San Bernardino Mass Terror Shooting: Suspects Syed Rizwan Farook and wife Tashfeen Malik Left Baby Daughter With Grandma


Hmm … Yeah, no planning of this terrible heinous act. Not only was this event obviously pre-planned, they also left their 6 year old child with their grandmother before going on their killing spree. No one is this heavily armed with guns and pipe bombs for anyone to think that this was work place violence or just a typical act of random gun violence. The two were devout Muslims and they targeted a Christmas party, hmm … you do the math seeing that the liberal MSM and Democrat politicians cannot.

A couple who died in a hail of bullets after allegedly killing 14 people during a Christmas party at a state-run center for people with developmental disabilities left their six-month-old daughter with her grandmother before the onslaught.

U.S.-born Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and wife Tashfeen Malik, 27, were killed in a shootout with police more than four hours after the rampage at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California, on Wednesday.

Farook had been at the party before the shooting and left “under some circumstances that were described as angry,” San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan told reporters Wednesday night. Farook worked as a health inspector for the county health department for five years.

However, authorities would not rule out terrorism as a motive. Farook and Malik were wearing tactical gear and armed with assault-style rifles when they were killed, Burguan said, adding “there had to be some degree of planning.”

San Bernardino Shooting Suspect Syed Farook Recently Traveled to Saudi Arabia, met Muslim Wife Online


As authorities attempt to develop a motive and understand what was the circumstances behind yesterday’s terrible and heinous act that left 14 people dead and 17 others injured who were attending a Holiday party in  San Bernardino, California, we are left with facts that make this obvious that this mass shooting was more than just work place violence. The LA Times is reporting that the two suspects, now dead, were both devout Muslims and that  28 year old Syed R. Farook recently traveled to Saudi Arabia.

The scary and pathetic aspect of this incident is that neither Syed Farook or his wife were on any terror list or being tracked by the FBI. Makes one feel really safe, doesn’t it? And we want to let massive amounts of Syrian refugees into the US who we have no idea who they are. The disturbing and troubling thought that comes from this henious act is have we just witnessed a terror sleeper cell in the United States?

Syed Farook

They said Farook recently traveled to Saudi Arabia and returned with a new wife he had met online. The couple had a baby and appeared to be “living the American dream,” said Patrick Baccari, a fellow health inspector who shared a cubicle with Farook.

Baccari and Christian Nwadike said Farook, who worked with them for several years, rarely started a conversation. But the tall, thin young man with a full beard was well liked and spent much of his time out in the field.

They and other colleagues said Farook was a devout Muslim, but rarely discussed religion at work.

“He never struck me as a fanatic, he never struck me as suspicious,” said Griselda Reisinger, who worked with Farook before leaving the agency in May.

Reisinger said she heard that the office recently threw a baby shower for Farook and that he had taken paternity leave.

Later Wednesday night, Farhan Khan, a brother-in-law of Farook, said he knew the suspect for much of his life and last saw him a week ago.

“I cannot express how sad I am,” he said at an Islamic Center in Anaheim. “I have no idea why he would do that…. I am in shock that something like this would happen…. My condolences to the people who lost their life.”

ISIS Terrorist Cries Like a Baby After Being Captured by Kurdish Forces (VIDEO)


Are you kidding me, take a look at this ISIS terrorist that was captured by Kurdish forces in Iraq and his subsequent crying like a baby. Not so tough are they when they don’t have their victims bound, gagged, blindfolded and a knife to their throat are they? As BPR opines, Islamic State militants are big tough guys when they commit crucifixions, beheadings and drownings; however, they’re not so tough when the odds are stacked against them.

Yeah, they are just so tough when they are not killing young girls and defenseless individuals. Which makes Obama’s polices in dealing with these cowards even worse. Bring the hammers of Hell upon these terrorists and lets see what kind of stomach they have to threaten the West.

The Daily Mail:

Dramatic footage has emerged online showing a suspected ISIS fighter crying after he was taken prisoner by Kurdish forces in Iraq.

The prisoner does not appear to have any noticeable injuries as he seats in the back of the armoured truck.

Much to the amusement of the Kurdish forces, the prisoner cries and moans loudly as he waits to be taken away.

Dressed in civilian clothing, the prisoner appears to have had his hands bound behind his back and his eyes covered with a makeshift blindfold.

His painful wailing noises gain no sympathy from his captors, thought to be members of the Kurdish Peshmerga.

The footage was originally uploaded last December but has since re-emerged, attracting plenty of comments on social media.

A second extended video of the incident reveals that the prisoner was crying because he had just been tasered in the left thigh.

