Actor Bill Paxton of ‘Titanic’, ‘Aliens’, ‘Tombstone’ and ‘Twister’ Dies at age 61, RIP


Bill Paxton, the actor best known for his works in such movies as Titanic, Aliens, Tombstone and Twister and television shows like Big Love and Training Day, has died at the age of 61 due to complications of surgery. According to TMZ, Paxton underwent heart surgery and had post operative complications and suffered a fatal stroke. Paxton was an amazing talent that could take on any role. Paxton is survived by his 2 children and his wife Louise Newbury. Our hearts and prayers go out to his family and friends He will be missed.

Bill Paxton

“It is with heavy hearts we share the news that Bill Paxton has passed away due to complications from surgery,” his family said in a statement on Sunday, the day of the 89th Academy Awards. “A loving husband and father, Bill began his career in Hollywood working on films in the art department and went on to have an illustrious career spanning four decades as a beloved and prolific actor and filmmaker. Bill’s passion for the arts was felt by all who knew him, and his warmth and tireless energy were undeniable.”

Paxton was born on May 17, 1955, in Fort Worth, Texas, and his father was in the lumber business. When he was 8, he, his brother and dad went to see John F. Kennedy at a hotel in Fort Worth on the day the president was assassinated.

Bill Paxton discussing film-making always my dream in a 2005 interview with Larry King

Bill Paxton was one of my favorite actors dating back to the early 80′s.  Many know Paxton for his role of  Brock Lovett  in Titanic,  meteorologist Bill Harding in Twister or Pvt. Hudson from Aliens; however, do you remember him in the many other lesser roles he played? Bill Paxton also appeared in the following films and one of my 80′s favorites, Weird Science (1985) as Chet Donnolly (video)True Lies (1994) as car sales man and faux-spy Simon, Tombstone (1993) as Morgan Earp, another favorite, Vertical Limit (2000) as Elliot Vaughn, Predator 2 (1990) as Jerry Lambert,  Apollo 13 (1995) as Fred Haise, U-571 (2000) as Lt. Cmdr. Mike Dahlgren and Next of Kin (1989) as Gerald Gates. Do you remember seeing him in Stripes? He was there as one of the soldiers. How About campy 80′s film, Streets of Fire? He was in that too as Clyde the bar tender.

Tribute to Bill Paxton (Titanic) Now that were here

Bill Paxton was a brilliant actor and could take on any role from the most serious to the most ridiculous and be equally as great. How many people do you know could play a captain searching for the Heart of the Sea in Titanic and then being transformed into a turd by Kelly LeBrock as in Weird Science. I find myself so very sad today as such a contemporary passed away following a surgery. A bright light was taken far too soon. Rest in Peace, Bill.

‘Girls’ Star Lena Dunham is Sharing a New Weight-loss Trick … Soul-crushing Pain & Devastation & Hopelessness Due to Trump’s Election

Hey Lena, Look On the Bright Side … You Lost Weight.

Lena Dunham, one of the many over-reactionary Hollywood elitist types who has lost their minds over the presidential election of Donald J. Trump shared her weight loss secret. In an interview with Howard Stern she revealed that her new found weight loss was not a result of Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem or working out. The reason for her weight loss  was a result of soul-crushing pain and devastation and hopelessness after the election of Trump.


Most people turn to diets and exercise to lose extra pounds, but Girls star Lena Dunham is sharing a new weight-loss trick you may not want to try at home.

Dunham stopped by Howard Stern’s SiriusXM radio show Monday morning and revealed that she has none other than Donald Trump to thank for her slim figure.

“Donald Trump became president and I stopped being able to eat food,” she told Stern after he complimented her look. “Everyone’s been asking like, ‘What have you been doing?’ And I’m like, ‘Try soul-crushing pain and devastation and hopelessness and you, too, will lose weight.’”

The actress, who was on hand to promote the upcoming sixth and final season of Girls, has not been shy about her dislike for the President, and apparently, the feeling is mutual.

“He said I was a B-list actor with no mojo,” Dunham told Stern, who followed up by asking if it was a mistake for someone with responsibilities as great as Trump’s to pay such close attention to celebrities.

By the way, why are you still in America, I thought you said you were moving to Canada and the Great White North? So take off you hoser!

Meryl Streep called out Donald Trump at the Golden Globes. … Hollywood Just Does Not Get That They Live in LA LA LAND, Not the Real World … Trump Responded Calling Her ‘Over-Rated’


Meryl Streep took the opportunity at last night’s Golden Globe awards, another opportunity for the privileged to get together and reward themselves, to go after president-elect Donald trump. Yawn, this is getting real old. But what else would you expect from Hollywood and all the people who in the room were still in mourning?Believe it or not, the out of touch actress also stated that Hollywood and the media were victims as she stated, “You and all of us in this room really belong to the most vilified segments in American society right now. Think about it: Hollywood, foreigners and the press.” Just how out of touch can one possibly be?

