Rhode Island Democrat Gov. Candidate Frank T. Caprio Says to Obama … Take Your Endorsement and “SHOVE IT” … He Treats Us Like an ATM Machine

President Obama … “SHOVE IT”.

President Barack Hussein Obama causes chaos and hostility in the Democrat party. The man who was supposed to bring red and blue states, Republicans, Democrats and independents together, seems to have difficulty in his own party as he fractures Democrats in Rhode Island.

Democrat Gubernatorial candidate Frank T. Caprio told President Barack Obama to take his endorsement and “shove it”after the Democrat candidate was spurned by the President. Obama while traveling to Rhode Island for a fund raiser did not endorse the candidacy of the Democrat stating that he was going to sit this one out. Real Clear Politics has the race a near tie between Frank Caprio (D) 32.0%, Lincoln Chafee (I) 30.3% and  John Robitaille (R) 20.0%. An Obama endorsement would have gone along way in a Caprio victory; however, Obama decided not to endorse his own party.

Welcome to Rhode Island, where Democratic politics are so quirky that the party’s nominee for governor welcomed President Obama on Monday by declaring, on live radio, that the president could “take his endorsement and really shove it.”

Later, as if to drive home his point, the Democrat, Frank T. Caprio – miffed that Mr. Obama is refusing to endorse him in the governor’s race – was a no-show when the president toured a local factory here, although he had an invitation from the White House to attend.

The lack of an endorsement was looked upon by many as an unstated endorsement of liberal Republican turned independent Lincoln Chaffe. Obama is repaying the favor to Chafee of his political endorsement when Chafee served in the US Senate as a Republican. Knowing that the 2010 midterm elections are all but lost, Obama seems to be caring more about his own reelection bid in 2012 than supporting members of his own party. After all, it’s all about Barack Obama.

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Newsweek Poll Says Obama Approval Rating Jumps Over 50% & Democrats Close ‘Enthusiasm Gap’ … Wanna Bet!

Oh yeah, this is believable …

The Democrat state run liberal media outlet Newsweek states in their most recent poll that Barack Obama’s approval rating at 54%. Newsweek also claims that the enthusiasm gap has narrowed as well. So when all else fails and Democrats are on the verge of colossal losses in the 2010 midterm elections, as also stated at Hot Air, the Obama media just makes up self-serving polls. This favorable Obama and Democrat poll brought to you by the same people who said … We Are All Socialists Now.”

Despite doom-saying about Democrats’ chances in the midterms, the latest NEWSWEEK Poll (full results) shows that they remain in a close race with Republicans 12 days before Election Day, while the president’s approval ratings have climbed sharply. The poll finds that 48 percent of registered voters would be more likely to vote for Democrats, compared with 42 percent who lean Republican (those numbers are similar to those in the last NEWSWEEK Poll, which found Democrats favored 48 percent to 43 percent). President Obama’s approval ratings have jumped substantially, crossing the magic halfway threshold to 54 percent, up from 48 percent in late September, while the portion of respondents who disapprove of the president dropped to 40 percent, the lowest disapproval rating in a NEWSWEEK Poll since February 2010.

The far fetched poll can be seen here.

Maybe Big Bird can Help out Newsweek


The Newsweek joke poll could never bee more evident than going to Real Clear politics to see the polling averages of numerous polls on Obama job approval and the Congressional Generic ballot. Obama has an average approval rating of 46.3% and a disapproval of 48.3%. Reviewing the polling data, reminds me a a Sesame Street skit of one of these things doesn’t belong here. The same thing can be said regarding the Congressional Generic ballot, Newsweek is the only poll that does not have a GOP lead let alone a  double digit lead for the GOP.

Hard to believe the bias Newsweek poll when the Rasmussen Presidential index is at -19% and 45% approval, 54% disapproval rating.  More polling data is posted at Wake Up America that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Newsweek poll is an outlier. So this is what the LEFT has been reduced to, making up contrived polling data to provide the perception that Democrats are gaining ground in the polls. The the state rum media propagandists stop at nothing?

Democrats in Big Trouble … Rasmussen Predicting Republicans 55 Seat Pick Up in Races for the US House

RUT-ROH … 16 days before the 2010 midterm elections and Rasmussen predicting huge wins for the GOP.

The question as to whether Republicans will pick up the necessary 39 House seats to regain control of the US House of Representatives seem to be a forgone conclusion by many pollsters and pundits. The question more is, who can be the most precise and nail the exact number. Scott Rasmussen is on record as saying that the GOP will pick up 55 seats in this years 2010 midterm election … can you say Mr. Speaker John Boehner.

