The Insanity of the Celebrity LEFT and Their Hatred of Sarah Palin (Chevy Chase, Damon, Lohan & Pam Anderson) … That’s Why Sarah’s Our Gal


Keep talking celebs. The more you do, the more the McCain/Palin poll numbers rise.The Palin_Sarahliberal left celebrity crowd continues their assault on Republican VP choice Sarah Palin. The hatred from the celebrity and Hollywood left is beyond words. Why should we be surprised, celebrities are so far out of touch with main stream life and values. Do celebrities realize that it is the very people they try to insult and make fun of who actually spend their money to see them? Maybe “We the People” should no longer. Folks, listen to the tone and arrogance of these people when they talk about Sarah Palin. They come from a stand point of … how dare she even think of running.

So everyone thought that SNL’s skit of Sarah Palin over the weekend was just more typical SNL light hearted spoofs. It does not appear that one time SNL cast member Chevy Chase thought that way.The latest in the long line of lunatic rants is from Chevy Chase. Get this, Chevy Chase wants Tina Fey to ‘Decimate’ Sarah Palin. Chevy Chase used to be funny, now he is just old, angry and mean. The Elitist LEFT just cannot believe that a normal, everyday average person has the audacity to run for VP.

What Chevy Chase and the rest of the Hollywood celebrities have forgotten is comedy is supposed to be funny … not mean.

Chase made one comment that actually made sense and he didn’t even know it because he was saying it in a condescending manner … when speaking to the fact that Tiny Fey is an exact look-a-like to Sarah Palin

“… when we have the opportunity to get a Sarah Palin look-a-like which probably exists in every city in the country.”

Without knowing it because of being a liberal elitist Chase just touched on the fact as to why so many people have flocked to Sarah Palin. She is an everyday woman for people who have been craving a non-Inside the Washington, DC Beltway type. That’s why Sarah Palin is America’s gal.

VIDEO of interview

Chevy Chase said Monday he wants Tina Fey to go “even harder” on Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin than she did in her “Saturday Night Live” skit this past weekend … and that he wants Fey to “decimate” her.

“I want her to decimate this woman. This woman is, I can’t believe there hasn’t been more about it. … It’s just unbelievable to me this woman is actually running for vice president,” he continued.

Let us not forget Matt Damon’s comments regarding Sarah Palin and that it is “Like a Bad Disney movie.” Gee Matt, because YOU know nothing about her that makes her unworthy of being the Vice President? I would dare say Mr. Damon you probably do not know much about a lot of things unless they fit into your liberal small minded box of thinking. Matt, there is a thing called the internet, newspapers and magazines where you can find out a wealth of info on the Governor of Alaska. All you have to do is take the time and the effort, instead suddenly Matt Damon is an actuary and physician

What is more absurd, Matt Damon and people of his ilk who have not a clue as to anything geopolitical except what they read on liberal left hate blogs or Sarah Palin who has a track record in politics of running for the Vice-Presidency? Matt, have you checked out the fact that Barack Obama has less experience that Palin? Of course not, that’s different.

 “And I think that’s a really scary thing because I don’t know anything about her,” said Damon in a video released yesterday. “I know she was a mayor of a really, really small town. And she was governor of Alaska for less than two years. I just don’t understand . . . I think the pick was made for political purposes but in terms of governance it’s a disaster.”

“You do the actuary tables and there’s a one-out-of-three chance, if not more, that McCain doesn’t survive his first term and it will be President Palin . . . It’s like a bad Disney movie,” said Damon, who has ponied up $4,600 to Barack Obama this year and $28,500 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

Now comes even more reasons why to elect Sarah Palin as VP of the United States, Linday Lohan and Pamela Anderson slap at Sarah Palin.  Could there be two bigger reason to vote just the opposite than to listen to these two accomplished women. Pamela Anderson with all the class and dignity tells Sarah Palin to “suck it.”  Pamela must be confused with her, um … home videos.

“I can’t stand her,” Anderson told E! News Weekend Canada. “She can suck it!”

Pretty Woman … NOT! Elizabeth Acevedo, One Legged NY Prostitute Dies After Being Knocked From Wheelchair … And Police-Prostitute Sex in the Line of Duty

38 year old Elizabeth Acevedo, a one legged New York prostitute was murdered in Brooklyn after a John hit her on the head and she fell out of her wheelchair. She then hit her skull against a wall. Funny, I do not remember any such scene in the movie Pretty Woman with Julia Roberts and Richard Gere when they glorified the life of a call girl and created a Cinderella ending. The below account might be a bit more realistic.


Scene from Pretty Woman: Hardly looks like the story of a one legged prostitute being beaten to death by her john

Elizabeth Acevedo, 38, was found unconscious in a 13th-floor hallway of the apartment building where she lived in the Boerum Hill neighborhood of Brooklyn.

Acevedo died Friday morning in the Long Island College Hospital after being removed from life support, the Post reported.

She wore a prosthetic leg, but also used a wheelchair after losing her leg in a train accident. The prostitute had 67 previous arrests for prostitution and drug charges.

And in other bizarre prostitute stories, Beaumont, TX police officer Keith Breiner testified that sex with a hooker was not fun, it was business. Yes, you heard that correctly … the police officer stated he had sex in the line of duty. Next thing he is going to tell us that he smoked pot but did not inhale.

Read more

Posted August 23, 2008 by
Bizarre, Crime, Hollywood, Murder, WTF | 5 comments

40 Year Old Virgin Actor Shelley Malil Charged with Attempted Murder of Kendra Beebe

43 year old Shelley Malil, an actor who played Haziz in the movie comedy the ‘40 Year old Virgin’ has been arrested and charged with the attempted murder of his former girlfriend, Kendra Beebe. Malil was later booked on suspicion of attempted murder, mayhem and burglary. Maili is presently in police custody on $2 million bail. According to reports, Shelley Malil has stabbed Kendra Beebe more than 20 times. Looks like Haziz will be going from the 40 Year Old Virgin to 40 years in the slammer.

Shelley Malil_Kendra

Kendra Beebe & Shelley Malil

An actor who appeared in “The 40-Year-Old Virgin” was charged with attempted murder Tuesday after police said he stabbed his former girlfriend more than 20 times.

Shelley Malil, 43, remained in custody on $2 million bail. He was arrested late Monday as he left a train in Oceanside, California, the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department said.

Malil was charged late Monday with attempted murder with special circumstances of premeditation, causing great bodily injury and using a deadly weapon, said Deputy District Attorney Steven Carver.Shelley

Malil was scheduled to be arraigned Wednesday in Vista, north of San Diego, said Paul Levikow, a spokesman for the San Diego County District Attorney’s office. He faces a maximum sentence of life in prison if convicted on all counts.

Witness describes assault on woman

Lee, 32, who lives next door to Beebe, said he was watching TV with his wife when he heard Beebe screaming and went to help. Lee said he saw a man and Beebe on the patio in her front yard. The man had a knife in his hand and was restraining Beebe, Lee said.

“I kept telling him, ‘You don’t want to do this,’ ” Lee said, adding that the man kept saying, “Look at what she did to me.”


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