VP Joe Biden Tells Democrats, Be Optimistic on State of the Nation ‘In Spite of Who’s President’ … “The American People Are With Us”… Really, The American People Are Against Obama!

HE SAID WHAT? … Did Vice President Joe Biden just diss Barack Obama and then say Americans Agree with Democrats?

Joe Biden told fellow Democrats at the House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference in Cambridge, MD that they should be optimistic about the state of the nation, “in spite of who’s president.” Hmm, kind of an interesting word choice when the current president is Barack Obama, a Democrat. This was Biden’s best effort to rally the beleaguered Democrat troops who face a tough uphill climb in the upcoming 2014 midterm elections thanks to the policies, agenda and signature piece of legislation from who is president.

“It always surprises me when we don’t have the degree of optimism that we should about the state of the nation,” Biden said. “And in spite of who’s president, in spite of who’s in the Congress, the American people are so much stronger, so much more resilient, so much more capable, that even the ridiculous policies of our friends on the right cannot keep them from moving forward.”

Baghdad Bob  a delusional Joe Biden went on to say, “I can’t imagine our prospects being viewed by the press and everyone else as being a whole hell of a lot brighter by the time we turn in September then now. The American people are where we are. Let’s go out and make every single effort not just to defend, but to aggressively push, aggressively push our agenda.”

Isn’t it interesting that Biden would reference the MSM viewing the Democrats prospects first and then calling “We the People,” the Americans who are adversely affected by Barack Obama’s and Democrat’s policies as … “everyone else”.  Not like we do not know that the liberal MSM is in the tank for Obama and has been since the beginning. The media has been AWOL on vetting Obama, holding his feet to the fire, questioning his failed economic and domestic policies and investigating the all too-numerous scandals like IRS-gate, Benghazi-gate, “Fast & Furious” and NSA-gate. It would appear that Biden and Obama believe that the MSM will continue to be their own personal Gunga Din heading into the 2014 midterms.

Biden_court jester

But it does not stop there when it came to Biden’s head in the sand comments. Anvil Joe made the preposterous comment to Democrats that, “The American people are where we are.” Really, in what sense, in the United States? The American people are in no way any where near where Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and their lock-step, rubber stamp Democrats have lead this country. In fact, they more the American people learn the truth of the lies that have been told to them and adversely affected by Democrat foreign and domestic policy, the more they are not with Democrats.

A question to Joe Biden, exactly what are the people with you on? The fact of the matter is that the American people are not with Democrats and it is scaring them silly that they may lose even more House seats in 2014 and talk of losing the Senate to the GOP is a real possibility. Vulnerable Democrat candidates are running from Obama, his agenda and their vote. Obama is also acting as Emperor in arbitrarily extending Obamacare deadlines so to protect Democrat politicians, not to help the American people or America.

THE FACTS … The American People Are NOT with Democrats.

I. Barack Obama’s Overall Job Approval rating is barely above 40% with the American people. (Average of polls: 41.4% Approve – 52.4% Disapproval [-11% Disapprove])

II. President Obama Job Approval – Economy. (Average of polls: 40.6% Approve – 55.7% Disapprove [-15.1% Disapprove])

  • McClatchy/Marist: 41 Approve – 54% Disapprove
  • ABC News/Wash Post: 43% Approval – 56% Disapprove, -13
  • FOX News: 38% Approve – 59% Disapprove, -21
  • Associated Press: 42% Approve – 56% Disapprove, -14
  • Quinnipiac: 39% Approve – 56% Disapprove,  -17
  • GWU/Battleground: 40% Approve – 57% Disapprove,  -17

III: Public Approval of Health Care Law. (Average of polls: 36.3% Approve – 51.3% Against/Oppose [-15 Oppose/Against])

