Actress Ellen Page of the Movie Says, “I am Gay” … Honestly, Who Cares? You’re a Hollywood Actress, Not Like You Came Out and Said You Were a Republican!

Just curious, what would get a Hollywood actor/actress more of a backlash … whether they came out and said they were Gay or a Conservative Republican?

26 year old Hollywood actress Ellen Page made the announcement that she was gay during a conference for LGBT teens ‘Time to Thrive’ Friday in Las Vegas at the ‘Human Rights Campaign’. She said she, “was tired of hiding and tired of lying by omission.”  How is this a major or bold announcement? Seriously, I am not being flip here. Personally, I could care less what sexual orientation she is. It makes no difference whether I will or will not watch her movies. I have always enjoyed her in such movies like X-Men: The Last Stand, Whip It Juno and Super. It might be one thing for individuals in some locals, but the notion that in this day and age some one who is in the movie business environment can’t come of of the closet is absurd. It is not like you are going to be ostracized, harassed or made fun of because you are gay. If there was ever an industry that is more openly accepting of gays, it would be Hollywood and the movie industry. Sorry, but it is not a bad thing to be gay. Hollywood might be tough on you to have the right look, have the right weight, have the right hair color, but they could care less if you are gay or not. In fact, it might be a plus.

Hollywood actress Ellen Page, known for her role in the movie “Juno,” announced she is gay, in a very public way.

Page broke the news during an emotional speech Friday in a crowded conference hall in Las Vegas, her publicist confirmed to CNN.

“I’m here today because I am gay. And because… maybe I can make a difference,” Page told a crowd at an event called Time to THRIVE, a conference to promote issues of the gay community.

The website for the Human Rights Campaign, which hosted the conference in Nevada, congratulated the star for her “brave decision to live openly and authentically.” My question is why does it have to be public knowledge what your sexual orientation is? Does it really matter? Why do we need to know if you like guys, girls or both?

It is not like Ellen Page came out and said … I am a Republican! Now imagine if  Hollywood actress Ellen Page had come out of the closet and said she was a Tea Party Conservative and said, she did not vote for Barack Obama and does not know how anyone could have done so. Imagine if she said that President Obama’s policies were hurting teen’s chances for future jobs and that the LGBT teens sitting in the audience will have an insurmountable $17.4 trillion and counting debt because of Obama? Now that would have been really coming out of the closet for an actor/actress that would have been a story and have caused her more of a mean and hateful reaction on Facebook and Twitter.

Just ask Stacey Dash and the backlash of hatred she received for announcing her support of a GOP president.

Oh the Hypocrisy … Hollywood Producer Harvey Weinstein Promises Not to Make Any More Bloody Violent Movies … Still Promising New Film With Meryl Streep that Will Make NRA Wish They Weren’t Alive

Harvey Weinstein tells CNN host Piers Morgan that he would no longer make bloody, gory, violent movies. Hey Harvey, I think the damage has been done. Weinstein has made a career and a lucrative living out of making what he claims he will no longer do. Of course it all depends on how one defines “bloody, violent” movies.

Suddenly Harvey Weinstein has had an epiphany and after making a living producing extremely and ultra-violent  movies including ‘Kill Bill,’ ‘Scream,‘  ‘Scream 2,’ ‘Scream 3,’ ‘Halloween‘, ‘Halloween 2‘, ‘Halloween: Resurrection‘, ‘Pirannah 3D‘,  ‘Django Unchained‘, ‘Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2′,  ‘Pulp Fiction’  and maybe one of the most bloody with gratuitous violence movie ever, ‘Rambo’ in war-torn Burma. But now he is ready to turn over a new leaf and warns he will make a Meryl Streep movie that will make NRA ‘wish they weren’t alive’.