Meryl Streep went after Trump for his comments to a disables reporter. Hmm, you know what was conspicuous by her actions and solemn plea … where was her compassion and caring  for the white, special needs, mentally disabled man who was tortured by 4 blacks and broadcast on Facebook Live? Or where was her outrage when Barack Obama made fun of Special Olympics? Yeah I know, it’s Hollywood … crickets.  The double standard in Hollywood is despicable and reason number 42.9 why America rose up and elected Donald trump.


It’s no secret that Hollywood skews liberal, and there were probably few Donald Trump fans in the audience at Sunday’s Golden Globes. And while the awards show kicked off with a few jokes at the president-elect’s expense, Meryl Streep took an incredibly serious tone when addressing the recent presidential election.

Streep accepted the Cecil B. DeMille Award — basically a lifetime achievement award — but didn’t say much about her career. Instead, she spent the minutes allotted to her to speak critically of the current political climate and Trump, although she didn’t mention the president-elect by name.

“There was one performance this year that stunned me,” she said. “It sank its hooks in my heart. Not because it was good. There was nothing good about it. But it was effective, and it did its job. It made its intended audience laugh and show their teeth.

“It was that moment when the person asking to sit in the most respected seat in our country imitated a disabled reporter. Someone he outranked in privilege, power and the capacity to fight back. It kind of broke my heart when I saw it. I still can’t get it out of my head because it wasn’t in a movie. It was real life.”

Streep was referring to Trump’s remarks during the campaign, when he appeared to mock New York Times reporter Serge F. Kovaleski, who has arthrogryposis, which visibly limits the functioning of his joints.

“And this instinct to humiliate, when it’s modeled by someone in the public platform, by someone powerful, it filters down into everybody’s life, ’cause it kind of gives permission for other people to do the same thing,” the actress said.

UPDATE I: Kellyanne Conway told “Fox and Friends” Monday that she’s “concerned that somebody with a platform like Meryl Streep’s is inciting people’s worst instincts.”


Conservatives Team up in Hilarious Parody of ‘Self-Important Hollywood Celeb’ Political Videos … Stop Sucking, Sincerely America


Just before tonight’s Golden Globe awards where Hollywood celebrities full of their self-importance and elf-aggrandizement will be on display and mourning the fact that Obama is done and Donald Trump is days away from the White House, maybe they will remember the fact … We the People rejected Hollywood selected Making America great again. With that being said, a few conservative media stars, Guy Benson, S.E. Cupp, Katie Pavlich, Mary Katharine Ham, and Mollie Hemingway,  got together to create a video of their own, titled “A Special Message to Predictable, Self-Important Hollywood Celebrities.”

This is in direct mocking opposition to this cry-fest from the liberal elites of Hollywood.

Me the Elite and Hollywood Celebrities Share Their Most Memorable Moments from the Obama Presidency (VIDEO)


Thankfully, there are just days left in the long enduring disaster that has been the 8 years of the Obama presidency. But of course the Hollywood elite and liberal activists are in hyperventilation mode and now providing us the below reminiscing of the failed Obama years and their memorable moments. How I cannot wait for a world in which Hollywood elites like Leonardo DiCaprio do not have an open invitation to the White House. The last eight years can be summed up by Leo’s ignorant statement, “When I was at the U.N. and I heard our president say that climate change is the most important issue facing, not only this generation but also future generations.” Did Leo say this before or after he got off his private jet with the carbon footprint the size of Kansas? Really most pressing issue of our time, not terrorism? Sadly, Obama believed his own BS.

The most pressing question from the AP is whether Hollywood will be in the mood to celebrate at tonight’s Golden Globe awards with the doom and dread of a Trump presidency.

Though usually a boisterous affair, Trump’s upcoming inauguration is looming over this year’s ceremony. Throughout Hollywood’s awards season, many celebs have evoked a sense of dread over a Trump presidency.

My lasting memory will be of Obama waiving a final goodbye …Good riddance!!!

The Hill:

Celebrities, activists and others gave an emotional goodbye to President Obama in a new video by the White House titled “Yes We Can: Your Most Memorable Moments from the Obama Presidency.”

The video features figures including Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hanks, Jerry Seinfeld and Ellen DeGeneres, all sharing some of their favorite moments with the president.

“I never cried before, from an election result,” singer John Legend says in the video.

“When I was at the U.N. and I heard our president say that climate change is the most important issue facing, not only this generation but also future generations, it was inspiring,” DiCaprio said.

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