The Family of Former British Margaret Thatcher Disgusted at Meryl Streep film … “sounds like some Left-wing fantasy”

According to the UK  Telegraph, the family Margaret Thatcher is appalled and disgusted with the film in which Meryl Streep plays the former British Prime Minister. The family is quoted as saying, “They think it sounds like some Left-wing fantasy.” We does the Left feel the need to do this to historic conservative leader like Margaret Thatcher? Do they ever wonder why no one watches these movies?

Mandrake hears that the screenplay of The Iron Lady depicts Baroness Thatcher as an elderly dementia-sufferer looking back on her career with sadness. She is shown talking to herself and unaware that her husband, Sir Denis Thatcher, has died.

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Daily Commentary – Monday, July 12th, 2010 – Lindsay Lohan, Contempt of Court

  • Should she be given a longer sentence, and if so, how long? Yes, Lindsay needs help, yes Lindsay needs rehab and yes Lindsay Lohan needs another 90 days for contempt of court. It is about time these spoiled rotten celeb brats are taught a lesson once and for all. Make Lindsay and the rest learn a lesson!

icon for podpress Daily Commentary – Monday, July 12th, 2010 – Lindsay Lohan, Contempt of Court [2:07m]: | Download

Yikes, Mel Gibson’s Racist Rant against Ex-Girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva Released (AUDIO) … Accused of Domestic Violence


Not even William Wallace (Braveheart) Can Save Gibson’s career now

Two men enter … one man leaves. Or in the case of Mel Gibson, his reputation and career have left the building.

It had been reported earlier that there was an audio of Mel Gibson in a racist tirade rant. RadarOnLine has the AUDIO. (warning: audio is graphic, profanity & racial comments). The audio contains Mel Gibson flying off the handle and is heard accusing his  girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva of lying to him about having breast implants and harshly criticizing Grigorieva for the way she dresses. Stick a fork in him, Mel Gibson is done.


Edited video, unedited can be heard at RadarOnLine

The tape begins with Mel berating Oksana about her breast feeding because she has implants. “So you’re not lying to me about fake t*ts?” he says.

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Lindsay Lohan Sentenced to 90 Days in Jail for Violation of Probation

The gig is up … it’s no laughing matter now for “Mean Girl” Lindsay Lohan … Tears of a Clown.

Superior Court Judge Marsha Revel handed down a 90 day sentence to Lindsay Lohan and blasted her for not taking her probation in two 2007 drink-driving cases seriously. It is about time some one held celebrities to some standard. Maybe, just maybe this will knock some sense into this fool and she will get some help. Who’s crying now.

APTOPIX Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan broke down in tears as she was sentenced to 90 days in jail after violating her probation.
The stunned actress sobbed as the Superior Court Judge Marsha Revel handed down the term and blasted her for not taking her probation in two 2007 drink-driving cases seriously.

‘There are no excuses’: Superior Court Judge Marsha Revel didn’t show the actress any leniency

She was handed a box of tissues to wipe her eyes as the tears flowed.
Lohan told the judge: ‘I have tried to do the best I can. It’s just been such a long haul. I don’t want you to think I don’t respect you and your terms.


What ever happened to this Lindsay Lohan?

This is interesting from USA Today, Lohan hardly gets it, Lindsay Lohan sobs, sends middle finger message. Will she ever get the message and get her life back in order before it is too late?

Mel Gibson Can Kiss His Career Goodbye, Racist Rant Tells Oksana She Would Get ‘Raped By N***ers’



If what is being reported by RadarOnLineis true, Mel Gibson is finished and should be ashamed on himself. No therapy or intervention is going to bail Gibson out of this one. According to RadarOn line Mel Gibson used offensive and explicit comments that were recorded on audiotape in a tirade at his ex-girlfriend, Oksana Grigorieva.

So you thought that Mel Gibson was just an anti-Semite following his previous DUI arrest in 2006? Looks like he is an equal opportunity bigot. As EOnline says, if you thought his last rant was ugly, you ain’t heard nothing yet.

In one of the most explosive, racist and vile outbursts by a celebrity ever caught on tape, Mel Gibson told the mother of his love child that the way she was dressed would get her “raped by a pack of n***ers,” has learned exclusively.

It’s a shocking and blockbuster development in the couple’s bitter legal battle, and Mel’s disgusting words are on audio tape. His racist, misogynist statement is one of the secrets lurking in his war with his former girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva. has heard the tape, which also includes Mel telling Oksana he will burn down her home.

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