Obama Spox Josh Earnest Gets Hammered by Ed Henry Over 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians Hehaedsed by ISIS as Compared to 3 Muslims Killed in NC


Obama spokesperson Josh Earnest to the bait, hook, line and sinker as Ed Henry caught him in an obvious White House double standard like a large mouth bass. Watch the VIDEO below and see the exchange between Ernst and Henry as you are witness to the Obama White House not naming the 21 Egyptians beheaded by ISIS as Coptic Christians; however, the three individuals murdered in North Carolina were labeled Muslims. It gets even better, Ernest is forced to say that the NC murder is still under investigation and it is not known whether their faith had anything to to with their death. However, make no mistake about it, 21 Egyptians were marched along a beach in Libya and had their throats slit because they were Christians.


Isn’t it remarkable that Obama would once again interject himself into a crime investigation and make the assumption that the people were killed because of their faith. Sadly, it almost seems like he is hoping that was the case so that he can criticize we Crusaders.

The Blaze:

On Wednesday during the press briefing, Henry followed, “Why did you not say 21 Christians were killed?”

Earnest responded, “I can’t account for that specific line of the statement.”

“But we’ve been clear that we condemn this murder. The president was clear in the op-ed that was publish today and on a variety of occasions I think I’ve been pretty clear here,”  Earnest said. “We’ve been pretty clear here that we condemn this outrageous killing of these Egyptian citizens because of their Christian faith.”

Henry went on to question Earnest about why the White House “invoked faith” when three Muslim students were killed in North Carolina, but not when Islamic State terrorists beheaded 21 Coptic Christians. Local authorities in the North Carolina slayings believe that the deadly incident was the result of a long-running parking dispute, not religion, USA Today reports.

In his response, Earnest said the president believes no one should be targeted based on their faith. He didn’t answer Henry’s question directly regarding why faith was included in one statement and not the other.

New York Post Nails Barack Obama with Brutal Front Page Pic … What Islamic Terror?


OUCH … This one is going to leave a mark. The New York Post shreds Barack Obama and his refusal to call terrorism for what is truly is … Radical Islam jihad. This president is putting the United States national security at risk as he refuses to identify the enemy and yet he smugly speaks at this so called extremism conference when the fact of the matter is, it might just be Obama that is the extremist. Can you imagine if FDR the Nazi’s as individuals who had “legitimate grievances”?

The New York Post on Thursday unveiled a brutal front page targeting President Barack Obama over his recent refusal to acknowledge the role Islam plays in fueling violent extremism around the world.

The cover, first posted on the Drudge Report, featured Obama with a blindfold across his face.

“Islamic terror? I just don’t see it,” it said.

Obama on Wednesday spoke at the White House’s summit on violent extremism, once again contending that “no religion is responsible for terrorism.”

Obama_see no evil

Pic – Drudge Report

The New York Post:

They’re burning and beheading victims in the name of Islam, but President Obama delivered a major speech Wednesday on combating violent extremism — while refusing to use the words “Muslim terrorists.”

“No religion is responsible for terrorism — people are responsible for violence and terrorism,” Obama told a crowd that included Muslim community leaders at the White House.

Following months of unrelenting atrocities by ISIS killers who released videos of themselves beheading US journalists and, most recently, 21 Coptic Christians, and burning a man alive, the president kowtowed to the audience by proclaiming that “Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding.”

Dana Loesch Conducts a Job Fair for Radical Islamists … “Jobs for Jihadis”


You have heard of “cash for clunkers, now comes … “Jobs for Jihadis”. Check out the below video of Dana Loesch mocking the Obama White House and State Department spokesperson Marie Harf’s comments that it is because ISIS lacks jobs and opportunities as to the reason why they are terrorists and barbarically slaughter Christians in the Middle East … #Jobs for Jihadis. However, wouldn’t one of the issues be that the Jihadis would not be interest in Obama’s “green” job agenda, the radical Islamists are more interested  in blood “red” ones.

Watch and enjoy … remember when SNL used to have sarcastic humor of real life events like this? I wonder if this humor is too nuanced for  State Department spokesperson Marie Harf?

Barack Obama … Islamist Killers Have “Legitimate Grievances”


Barack Obama was at it again yesterday with his dangerous talk. Sorry folks, this is one delusional and dangerous president you have elected. Never in my lifetime has an American president so reviled his own country and defended the actions of those that would look to destroy America. Once again Barack Obama was quick to blame America and sympathize with radical Islam referencing the so-called “legitimate grievances” and justifies the actions of killers. How pathetically sad that we have the most non-serious president in office during such a serious time.

“There is a strain of thought that does not embrace ISIL tactics, but does buy into the notion the Muslim world has suffered historic grievances, some times is accurately,” Obama said. “It buys into the belief that flows from the conspiracy, by the idea that Islam is incompatible, that it is polluted by Western values. Those beliefs exist. In some communities around the world, they are widespread. It makes individuals, especially young people who may be disaffected are alienated more rife for radicalization.”

LEGITIMATE GRIEVANCES!!! Hey Barack, sometimes a banana is just a banana.


From Obama’s OPED, UNREAL.

More broadly, groups like al Qaeda and ISIL exploit the anger that festers when people feel that injustice and corruption leave them with no chance of improving their lives. The world has to offer today’s youth something better.