With all due respect to the Obama Kool-Aid drinking spinmeisters who claim the Democrats will regain the House in 2010, Republicans will have the majority by the time the voting counts hit the Mississippi River. Obama, Biden, Gibbs, et all can talk their rosy game, the fact of the matter is … all polls do not lie. The past two years should have all been about the economy, the economy, the economy, but instead Obama, Pelosi and Reid have made it about their liberal agenda. There will be hell to pay on November 2, 2010.

Nationally-recognized pollster Scott Rasmussen last night predicted that Republicans would gain 55 seats in races for the U.S. House of Representatives November 2—much more than the 39 needed for a Republican majority in the House for the first time since 2006.

But the man whose Rasmussen Reports polling is watched carefully by politicians and frequently quoted by the punditocracy said that whether Republicans gain the ten seats they need to take control of the Senate is in question.

“Republicans should have 48 seats [after the elections next month], Democrats 47, and five seats could slide either way,” said Rasmussen in his banquet address at the Western Conservative Political Action Conference. He was referring to seats in five states in which the Senate race this year he considers too close to call: California, Illinois, Washington, West Virginia, and Nevada (or “that mudwrestling contest,” as Rasmussen described the race between Republican Sharron Angle and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid).

The once unheard of notion of picking up 10 seats in one US Senate election cycle might just now be a possibility. In Senate race after Senate race, Democrats find themselves in trouble and as the Gateway Pundit states, Democrats retreat to “Blue State” stong holds.

Check out the WSJ political map for House, Senate and Governor races that show just how bleak the situation is for Democrats.

Democratic strategists acknowledged they are abandoning a dozen House seats the party now holds, as they try to salvage their majority in the chamber by shoring up candidates with better chances.

With Republicans expanding their advertising to broaden the field of competitive races, Democrats are shifting resources to help such senior lawmakers as House Budget Committee Chairman John Spratt (D., S.C.), and to head off Republicans in usually safe Massachusetts, where a southeast district that includes Cape Cod is competitive for the first time in decades.

 Is it any wonder why the American voters are about to toss the Democrats out of control in the House when there is a -50.4% approval rating for the Democrat controlled Congress. Real Clear Politics average polling also has Republicans ahead in the Generic Congressional ballot by 6.8%.

However, the House races could be even more bleak for Democrats as the Cook Political Report says 90+ seats are in play and most are Democrat. Also, Republicans House candidates are far ahead in fund raising and have much more to spend in the final weeks and days leading up to the election.

In the House, GOP candidates reported raising $104 million from July through September, compared with $89 million for Democrats, new disclosure records show. In the 18 top Senate races, Republicans brought in nearly $60 million; their Democratic opponents raised less than $40 million.

Barack Obama Administration Announces Second Year of $1.3 Trillion Deficit

Welcome to Obamaville … Hey America, how’s that“hopey, changey” stuff working out for you?

Thank you Barack Hussein Obama and the Obama economy … Obama Administration announces second year of $1.3 trillion deficit. Add that to the 9.7% unemployment, record number of people on food stamps, housing foreclosures over 100,000. Is it any wonder why Obama’s Presidential polling index is starting to tank again and Democrats find themselves in dire straits of losing the House Senate and majority of Governors.

$1.3 trillion …bahahahahaha …

The Obama administration announced Friday it has exceeded the $1 trillion mark in the federal deficit — predicted by Congress’ research arm last week as $1.29 trillion — for the second straight year as it projects an even larger gap between revenues and spending for fiscal year 2011.

That means the government had to borrow 37 cents out of every dollar it spent as tax revenues continued to lag while spending on food stamps and unemployment benefits went up as the economy slowly pulled out of recession.

The eye-popping deficit figures provide Republican critics of President Obama’s fiscal stewardship with fresh ammunition less than three weeks ahead of the midterm congressional elections. The deficit was $122 billion less than last year, a modest improvement.

The Congressional Budget Office last week announced the deficit for the 2010 budget year that ended Sept. 30 was $1.29 trillion. That’s down by $125 billion from the $1.4 trillion in 2009 — the highest deficit on record. It attributed money recovered from the Troubled Asset Relief Program for the decrease.

But wait, the Obama Administration and Democrats finally have something they can run on, they have set a record … 2 years in a row of over a trillion dollar deficit (check out the graph that the MSM refuses to print). To get a historical sense of what the budgets used to look like, go to Heritage Foundation.