  • FOX News: 37% For – 55% Against/Oppose
  • Gallup: 41% For – 51% Against/Oppose
  • NBC News/WSJ:  34% For – 48 % Against/Oppose
  • Associated Press: 27% For – 42 %  Against/Oppose
  • Quinnipiac: 38% For – 56% Against/Oppose
  • GWU/Battleground: 41% For – 56% Against/Oppose

IV: Direction of Country. (Average of polls:  29.6% Right Direction – 63.6% Wrong Track [-34.0 Wrong Tack])

  • The Economist/YouGov: 29% Right Track – 62% Wrong Track
  • McClatchy/Marist: 31% Right Track – 66% Wrong Track
  • Rasmussen Reports: 29% Right Track – 63% Wrong Track
  • Reuters/Ipsos: 23% Right Track – 62% Wrong Track
  • NBC News/WSJ: 28% Right Track – 63% Wrong Track
  • ABC News/Wash Post: 34% Right Track – 64% Wrong Track
  • CBS News: 33% Right Track – 61% Wrong Track
  • Associated Press: 35% Right Track – 64% Wrong Track
  • GWU/Battleground: 24% Right Track – 67% Wrong Track

V: The American people, including Democrats, are overwhelmingly opposed to how Obama is conducting executive orders and circumventing Congress is how government is supposed to work.

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FOX News poll

VI.  The American people are against Obama going around Congress, except if you are a Democrat or Black, and of course if it were a GOP president.

FOX Poll_021014_Obama_exec orders2

FOX News poll

VII:  Barack Obama and Democrats rail about income inequality and the income gap, yet every single demographic in America believes that it has increased under Obama.

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FOX News poll

Democrats Running Ads Criticizing Obamacare … Joe Garcia Running in Florida’s 26th District Hardly Praising O-Care

From NRO, Democrats are forced to run political ads that criticize Obamacare.

Nancy Pelosi said that Democrats would proudly run on Obamacare, not away from it in the 2014 midterm elections. Um, the Democrat political ad below is hardly a ringing endorsement of President Obama’s signature piece of legislation. Democrats feel the need to have to discuss Obamacare and continually bring up the fact that it is a disaster. This is hardly the word choice and lasting impression that you want to leave with voters. An already angry electorate who has lost their insurance because of Obamacare, lost their doctors and had their premiums increased.  If this is how Dems are going to have to contort themselves in 2014, they are in some serious trouble.

Now, it is true that Garcia doesn’t call for repeal. Indeed, the ad boasts that the candidate is “working to fix” the law, and it praises him both for holding “insurance companies accountable” and for defending the provision that prevents insurance companies from denying coverage to those with pre-existing conditions. But it is fascinating to watch a Political Action Committee associated with Nancy “we’re going to run on Obamacare” Pelosi slamming the White House for “the disastrous healthcare website” and boasting — without any time qualification, it should be said — that its man “voted to let you keep your existing health plan.”

But, in Florida’s 26th district — as in much of the country one presumes — the choice in 2014 is going to be between a candidate who is criticizing Obamacare and a candidate who wants to get rid of it completely. Democrats are being forced to have a conversation they’d rather not have. Bottom line: The issue isn’t dead — far from it.

Barack Obama Unlawfully Rewrites Obamacare Again … Obama Delays Employer Health Insurance Mandate Until 2016, After Elections


Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the rest of their Democrat minions were so quick to ram Obamacare down the throats of Americans with a 100& partisan Democrat vote, now they want to do everything to delay this disastrous healthcare law.

First President Barack Obama unlawfully delayed the employee mandate one year until 2014. However, Obama did not think that his signature piece of legislation would be such a fiasco and disastrously unpopular with the American people. So much so that Democrats are finding it impossible to run for reelection in the 2014 midterm elections with this anchor around their neck. So what does Obama do with the so-called Affordable Healthcare act that is not so affordable that was supposed to be for We the People … why delay the employer mandate until 2016, after the elections of course for political purposes. As reported at The Daily Caller, the Obama administration won’t enforce the rule until 2016 for business with between 50 and 99 employees. All companies with 100 employees or more will be subject to the employer mandate beginning in 2015, after an initial delay was announced before the Independence Day holiday in 2013.

