Al Gore Love-fest at Oscars, “An Inconvenient Truth” wins Best Documentary

It was the worst kept secret in Hollywood as to who would win “Best Documentary”.  No other documentaries need apply for that Oscar category. The Oscars did not fail. Between pre-hype and during the all too long show, it was a Gore love-fest from start to finish and after into the early hours of the morning. The Oscars as some have stated were a  bore and a horror.

During his speech last night Al Gore made the following comment, “It’s not a political issue. It’s a moral issue.” See the video at Think Progress. Really, its not political? I would ask  some very important questions to Al Gore if he states its not political:

  1. If Global warming is not a political issue then why are other emerging nations such as China looked upon in a different manner than the US?
  2. This question hits on the point that many are asking Al Gore to run in 2008. If global warming is the #1 issue of our time and Al Gore is the lead dog of this movement, for what reason would Al Gore not run for President? If he truly cared about affecting a change then wouldn’t being President of the United States give him that greatest opportunity to do so? Then why isn’t he running then?
  3. Also in  his 30 year quest as mentioned last night in a global warming fight how come Al Gore did not do more in his 8 years as VP under Clinton? Hmm?

After winning “Best Documentary”, Al Gore used the platform to once again promote an environmental plug for global warming. First it was awarding the Dixie Chicks at the Grammy’s for their anti-war/GWB agenda and now The Oscars  giving  Al Gore with his  global warming agenda the prize. At what point does the credibility of these award shows go down the drain for not one of merit, but of political ideology? No one in their right mind thinks that Melissa Etheridge’s song, “I Need to Wake Up”  was better than anything that was nominated from Dream Girls. Not even close.

“An Inconvenient Truth,” which turned Gore’s lectures on the threat of global warming into a highly touted theatrical release, won the Academy Award for best documentary feature Sunday night.

Singer Melissa Etheridge also received the Oscar for best original song, “I Need to Wake Up,” which was written for the movie. (CNN)

A terrific round up at Hot Air with video and commentary.

Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth” Meets an Inconvenient Snow Storm

As tonights  Oscar countdown is upon us where Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth is up and favored to win  for “Best Documentary;” the Midwest was hit with a massive snow storm.

“An Inconvenient Truth,” the 100-minute movie that is essentially Gore giving a slide show about global warming, is the third-highest-grossing documentary ever, with a worldwide box office of $45 million, right behind blockbusters “Fahrenheit 9/11″ and “March of the Penguins.”

In the year since his film premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, to a standing ovation, Gore has gone from failed presidential contender — and a politician who at times gave new meaning to the word cardboard — to the most unlikely of global celebrities.

However, at the same moment in time a  ”Snowstorm Heads East After Blasting West“. This snow storm coming on the record snow fall limits in New York state and the East Coast.

DETROIT (AP) — A huge winter storm barreled toward the East Coast on Sunday after dumping more than a foot of snow on the Upper Midwest, grounding hundreds of airline flights and closing major highways on the Plains.

Seven traffic deaths in Wisconsin were blamed on the storm.

Parts of Wisconsin could get up to 24 inches of snow, said Tom Zajdel, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Sullivan, Wis.

What is most unusual is the idea that Al Gore puts forth that some how winning   an Oscar gives his message of global warming credibility. It does? Really? If that is the case and global warming is such a viable issue and Al Gore has been at the forefront of this issues then why is he nor running for President? One would think that this would be the perfect PR platform and vehicle to run in 2008. How come he is not?

Other with opinions on this celebrity ex-Presidential candidate

  • The NewsBuster, “No, this wasn’t the National Enquirer or some other cheesy tabloid that you try to ignore when you’re at a supermarket checkout counter.”
Posted February 25, 2007 by
Celebrity, Hollywood, Politics | 20 comments

Jane Fonda … Hanoi Jane, You’ve Come a Long Way Baby … From Vietnam to Iraq … Still Aiding the Enemy

 Hanoi Jane is back to her old tricks … aiding and comforting the enemy.