No President Obama … You Will Be More Cooperative after the 2010 Midterm Elections after the GOP Landslide, Not Republicans

If Obama thinks that Republicans will be more cooperative to his agenda, The One will be One and Done in a Landslide!

Democrats did it the old fashioned way … they earned the upcoming 2010 midterm election results.

A note to Barack Hussein Obama, following the upcoming 2010 midterm election tsunami, avalanche, Democrat political carnage, it is not the GOP that is going to be more cooperative … IT WILL BE YOU WHO IS. If not, your 2012 reelection bid will look much like the 1980 failed Presidential Election of one term Democrat President, Jimmy Carter.

There is a reason why you are going to be made to look bad in the 2010 midterm elections, because your policies are an abject failure and your liberal-socialist agenda is not wanted by a majority of the American people. You have squandered any promises you made of “Hope & Change” under the false pretence of working togther in a bi-partisan manner and reaching across the aisle to Republicans. At this point, even Democrats cannot run away from Obama fast enough.

President Obama said that he is expecting Republicans to offer him more cooperation after November’s elections, no matter the outcome.

In an hour-long interview with Times White House correspondent Peter Baker, Mr. Obama predicted that his political rivals will either be chastened by falling short of their electoral goals or burdened with the new responsibility that comes from achieving them.

“It may be that regardless of what happens after this election, they feel more responsible, either because they didn’t do as well as they anticipated, and so the strategy of just saying no to everything and sitting on the sidelines and throwing bombs didn’t work for them,” Mr. Obama said. “Or they did reasonably well, in which case the American people are going to be looking to them to offer serious proposals and work with me in a serious way.”

The GOP is not the party of “NO”, they are the party that was actually listening to the American people who were saying “HELL NO”to the policies of Obama, Reid, Pelosi and Democrats. You are going to be working with them Mr. President as your way has been nothing but an abysmal failure. On most every important topic of the day, Barack Obama and democrats are on the wrong side and against the will of the people. Whether its the economy, health care, illegal immigration, trials of terrorist, etc. Speaking of the economy and wasteful stimulus that has failed.

Barack Obama goes back on his words of why the $787 billion stimulus was needed ASAP for those “shovel ready” jobs. Now Obama says there is no such thing as a shovel ready job. So is he a liar or a rank amateur novice? Either one makes him never fit to be President.

In the magazine article, Mr. Obama reflects on his presidency, admitting that he let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend Democrat,” realized too late that “there’s no such thing as shovel-ready projects” and perhaps should have “let the Republicans insist on the tax cuts” in the stimulus.

The American voters are so outraged by the policies and conduct of Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the Democrats who thought they could pass any sort of legislation down the throats of an unwilling WE THE PEOPLE, that there will be a reckoning on November 2.

In political races across the United States, Democrats are down in the polls and in many cases states and districts that had always been considered a Democrat stronghold. Not any more. So much to the point that Democrats are pretending that they are not members of the Donkey party. They act like they have never heard of Pelosi, Reid or Obama. In most cases, to watch their political ads, one could not even tell that they were a Democrat. Which might be the reason why the DNCC are cutting some ads of candidates who do not support the Donkey power structure. Exactly what did “beholden” Democrats think would happen? Was stated at Weasel Zippers, the wrath of the Wicked Witch of the West can be a bitch. Suddenly, Pelosi is considered too extreme for Democrats. However, the people know better and America has awoke. Where were these same people for the past two years when they went along with Pelosi and passed unpopular legislation through the House? The politicians now realize WE THE PEOPLE do not forget and the Democrat leopards are trying to change their spots.

State Sen. Roy Herron (D), who’s running for the opening seat held by retiring Rep. John Tanner (D) in Tennessee’s 8th congressional district, suggested the DCCC’s decision to cancel ad buys in the race was tied to his refusal to back Pelosi.

Can it get any worse for Democrats as The Hill reports, Republicans are up in 8 of 10 open House districts. Yet another poll that has Democrats reeling.

Republicans are winning eight out of 10 competitive open House seats surveyed in a groundbreaking new poll by The Hill.

Taken on top of 11 GOP leads out of 12 freshman Democratic districts polled last week, The Hill 2010 Midterm Election Poll points toward 19 Republican victories out of 22 races, while Democrats win only two and one is tied.

Republican candidates have taken big leads in two districts Democrats have held for nearly a century and a half-century, respectively, according to The Hill’s survey. A Republican is also ahead in the heavily Democratic district that contains President Obama’s hometown of  Honolulu.

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