ISIS Claims Jordanian Airstrike Killed 26 Year Old U.S. Hostage Kayla Mueller

ISIS is claiming that 26 year old US hostage Kayla Mueller was killed Friday during when a Jordan fighter plane bombed the building where she was being held near Raqqa. However, it could not be confirmed and the Islamic State has provided no proof of their allegations. Kayla Mueller was kidnapped in August 2013 when she was leaving a hospital run by Spanish Doctors Without Borders in the Syrian city of Aleppo.

The Islamic State claimed that a 26-year-old Arizona woman taken hostage by the group in Syria was killed Friday when a Jordanian fighter plane bombed a building where she was being held.

The claim could not be immediately verified, nor was it clear that Jordanian planes had bombed that location, described as being near Raqqa, the group’s de facto capital. The group released photos showing rubble of a building it claimed had been struck in airstrikes, but no images of the hostage, Kayla Mueller.

“The criminal Crusader coalition aircraft bombarded a site outside the city of ar-Raqqah today at noon while the people were performing the Friday prayer,” the Islamic State said in a statement, according to SITE Intelligence Group, which tracks online postings by Islamist militant groups. “The air assaults were continuous on the same location for more than an hour.”

The statement included Mueller’s phone numbers and other personal information.

The White House has “not at this time seen any evidence that corroborates” the claim.

The White House has “not at this time seen any evidence that corroborates” the claim, said Bernadette Meehan, the spokeswoman for President Barack Obama’s National Security Council. The statement included photos allegedly of the bombed site but no images of Mueller.

We are obviously deeply concerned by these reports,” Meehan said.

Jordan has been launching increased airstrikes against ISIS in response to a video released this week that shows a captive Jordanian pilot being burned to death in a cage.

CBS News national security correspondent David Martin reports that a U.S. military officer said the building that ISIS claims the U.S. hostage was in “was a weapons storage facility, not anything that was assessed to be a hostage holding area.”

“We would not strike a facility that was a known or possible hostage facility,” the officer said.

UPDATE I: Jordan: Islamic State claim U.S. hostage killed in airstrike ‘propaganda’.

UPDATE II: Family of U.S. Hostage of Islamic State Says Hopeful She is Still Alive.

The parents of an American humanitarian worker held hostage by Islamic State since August 2013 said on Friday they are hopeful she is still alive, after the group said she was killed in a bombing by Jordanian fighter jets.

Carl and Marsha Mueller, the parents of Kayla Jean Mueller, asked the Islamic State group to contact them privately, according to a statement released by a family representative.

In a message directed to “those in positions of responsibility for holding Kayla,” they said: “You told us that you treated Kayla as your guest, as your guest her safety and well-being remains your responsibility.”

Barack Obama at 2015 Prayer Breakfast Speech Compares Today’s ISIS Terror Acts to Terrible Deeds in Name of Christ During Crusades



Barack Hussein Obama was at it again this years Annual Prayer Breakfast with his divisive, twisted and distorted ideology. So what does the Divider in Chief, the Community agitator in Chief do at a National prayer breakfast … why lash out against Christians of course in the wake of radical Islam ISIS beheadings and the burning of a Muslim pilot alive.  The 2016 elections cannot come fast enough. As radical Islam is raping young females, slaughtering innocents, beheading with impunity and burning individuals alive, this sad excuse of a president can not label these barbaric terrorists as radical Islamist, but he can find it in himself to blame Christians and make a comparison to the Crusades. UNREAL.

“Humanity has been grappling with these questions throughout human history. Unless we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place. Remember that during the Crusades and Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. And our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ.”

“This is not unique to one group or one religion. There is a tendency in us, a sinful tendency that can pervert and distort our faith.”

The Blaze:

President Barack Obama spoke about religious extremism during an address at Thursday morning’s National Prayer Breakfast, noting that the “twisting and distorting” of faith is “not unique to one group or one religion” and claiming that some Christians also had a history of justifying bad deeds with the name of Jesus.

“We see sectarian war in Syria, the murder of Muslims and Christians in Nigeria, religious war in the Central African Republic, a rising tide of anti-Semitism and hate crimes in Europe, so often perpetrated in the name of religion,” Obama said during his remarks.

From there, the president implored listeners not to forget the negative history that Christianity has had in light of the Crusades and Inquisition — and with America’s own past with slavery.

This is the sad state of affairs in the United States that the American people reelected this warped, America-hating, Christian-hating president whose views and ideology were shaped by radical socialists and the religious teachings of Rev. Wright. This is the result of being a member of the Trinity United Church of Christ that taught Black liberation theology under the guidance of Rev. Jeremiah Wright, “God Damn America”.

In Response to Jordanian Pilot Burned Alive … Jordan executes ISIS jihadists: Sajida al-Rishawi and Ziad al-Karbouli


As reported at The Daily Mail, Jordan has executed two ISIS jihadists, one, a female suicide bomber (Sajida al-Rishawi) and Ziad al-Karbouli, were put to death in dawn hangings in retaliation for terrorists releasing video of pilot being burned to death in cage. Has ISIS just escalated the Middle East insanity to a new level? Have they gone too far this time, even for this radical terror group. it was one thing for them to behead Western indifels, it is quite another for them to burn alive a devout Muslim.

Jordan has executed two ISIS-linked prisoners, including a would-be female suicide bomber, it has been revealed this morning.

The executions, at about 4am local time today, came just hours after Islamic State militants released a sickening video showing a captured Jordanian fighter pilot being burned alive in a cage.

