Sean Penn Gets the Kiss of Death, Praise from Socialist Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez … Better than an Oscar for Socialist Actor

 Sean Penn once again proving that the movie, Team America, World Police, was spot on in its assessment of Hollywood and Mr. Penn. Sean Penn goes to Venezuela to see how the other half live and gets praise from Venezuelan Dictator, I mean President Hugo Chavez. So Penn walks around the slums of Venezuela and some how Chavez is a benevolent leader.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has praised Sean Penn for his critical stance against the war in Iraq, saying the two chatted by phone and soon plan to meet in person.

Chavez said Penn traveled to Venezuela this week wanting to learn more about the situation in the country and walked around some of Caracas’ poor barrios on his own.

Welcome to Venezuela, Mr. Penn. What drives him is consciousness, the search for new paths,” Chavez said Wednesday in a televised speech. “He’s one of the greatest opponents of the Iraq invasion.”

 Chavez said the two plan to meet Thursday. He called the actor well- informed about what is happening in the United States and the world, in spite of being in Hollywood.

What are the odds that Penn thinks Venezuela is the land of rainbow sky’s and rivers made of chocolate?  Sean Penn, how does it feel to sell your soul to the Devil?

From the NewsBusters: Is it the pinnacle of an anti-American, socialist actor’s career to be praised by an anti-American, socialist dictator?

UPDATE I: Sean Penn meets Chavez in Venezuela

Meet the new Cindy Sheehan, say hello to Sean Penn. Hey Spiccoli, if you think Chavez has all the answers, please move to Venezuela permanently.

Chavez met privately with the 46-year-old actor for two hours Thursday, praising him as being “brave” for urging Americans to impeach President Bush.

Chavez said he and Penn discussed the question of “why the (U.S.) empire attacks Chavez so much,” saying Venezuela’s oil wealth is a key reason.

He also said Washington is “afraid that the people of the United States will learn the real truth” about the situation in Venezuela, citing his social programs for the poor.

“If the people of the United States, those millions and millions of poor people … if that nation realizes what is truly happening here, there would be a revolution in the United States,” Chavez said, eliciting applause from Penn.


Daily Commentary – July 31, 2007 – Lindsay Lohan in the Running for Starring in Worst Film of 2007 for “I Know Who Killed Me”

  • We’ll probably never know whether Lohan’s most recent difficulties took their toll on recent film’s potential, because either way this picture doesn’t even warrant one star.

icon for podpress  Daily Commentary – July 31, 2007 – Lindsay Lohan in the Running for Starring in Worst Film of 2007 for “I Know Who Killed Me” [1:52m]: | Download

Daily Commentary – Wednesday, July 25th, 2007 – Lindsay Lohan implodes in her own Substance Abuse

  • 21-year-old actress booked on 2 misdemeanor charges of suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol and driving on a suspended license, and two felony charges of possession of cocaine and transportation of a narcotic into a custodial facility.

icon for podpress  Daily Commentary – Wednesday, July 25th, 2007 – Lindsay Lohan implodes in her own Substance Abuse [2:35m]:  | Download

Movie Poll from American Film Institute, Top Movies Ever … What is your Favorite Movie of All Time

Recently a  poll conducted by the American Film Institute of the Top 100 movies films Cinema_marque_1of all times. The winner was “Citizen Kane” followed closely by “The God Father.” There are just so many to choose from and although I do like “rosebud”, I am not sure if it would be considered my #1.

The Godfather,” which ranked third in the original poll of 100 great films a decade ago. moved up a notch to second place while “Casablanca” slipped to number three.

Also in the top 10 were a surprising “Raging Bull” at number four, up 20 places from a decade ago. “Singin’ in the Rain” was in fifth place, “Gone With The Wind” was sixth followed by “Lawrence of Arabia,” “Schindler’s List,” “Vertigo” and “The Wizard of Oz.”

“Vertigo,” the Hitchcock film starring James Stewart, rose to 9th place after placing 61st in the original poll. (Yahoo News)

The results were revealed in a three-hour CBS special “100 Years, 100 Movies, 10th Anniversary Edition”. Strangely enough it does not appear that “Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure”, “Ishtar”, “Gymkata”, “The Blair Witch Project”, “Cobra” or pretty much any movie with Madonna made the list. For what its worth some of my top movies of all times are as follows in no particular order:

These are just some … tell us your favorite movies of all times.

Posted June 24, 2007 by
Fun, Hollywood, Media | 36 comments

What is Wrong with America and Our Media … NBC to Pay $1 Million for Interview with Paris Hilton

NBC paying Paris Hilton $1M for the first post fail house interview! Do we really wonder what is wrong with our media and society for that matter that a news organization would pay this kind of money for a non-story. Paris Hilton, famous for being famous and no infamous is cashing in on her jail house antics. So many have stated that it is the pubic’s fascination that drives the “Paris Hilton” hard news stories; however, we think its just the opposite. What would happen if the media just did not cover Paris’s exploits? If a Paris fell in the woods and no one saw it, how would we know? Or care for that matter.


($1 Million dollars, guess Dr. Evil was doing the negotiating)

However, seeing that Paris Hilton in no way needs the money and claims she has turned over a new leaf and changed behind bars after with her jail experience … maybe she will donate the money to a charity to help find missing persons? ABC Says It Was Outbid for Paris Hilton Interview

Read more

Posted June 22, 2007 by
Celebrity, Hollywood, Media | 13 comments

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