Just curious … why did Congress even vote on Obamacare?


For the second time in a year, the Obama administration is giving certain employers extra time before they must offer health insurance to almost all their full-time workers.

Under new rules announced Monday by Treasury Department officials, employers with 50 to 99 workers will be given until 2016 — two years longer than originally envisioned under the Affordable Care Act — before they risk a federal penalty for not complying.

Companies with 100 workers or more are getting a different kind of one-year grace period. Instead of being required in 2015 to offer coverage to 95 percent of full-time workers, these bigger employers can avoid a fine by offering insurance to 70 percent of them next year.

How the administration would define employer requirements has been one of the biggest remaining questions about the way the 2010 health-care law will work in practice — and has sparked considerable lobbying. By providing the dual phase-ins for employers of different sizes, administration officials have sought to lighten the burden on the small share of affected employers that have not offered insurance in the past.

WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO AMERICA? Why are we allowing these illegal acts by this administration to happen? Did we or did we not fight a Revolutionary War to rid ourselves of a King’s oppression? But Obama is just allowed to change and ridiculous, unambiguous statutory mandate that requires by law and the US Constitution the approval of Congress. However, the Imperial supreme dictator Barack Obama thinks he can do anything and often decided the law is whatever he says it is. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE COUNTRY I GREW UP IN?


US Constitution, are you kidding me … I can do anything I want to

WSJ: Obama Rewrites ObamaCare – Another day, another lawless exemption, once again for business.

‘ObamaCare” is useful shorthand for the Affordable Care Act not least because the law increasingly means whatever President Obama says it does on any given day. His latest lawless rewrite arrived on Monday as the White House decided to delay the law’s employer mandate for another year and in some cases maybe forever.

ObamaCare requires businesses with 50 or more workers to offer health insurance to their workers or pay a penalty, but last summer the Treasury offered a year-long delay until 2015 despite having no statutory authorization. Like the individual mandate, the employer decree is central to ObamaCare’s claim of universal coverage, but employers said the new labor costs—and the onerous reporting and tax-enforcement rules—would damage job creation and the economy.

Remember in the past when the MSM had reported that the GOP was just an obstructionist party, but the Republicans response was that it was impossible to work with a president who kept moving the goal post? Use your own brain and decide for yourself. Once again we see Obama changing things that is supposed to be “the law of the land”. Obama keeps changing the goal post and as Ed Driscoll says, the Obamacare law is whatever Barack Obama says it is.


Contrary to what Americans were Told … The CBO Says Obamacare Is Slowing Growth & Will Kill the Equivalent 2.5 Million Jobs in America Over the Next Decade


Not only is the Affordable Healthcare Act not affordable, it is also not the job creator that it was promised to be. As reported at The Hill, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) said today that Obamacare is likely to kill 2.5 million jobs, while slowing overall economic growth over the next decade. This colossal fiasco is a nightmare for Americans and for America. The CBO also projected that “as a result of the ACA, between 6 million and 7 million fewer people will have employment-based insurance coverage each year from 2016 through 2024 than would be the case in the absence of the ACA.” This from the government’s own bean counters. Folks, you might want to remember this during the 2014 midterm elects as O-care was passed 100% by Democrats with 0% GOP support.


Those gullible fools believed that it was affordable, they believed it was a job creator, hahahahaha …

The new healthcare law will cost the nation the equivalent of 2.5 million workers in the next decade, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated in a report released Tuesday.

The nonpartisan agency found the reform law’s negative effects on employment would be “substantially larger” than what it had previously anticipated.

It said the equivalent of 2.3 million workers would be lost by 2021, compared to its previous estimate of 800,000, and that 2.5 million workers would be lost by 2024. It also projected that labor force compensation would be reduced by 1 percent from 2017 to 2024 — twice its previous estimate.

