Daily Commentary – Friday, September 19, 2014 – Federal Judge Rules ATF Must Pay Ex-Agent $173k

  • Retired agent Jay Dobyns was awarded $173k for emotional stressed caused by the ATF

Daily Commentary – Friday, September 19, 2014 Download

Another ‘Fast and Furious’ Gun Turns Up at Mexico Shootout Scene … “Weapons from the Operation would Likely continue to turn up at Crime Scenes”

Remember this Barack Obama – Eric Holder scandal …

As Yogi Berra used to say,”It looks like it is deja vu all over again.”  Another gun from the failed Obama/Holder ‘Fast & Furious’ gun-walking fiasco has turned up at a shootout between Mexican authorities and a Mexican drug cartel gunman. According to accounts, at least one AK-47 found at the scene could be tracked back to ‘Fast & Furious’. Isn’t this special, the ATF has acknowledged that more guns from this poorly conceived plan could continue to turn up at future crime scenes. Guns from this disastrous operation will be turning up for years to come, yet no one in the administration has yet been held accountable.


A gun from the failed U.S. operation known as “Fast and Furious” turned up at the scene of a shootout between Mexican authorities and alleged cartel gunmen last month, according to CNN.

U.S. officials told CNN at least one AK-47-style gun that could be traced back to the failed gun-walking scheme was found at the scene.

The ATF acknowledged that weapons from the operation would likely continue to turn up at crime scenes.

“ATF has accepted responsibility for the mistakes made in the Fast and Furious investigation and at the attorney general’s direction we have taken appropriate and decisive action to ensure that these errors will not be repeated,” the bureau said in a statement to CNN.

“And we acknowledge that, regrettably, firearms related to the Fast and Furious investigation will likely continue to be recovered at future crime scenes,” it added.

Full Statement from ATF:

“ATF has accepted responsibility for the mistakes made in the Fast and Furious investigation and at the attorney general’s direction we have taken appropriate and decisive action to ensure that these errors will not be repeated. And we acknowledge that, regrettably, firearms related to the Fast and Furious investigation will likely continue to be recovered at future crime scenes.”

ATF Tries to Block Whistleblowing Book on Fast and Furious by Special Agent John Dodson Citing It Would Hurt Morale

Obviously the ATF has never heard of the First Amendment to the US Constitution …

The Washington Times is reporting that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is blocking”whistleblower” special agent John Dodson from publishing a book on the ‘Fast & Furious’ government gun walking scandal. The ATF is claiming that the book would hurt moral in the agency. Really, that’s your reason? The First Amendment is being shredded because the ATF is worried about morale? It is more likely that Attorney General Eric Holder and President Barack Obama are more worried about the information that will come out that will be embarrassing to them. With all the scandals plaguing the Obama White House, Obama does not want to have to revisit this not-so “phony” scandal.


The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is blocking the main whistleblower in the Fast and Furious case from publishing a book, claiming his retelling of the Mexico “gun-walking” scandal will hurt morale inside the embattled law enforcement agency, according to documents obtained by The Washington Times.

ATF’s dispute with Special Agent John Dodson is setting up a First Amendment showdown that is poised to bring together liberal groups like the American Civil Liberties Union and conservatives in Congress who have championed Mr. Dodson’s protection as a whistleblower.

The ACLU is slated to become involved in the case Monday, informing ATF it is representing Mr. Dodson and filing a formal protest to the decision to reject his request to publish the already written book, sources told The Times, speaking only on the condition of anonymity.

The Fast & Furious gun walking program during the Obama presidency has lead to the death of border agent Brian Terry and allowed the guns into Mexico where they were responsible for countless number of murders.

UPDATE I: ACLU says ATF blocks whistleblower book on scandal.

The ACLU charged that the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is worried that the book proposed by an ATF agent would hurt relationships with other U.S. law enforcement agencies.

In a six-page letter to ATF Deputy Director Thomas Brandon, the ACLU said the bureau’s decision to block the book proposed by Special Agent John Dodson was a violation of his First Amendment rights. The ACLU described Dodson as a whistle-blower.

According to the letter, the ATF denied Dodson’s request to try to publish a book about his version of the Fast and Furious scandal because the bureau predicted it would have “a negative impact on morale in the Phoenix (Field Division) and would have a detrimental” impact on ATF relationships with the FBI and the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Daily Commentary – Monday, July 8, 2013 – Fast and Furious Gun Linked to Killing of Mexican Police Chief

Daily Commentary – Monday, July 8, 2013 Download

Tyranny: U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms Revokes License of Gun Shop that Legally Sold Weapon to Mother of Adam Lanza Used in Newtown Elementary School Shootings

Be very afraid America, think the United States government does not participate in intimidation and tyranny, think again …

As reported at Reuters, the United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms has revoked the license to the Connecticut gun retailer that sold a weapon “LEGALLY” to the mother of Adam Lanza. That same gun was used illegally by Adam Lanza in the mass murders to kill his mother by shooting her in the face and then used to kill 26 individuals, including 20 children at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT. The ATF has confirmed that the Riverview Gun Sales in East Windsor, Connecticut license has been revoked. The ATF did not publicly disclose a reason for the closure. HUH, this is still America, is it not?

The U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms said on Friday it had revoked the federal license of a Connecticut gun retailer that sold a weapon to the mother of Adam Lanza, who killed 26 people at an elementary school in December. The agency on December 20 revoked the license of Riverview Gun Sales in East Windsor, Connecticut, ATF spokeswoman Debora Seifert said. The revocation was reported in The Journal News, of Westchester County, New York, on Friday. “We did revoke their federal firearms license,” she said. The agency did not publicly disclose a reason for the closure.

Welcome to Obama’s Union of Soviet Socialist Republics of America. How is it that the US government can  take a businesses license that has violated no law that we know of and provide no explanation or reason for the closure? This is the definition of tyranny. As stated at Weasel Zippers, this is done to intimidate and provide a scare tactic to other gun stores that sell a legal product to other legal and law abiding citizens. How is a gun store responsible for legally selling a legal product and the irresponsibility of the buyer? This is how tyrannical our federal government has become. They will hunt you down and make an example out of you if you dare do not agree with their liberal, anti-Second Amendment agenda.

Thanks to Hot Air for the link!

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