FBI Director Comey Admits the United States CANNOT Vet All Syrian Refugees (VIDEO)


FBI Director James Comey testified earlier this week during a House Committee on a Homeland Security hearing on Wednesday that the federal government DOES NOT have the ability to conduct thorough background checks on all of the 10,000 Syrian refugees that the Obama administration says will be allowed to come to the United States. As an aside, the 10,000 refugees is just the tip of the iceberg of the 100,000 that Obama wants to lets waltz into the United States.

“You can only query what you’ve collected. And with respect with Iraqi databases, we had far more because of our country’s work there for a decade. This is a different situation.”

Who are you going to believe regarding the vetting process and homeland security, the FBI or a known liar like Barack Obama and his cronies in the DOJ?

On 21 October 2015, FBI director James Comey said during a House Committee on a Homeland Security hearing on Wednesday that the federal government does NOT have the ability to conduct thorough background checks on all of the 10,000 Syrian refugees that the Obama administration says will be allowed to come to the United States.

“We can only query against that which we have collected,” Comey said in response to a line of questioning from Mississippi Representative Bennie Thompson.

“And so if someone has never made a ripple in the pond in Syria in a way that would get their identity or their interest reflected in our database, we can query our database until the cows come home, but there will be nothing show up because we have no record on that person.”

The Democrat Party is Trying to Tell Americans that we are Not At War With “Radical Islam”

Just curious Democrats, who is inciting fear? However, putting your head in the sand and pretending that RADICAL ISLAM is not at war with America is what brought us 9-11.

Are you kidding me, is this ad where Democrats are claiming GOP candidates are inciting fear from the DNC or the Onion? Democrats are refusing to call Islamists and radical jihadists who want to kill Americans and Westerners, the radical Islamist that they are? REALLY? Are these people stuck on stupid? What part of “radical” Islam don’t the Liberals quite get? Just how out of touch are Democrats, Americans, both Republicans Democrats and Independents are overwhelmingly in favor of using “radical Islam”.

This was meant to be an attack ad by Democrats but it plays more like a skit on SNL.

No one is saying all Muslims or Islam, they are classifying them as radical Islam. What might be even more comical is that they are using George W. Bush, the individual who said you are either with us or against us and coined the phrase axis of evil, to try and prove their liberal talking point. Seriously, the Democrats are praising George W. Bush? But I thought he was blamed by Obama and Democrats for all the evils of the world? This is truly pathetic. After bashing GWB for years, now as the Gateway Pundit opines, Democrats want Republicans to be more like him. You just can’t make this stuff up. Liberalism truly may just actually be a disease with no cure. If you can’t even name the enemy, how in the hell could anyone even think you are capable of defeating them?


Of course Democrats have no problem going after and inciting fear and saying they they are at war with Republicans, Conservatives and the Tea Party. Then again, who was it that backed the KKK?

As stated at BPR, The ad was roundly ridiculed as “tone-deaf,” “insulting to the American voter’s intelligence” and “just plain stupid” by conservative blogger Alex Griswold.  Atlanta radio host and RedState editor Erick Erickson pleaded with the Democrats to “run this ad over and over with a side of gun control ads.”

Sorry GWB, Islam is not Peace, you better read the Koran.

Islamist Terorists Attack Radisson Blu Hotel in Capital City of Mali Killing 3 and Taking 170 Hostages Shouting “Allahu Akbar”

Islamist terrorists have stormed the Radisson Blu hotel, a luxury hotel in the capital city of Mali on Friday, killing at least three people and taking about 170 hostages. According to Kassim Traoré, a Malian journalist, the gunmen asked hostages to recite a Muslim declaration of faith called the shahada. Those who could were allowed to leave the hotel. Those who could not were taken hostage. The Islamist jihadists armed with AK-47s and hand grenades went floor by floor looking for Christians.

A note to CBS News and the rest of the liberal media, these are not gunman … there are Islmofascist terrorists. When attackers shout”Allahu Akbar” as they are perpetrating an act of terror, they are not gunman. Call it for what it really is.

Gunmen stormed a luxury hotel in Mali’s capital on Friday, killing at least three people and taking about 170 hostages in a city that serves as a logistics hub for French forces helping in a fight against Islamist insurgents.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility, and the identities or affiliation of the attackers was not clear.

Some captives managed to escape or were released by the attackers, who reportedly freed those able to recite a Muslim profession of faith. Among those released were five members of a six-member Turkish Airlines crew, the company said.

Malian army commander Modibo Nama Traore said at least 10 gunmen stormed the Radisson Blu hotel in Bamako shouting “Allahu Akbar” — “God is great” in Arabic — then fired on guards and began rounding up hostages.

It is not clear how many people have been injured or killed in the assault. A Malian military official, Lt. Col. Diarran Kone, told the Associated Press there were three confirmed deaths, but gave no other details. According to CNN, two of the dead are Malian. One is a French national.

UPDATE I: Media Release from The Rezidor Hotel Group:

Hostage-taking at Radisson Blu Hotel, Bamako / Mali

Media Statement and family support telephone numbers – 20 Nov 2015; 13:45 CET

We are closely following the hostage-taking incident that is taking place at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Bamako / Mali today, 20th November 2015. According to our latest information 125 guests and 13 employees are still in the building.
Our highest concern is the safety of all our guests and employees in the hotel. We are in constant contact with the authorities there and will share further information with you when we have it.
We have established dedicated phone lines to support the families of guests and employees, as well as a media enquiry line. Please refer to the numbers below.

Family information line: 0 800 940 164 (toll free in France) + 33170837437 (international)

Media information: +33 1 56 03 12 74

UPDATE II: Islamists attack luxury hotel in Mali capital, 80 Hostages Freed.

