FEDS Warn of Possible ‘Lone Wolf’ Terrorists Threats Ahead of 4th of July

So what makes this 4th of July so special …

The authorities are saying that there has been no specific, credible threat; however, they are warning of possible lone wolf terrorist acts this 4th o July weekend. As reported at CNN, as Americans get ready for the holiday weekend, the Department of Homeland Security, FBI and the National Counterterrorism Center have issued a bulletin to law enforcement across the country warning of the possibility of an imminent strike against the United States. Intelligence agencies are watching as online chatter rises. But how is this different than past years? Could it possible be that ISIS, the so-called JV terrorist group as once stated by Barack Obama is now very active and successful in using social media to recruit “lone wolfs” to commit terror acts?

This 4th of July weekend, have fun, enjoy your time but be vigilant.

Terror Threat

Since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, American counterterrorism officials have increased security at national landmarks and large public events ahead of major holidays or significant anniversaries, and issued bulletins calling for increased vigilance by the public.

But this Fourth of July weekend has spawned particularly strong warnings about a potential attack as the federal authorities and national security experts say the United States is more susceptible now because of tactics chosen for recent terrorist strikes by the Islamic State.

Officials cite an increased effort by the Islamic State to galvanize its sympathizers in the United States and elsewhere since Memorial Day and during this Ramadan season to carry out acts of violence on their own — so-called lone-wolf attacks. Those potential plots by individuals are harder for the authorities to detect and disrupt, senior American officials say, and have led the F.B.I. to put more Americans under investigation for suspected ties to terrorist groups than at any point since Sept. 11.

At the same time, senior American officials acknowledge that, as with many past holidays and anniversaries, they know of no specific terror plot against targets in the United States. And while militants have said in previous years that they would like to pull off an attack on a major national holiday, there has not been a successful terrorist strike on American soil on a previous July 4 or similarly high-profile day.

One thing is for certain, if these radical Islamist terrorists ever attacked America on Independence Day, it would be their ultimate demise.

WALMART Refuses to Make Confederate Flag Cake, But was OK in Making ISIS Flag Cake (VIDEO)


So the Confederate flag is worse than the ISIS one, really? It appears that is the case when Chuck Netzhammer, a resident of Slidell, LA, was able to get a cake made at Walmart featuring an ISIS battle flag but was rejected when he asked for a Confederate flag cake. In the wake of the death of 9 black church goers in Charleston, SC at the hands of a racist, Walmart removed all traces of the Confederate battle flag from its stores and websites and stated they did so because they don’t want to “offend” anyone. I guess they meant everyone but ISIS. How can you not know what the ISIS flag looks like, it has been in the news over the past several years more than the Confederate flag.

Wal-Mart is apologizing  for a store in Slidell, La., which refused to bake a cake designed as the Confederate battle flag but accepted a request to bake a cake that looked like the ISIS battle flag.

Chuck Netzhammer, a local resident, presented his story in a YouTube video Friday, saying, “Alright, Wal-Mart, you’ve got some explaining to do. I went to go buy a cake from you all the other day with this image on it and y’all wouldn’t do it. I went back yesterday and managed to get the ISIS battle flag [cake instead].”

I wonder if WALMART will make a Nazi flag cake?

UPDATE I: Walmart aplogizes for cluless cake maker who had no idea what he was making.

How can you be that uninformed that you don’t know the battle flag of the biggest, most vicious terrorist killers on the planet? What cave does this baker live in? Who finds this amazing in a post-911 world that a Confederate flad from the 1860′s is looked upon as worse than a radical Islamist battle flag whose followers are beheading and burning alive their victims? But that is what you get when the MSM has an agenda.

The Daily caller was contacted by Randy Hargrove, a spokesman for Wal-Mart, who said in an email, “Our local store made a mistake. The cake in the video should not have been made and we apologize.”

Hargrove later explained to TheDC, “We made the decision to stop selling Confederate flag related items promoting the flag’s image. For that reason we did not make the cake.  [Netzhammer] brought in the other image of ISIS and really, what happened, was our associate didn’t recognize what that image was and what it meant or it wouldn’t have been made.”

One Person Decapitated & Several Injured in Islamic Terror Attack on a US Owned factory in France (Update: One Terrorist Killed, One Arrested)


The BBC is reporting that there has been a terrorist attack at a factory in France that has left one individual dead and several injured. The attack occurred around 10:00 local time (08:00 GMT), when a car crashed through the gates of the US owned company Air Products plant in southeastern France’s town of Saint-Quentin Fallavier. Officials said that set off an explosion. French President Francois Hollande has called this an act of terrorism. President Hollande stated the decapitated body was found with “inscriptions” on it and said the attack bore the hallmarks of terrorism, adding that security has been stepped up at sensitive sites in France. The decapitated body was found with Islamic flags placed nearby.

A man has been decapitated and several others injured at a factory in France in what President Francois Hollande has called a terrorist attack.

Two men drove into the Air Products gas factory near Lyon, French officials said, before several explosions were heard.

One of the suspects, who was investigated by police in 2006, has been arrested.

The dead man was found with Arabic inscriptions on him and an Islamist flag was found near the site.

At a press conference from Brussels, Mr Hollande confirmed that two attackers had targeted the chemicals factory in Saint-Quentin-Fallavier, crashing into it in a car.

