Hillary Clinton Backer Urges Pulling Gloria Steinem & Madeleine Albright From Campaigning … Hillary’s War on Women … Next Up, Pander to Minorities

Hillary Clinton feeling the backlash from old, out of touch feminist comments …

Just how unlikable is Hillary Clinton and how bad is her message to the electorate, she is even driving women away from her campaign. Following the ridiculous and ill-advised comments from former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Gloria Steinem, Clinton is now being begged by supporters to pull both Albright and Steinem from the campaign trail and shut them up. Let us not forget that Hillary Clinton laughed hysterically at Albright’s comment that, “There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other!”

Hillary Clinton has actually done the unthinkable, she has even managed to drive women away from her campaign. Just how bad a candidate is she? But of course, she is the victim.

Days after two of Hillary Clinton’s most prominent female surrogates, Madeleine K. Albright and Gloria Steinem, drew fire for their comments about young women supporting Senator Bernie Sanders, another Clinton surrogate proposed that the two women be pulled from campaigning for Mrs. Clinton.

On a conference call with elected officials supporting Mrs. Clinton on Tuesday, Deb Goldberg, the Massachusetts state treasurer, suggested that Ms. Albright and Ms. Steinem be “kept away” from Mrs. Clinton’s campaign, according to a person briefed on the call who could only discuss the private conversations without attribution.

Christina Reynolds, a spokeswoman for the Clinton campaign who was on the call, replied that she appreciated the feedback but did not elaborate on how the campaign would handle the two high-profile supporters, who in recent days called for young women to basically grow up and support Mrs. Clinton.

The dust-up began on Saturday when Ms. Albright, 78, the first female secretary of state, criticized Mr. Sanders’s “revolution” and said electing the first woman as president would be the real revolution. She then repeated one of her best-known phrases, telling the crowd, “There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other!”

Ms. Steinem, 81, and an iconic spokeswoman of the feminist movement, told the talk-show host Bill Maher that young women supported Mr. Sanders to attract the attention of boys.

“When you’re young, you’re thinking: ‘Where are the boys? The boys are with Bernie,” Ms. Steinem said.

The end result of this pathetically run campaign … a tie in Iowa, which many individuals believe Sanders probably won, and a devastating 22 point defeat in New Hampshire. This morning the Clinton Machine wakes up to evaluate the train wreck and last nights devastating loss to a 74 year old socialist where Hillary Clinton lost every voting demographic except the +65 crowd. Sorry, but this is just downright embarrassing that a woman who’s entire life has been based upon her running for president and 2016 is looking a lot like 2008. So now it appears that she can no longer count on the women vote … she will pander to the minorities instead.

Actor Danny DeVito Says Regarding Oscars Diversity Controversy: “We Are A Bunch Of Racists” … “It’s Unfortunate that the Entire Country is a Racist country.” (VIDEO)


While at the Sundance Film Festival this weekend, which is nothing more than life styles of the rich and Hollywood famous, Danny DeVito weighed in on the lack of diversity in the entertainment industry and stated, that the lack of diversity in Hollywood and subsequently in awards-recognized films to systemic racism, and “it’s unfortunate that the entire country is a racist country.”

Sorry you imp, but it is your industry that is racist, not the entire country. No way in hell does Hollywood represent the entire country. It is your little fiefdom that is racist and either does not give actors of color roles or nominate them for awards. Don’t go blaming this on everyone. And since you are apart of Hollywood, you are to blame as well. BTW you little troll, have another drink.

It’s rather remarkable that a liberal elite would say something is racism and blame it on everyone when its his little elite crowd that is the bastion of racism.

While on the scene at the Sundance Film Festival this weekend, Danny DeVito took a moment to comment on the tinderbox subject diversity in the entertainment industry, and the actor-producer didn’t mince words at all. Bluntly attributing the lack of diversity in Hollywood and subsequently in awards-recognized films to systemic racism, he said that “it’s unfortunate that the entire country is a racist country.” He also noted that it’s just one instance in which “even though some people have given really great performances in movies, they weren’t even thought about. We’re living in a country that discriminates, and has certain racist tendencies.” He goes on from there, and you can watch the whole thing above.

Daily Commentary – Thursday, December 31, 2015 – They Say The Minority Vote Will Be Important In This Next Election

  • According to a new WND/Clout poll, Donald Trump is doing well with minorities!

