CNN/ORC Poll: NJ Governor Chris Christie Leads Possible 2016 GOP Contenders … Not Only is it Way too Early, Don’t Count On It Christie

A new CNN poll has New Jersey governor Chris Christie as the front-runner of possible Republican contenders for the 2016 GOP presidential nominee. For the Democrats it would appear that Hillary Clinton is already being coronated their nominee. However, for the GOP not only is this poll way too early, I would doubt that Chris Christie will be the Republican nominee unless they plan on losing another presidential election. Polls at this point are merely a popularity contest and with Christie’s recent landslide win for governor in NJ against a no-name opponent, he just happens to be the cause-celeb for today.

There is a long, long way to go and the potential winner for the GOP may not have even come forward yet. The same could be said for Democrats as well. Wasn’t Hillary Clinton the presumptive Democrat nominee winner as well before a certain novice, unprepared, 2 year US Senator from Illinois named Obama got into the race?


Who actually thinks the GOP base would vote for Christie after this?

And according to a CNN/ORC International survey, if Hillary Clinton decides against making another bid for the White House, Vice President Joe Biden would be the initial favorite to capture the Democratic nomination.

The poll, released Friday morning, indicates that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, fresh off his Garden State re-election landslide victory and widespread national media attention, jumped to the top of the pack of potential contenders for the GOP nomination.

Twenty-four percent of Republicans and independents who lean towards the GOP questioned in the survey say they’d be likely to support Christie for the Republican nomination, up seven percentage points from a CNN poll in early September. Back then, Christie and Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, the House Budget chairman and the 2012 Republican vice presidential nominee, were virtually tied at the top of the GOP list, with Christie at 17% and Ryan at 16%.

But Ryan, who’s stayed mostly away from the political spotlight the past few months, has dropped to 11%, putting him in third place, slightly behind Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, at 13%. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, who like Paul has made multiple trips this year to the states that kick off the presidential primary and caucus calendar, like Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina, stands at 10% in the survey, the only other Republican White House hopeful to get double-digit support.

Sorry, but a win in New Jersey is hardly a microcosm of winning a primary in the Republican party or a national election. New Jersey is it’s own animal, much like every state is.  Much of the GOP base considered Chris Christie a “Benedict Arnold” when he went overboard gushing over Barack Obama after Hurricane Sandy, sabotaging any chance Mitt Romney may have had. The GOP have run two ‘RINO’s’ in a row, the “mavericky” John McCain in 2008 and Mitt “Romneycare” Romney in 2012. Both candidates alienated the GOP base and in the end, really stood for nothing, except they ere not Obama. At what point will the establishment Republicans understand that the GOP electorate wants a candidate with substance and is not Democrat-light?

The focus this last week should have been on Obama’s shameful conduct in Benghazi. Instead, the  schizophrenic Christie allowed himself to be manipulated by Obama’s camp so easily, that one has to question the reasoning for his desertion of Governor Romney. I believe the egomaniacal Christie would rather run for POTUS in 2016 than 2020. And chose to spend the last week  stabbing Mitt in the back.

I understand that Christie had to ”break bread” with Obama when Obama came to tour New Jersey for disaster relief for Hurricane Sandy. We all should be fine with that.  But after Obama left, Christie has continued to act ”star-struck” toward the liberal Democrat. Both men are frequent apologizers for Islam so that may also be a shared bond.

And Christie refused an invitation to attend a  Sunday night rally with Mr. Romney in Pennsylvania, only 20 minutes from Trenton. You can google Benedict Arnold/Chris Christie or Traitor Chris Christie and see that the internet is abuzz with  stories about how Christie the RINO has been selling out to Obama.

Daily Commentary – Thursday, August 8, 2013 – George Zimmerman Potential Candidate for President 2016?

  • He was added to a poll posed to Alaskans regarding their choice for Presidential candidate in 2016

Daily Commentary – Thursday, August 8, 2013 Download

Gallup Poll: NJ Gov. Chris Christie Most-Favored Republican Among Democrats

This should be all Republicans  need to know to never, and I mean NEVER nominate New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie as GOP presidential candidate.