Jordan had vowed a swift and lethal response and government officials this morning revealed that two prisoners, Sajida al-Rishawi and Ziad al-Karbouli, have already been hanged.

Al-Rishawi had been on death row for her role in a triple hotel bombing in the Jordanian capital Amman in 2005 that killed dozens.

The executions took place after gruesome footage emerged showing Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh being torched to death by his captors.

UPDATE I: Jordan’s King Abdullah II Returns Home to Cheers After Swift Executions

King Abdullah II returned here to an unexpectedly warm welcome on Wednesday, as cheering crowds expressed support for the country’s swift executions of two terrorist prisoners in retaliation for the Islamic State’s grisly killing of a Jordanian pilot.

The state news agency Petra confirmed that two Iraqis already on death row here, a would-be suicide bomber, Sajida al-Rishawi, and a former top lieutenant of Al Qaeda in Iraq, Ziad al-Karbouli, were executed Wednesday at dawn, less than 12 hours after ISIS released a video that showed the Jordanian pilot, First Lt. Moaz al-Kasasbeh, being burned alive inside a cage.

Jordan has another 100 prisoners on death row, but only three of them are known to have been convicted of terrorism offenses.

ISIS Burned Jordanian Pilot Muath al-Kasaesbeh Alive In a Cage


ISIS burned Jordanian pilot alive in a cage. It would appear that the radical Islamo-Nazi terrorist group has decided to escalate the depravity. These savages burned alive the pilot they had in captivity, Jordanian Pilot Muath al-Kasaesbeh. Obviously beheading innocents has become too common place for ISIS, they needed a greater shock value for PR. What kind of sick SOB’s douse an individual with gasoline and burn them alive? UNREAL.

Tweet_ISIS burns Pilot

The Jordanian government confirmed that Islamic State militants had killed the pilot on Jan. 3, state television reported. A report by Sky News Arabic reports prisoners that Jordan planned to swap with ISIS are to be executed tonight.

Last week, Jordan issued an ultimatum to the Islamic State that it would execute its ISIS prisoners if the terrorist group killed the Jordanian pilot it had captured.

The ISIS video and images showed a burning man standing in a cage. Kasaesbeh was apparently placed in the cage on open ground, draped in the now traditional orange robes, doused in flammable liquid, and set alight. The 20-minute-long video featured the slick production and graphics used in previous videos released by the group.

The head of the Jordanian armed forces told his family he had been killed, a member of the family told Reuters.

Kasaesbeh has been in Islamic State captivity since his plane crashed over Syria in December.

The pilot, Mu’ath Safi Yousef Al-Kaseasbeh, 26, a first lieutenant in Jordan’s air force, was captured on Christmas Eve after his F-16 jet crash-landed near the Syrian city of Raqqa, which is held by ISIS (also known as ISIL).

I debated on whether to publish the pic below from the terrible and disgusting video; however, I felt the need to show just what these savages are capable of. This is the radical Islam that our dear president refuses to acknowledge and call it by name for what it is. I also thought as I watched the disturbing video of the Jordanian pilot being burned alive, just what must those individuals have been going through in the World Trade Centers on 9-11 when they face the same situation that would cause them to jump 100 stories to their death.

ISIS_burn pilot alive


 UPDATE I: Jordan’s King Abdullah praises pilot Muath al-Kasaesbeh.

Video Released Online Showing the Beheading Death of Japanese Hostage Kenji Goto by ISIS Terrorists

ISIS savages behead a second Japanese hostage …

A video has been released online that shows 47 year old Kenji Goto being beheaded by an ISIS terrorist with a British accent. The latest beheading video comes less than a week after another Japanese hostage, Haruna Yukawa, was executed.  Japanese officials had been working with Jordan to secure the release of Goto and a Jordanian pilot, Moaz al-Kasasbeh, who was shot down over Syria in December; however, earlier on Saturday negotiations had become deadlocked.

ISIS_Goto beheading

The video comes less than a week after news of the beheading of another Japanese man, Haruna Yukawa.

Mr Goto, 47, is a well-known freelance journalist and film-maker who went to Syria in October, reportedly to try to secure Mr Yukawa’s release.

Japan said it was trying to authenticate the video.

The video, which bears the same symbols as previous IS videos, shows a militant with a British accent beheading Mr Goto.

Japanese government spokesman Yoshihide Suga said Japan was “outraged” by the video, adding that the cabinet was meeting to decide a response to it.

Rupert Wingfield-Hayes: “The Japanese PM has taken a very tough line”

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Japan “would not give in to terrorism”.

He said Japan would work with the international community to bring those responsible for Kenji Goto’s apparent murder to justice.

Japan Times – Islamic State group purportedly releases Goto execution video:

The video — the authenticity of which cannot be confirmed by The Japan Times — shows a masked man speaking in British-accented English standing beside Goto kneeling down on the ground, wearing an orange jumpsuit.

“To the Japanese government. You, like your foolish allies in the satanic coalition, have yet to understand that we, by Allah’s grace, are a large Islamic caliphate with authority and power and an entire army thirsty for your blood,” the man said, brandishing a knife.

“Abe, because of your decision to take part in an unwinnable war, this knife will not only slaughter Kenji but will carry on and also cause carnage wherever your people are found. So let the nightmare for Japan begin.”

Then the man applied the knife to the throat of Goto and the video switched to a still image of what appears to be the beheaded body of Goto.

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