With Jane Fonda, its a different time but the same message. Please do not tell us that you support the troops, but not the war. That is an old and tired talking point. Not much has changed for Jane Fonda since Vietnam.

How dare they! I served in the central highlands of Vietnam. We were defending a bunker while North Vietnamese and Viet Cong rockets, mortars and sappers were lighting up our firebase. As daylight arrived, the enemy disappeared and we were able to take care of our dead and wounded. That’s when I noticed a newspaper in our bunker with a photo of a smiling Fonda as she straddled an anti-aircraft gun in North Vietnam, a gun that had been used to shoot down our planes. She was doing more to harm our troops than the rockets and mortars that had been raining down on us. She was aiding and abetting the enemy!

Take a good look what it means to side with the enemy. What has changed? What is Jane Fonda’s end goal, the same events that occurred when the US pulled out of Vietnam? We all remember “The Killing Fields”.


At a recent anti-war rally in Washington, DC Jane Fonda stated the following, “I haven’t spoken at an antiwar rally in 34 years,” she said. But, “Silence is no longer an option.” Trust me Jane … silence is an option … shut up.

A round of applause for the members of The Free Republic who state exactly what Hanoi Jane stands for and represents.

Before the march, Fonda spoke briefly to a few hundred people at the Navy Memorial. The event was sponsored by Code Pink, an antiwar group started by women. On the other side of Pennsylvania Avenue, three dozen protesters organized by the conservative Web site Free Republic held up signs calling protesters traitors and terrorist sympathizers.

“Jaaaaannnneeeee Fonda has blood on her hands!” chanted one man with a megaphone. (Washington Post)


Lily Munster, Yvonne De Carlo, Dies at the Age of 84 … Rest in Peace

Yvonne De Carlo, better known for her role as Lily Munster has died. TV wife to Herman Munster ( Fred Gwynne) who lived at 1313 Mockingbird Lane died at the age of 84 of natural causes. A sad day as this was one of my favorite TV shows. Its hard to believe the Munsters only ran from 1964–1966.


The Canadian-born De Carlo began her career with a parade of bit parts in films of the early 1940s, then emerged as a star in 1945 with “Salome — Where She Danced,” a routine movie about a dancer from Vienna who becomes a spy in the wild West.

The series lasted only two years, but it had a long life in syndication and resulted in two feature movies, “Munster Go Home!” (1966) and “The Munsters’ Revenge.” (1981, for TV). 
“I think she will best remembered as the definitive Lily Munster. She was the vampire mom to millions of baby boomers. In that sense, she’s iconic,” Burns said Wednesday. 
“But it would be a shame if that’s the only way she is remembered. She was also one of the biggest beauty queens of the 40s and 50s, one of the most beautiful women in the world. This was one of the great glamour queens of Hollywood, one of the last ones.” (Boston Herald)

Of all the roles that Yvonne De Carlo had in her career I completely forgot that she played Moses’ wife in “The Ten Commandments”. Rest in Peace.

Posted January 10, 2007 by
Celebrity, Hollywood, Obituary | 3 comments

Bruce Willis … Looks Like there may be a sequal to Armageddon (Land on Killer Asteroid?)

The Guardian is reporting that “the US space agency is drawing up plans to land an astronaut BruceWillison an asteroid hurtling through space at more than 30,000 mph”. Amazing how life imitates art imitates life.

It wants to know whether humans could master techniques needed to deflect such a doomsday object when it is eventually identified. The proposals are at an early stage, and a spacecraft needed just to send an astronaut that far into space exists only on the drawing board, but they are deadly serious. A smallish asteroid called Apophis has already been identified as a possible threat to Earth in 2036.

Didn’t Bruce Willis, Harry Stamper, already save the world back in 1998 in Armageddon? Why don’t they just watch the trailer and follow Stamper’s lead. However, this time can we have Ben Affleck stay on the asteroid and push the button?

Read more

Posted November 17, 2006 by
Bizarre, Hollywood, Technology, World | no comments

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