Check out the works and the hypocrisy of Harvey Weinstein

Warning: Adult language and violence – Scene from Pulp Fiction, Ezekiel 25:17

Warning: Beyond violent – Rambo 4 (probably one of the most violent, bloody scenes ever)

Warning: More gratuitous violence – Scream deaths

Autopsy & Toxicology Reports Show No Drugs or Alcohol in Systems of Actor Paul Walker and Roger Rodas Who Died in Fiery Car Crash

The final autopsy and toxicology reports for actor Paul Walker and Roger Rodas have been released and state that neither had alcohol or drugs in their system at the time of the fiery, high speed crash on November 30, 2013.  The report also stated that the vehicle that Walker and Rodas  was in was traveling at an “unsafe speed, approximately 100+ mph, in the #1 eastbound lane on Hercules Street approaching Constitution.” It then spun out before striking a curb, a light post and two trees and then burst on fire.

The Porsche carrying “Fast & Furious” star Paul Walker was speeding at more than 100 miles per hour when it crashed in November, killing the actor and a friend, according to the final coroner’s report on the deaths.

The 15-page report released Friday by the Los Angeles County coroner’s office answered several questions that had been the subject of speculation about how Walker and racing team partner Roger Rodas died.

The two men apparently did not live long after the high-performance 2005 Porsche Carrera GT, which was traveling at “approximately 100+ mph,” slammed into a light post and tree and burst into flames, the report said.


Daily Commentary – Thursday, July 25, 2013 – Another Child Actor In Trouble

  • Amanda Bynes in 5150 psych hold after a string of bazaar incidents

Daily Commentary – Thursday, July 25, 2013 Download

NY Giants WR Victor Cruz Signs $43 Million Contract then Tweets Threat … “Zimmerman Doesn’t Last Year Before the Hood Catches Up To Him” … Then Apologizes and Deletes Tweet

Former NBA star Charles Barkley was right, athletes should not role models.

So what do NFL athletes do after they sign a 5 year, $43 million contract? They go on Twitter and tweet irresponsible, inflammatory and vigilante comments. Such was the case following the George Zimmerman verdict when a jury of six woman determined that Zimmerman was “not guilty” of murder or manslaughter in the death of Trayvon Martin.  The New York Giants recent $43 million man, Victor Cruz, decided to ignorantly fan the flames of vigilantism and interject himself into a racially heated subject of George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin. Following the verdict, Victor Cruz tweeted, “… Zimmerman doesn’t last a year before the hood catches up to him.” Are you kidding me? Just what the NFL needs, another player acting all gangsta. You think that the NFL has had a black enough eye from the murder charges against former New England Patriot TE Aaron Hernandez. Should those in the NFL really be criticizing anyone with the arrest record of their players since last years Super Bowl? Individuals like Cruz et all need to shut up and play.

A note to Victor Cruz, it’s not just blacks who by your jersey.

Zimmerman_tweet_victor cruz

But then as reported by the NY Post, the brave, brash and scholar of the George Zimmerman murder trial deleted his tweet. Cruz stated that he realized his tweet was wrong and has apologized. Actually, he most lokely got a text from his agent or Giant management that said, WTF … delete the tweet, or we will delete your $43 million contract.

Upon further view, Victor Cruz shouldn’t have predicted a vigilante death for George Zimmerman.

The Giants popular and squeaky clean wide receiver apologized this afternoon for an unfortunate tweet he wrote last night, moments after the neighborhood watch volunteer was cleared on all charges.

“My tweet last night was my initial interpretation of the reaction I was reading on twitter. I immediately realized my tweet was a mistake and I apologize, that’s why I deleted it,” Cruz said a Twitter statement today. “I believe conversation not confrontation leads to change and progress.”

Here are a bunch of many more irresponsible tweets from athletes who most likely did not watch any of the George Zimmerman trial or even understand Florida’s self defense laws.

 UPDATE I: Hollywood liberal celebrities react to George Zimmerman verdict. I wonder if the roles were reversed and Trayvon had killed Zimmerman if all of these tweets would be the same? Oh the hypocrisy.  Hmm, wasn’t it the Hollywood LEFT who backed cop killer, Mumia Abu-Jamal?

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