Judas and Never-Trumper Sen.John McCain (Rino-AZ) Takes Exception to President Trump’s “Fire and Fury” Remarks


How sad that John McCain has become the face of the resistance.  Imagine that, hawk Sen. John McCain (Rino-AZ) takes exception to President Donald Trump’s tough talk toward North Korea and its dictator. McCain said that the tough rhetoric is unlikely to help as tensions rise between the United States and North Korea. Oh really John, because pussy-footing around with them has done such wonders. Once again we are presented with a Republican establishment, Never-Trumper who takes every opportunity to attack Trump, rather than support him. This is what the US Senate has become. Like McConnell, McCain just leave! It is said that you have the likes of John McCain so quick to pull the carpet out from underneath President Trump. Then again, not like he didn’t do it previously by voting against the repeal of Obamacare.

“Fire and Fury” is not the first option, but it may be the only option. Would McCain and his ilk rather have the United States acting in a reactionary manner after a nuclear missile is launched against the US by North Korea? I am sure they would find other ways to blame Trump.

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) took exception to President Trump’s remarks Tuesday that further provocation by North Korea will be met “with fire and fury like the world has never seen.”

McCain argued the tough rhetoric is unlikely to help as tensions rise between the United States and North Korea over the latter’s nuclear program.

“I don’t know what he’s saying and I’ve long ago given up trying to interpret what he says,” McCain said of Trump during an interview with a local Arizona radio station first reported by NBC.

“That kind of rhetoric, I’m not sure how it helps.”

McCain said the U.S. risks getting into a serious confrontation with North Korea, and invoked former President Teddy Roosevelt’s famous “big stick” policy.

“In other words, the old walk softly but carry a big stick, Teddy Roosevelt’s saying, which I think is something that should’ve applied because all it’s going to do is bring us closer to a serious confrontation,” McCain warned. “I think this is very, very, very serious.”

Donald Trump Goes There, John McCain’s a War Hero Because He Was Captured, “I Like People That Weren’t” … “We Want Results … We Don’t Want Tone”


It looks like there is a little riff between The Donald and Sen. John McCain (AZ-R). Nothing is off limits for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, and in thinking about it, it probably should not be. Trump reminds McCain and the rest of the establishment GOP, you better not bring a knife to a gun fight.  During Family Leadership Summit in Iowa Donald Trump went there and said the following of RINO John McCain, “He’s a war hero ’cause he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured.” OUCH, he certainly did go there. Now just to provide context to those remarks from Trump, McCain who earlier criticized the Donald for “firing up the crazies” last weekend during a rally in his home state of Arizona.

Was it right for Trump to make the statement, probably not. Donald Trump meant it as a specific comeback against McCain, who had made an insulting comment about Trump followers, calling them crazies. But it will be taken as an attack against all POW’s. But, are all POW’s considered heroes? I, personally believe they are, but not all do. Because of course If Sen. John McCain is not willing to take the arrows, he should stay out of the fight. Why is it okay to insult American citizens who happen to gravitate to the blunt, strait forward message of Trump? Why is it okay for McCain to call American’s crazies who think he’s a Rino? HERE IS THE MAIN POINT, just because one is a war hero does not give them carte blanche to make insulting comments about others. Have you ever seen McCain when he is challenged on a topic, crazies, eh? Personally, I am sick of McCain, he needs to retire or get a full time gig on a cable network. God only knows he is on them enough. John McCain had his chance to run for president and he failed badly. Is McCain a war hero, yes! Has McCain done anything as a politician, no. One would think that he would make the VA his pet project and make sure it has been fixed for wounded warriors. How’s that been going?

In the end, Trump probably owes POW’s an apology, but isn’t that part of the problem of the sad state of affairs that this country has become? Everyone and their mother is offended about something someone said, because they are only willing to look at their own situation and not the bigger picture? Trump made a larger point during this interview and that was, the people want results, they don’t want tone. HE IS CORRECT. When everyone is so worried about tone, an being PC and making sure that every word they say doesn’t offend anyone … in the end, you have said nothing of any importance. Remember when Americans cared more about America than themselves and their fragile feelings? Me neither.

Is Donald Trump rough around the edges, YES. Does he give a damn what he says and who’s feelings he hurts, it doesn’t appear so. Can Trump win the GOP nomination, I don’t think so. But I don’t believe that is Trump’s purpose in life. I think Trump’s ultimate gift to America is not to be President of the United States, sorry Donald, but to bring the gutless, limousine, establishment Republicans back in line with the Republican base and make them responsive to the will of the people who are registered Republicans and the true Independent voters who want leadership in the mode of Ronald Reagan. Lest we remind everyone, including all the mushy-middle Republican politicians, Reagan fought the establishment, privileged GOP just as much as he did Democrats, sometimes maybe even more.

Sen. John McCain Defends ‘Low-Life Scum’ Remark to Code Pink Protesters … If the Low-Life Scum Fits, Wear It


Sen. John McCain appeared on CNN’s ‘State of the Union’ Sunday morning and defended his comments calling the Code Pink protesters low-life scum. The CNN host asked McCain if that was the way he would handle it again. McCain responded with the following:

“These people were physically threatening. I am used to people popping up at these hearings and yelling and escorted out. That’s at least some version of free speech. These people rushed up. They were right next to Henry Kissinger, waving handcuffs at him. He’s a 91-year-old man with a broken shoulder who was willing to come down and testify before Congress, to give us the benefit of his many years of wisdom. Of course I was outraged and I am still outraged. Its one thing to stand up and protest, its something else to physically threaten an individual, particularly an individual who has served so much for his country, whether you agree with him or not.”

But the CNN host just could not let it go, she said, but you called them scum. As if that was the end of the world. Forget the fact that this out of control mob tried to physically threaten a 91 year old man, he concern was someone’s word. McCain responded by saying, “I think they are terrible people. Okay, I think they are terrible people that would do that to a 91 year old man with a broken shoulder, to physically threaten him. That is beyond any norm of behavior that I have ever observed. They literally surrounded him and were physically so in such close proximity to him that he was in danger of being harmed.”

John McCain

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He said the protesters — one of whom held handcuffs above Kissinger’s head — put him “in danger of being harmed.”

“These people were physically threatening Henry Kissinger,” McCain told CNN’s Dana Bash Sunday on “State of the Union” as he defended his comments.

“I’m used to people popping up at these hearings and yelling, and then they’re escorted out — that’s at least some version of free speech,” he said. “These people rushed up. They were right next to Henry Kissinger, waving handcuffs at him. He’s a 91-year-old man with a broken shoulder who was willing to come down and testify before Congress, to give us the benefit of his many years of wisdom. Of course I was outraged, and I’m still outraged.”

Posted February 1, 2015 by
CNN, John McCain, You Tube - VIDEO | 3 comments

Daily Commentary – Friday, September 6, 2013 – Senator McCain Caught Playing Video Poker

Daily Commentary – Friday, September 6, 2013 Download

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