Daily Commentary – Thursday, December 31, 2015 Download

Barack Obama, The Poverty President … 3 Million More Children in Poverty Under Obama


Since Barack Obama has become president, 3 million more children live in poverty, including an amazing number of black children. So much for the first black president changing the conditions for black American children, instead he has made matters worse. This is simply criminal, especially as this president has caused division among the races and promoted class warfare. Yet, Obama has done nothing to help the poor and those in poverty, even with his redistribution of wealth. There is a reason why Obama is known as the food stamp president. This is a kin to child abuse. Imagine what the MSM news headlines would be if a white Republican president had resided under such conditions for black and Hispanic children? Obama is simply an epic failure and will go down as the worst president in history.

But blacks and Hispanics continue to vote For Democrats in droves as their lives are made more miserable by their liberal agenda. If this same data occurred during the presidency of a Republican the media would be asking, why does the GOP hate children.

Poverty_children 2013

Ever since President Obama took office, the poverty rate among children has soared to 22 percent, with three million more children living in poor conditions, according to an authoritative new report released Tuesday.

The 2015 “KIDS COUNT” report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation said that the percentage of children living in poverty jumped from 18 percent in 2008, the year Obama was elected, to 22 percent in 2013. It added that the rate dropped from 2012 to 2013, in line with the improving economy.

The child poverty rate among African Americans (39 percent) was more than double the rate for non-Hispanic whites (14 percent) in 2013.

• In 2013, three in 10 children (22.8 million) lived in families where no parent had full-time, year-round employment. Since 2008, the number of such children climbed by nearly 2.7 million.

• Roughly half of all American Indian children (50 percent) and African-American children (48 percent) had no parent with full-time, year-round employment in 2013, compared with 37 percent of Latino children, 24 percent of non-Hispanic white children and 23 percent of Asian and Pacific Islander children.”

More from USA Today ... So much for the war on poverty.

“The fact that it’s happening is disturbing on lots of levels,” said Laura Speer, the associate director for policy reform and advocacy at the Casey Foundation, a non-profit based in Baltimore. “Those kids often don’t have the access to the things they need to thrive.” The foundation says its mission is to help low-income children in the U.S. by providing grants and advocating for policies that promote economic opportunity.

The report examined data from several federal agencies ranging from 2008 to 2013 to assess state-by-state trends of 16 factors of children’s well-being, including economics, education, health and family and community. It found that one in four children — a total of 18.7 million kids — lived in low-income households in 2013; low-income families were defined as those who use more than 30% of their pre-tax income for housing.

The report also examined racial disparities between children living in low-income households. Black, Hispanic and American Indian children were more than twice as likely to live in poverty than white children, the report said.

NYPD Chief Bill Bratton says Hiring Black Officers is Difficult: They Cant Pass Background Checks Because “So Many Have Spent Time in Jail”


New York police commissioner Bill Bratton made a rather interesting comment when asked why more minorities are not hired as police officers to have police forces more resemble their minority neighborhoods and municipalities they serve. In a Guardian report, Bratton’s response was that too many non-white police recruits cannot pass the background checks and restrictions to the job because they have spent time in jail. in other words, convicted felons are automatically disqualified from the NYPD applicant pool, as well as anyone guilty of a domestic violence charge or who has been dishonorably discharged from the military. Bratton suggested that the stop and frisk program was to blame. Really, when did Bratton become such a liberal tool?

So what a are we supposed to do, lower the bar and allow felons to become police officers? I guess they would already know they law of the land of the jails, (sarcasm intended).

Bill Bratton

Hiring more non-white officers is difficult because so many would-be recruits have criminal records, the New York police commissioner, Bill Bratton, has said.

Police departments, responding to widespread protests against several high-profile police killings of black men, are boosting efforts to recruit more non-white officers. But budget restrictions, strained relations between police and minority communities and, according to Bratton, a history of indiscriminate policing tactics that disproportionately target black and Latino men complicate the department’s goal of racial parity.

Bratton blamed the “unfortunate consequences” of an explosion in “stop, question and frisk” incidents that caught many young men of color in the net by resulting in them being given a summons for a minor misdemeanor. As a result, Bratton said, the “population pool [of eligible non-white officers] is much smaller than it might ordinarily have been”.

UPDATE I: But speaking to CBS2, Bratton said, “We are making a mountain out of a mole hill. The Guardian report was incorrect and we are demanding a retraction.”

Bratton was quoted as blaming the “unfortunate consequences” of an explosion in stop and frisk incidents.

He also blamed a strained relationship between police and minority communities.

But speaking to CBS2, Bratton said, “We are making a mountain out of a mole hill. The Guardian report was incorrect and we are demanding a retraction.”

Bratton said he made the comments, but they were taken out of context.

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