Daily Commentary – Monday, November 19, 2012 – Kim Kardashian Gets Death Threats Over Israel Tweet
- You would wonder who cares what she tweets, but she has over 16k followers, more than Fox News viewers!
Daily Commentary – Monday, November 19, 2012 Download
Posted November 19, 2012 by Klaasend Celebrity, Dana Pretzer, Facebook, Israel/Palestine, Kim Kardashian, Scared Monkeys Radio | no comments |
The Fighting Escalates Between Israel and Hamas … Iron Dome Intercepts Iranian made Missiles Aimed at Tel Aviv
Do not ever forget that a country has a right to defend itself … If the rockets are continues to be shot at Israel, this is going to turn into a ground offensive.
Further damage and death to Israel has been adverted thanks to the success of the Iron Dome missile defense system. As reported at the Jerusalem Post, Iron Dome intercepted two Iranian-made Fajr-5 missiles aimed at Tel Aviv on Saturday. The missiles marked the third attack on the heavily populated central city in as many days. It should not be lost in this story that Hamas is firing missiles into populated cities without care and the missiles are made in Iran. If this continues, an Israel ground war is not far off.
The Iron Dome intercepted two Iranian-made Fajr-5 missiles aimed at Tel Aviv on Saturday. The missiles marked the third attack on the heavily populated central city in as many days, after Palestinian terrorists from Gaza fired four missiles toward the financial capital on Thursday and Friday, prompting red alert air raid sirens to sound in the city.
The Defense Ministry deployed an upgraded Iron Dome battery in the Gush Dan area in the center of Israel on Saturday morning, after rushing its production in light of escalation. The battery is the fifth Iron Dome system operational in Israel.
Islamic Jihad leader Khalid Batsh said on Saturday that the launch of rockets at Tel Aviv from Gaza show “the rules of the game have changed in the region,” Palestinian news agency Ma’an reported.
Brian in a Blue State
Posted November 18, 2012 by Scared Monkeys Hamas, Islamofascist, Israel, Israel/Palestine, Middle East, Terrorism, War on Terror, You Tube - VIDEO | 8 comments |
Mitt Romney: “When I’m President of the United States, we will stand with Israel”
During tonight’s Presidential Debate in Boca Raton, FL, Mitt Romney was asked by moderator Bob Schieffer, would either of you be willing to declare that an attack on Israel is an attack on the United States? Romney’s response was … “When I’m President of the United States, we will stand with Israel”
ROMNEY: Well, first of all, I want to underscore the same point the president mad,e which is that if I’m President of the United States, when I’m President of the United States, we will stand with Israel.
And if Israel is attacked, we have their back, not just diplomatically, not just culturally, but militarily. That’s number one.
Number two, with regards to Iran and the threat of Iran, there’s no question but that a nuclear Iran, a nuclear-capable Iran is unacceptable to America. It presents a threat not only to our friends but ultimately a threat to us to have Iran have nuclear material, nuclear weapons that could be used against us or used to be threatening to us.
The Gateway Pundit reminds us that Obama’s comments tonight rang a little hollow when it came to Israel. Obama also said he was with Israel; however, when he had his chance to put up or shut up, Obama failed. How soon Obama forgets that he invited Muslim Brotherhood Egyptian President Mohammad Morsi to meet with him in New York at the UN, but he blew off Israeli PM Netanyahu.
Another power moment for Romney during the debate was when he KO’d the president with Obama’s apology tour.
Number two, Mr. President, the reason I call it an apology tour is because you went to the Middle East and you flew to Egypt and to Saudi Arabia and to Turkey and Iraq. And by the way, you skipped Israel, our closest friend in the region, but you went to the other nations.
And by the way, they noticed that you skipped Israel. And then in those nations, and on Arabic TV, you said that America had been dismissive and derisive. You said that on occasion America had dictated to other nations.
Posted October 22, 2012 by Scared Monkeys 2012 Elections, Barack Obama, Debates, Iran, Islamofascist, Israel, Israel/Palestine, Middle East, Mitt Romney - Paul Ryan 2012, Muslim Brotherhood, Obamanation, Presidential Election, Terrorism, US National Security, War on Terror, You Tube - VIDEO | 13 comments |
MISLEADER: Obama Senior Adviser Robert Gibbs Struggles To Explain Why Obama Finds Time to be on ‘The View’ & Whoopi Goldberg But Not World With World Leaders
Talk about a total disgrace on the part of Barack Obama. He makes time to be on ‘The View’ but not to meet with Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu as the Middle East burns and tensions mount with as Iran is about to become nuclear. Barack Obama fiddles goes on The View as the Middle East burns.
On Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, Barack Obama senior consultant struggled to answer the question as to how President Obama found time to meet with Whoopi Goldberg and the ladies of ‘The View” but some how could not manage a face to face meeting with world leaders, like Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu.