WHAT A SHOCK. As reported by CNS News, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is the most-favored Republican recent newsmaker among Democratic respondents. Who could have seen that one coming? You mean RINO Chris Christie, Barack Obama’s best friend and the individual who helped Obama win reelection with his over the top embrace of Obama during the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy? Why wouldn’t Democrats see Christie as the most favorable Republican seeing that he allowed himself to be the useful pawn and photo-op for Obama? As stated at Michelle Malkin, Hillary Clinton’s greatest threat for the Democrat nomination for president might just be Chris Christie.

Obama – Christie Bromance … They are not a political odd couple, they are the same person … Obama and Christie are all about Obama and Christie

According to a newly released Gallup poll, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is the most-favored Republican recent newsmaker and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is the least-favored–among Democratic respondents. The poll sought to measure the favorable/unfavorable sentiments toward five Republicans Gallup believes may run for president in 2016. Conducted June 1-4. the survey asked: [P]lease say if you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of these people–or if you have never heard of them.” It then listed New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan, Texas Senator Ted Cruz, and Kentucky Senator Rand Paul.

Chris Christie most beloved Republican by Democrats, what is John McCain going to say?

Gov. Chris Christie Slams NRA: “Reprehensible” For “Dragging People’s Children” Into Gun Debate But Fails to Mention Liberal Hypocrisy or Obama Using Children as Props

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie might as well change political party affiliations now as there is no way this Judas will ever get a GOP presidential nomination.

First Gov. Chris Christie (NJ-R) had a “bromance” with President Barack Obama during the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy and now Christie calls foul on the NRA for dragging people’s children into the gun debate. HUH? Following the NRA’s president’s comment that all children should be protected in their schools by armed guards or police, he and the NRA were mocked and ridiculed by the liberal media, Democrats and Barack Obama. This occurring as the very people criticizing the NRA for their comments had their children protected by guns. And no, not all of the children are protected by law by the secret service.

However, all Christie can find to criticize is the NRA bring children into the gun debate. There was no comment on Barack Obama using children as props as he came out with his anti-US Constitution, anti-2nd Amendment executive orders on gun control. Who brought “children” into the debate Gov. Christie? One can say that it was the Sandy Hook Elementary school shooter who did so. That being said, political hypocrites do not get to silence others as they protect their children and leave the tax paying publics children to the wolves.


Mediaite reported:

“I think any of us who are public figures, you see that kind of ad and you cringe,” Christie said on Thursday at a news conference in Trenton. “I’m a father who is a public figure, who has four children and my children had no choice realistically in what I decided to do with my career and what affect that has had on their lives.”

“Don’t be dragging people’s children into this,” he added. “It’s wrong and I think it demeans them and it makes them less of a valid trusted source of information on the real issues that confront this debate.”

Christie has become a complete disappointment.

NJ Gov. Christie Calls Obama To Congratulate Him and E-Mails Mitt Romney

Pack your bags Christie … you will never be the GOP presidential nominee.

RINO New Jersey Governor Chris Christie  called Barack Obama to wish the president congrats on his 2012 reelection win; however, only emailed Romney on the loss. Nice. Maybe Christie puckered up some more to Obama? This from the man who claimed he backed Romney, yet bear hugged Obama and provided a false image that Obama was actually bi-partisan and that Obama was actually handling the Hurricane Sandy disaster properly. UNREAL.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said that he had called President Obama to congratulate him on his win in the 2012 presidential election — but has only sent an email to Mitt Romney, the Republican nominee for whom he campaigned heavily earlier this year.

“We didn’t have a political strategy discussion,” Christie said of his call to Obama, according to Bloomberg. “I said congratulations on your win last night Mr. President, he said thank you governor.”

Christie added that he had sent an email to Romney on Wednesday night.

As stated by Weasel Zippers, who would expect any less from Judas? Christie might as well change party affiliation as he will never get the Republican nomination after this “fox in the hen house” episode. This will never be forgotten. One of the reasons ultimately why Romney did not perform better was that he was too moderate for the GOP base. Christie is left of Romney no matter what comes out of his big mouth. Do not fret Lonely Conservative, those that vote to nominate a prez candidate will never, never vote for Christie after this.

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