Although the CBO projects that total employment and compensation will increase over the coming decade, that increase will be smaller than it would have been in the absence of the healthcare law.

The findings immediately roiled the debate over the healthcare law on Capitol Hill ahead of this year’s midterm elections.

Full CBO Report.

Remember when then Speaker of the House Nanacy Pelosi (CA-D) told us that Obamacare was not just about health security but it was also about jobs? She stated that Obamacare  was a job creator and would create 4 million jobs and 400,000 jobs immediately? LIAR!!! You can watch the longer version of Pelosi’s lies on Obamacare HERE. What a pack of lies these people told to the American people and it was this fraud, along with other that got Barack Obama, the worst president in modern times, reelected.

CBO Delivers Sends Death Blow to Obamacare … you live by the CBO and you die by it as well.

Barack Obama – Bill O’Reilly Contentious Pre-Super Bowl Interview Discusses Obamacare Failed Promises, Benghazi, IRS-Gate … “Not Even a Smidgen of Corruption” … “These Kinds of Things Keep on Surfacing, Because Folks Like You Will Promote Them.”


President Barack Obama and FOX News’ Bill O’Reilly went back and forth in a contentious pre-Super Bowl interview in which the president provided few answers. Instead of answering the tough question that not only Americans want to hear, but are entitled to, Obama played the blame game, ducked and dodged, and allowed his thin skin to dictate the non-responsive interview. Obama’s attempt to try and put all his administrations scandals behind him, most likely only made matters worse. When being asked questions, Obama actually blamed FOX News for daring to bring up and question such scandals like Benghazi, IRS-gate, Obamacare and the rest of the all too numerous scandals of the Obama presidency. Obama actually thinks the media is supposed to be his propaganda arm. In the end Obama stated that there was no corruption, “not even a smidgen.”

Obama addressed concerns over Benghazi, the launch of HealthCare.gov and the IRS, during the interview Sunday before the Super Bowl. He adamantly rejected the suggestion that the IRS was used for political purposes by singling out Tea Party groups seeking tax exemption.

“That’s not what happened,” he said. Rather, he said, IRS officials were confused about how to implement the law governing those kinds of tax-exempt groups.

“There were some bone-headed decisions,” Obama conceded.

But when asked whether corruption, or mass corruption, was at play, he responded: “Not even mass corruption — not even a smidgen of corruption.”

Bill O’Reilly’s Super Bowl interview with President Obama

obama_oreilly_SB Interview 3

Picture: Source Fox News screen grab – Click in Pic to watch VIDEO

I have just one question, why did President Barack Obama agree to do this interview if he did not intend to answer any question or offer anything new other than the same old BS and blame game? It would appear that the folks at Hot Air are asking the same.

Seriously, I don’t know why Obama bothered to do this interview at all. The only answer he seemed interested in sharing was that Fox News is a big Meany Channel with Meany Reporters who Keep Asking Questions When I Give The Only Answers I Want To Give.

However, the best question of the interview did not even come from Bill O’Reilly. It came in a letter from Kathy LaMaster of Fresno, California. Kathy asked the fantastic question … “Mr. President, why do you feel it’s necessary to fundamentally transform the nation that has afforded you so much opportunity and success?” BINGO!!! This is why Obama has no credibility anymore. Obama tried to say that, “I don’t think we have to fundamentally transform the nation” … even though he is the one who said we had to, see video below. Some how the US was fine for Obama to be afforded the opportunity of the first black man being elected president, but he has to fundamentally change it for others. Hmm?

Here is what Candidate Obama wanted for our country when he was running for President of the United States of America. He said that “we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

O’REILLY:  OK.  I got a letter from Kathy LaMaster (ph), Fresno, California.  I said I would read one letter from the folks, all right?
O’REILLY:  “Mr. President, why do you feel it’s necessary to fundamentally transform the nation that has afforded you so much opportunity and success?”