“We have no doubt that the attack was to blow up the building. It bears the hallmarks of a terrorist attack,” he said

UPDATE I:  Multiple Arrests After Factory Attack.

A 30 year old has been arrested who is reportedly known to authorities.  French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said the suspect was believed to be from the area and had been flagged in 2006 for ties to Islamic extremists, but surveillance was dropped in 2008.

France’s top security official says a man arrested in the attack at a gas factory in southeastern France was known to intelligence services for possible ties to Islamic extremists but had no arrest record.

Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve says the investigation has just begun and cautioned against jumping to conclusions.

The suspect had been flagged as an extremist in 2006 and then police monitoring dropped off two years later, according to Cazeneuve.


College Student Munther Omar Saleh Arrested in Queens, NY … Supporting Islamic Terrorism & Plotting Terror Attack in NYC


20 year old college student Munther Omar Saleh has been arrested by the federal authorities in  Queens, NY for platting to commit a terror attack in New York City. According to court reports, in September, Saleh posted a message on Twitter that said Al Qaeda was “getting too moderate”, and in February, a message praising the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, “for their high end videos, great weaponry and quality fighters”.  Saleh is a student at Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology in Queens. The complaint also states, that on May 7, “Saleh emailed himself information from the Internet regarding the construction of a pressure cooker bomb.”

The father claims that his son was set up and was doing simple internet searches like any other 20 year old. Yup, just like any other Muslim sympathizer doing searches of pressure cookers, how to make bombs, firearms, ammunition, drones, bullet proof vests and NYC tourist attractions. Oh yeah, and he endorsed the Charlie Hebdo massacre, the burning to death of a Jordanian pilot and the beheading of a Chinese journalist. Yup, just your typical misunderstood kid.

Munther Omar Saleh

Munther Omar Saleh

According to court documents, the 20-year-old espoused jihadist beliefs online and openly supported ISIS activities via Twitter, including the Charlie Hebdo massacre in France, the burning to death of a Jordanian pilot and the beheading of a Japanese journalist. He also allegedly tweeted support for the terror attack in Garland, Texas in May.

Saleh landed on federal authorities’ radar after allegedly loitering on the George Washington Bridge on two consecutive days in March, Carlin reported. He was spotted by a Port Authority of New York and New Jersey police officer, WCBS 880’s Marla Diamond reported.

A further investigation into Saleh’s activities uncovered possible plans to detonate an explosive device in New York City on behalf of the terror group, court documents said.

Investigators claim he also used his personal computer to search topics ranging from weapons and pressure cookers, to eluding police and disguises.

The specific searches allegedly included, “construction of a pressure cooker bomb,” “firearms,” “ammunition,” “bulletproof vests,” “drones,” and “New York City landmarks and tourist attractions.”

In May, an informant posing as a terrorist sympathizer said he spoke to Saleh, who reportedly said “I’m in NY and I’m trying to do an Op.”

Read the complain filed against Munther Omar Saleh.

Terrorist Suspect Usaamah Abdullah Rahim Shot and Killed by Boston Police & David Wright Was Plotting Terrorist Attacks to Behead Police Officers


26 year old Usaamah Abdullah Rahim, who was shot dead by police yesterday, and David Wright were plotting to kill and behead police officers. Usaama Rahim had been under 24 hour surveillance by the Joint Terrorism Task Force, which is comprised of state, local and federal law enforcement agents, when he was shot dead at about 7 a.m. near a CVS in the city’s Roslindale neighborhood in Boston. Rahim produced a military-like knife when he was approached by authorities. The radical Islamist refused to obey police instructions and lunged at the police. Rahim was then shot dead. As per Fox News, the affidavit said one of the officers outside the CVS instructed Rahim to drop his weapon and Rahim responded, “You drop yours.” Tuesday, authorities arrested another suspect, David Wright, at his home in Everett, MA in connection with this terrorist murder plot. Good grief, really … In an effort to calm the Muslim community, the police said that the incident was recorded on surveillance video and that they decided to show it to community leaders, including Muslim leaders, in the interest of transparency. UNREAL. What ever happened to in the United States … WE KILL TERRORISTS,

“We believe the intent was to behead a police officer,” one official told The Boston Globe. “We knew the plot had to be stopped. They were planning to take action Tuesday.”

Rahim, Wright and an unidentified third person met Sunday on a Rhode Island beach to discus plans, the affidavit, which was released Wednesday, said. Wright, who waived his Miranda rights, told the FBI the plans included an attack on a victim in another state, the court papers said. Hours prior to the shooting, Rahim told Wright he had changed plans and was going to “go after” the “boys in blue,” the court papers said.

NBC News:

A terrorism suspect alleged to have been plotting a beheading was not shot in the back when he was killed by police in Boston, as his family claimed, community leaders said Wednesday after police took the unusual step of showing them video of the encounter.

Usaamah Abdullah Rahim, 26, was killed Tuesday morning after he was stopped for questioning. The FBI said Wednesday that Rahim was the subject of a terrorism investigation into an alleged plot to kill law enforcement officers sometime this week.

Boston police said Rahim threatened them with a military-style knife as officers ordered him to stand down Tuesday morning in the parking lot of a CVS pharmacy in Boston’s Roslindale neighborhood. As they retreated, Rahim continued to move forward and was shot three times in the front of his body, police said.

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