

Shock & Awe has began, this time Libya is on the receiving end of the tomahawk missiles. United States and British forces have fired more than 110 Tomahawk cruise missiles into Libya against Muammar Gaddafi’s air defences targeting more than 20 locations. Most of the missiles targeted the coast of Western Libya and extending between Tripoli and Benghazi. There are up to date accounts reported at tyhe UK Telegraph.


A top officer confirmed on Saturday that the missile strikes after President Barack Obama said he had ordered “limited military action” to support a UN resolution backing armed intervention against Gaddafi’s regime.

Admiral William Gortney told reporters that “earlier this afternoon over 110 Tomahawk cruise missiles fired from both US and British ships and submarines struck more than 20 integrated air defence systems and other air defence facilities ashore.”

In the wake of the cruise missile attacks Muammar Gaddafi remained defiant and threatened further attacks against civilians. As reported at CNN, Gadhafi said Libya will fight back against undeserved “naked aggression.”

Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi remains defiant as the U.S. and its allies launched its first attacks against military targets in Libya Saturday.

Qaddafi threatened to attack military and civilian targets in the Mediterranean in retaliation of international coalition strikes on Libya.

UPDATE I: From the NRO, Obama and his minions like Sec. of State Hillary Clinton continue to apologize for the US even in a time of war and going after a crazed terrorist dog like Gaddafi. Why would anyone say that a

CNN’s Ed Henry reports from an administration official that the Pentagon is planning for “heavy, kinetic action” on the part of U.S. forces, lasting “days, not weeks.”

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton seemed to underscore that point:

“We did not lead this. We did not engage in unilateral actions in any way, but we strongly support the international community taking action against governments and leaders who behave as Gaddafi is unfortunately doing,” Clinton said.

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