18 Year Old Austrian Jihadi Bride Samra Kesinovic Beaten to Death after Trying to Escape ISIS


I guess this is not quite the girl meets terrorist romance that the 18 year old Austrian girl had dreamed of. According to the NY Post,  18 year old Samra Kesinovic, who fled Austria in 2014 with her friend, 15 year old Sabina Selimovic, to become a jihadi bride has been killed by ISIS. IMAGINE THAT … and I thought those ISIS dudes just so respected women? It is being reported that this beautiful Austrian girl was beaten to death by ISIS after she tried to flee the terror group.

Let this be a lesson to the rest of you foolish girls in the United States and around the world, if you want romance and are having trouble meeting a guy, join a dating site like eHarmony or, if you want to die join ISIS.

Samra Kesinovic_ISIS bride killed

Before and After … what the hell was this girl thinking?

One of the two teens who fled Austria last year to become a “poster girl” for ISIS has been beaten to death after trying to escape the group’s Syrian stronghold of Raqqa, reports say.

A Tunisian woman who had been living with Samra Kesinovic, 18, says the young girl was killed by Islamic State extremists after she tried to flee recently, according to The Local Austria.

Kesinovic and her friend Sabina Selimovic, 15, made headlines in April 2014 when they ran away from their homes in Vienna and shacked up with militants in Syria.

The gal pals had traveled to the war-torn nation with the hope of becoming “jihadi brides” — and they later married two of the ISIS militants upon their arrival.

One has to wonder what is going on in the mind of a teen and how easily influenced one must be for a girl, of who ISIS treats as third class citizens, would ever purposely run off and meet up with these killers. The end cannot be that much of a surprise to any common sense thinking person.


GOP Presidential Candidate Donald Trump Says He Would Bring Back Waterboarding

Like him or hate him, you know exactly how he feels …

During his appearance this weekend on ABC’s “This Week” 2016 Republican presidential candidate was asked whether he would bring back waterboarding. Trump’s answer was yes, they don’t use waterboarding over there, they use chop off people’s heads. The Donald went on to say that waterboarding is peanuts compared to what they do to us and to what they did to James Foley. During the interview Donald Trump further stated he would create a database for all of the Syrian refugees to track them and he would provide surveillance on mosques. The Donald stated, “When the Syrian refugees are going to start pouring into this country, we don’t know if they’re ISIS, we don’t know if it’s a Trojan horse.”

Donald Trump thumbs up

Thumbs Up to waterboarding

A transcript of Trump’s comments:

“STEPHANOPOULOS: You also told Yahoo! News that we have to be doing things that were unthinkable a year ago. I want to get into what you had in mind. For example, do you think we should bring back enhanced interrogation like waterboarding?”

“TRUMP: Well, we have to be strong. You know, they don’t use waterboarding over there; they use chopping off people’s heads. They use drowning people. I don’t know if you’ve seen with the cages where they put people in cages and they drown them in the ocean and they lift out the cage. And we’re talking about waterboarding. We have to be tough –”

“STEPHANOPOULOS: So you’d bring back waterboarding?”

“TRUMP: We have–I would bring it back, yes. I would bring it back. I think waterboarding is peanuts compared to what they’d do to us, what they’re doing to us, what they did to James Foley when they chopped off his head. That’s a whole different level and I would absolutely bring back interrogation and strong interrogation.”

ABC News:

Donald Trump would “absolutely” bring back waterboarding as an accepted form of interrogation, he said today on ABC’s “This Week.”

Trump characterized waterboarding as a form of “strong interrogation” that is “peanuts” when compared to tactics used by ISIS against its hostages.

“I think waterboarding is peanuts compared to what they do to us,” the Republican presidential candidate said. “What they’re doing to us, what they did to James Foley when they chopped off his head, that’s a whole different level and I would absolutely bring back interrogation and strong interrogation.”

Trump also said he does not want to close any mosques in the United States but he does want to put them under surveillance. He previously said it may be necessary to close some mosques if it is determined “bad things are happening” in them.

When asked if he wants blanket surveillance across all the nation’s mosques, Trump said “strong measures” are necessary.

“The people that are involved in those mosques, they know who the bad ones are and they know who the good ones are, but they don’t talk,” he said. “We have to surveil the mosques.”

Of course the LEFT and the liberal MSM cries foul when they hear there will be a registry created of Muslim refugees who come to America who we have no clue who they are or if they are sympathetic to radical Islam and terrorism, but they are all for a gun registry of innocent law abiding citizens who rights are protected by the Second Amendment.

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