J.D. Hayworth to Challenge John McCain in the Republican Senate Primary

It’s official, former Arizona Congressman J.D. Hayworth says he’s planning to run against John McCain for his U.S. Senate seat. Hayworth has left his Arizona radio program on KFYI-AM, a conservative radio talk show in Phoenix.


Hayworth was ousted from his Congressional seat in 2006 after 12 years in office by Democrat Harry Mitchell, and has hosted the radio show for the past few years.

“We will formally announce at a later time, but we’re moving forward to challenge John McCain,” he said. “I think we all respect John. I think his place in history is secure. But after close to a quarter-century in Washington, it’s time for him to come home.”

He said he wasn’t serious about running against McCain until a recent “outpouring of support” from Arizonans asking him to run changed his mind.

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The Dana Pretzer Show On Scared Monkeys Radio – Thursday, April 30, 2009 – Tonights Guests: Minuteman Project co-founder Chris Simcox, Alexis Moore, Robin Sax and Art harris

Join Dana tonight at 9pm et as he welcomes:

  • Chris Simcox – Minuteman Project co-founder who has formally announced he will challenge incumbent John McCain in the 2010 US Senate GOP Primary election.

Simcox also launched an attack on the state’s senior senator and last year’s Republican presidential nominee, saying McCain failed to secure America’s southern border with Mexico years ago

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Minuteman Project Co-founder Chris Simcox Will Take on John McCain for Arizona Senate Seat in GOP Primary

As the US economy continues to falter, American continue to lose jobs and Americans find them Chris_Simcoxself paying taxes on hospital and educations services provided to illegal immigrants … enter Chris Simcox to the political stage and his bid for the Arizona Senate seat held by incumbent John McCain.

Minuteman Project co-founder and anti-illegal immigration activist Chris Simcox has made it official and he he take on incumbent Republican Senator from Arizona John McCain in the 2010 GOP Primary. Simcox has stated that he looks to offer the people of Arizona an alternative to John McCain who has been wrong about immigration, wrong on border security, and he has attacked our First Amendment rights with campaign finance reform. As Simcox stated,  “he has acted like a big government bully.”

Illegal immigration will be one of the central themes of Simcox’s campaign against McCain, who in 2006 spearheaded an effort to reform immigration laws that was panned by critics as “amnesty” for illegal immigrants currently in the country.

Simcox said his campaign has already received donations from across the country.

Chris Simcox for Senate web page – learn all about the candidate and his political positions.

It’s time to help put Arizona and America back on the right track by electing Chris Simcox to represent the Great State of Arizona in the United States Senate. As a grassroots, border security activist and founder of the original Minuteman Civil Defense Corps (MCDC), Chris has done more to make Arizona a safer and better place to live than most of the sanctimonious career politicians in Washington, D.C.

 If you are for the First and Second Amendments and if you are for protecting our borders from all illegal emigration … Chris Simcox might just not be your “Minute” man but your man of the hour and the next Senator from Arizona.

UPDATE I: Minuteman Project Co-founder Chris Simcox will be interviewed tonight at 9pm et on Scared Monkeys Radio on The Dana Pretzer Show.

We have had numerous appearances by MinuteMan members over the years and tonight we are honored to have Chris Simcox take the the time to come on Scared Monkeys radio.

John McCain Finally Says Sarah Palin Did Not Hurt his Presidential Campaign

Symbolism as why McCain lost … the straight talk express and mavericky candidate was no where in the campaign tone.

After going in hiding since the Presidential Election night loss to Barack Obama. John McCain comes out and finally says that VP pick Sarah Palin did not hurt his Presidential bid. Really!!! McCain visited Jay Leno and The Tonight Show as his first appearance since losing his White House bid. However, his defense and personal accountability of his campaign and his handlers was less than “mavericky”.

In his first interview since conceding the presidential election, John McCain said Tuesday that Sarah Palin did not damage his presidential bid and he dismissed anonymous criticism aimed at her following their crushing defeat.

“I’m so proud of her and I’m very grateful she agreed to run with me. She inspired people, she still does,” McCain told Jay Leno during a “Tonight Show” interview taped for broadcast Tuesday night. “I couldn’t be happier with Sarah Palin.”

Asked by Leno to address griping about Palin from unidentified McCain operatives in the days following the election, the Arizona senator said, “These things happen in campaigns.

“I think I have at least a thousand, quote, top advisers,” he scoffed. “A top adviser said? … I’ve never even heard of … a top adviser or a high-ranking Republican official.”

Michelle Malkin seems to agree as well that McCain’s defense of his VP and the attacks of Sarah Palin by unnamed staffers was underwhelming. In fact, it was McLame.

The Jawa Report never holding punches gives some straight talk of their own.

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The Final Polls before the Vote … Who will Get it Right?

As election day is upon us, here is a final wrap of the polls at Real Clear Politics. Let us see who gets it right. Will it be an Obama landslide as some have predicted? Or will the come back kid pull off a shocking upset not seen since Truman?

The McCain campaign is reminding voters not to get caught up in exit poll as they traditionally are weighted to Democrats over Republicans. We need to look only back to the election of 2004 when the Kerry camp had thought they won from early exit poll data only to find out a much more different outcome at the end of the day.

Get out and vote and make it an informed one … that is your American patriotic duty.

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