State television said 80 hostages had been freed but the French newspaper Le Monde quoted the Malian security ministry as saying at least three people had been killed in the initial attack. A witness outside the hotel said gunfire could be heard from time to time.

A senior security source said the gunmen had burst into Radisson Blu hotel at 7 a.m. (0700 GMT), firing and shouting “Allahu Akbar”, or “God is great” in Arabic, and begun working their way through the building, room by room and floor by floor.

Some hostages escaped under their own steam while others were freed after showing they could recite verses from the Koran, one security source said.

Twelve Air France flight crew were in the hotel, but all were extracted safely, the French national carrier said.

A Turkish official said three of six Turkish Airlines staff who had been in the hotel had managed to flee.

The Chinese state news agency Xinhua said several Chinese tourists were among those trapped inside the building.

Bloomberg Poll: Most Americans Oppose Syrian Refugee Resettlement, NBC Poll Supports More Troops to Fight ISIS … Obama on the Wrong Side of the American People Once Again

Bloomberg Poll: Most Americans Oppose Syrian Refugee Resettlement:

Bloomberg released a poll on Wednesday that voices the opinion of the national attitudes on America’s commitment to take in 10,000 Syrian refugees following the terror attacks in France and ISIS’s statements that they will infiltrate the Syrian refugees to America. But once again, the ideologue, dense, obtuse and and incompetent Barack Obama says, the hell with the facts and the American people, we are going forward.

One would almost think that he is trying to put America at risk. Barack Obama states that he was going to fundamentally transform America if elected, guess what .. he is doing just that. Say goodbye to what you used to call America.

Obama_Worst President

Most Americans want the U.S. to stop letting in Syrian refugees amid fears of terrorist infiltrations after the Paris attacks, siding with Republican presidential candidates, governors, and lawmakers who want to freeze the Obama administration’s resettlement program.

The findings are part of a Bloomberg Politics national poll released Wednesday that also shows the nation divided on whether to send U.S. troops to Iraq and Syria to fight the Islamic State, an idea President Barack Obama opposes, and whether the U.S. government is doing enough to protect the homeland from a comparable attack.

Fifty-three percent of U.S. adults in the survey, conducted in the days immediately following the attacks, say the nation should not continue a program to resettle up to 10,000 Syrian refugees. Just 28 percent would keep the program with the screening process as it now exists, while 11 percent said they would favor a limited program to accept only Syrian Christians while excluding Muslims, a proposal Obama has dismissed as “shameful” and un-American.

REALLY, ITS UN-AMERICAN TO WANT TO PROTECT AMERICA AND THE AMERICAN PEOPLE FROM OUTSIDE DANGERS? Barack Obama might want to check out his presidential oath of office and that he is beholden to the American people, not refugees. I must have missed the part of the US Constitution where it says we have to put ourselves at risk for refugees from a region of the world that chants, death to America. Did Obama have his fingers crossed when he took the oath?

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

And even though The Bloomberg poll is mixed on sending ground troops, a new NBC poll shows that Americans are heavily in favor of sending more troops to fight ISIS. An amazing 70% believe that the US and its allies are losing the war against ISIS. Way to go Barack Obama. You are an inept and total failure. The NBC poll also has a majority of Americans against bring Syrian refugees to the United States.

Roughly two-thirds of the country (65 percent) want more troops on the ground in Iraq and Syria to combat IS, which took responsibility for the attacks in Paris, France, last week that killed more than 120 people. When broken down by political party, a majority of Republicans, Democrats, and two-thirds of independents agree on sending more troops to combat the terrorist group.

President Obama had previously said that putting troops on the ground would be a mistake and stood by his current strategy on fighting IS.

Since the spring a majority of Americans, 53 percent, feel the the United State government is not doing enough to eradicate the threat of terrorism, which is up from 37 percent in April. Meet the Press Daily’s Chuck Todd said that the number was not surprising given the amount of coverage of the recent Paris terrorist attacks.

French Authorities Confirm Suspected Paris Islamist Terror Attack Ringleader Abdelhamid Abaaoud Killed in Police Raid


The Paris prosecutor’s office announced Thursday that the suspected ringleader, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, in last week’s bloody radical-Islamist terrorist attacks in Paris was killed in a pre-dawn raid Wednesday on an apartment building in Saint Denis. Abaaoud’s body was found in the Saint-Denis building riddled with bullets. Authorities said that he was positively identified using DNA and papillary prints, which include patterns on fingers, palms and the soles of feet. NBC News reports that the confirmation of Abdelhamid Abaaoud’s death came as authorities launched six raids in Brussels, including in the impoverished Molenbeek neighborhood where Abaaoud grew up.

The suspected ringleader in last week’s bloody terrorist attacks in Paris was killed in a pre-dawn raid Wednesday on an apartment building north of the French capital, the Paris prosecutor’s office announced Thursday.

Authorities zeroed in on a building in the Paris suburb of Saint-Denis after picking up phone conversations indicating that a relative of Abdelhamid Abaaoud, who authorities believe coordinated the shootings and bombings that killed 129 people, may have been there, a Belgian counterterrorism official said. French police believed Abaaoud himself was then still in the country, though they didn’t know exactly where.

It turns out Abaaoud was in that building in Saint-Denis. And after a violent firefight that included explosions and gunfire, he was dead.

In a statement released Thursday, the Paris prosecutor’s office said that Abaaoud’s body was found in the Saint-Denis building riddled with bullets. The office said that he was positively identified using papillary prints, which include patterns on fingers, palms and the soles of feet.

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