Hollywood Lefty Ashley Judd Meets With Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee as She Contemplates Senate Run In Kentucky Against Mitch McConnell

The celebrity Senate run of Ashley Judd … RUN ASHLEY, RUN!!!

Hollywood actress Ashley Judd met with Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee as she contemplates whether she will do a US Senate run against incumbent Republican and Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell. Wow, just what the Senate needs, another out of touch, self absorbed, egomaniac. So what exactly is Judd’s qualification to be Senator, her role in ‘Simon Birch’ or ‘Double Jeopardy’? Seriously, other than her celebrity for being an actress, what does she bring to the table? Then again, Barack Obama has shown as that absolute failure gets one reelected. I realize that Democrats think that all the states in the South are the same, but by the way, doesn’t she live in Tennessee?

Actress Ashley Judd privately met with officials at the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee in Washington earlier this week, as she continues to weigh whether to mount a Senate run against Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell, according to two sources familiar with the session.

According to one person familiar with the matter, Tuesday’s meeting was Judd’s first formal one with officials at the DSCC, which coordinates strategy, recruits and fundraises on behalf of Democratic Senate candidates. DSCC officials refused to comment, saying they would not discuss candidate recruitment.

The meeting indicates that the Hollywood movie star and eighth-generation Kentuckian is still seriously weighing a political foray after spending the past several years as an outspoken environmental and liberal activist.

In my personal opinion, Ashley Judd is far too liberal for the politics of Kentucky. If anything, she would galvanize the GOP and Conservatives against her and the Democrats in a midterm election. So by all mean Ashley, run.

Hollywood Liberal Nut Danny Glover Says Second Amendment was Created to Prevent Slave Revolts and Indian Uprisings … So Much for Tyranny

When it comes down to it, when it comes to the Liberal Far Left … It’s always about race.

So much for colleges being institutions of higher education. These days they have simply become a vehicle for the far Left liberal brainwashing agenda.  This week, far left actor Danny Glover told Texas A&M students that the Second Amendment was created to prevent slave revolts and Indian uprisings. Really? So much for it being from the fact that the United States of America just fought a war against an Imperial, totalitarian king. So much for the fact that Our Founding Fathers set up a “Bill of Rights” to protect its citizens from the very government that was put in place. The Second Amendment was created to prevent a US government from taking away our liberties and protect us from government tyranny. I guess one can say that Glover’s reasoning for the First Amendment must be to give him the right to sound like a race-baiting fool.

From Campus Reform:

The Constitution’s Second Amendment was created to bolster slavery and capture land from Native Americans, award winning actor Danny Glover told a group of students at a Texas A&M sponsored event on Thursday.

“I don’t know if you know the genesis of the right to bear arms,” he said. “The Second Amendment comes from the right to protect themselves from slave revolts, and from uprisings by Native Americans.”

“A revolt from people who were stolen from their land or revolt from people whose land was stolen from, that’s what the genesis of the second amendment is,” he continued.

Glover, best known for roles in the “Lethal Weapon” franchise and “Angels in the Outfield,” was addressing students at an event being held in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Director of Texas A&M’s Memorial Student Center, Luke Altendorf, told Campus Reform on Friday that the university was unaware of Glover’ talking points prior to his speech.Each and every amendment in the

America, you might want to take a real good look at this and think for once, rather than being fed a lie from your government and the corrupt media complex. The Bill of Rights is important in it’s entirety as it protect “We the People” from the government put in place to govern the United States. However, the Second Amendment is the most important because it guarantees that the others will not be taken away. Without having the ability to protect one self from a tyrannical government, what freedoms do you really have?

NBC News/WSJ Poll: National Rifle Association (NRA) More Popular than the Entertainment Industry.

A new NBC News/WSJ poll shows that the NRA is far more popular than the entertainment industry.  In the wake of the  Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting in Newtown, CT the poll finds that 41% of Americans see the NRA in a positive light, while only 34% view it in a negative light. However, only 24% have positive feelings about the entertainment industry, and 39%  have negative ones. A rather interesting comparison when one looks at President Barack Obama’s recent 23 executive orders on gun control, yet there were no references to anything to deal with curbing the violence spread by the entertainment industry with violence in TV, movies or print. But of course Obama has a chummy relationship with the entertainment industry and has given them a pass.

As Washington prepares for a political battle over the Obama White House’s proposals to curb gun violence after the Newtown, Conn., shootings, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds that the National Rifle Association is more popular than the entertainment industry.

Forty-one percent of adults see the NRA — the nation’s top gun lobby — in a positive light, while 34 percent view it in a negative light.

By comparison, just 24 percent have positive feelings about the entertainment industry, and 39 percent have negative ones.

The NRA’s fav/unfav score is virtually unchanged from its 41 percent-to-29 percent rating in the Jan. 2011 NBC/WSJ poll, nearly two years before the Newtown shootings.



Hollywood Leftist Ben Affleck Says He Will Not Run for US Senate Seat in Massachusetts

The great national wait is over whether Hollywood Leftist actor Ben Affleck says he will not be running for the US Senate seat of Massachusetts. The seat will presumably be up for special election once Sen. John Kerry is approved by the Senate to be the next US Secretary of State. What a load off every one’s mind that Affleck will not be running. We can all sleep now. Of course he is not running for office, its easier to complain about things and be a pseudo political activist on MSNBC rather than actually affect change. Also, there is that little issue about the pay cut.

Ben Affleck is taking his name off the list of possible candidates for U.S. Sen. John Kerry’s seat, which would be open if the Democratic senator from Massachusetts is confirmed as secretary of state.

Affleck says in a Monday posting on his Facebook page that while he loves the political process, he will not be running for public office.

It is rather interesting and telling when the big mouth Left is presented with an opportunity to put there money career where their mouth is, they decline.


Actor Jack Klugman Best Known for Rolls in “The Odd Couple” and “Quincy” Dies in Los Angeles at Age 90

The Odd Couple reunited in Heaven … Jack Klugman passes away at age 90.

Jack Klugman, April 27, 1922 – December 24, 2012, Rest in Peace

 Jack Klugman, the legendary TV actor best know for his roles as Oscar Madison, the NYC sportswriter and roommate of Felix Unger in the TV show ‘The Odd Couple’ and the crime fighting medical examiner in ‘Quincy, ME’ has passed away in Los Angeles, CA at the age of 90. The messy and impulsive Klugman was a great contrast Tony Randall in ‘The Odd Couple”. Its hard to believe the show was only on for 5 seasons. Later Klugman would play a crime fighting medical examiner from 1976 to 1983. It was the precursor of the present day CSI shows.  Klugman died with his wife at his side.

“The Odd Couple” … One of the greatest comedies ever! 

Jack Klugman, the prolific, craggy-faced character actor and regular guy who was loved by millions as the messy one in TV’s “The Odd Couple” and the crime-fighting coroner in “Quincy, M.E.,” died Monday, a son said. He was 90.

Klugman, who lost his voice to throat cancer in the 1980s and trained himself to speak again, died with his wife at his side.

“He had a great life and he enjoyed every moment of it and he would encourage others to do the same,” son Adam Klugman said.

Adam Klugman said he was spending Christmas with his brother, David, and their families. Their father had been convalescing for some time but had apparently died suddenly and they were not sure of the exact cause.

His good friend Tony Randall died in 2004 at age 84.

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