OBAMA:  I don’t think we have to fundamentally transform the nation…
O’REILLY:  But those are your words.

Full Transcript of the Interview:

Snippets from interview:

With regards to the disastrous roll-out of Obamacare, President Obama claims everybody will be held accountable. REALLY? No one has been held accountable by this president with anything from Obamacare to Benghazi, from Fast & Furious to IRS-gate. Who is he kidding?

O’REILLY:  And I’m paying Kathleen Sebelius’ salary and she screwed up.
OBAMA:  Yes.
O’REILLY:  And you’re not holding her accountable.
OBAMA:  Yes, well, I — I promise you that we hold everybody up and down the line accountable.  But when we’re…
O’REILLY:  But she’s still there.

Obama and O’Reilly spar on Benghazi. The president incredibly is sticking to the story that he called the Benghazi attack a terror attack, even though non-Kool Aid drinking folks know it is a lie. Obama could not answer in a “yes” or “no” manner whether he was told it was a terrorist attack.

O’REILLY:  Did he tell you, Secretary Panetta, it was a terrorist attack?
OBAMA:  You know what he told me was that there was an attack on our compound…
O’REILLY:  He didn’t tell you…
O’REILLY:  – he didn’t use the word “terror?”

Really Mr. President, you did not say it was a terror attack in the ’60 Minutes’ interview, when you discussed it with Joy Behar or to the United Nations.

Bill O’Reilly’s Super Bowl interview with President Obama
O’REILLY:  It’s more than that because if Susan Rice goes out and tells the world that it was a spontaneous demonstration…
OBAMA:  Bill…
O’REILLY:  — off a videotape but your…
OBAMA:  Bill…
O’REILLY:  — your commanders and the secretary of Defense know it’s a terror attack…
OBAMA:  Now, Bill…
O’REILLY:  Just…
OBAMA:  — Bill…
O’REILLY:  — as an American…
OBAMA:  — Bill — Bill…
O’REILLY:  — I’m just confused.
OBAMA:  And I’m — and I’m trying to explain it to, if you want to listen.  The fact of the matter is is that people understood, at the time, something very dangerous was happening, that we were focused on making sure that we did everything we can — could — to protect them.  In the aftermath, what became clear was that the security was lax, that not all the precautions and — that needed to be taken were taken and both myself and Secretary Clinton and others indicated as much.

Obama blames the FOX News blame game, good grief, how small of you.

O’REILLY:  — but I just want to say that they’re — your detractors believe that you did not tell the world it was a terror attack because your campaign didn’t want that out.
OBAMA:  Bill, think about…
O’REILLY:  That’s what they believe.
OBAMA:  – and they believe it because folks like you are telling them that.
O’REILLY:  No, I’m not telling them that.
O’REILLY:  I’m asking you whether you were told…
OBAMA:  But — and what I’m saying is…
O’REILLY:  — it was a terror attack and you…
OBAMA:  — and what I’m saying is that is inaccurate.

On the IRS scandal where conservative and Tea Party groups were specifically targeted by the IRS, Obama says there was no corruption, not even a smidgeon of corruption.

O’REILLY:  — so you’re saying there was no…
OBAMA:  — if you are involved…
O’REILLY:  — no corruption there at all, none?
OBAMA:  That’s not what I’m saying.
OBAMA:  That’s actually…
O’REILLY:  No, no, but I want to know what…
O’REILLY:  — you’re saying.  You’re the leader of the country.
OBAMA:  Absolutely.
O’REILLY:  You’re saying no corruption?
O’REILLY:  None?
OBAMA:  There were some — there were some bone-headed decisions…
O’REILLY:  Bone-headed decisions…
OBAMA:  — out of — out of a local office…
O’REILLY:  But no mass corruption?
OBAMA:  Not even mass corruption, not even a smidgeon of corruption, I would say.

BTW, how about you wear a tie! Good grief, if you can’t act presidential, could you at least look presidential?

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