Transcript from NewsBusters.com:
CHRIS WALLACE, HOST: I want to go back to the UN though and New York this week. You say that he’s got schedules, that foreign leaders have schedules. But the President has blocked out time to appear on The View on Tuesday. So, he has time for Whoopi Goldberg but he doesn’t have time for world leaders?
ROBERT GIBBS, OBAMA SENIOR CAMPAIGN ADVISER: No, Chris. Look, the President is going to be actively involved at the UN General Assembly.
WALLACE: He’s not meeting with any private leaders. He’s giving a speech.
GIBBS: Chris, they have telephones in the White House. Last week, he talked to the President of Egypt. He talked to the leader in Libya. We don’t need a meeting in Washington just to confer with leaders. We’ve got a strong…
WALLACE: But he does need the time to be on The View?
GIBBS: We have a strong diplomatic – I’m sure if he was doing an interview with you on Fox News, you’d have no problem with that.
WALLACE: Well, he hasn’t, but that’s not the point.
GIBBS: I’m sure that’s not the point. No, look Chris, he’s got a strong schedule. He’s actively involved.
WALLACE: You don’t have a problem with the fact that he’s not meeting with any world leaders, but he’s going to appear on The View?
GIBBS: I have no problem with that, because, Chris, you’re the President of the United States every minute of every day.
Priorities … Meet with a Pirate Good, the hell with the PM of Israel
Barack Hussein Obama is not a serious President. He is more concerned with being and campaigning for president than he is actually doing the job as the president. Obama would rather joke around with the likes of David Letterman, hand with the Hollywood elite, fund raise and of course golf. When will America wake up and realize that Obama is not serious and is either overwhelmed by the job, or actually wants war to break out?
Sorry, but this should be considered criminal, how about impeachable? At what point is Barack Obama going to be and do the work of the President of the United States, rather than just campaigning for the position? Obama, the “Campaigner in Chief’ has time for David Letterman, The View, ‘Talk like a pirate Day’, the Woman’s USA Olympic basketball team, Beyonce & Jay-Z but not the leader of our greatest ally in the Middle East as Iran goes nuclear. This is nothing more than dereliction of duty on the part of Obama. Honestly, I can understand how individuals voted for Obama in 2008 as they bought his BS of Hope and Change and were fooled by the political rhetoric of an “outsider” candidate. However, for those who vote for Obama in 2012 knowing what this President has done for four years, his failed economic polices and his lack of leadership are either woefully ignorant, are total leaches on society or just have a disdain for their country.
If a Republican President was every doing the same as Obama, the corrupt liberal media complex would be ripping him to shreds.
UPDATE I: However, Gibbs was not done on the FOX News Sunday shredding his brand of Democrat Obama manure as reported by CNN. Gibbs actually said with a strait face that Romney ha the advantage over Obama in the debates because he had previously participated in many debates in the GOP primary. The Political Wire has called it the quote of the day. Please, spare us the BS. Obama is a master campaigner and BS’er. Also, how can any one be considered a favorite when they will have the liberal corrupt MSM complex moderator against them?
A senior Obama campaign adviser said Mitt Romney has a leg up on President Barack Obama in the upcoming presidential debates.
“Mitt Romney I think has an advantage, because he’s been through 20 of these debates in the primaries over the last year,” Gibbs said Sunday on Fox News.
UNBELIEVABLE … MSNBC Host Asks, ‘Who’s More Dangerous, the Supreme Leader in Tehran or Netanyahu?’
What is wrong with the liberal MSM, these people have serious, serious issues.
This is how the LEFT talks about the leader of the United States greatest ally in the Middle East. During this mornings“Morning Joe” host Mike Barnicle asked Joe Klein the preposterous question, who is more dangerous, the supreme leader if Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei or Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. What kind of an idiot would even pose this question?
From the Washington Free Beacon:
MIKE BARNICLE: Who is the more dangerous player on the world stage right now, the supreme leader in Tehran or Bibi netanyahu?
(UNCLEAR): Don’t answer that.
JOE KLEIN: It’s not netanyahu. the supreme leader is a fascist. and he right now is causing great pain to his people in a way that Bibi Netanyahu never would.
DONNY DEUTSCH: I understand the point of your question, but that was a silly question.
(UNCLEAR): That was a clown question, bro.
LAWRENCE O’DONNELL: One point we know with Netanyahu, as Joe can tell you, anybody’s who’s who’s been in the room with Netanyahu, you don’t have to be with him long to know that there’s only one way, only one way, to get along with him and that is to agree with every single word he says, which Mitt Romney apparently does.
Posted September 12, 2012 by Scared Monkeys Iran, Islam/Muslims, Islamofascist, Israel/Palestine, Media Bias, Moonbats, MSNBC, Progressives, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | 3 comments |