Charles Krauthammer Shreds Obama … President Obama Has Been Parsing Words In a Way That Makes Clinton Look Unsophisticated

Obama, it all depends on what is, is … or iRs, is.

Tonight on Special Report, Charles Krauthammer shredded Barack Obama with a thoughtful, professional and intellectual analysis of President Obama’s parsing of words that makes former President Bill Clinton look unsophisticated. Krauthammer is 100% correct, the words that Obama used during his feigned outrage with the IRS scandal made anyone who was actually paying attention and listening take notice. Krauthammer said Obama was acting more “Clintonian” than “Nixonian”. Obama did not say that he did not know about the IRS actions, he said he didn’t know about the IG report. However, the most damning critique may have been when Krauthammer stated, “if his own counsel learns about this 3 weeks before, how can the counsel …  his counsel hears about this and doesn’t tell the president for three weeks about what is obviously a massive scandal?” 

“He says I didn’t know about the IG report. Well if he didn’t know about any of this, never heard any complaints, then he would have said I don’t know anything about this at all. The IG is a peculiar answer by a guy who I have now seen for weeks now, he and his spokesman have been parsing words in a way that make Clinton look unsophisticated.”

The fact of the matter is that Barack Obama has to contort the language in such a manner because if he told the truth and simple said the obvious … he would be impeached.

Charles Krauthammer Tells FOX Special Report Panel that President Barack Obama Has Lost the Main Gun Control Battle and “All He Wants Now is the Money.”

File this one under, why is everyone so shocked, surprised and quiet … Obama has always been about the “money” and the “issue,” not solving any problems.

Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer rendered his fellow Fox News panelists on ‘Special Report’ momentarily speechless after he said that President Barack Obama had lost the main gun control battle and “all he wants now is the money”. Just curious, what did Krauthammer say that was so shocking? Has even Fox News become that liberal? I mean we all know Chris Wallace is a lib, but why wouldn’t the other panelists believe Obama was just in it for the money? For a socialist, he does like the $’s that are brought in on issues rather than actually solving America’s problems.

From The Blaze:

“All he wants now is the money,” Krauthammer said to several seconds of total silence.

“You don’t really mean that,” host Chris Wallace finally broke in.

“He’s lost on gun control,” Krauthammer insisted, saying that even if the bill includes expanded background checks — the “last item standing” — it’s “not going to make any difference.”

“Knowing all that, he is out there now exploring it as an issue. He is not going to get the solution he wanted, so he’ll make an issue. And that’s the way he operates. He does it on immigration. He does it on a lot of stuff. If you can’t win on a solution or get your way, you turn it into cash. He is excellent at turning stuff into cash.”

The fact of the matter is that no one should be shocked at what Obama does anymore.

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