Amanda Knox Awaits the Ruling as Italy’s High Court Considers Her Acquittal of the Murder Charges in the Death of 21 Year Old British Student Meredith Kercher

Will Amanda Knox finally be considered free of murder charges?

Amanda Knox awaits the next step in the judicial process to see whether she will be retried  following her acquittal of the murder in the death of 21 year old British student Meredith Kercher.  Prosecutors are asking the Italian high court to throw out the acquittals of American Knox and her Italian ex-boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito. Knox and Sollecito were initially arrested in 2007, then convicted and given prison sentences: 26 years for Knox, 25 for Sollecito. However,  in 2011 the appeals court acquitted them, criticizing the prosecutors case  in the first trial.  The proceedings today are the second and final level of appeal, prosecutors are now seeking to overturn the acquittals, while defense attorneys say they should stand. If the acquittal stands, the case is over. If it is reversed, the saga continues …



Amanda Knox was “very anxious” as Italy’s top criminal court heard arguments Monday from prosecutors appealing her acquittal in the murder of her roommate, her lawyer said.

“She’s carefully paying attention to what will come out,” attorney Luciano Ghirga said as he arrived at Italy’s Court of Cassation. “This is a fundamental stage. The trial is very complex.”

Prosecutors are asking the high court to throw out the acquittals of American Knox and her Italian ex-boyfriend in the murder of 21-year-old British student Meredith Kercher, and order a new trial.

A verdict could come later today.

Casey Anthony Attorneys Appeal Her Four Convictions for Lying to Law Enforcement During Search for Deceased Daughter Caylee Anthony

Casey Anthony, she’s back, well kind of.

Attorneys for Casey Anthony will present oral arguments to an Appeals court with regards to Casey’s four convictions for lying to law enforcement during the search for her then missing daughter, Caylee Anthony. The tot mom, Casey Anthony was inexplicably acquitted of all major charges at trial in the death of her daughter. Attorneys Cheney Mason and Lisabeth Fryernwill represent Casey in her appeals case in from of a three judge panel of the Fifth District Court of Appeal in Daytona Beach. The hearing will take place Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 pm. The Appeals court hearing will be brief and Casey Anthony is not expected to be in attendance as the court only allows each side 15 minutes to argue. The panel is not expected to make a ruling Tuesday.  This is surreal. Casey Anthony lies about her missing daughter Caylee, who was missing and being searched for by law enforcement, search teams and volunteers, but her body was actually in a swamp down the street from her parents house the entire time and she and her lawyers argue that she really was never missing, Casey was dead. And some how the jury bought this. Now Casey looks to skate on lying as well.

Who, Me Lie?

Anthony, 26, was convicted of lying to lead detective Yuri Melich when she said she left Caylee on or about June 9, 2008, with a nanny named Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez at the Sawgrass Apartments in Orlando.

She was also convicted of lying when she claimed she was employed at Universal Studios, had told Universal co-workers that Caylee was missing, and later received a phone call from Caylee.

As reported at the Orlando Sentinel, Antony’s attorneys are expected to argue her appeal on the following grounds:

• Jurors only heard testimony about Anthony’s lies, the defense argues, because Orange-Osceola Chief Judge Belvin Perry improperly allowed it into her trial. Anthony had not been read her rights before making statements to law enforcement.

Law-enforcement witnesses testified that’s because Anthony was not officially in custody. However, she was briefly handcuffed and put in a deputy’s vehicle.

• Anthony’s attorneys also argue that her four convictions for lying are improper under the “double jeopardy” clause of the U.S. Constitution, which courts have ruled prohibits a defendant from facing multiple punishments for the same criminal act. Her defense argues the four lies she was charged with were actually one ongoing act.

• The lawyers also argue that Perry incorrectly ruled against Anthony’s defense on an objection to a portion of the jury instructions, relating to the materiality of her alleged false statements.

Anthony, 26, has been in hiding since she was acquitted of murder. She has been subpoenaed to appear at trial in the Gonzalez suit, which was recently delayed indefinitely in order to let the appeal play out.

Wait a second, didn’t former Casey Anthony defense attorney Jose Baez call his client a liar in court, but she was not a killer?

It is bad enough that the “ship of fools” jury found Casey Anthony “not guilty as sin” in the death of Caylee Anthony, but we could be further insulted that Casey could have her lying convictions over turned as well. Good grief. Is it possible that Casey Anthony will have even these lame misdemeanor convictions  for lying overturned and be held to absolutely no justice what-so-ever? If this does occur it would mean that there was literally NO JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE!!!

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