Governments that deny human rights play into the hands of extremists who claim that violence is the only way to achieve change. Efforts to counter violent extremism will only succeed if citizens can address legitimate grievances through the democratic process and express themselves through strong civil societies. Those efforts must be matched by economic, educational and entrepreneurial development so people have hope for a life of dignity.

Simply incredible, in his OPED, Obama some how manages to mention that the three individuals killed in North Carolina were Muslim, even though from all accounts so far that they’re being Muslim had nothing to do with why they were killed by Craig Stephen Hicks. Police have said that initial indications suggested the shooting stemmed from “an ongoing neighbor dispute over parking.” And he mentions the killings at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin in 2012, but some how Barack Hussein Obama can’t seem to find it in himself to call terrorists “radical Islam” or “Islamic terrorists”. The Obama White House could not say that 21 Egyptians beheaded by ISIS were Coptic Christians. Sorry folks, this is one community agitating, sick individual.

That pluralism has at times been threatened by hateful ideologies and individuals from various religions. We’ve seen tragic killings at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin in 2012 and at a Jewish community center in Kansas last year.

We do not yet know why three young people, who were Muslim Americans, were brutally killed in Chapel Hill, N.C. But we know that many Muslim Americans across our country are worried and afraid. Americans of all faiths and backgrounds must continue to stand united with a community in mourning and insist that no one should ever be targeted because of who they are, what they look like, or how they worship.

Our campaign to prevent people around the world from being radicalized to violence is ultimately a battle for hearts and minds. With this week’s summit, we’ll show once more that — unlike terrorists who only offer misery and death — it is our free societies and diverse communities that offer the true path to opportunity, justice and dignity.

FOX NEWS – Obama says world should address ‘grievances’ that terrorists exploit.

Obama, addressing the Washington audience on the second day of the summit, said the international community needs to address “grievances” that terrorists exploit, including economic and political issues.

He stressed that poverty alone doesn’t cause terrorism, but “resentments fester” and extremism grows when millions of people are impoverished.

“We do have to address the grievances that terrorists exploit including economic grievances,” he said.

He also said no single religion was responsible for violence and terrorism, adding he wants to lift up the voice of tolerance in the United States and beyond.


State Department SPOX Marie Harf Trying to Defend Her ‘JOBS FOR JIHADISTS” Comments … Quotes the GWB Doctrine


State Department SPOX Marie Harf goes on the defensive and tells us that we are just not smart enough to understand what she said … Marie Harf to Critics: Maybe My Comments Were ‘Too Nuanced’ for you. Looks like the MSM is giving Harf another opportunity to explain her ridiculous comments. That’s correct, Harf defends her “JOBS FOR JIHADISTS” comments. What else is the liberal Democrat media complex to do. Harf appeared with Wolf Blitzer on CNN’s The Situation Room and attempted to clarify her point. Sorry, did I just hear Harf repeat the following, “We cannot kill every terrorist around the world, nor should we try.” NOR SHOULD WE TRY? NOR SHOULD WE TRY!!!

Maybe Barack Obama will create a new government program, Welfare and Food Stamps for terrorist.

“I’m not the first person to say something like this,” Harf said. “Military commanders that we’ve had throughout many years here fighting this war on terrorism have said the exact same thing, that in the short term when there’s a threat like ISIL. We’ll take direct military action against these terrorists. We have done that. We are doing that in Iraq and Syria. But longer term, we have to look at how we combat the conditions that can lead people to turn to extremism.”

Unbelievable, she is quoting George W. Bush and the Bush doctrine. This from the same Obama administration that has had nothing good to say about GWB and his handling of the war on terror. Barack Obama has tried to distance himself from w, and change everything and anything away from Bush … now when backed into a corner because of so-called “nuanced” comments, they turn to GWB to defend their foreign policy. ARE YOU KIDDING? You know the Obama administration has hit rock bottom when they need W for help.

Marie Harf_video

click HERE or on pic to watch Harf attempt to spin her way out of this one

State Department spokesperson Harf tries to put the toothpaste back in the tube as she goes on the defensive regarding her ignorant comments. Check out the Twitter-fest at Twitchy as Harf is just making matters worse trying to defend her foolish comments. Hey Ms. Harf, backpedaling from beyond stupid comments is like quicksand, the more you try, the worse it gets. Get this, for the past 6 years and two years prior to that campaigning for president,  Barack Obama distanced himself and trashed George W. Bush for his handled the war on terror, now his administration is quoting Bush and appealing to the Bush Doctrine.

Marie Harf_twitter_ISIS jobs

Marie Harf -  @marieharf

Powerline opines …

Jobs programs don’t quite cut it when you’re in the 72 virgins business. This is where the administration’s comprehensive denial of the motive forces driving the terrorists is key. They aren’t looking for work. They aren’t looking to get rich. They aren’t looking for early childhood education. They aren’t looking for daycare programs. They’ve got something else on their mind, something else that is taboo to speak of in the higher reaches of the Obama administration.

“I’m not the first person to say something like this,” Harf said this afternoon. “Military commanders that we’ve had throughout many years here fighting this war on terrorism have said the exact same thing, that in the short term when there’s a threat like ISIL. We’ll take direct military action against these terrorists. We have done that. We are doing that in Iraq and Syria. But longer term, we have to look at how we combat the conditions that can lead people to turn to extremism.”

“So you suggested that maybe if you find these young men jobs, they might not become terrorists?” Blitzer asked.

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