Legendary Pink Panther, Comedy & Film Director Blake Edwards Dead at Age 88

Talk about the loss of one of the best writer/directors of comedies ever. An SOB, Cool Cat and 10 rolled all up into one …

Julie Andrews & Blake Edwards, 1973
Rest in Peace Blake Edwards: 1922 – 2010

Blake Edwards, the legendary Hollywood comedy director has passed away at age 88 from complications of pneumonia  at a hospital in Santa Monica, California with his wife and children at his bedside. Aside from his acclaimed directing, Blake Edwards might best be known for his 40 year marriage with Academy Award winning  English actress Julie Andrews. Oh how I have laughed at this man’s films over the years, they still crack me up like I just heard them for the first time … REST IN PEACE

Hear Blake Edwards discuss how he met Julie Andrews


Hat Tip: AOL News

Edwards not only directed comedy classic like The Pink Panther series, he also directed such classic films ‘Like Breakfast at Tiffany’s’ and ‘Days of Wine and Roses’. Who could also forget the movie that put Bo Derek on the map and changed how we all rated woman, “10″, as well as other over the top moview like ‘SOB’ and ‘Victor/Victoria’.

His publicist, Gene Schwam, said the cause was complications of pneumonia. Mr. Edwards’s wife, the actress Julie Andrews, and other family members were at his side at St. John’s Health Center, Mr. Schwam said.

What the critic Pauline Kael once described as Mr. Edwards’s “love of free-for-all lunacy” was flaunted in good movies and bad ones …

Blake Edwards was born William Blake Crump on July 26, 1922, in Tulsa, Okla. He became Blake McEdwards when he was 4, after his mother, Lilian, had married Jack McEdwards, an assistant director and movie production manager. Having joined the Coast Guard after high school, Mr. Edwards was seriously injured when, after a night of alcohol-fueled partying, he drunkenly dived into a shallow swimming pool. He spent five months in traction at the Long Beach Naval Hospital.

From the UK Telegraph:

When he was three years old Blake’s family moved to California, and he was brought up in Los Angeles and educated at Beverly Hills High School. While there he worked as a child actor, appearing in numerous B-pictures, but claimed that he “never wanted to act seriously enough to make a career of it”. He left school in 1940 and continued to accept small roles — often as a soldier — in films such as Ten Gentlemen from West Point (1942), Marine Raiders (1944) and A Wing and a Prayer (1944).

During the war he served in the US Coast Guard and was badly injured in a diving accident. After a lengthy recuperation he decided to try to re-enter the film industry, writing a low-budget Western with his friend John Champion and approaching Monogram for backing. When the company turned down the project, Edwards and Champion raised the money themselves, making their debuts as producers with Panhandle in 1948.

More great clips from Blake Edward’s The Pink Panther.


Here’s Something New From Oliver Stone: Sarah Palin’s a Moron, Know-Nothing; Compares Her to KKK

From Andrew Breitbart  (VIDEO)… Sarah Palin Delusional Syndrome continues.

Wow, something new and unusual from Oliver Stone and the liberal left media. NOT! During an interview with crazed Leftist director Oliver Stone, he said that Sarah Palin’s a Moron, Know-Nothing; Compares Her to KKK. Nice. My how the LEFT so fears Sarah Palin. They call her stupid, irrelevant and hateful, yet they cannot stop talking about her. One only does this with people they fear will be successful, if she was irrelevant, no one would ever utter her name.

This is what CNN passes off as new and watchable cable news? Welcome to the Parker-Spitzer Show that is in the same time slot as Bill O’Reilly. Does the old saying hold true with lame stream media cable shows as it does with trees in the woods, if CNN has a cable show opposite The Factor and no one watches it, did it really happen?

I guess not according the initial reviews and ratings as they were extremely disappointing.

What else can we expect from a show where CNN gives a voice to a disgraced Governor who purchases prostitutes. Maybe Spitzer and Parker can do a show on how to properly tip a prostitute?

Daily Commentary – Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010 – More Hollywood Justice

September 22nd, 2010 Daily Commentary

* Hollywood’s troubled starlets are busy setting bad examples, as usual.

Daily Commentary – Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010 – More Hollywood Justice [1:52m]: Download

Posted September 22, 2010 by
Facebook, Hollywood, Scared Monkeys Radio | one comment

Daily Commentary – Thursday, September 9th, 2010 – Deputy Sues Los Angeles County for Discrimination Related to Mel Gibson Arrest

  • The deputy who arrested Mel Gibson in 2006 claims he was denied promotion as a result of religious discrimination and retaliation.

 Daily Commentary – Thursday, September 9th, 2010 – Deputy Sues Los Angeles County for Discrimination Related to Mel Gibson Arrest [1:50m]:  | Download

Daily Commentary – Wednesday, September 1st, 2010 – Paris Hilton’s Purse and Lindsay Lohan’s Pants

September 1st, 2010 Daily Commentary

* Is there justice in Hollywood? Dana and his guests will explore that subject on tonight’s show.

Daily Commentary – Wednesday, September 1st, 2010 – Paris Hilton's Purse and Lindsay Lohan's Pants [1:28m]: Download

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