NBC/WSJ Poll: Barack Obama Approval Rating Hits All-Time Low … Also, 71% Say Country Headed in Wrong Direction


In the most recent NBC/WSJ poll, Barack Obama’s approval rating has hit an all-time low as only 40% approve while an overwhelming 54% disapprove.  It appears the American people have finally grown weary of Obama’s disastrous presidency and 6 years into “Hope and Change,” Barack Obama has no one else left to blame but himself. He has had his opportunity to make positive change, and has only made things worse. An amazing 71% say that the country is headed in the wrong direction, while only 21% say we are on the right track. This number can be easily explained when individuals looks at the domestic and foreign policy issues and see nothing positive. The recession continues as the real unemployment rate is closer to 18%, the US debt continues to spiral out of control, median incomes are down, the US-Mexican border crisis, scandals abound and the the Middle East on the brink, failures in Iraq and Afghanistan, rise of terrorism and Obama siding with, not our allies. Even liberal Democrats have come to the reality that he is nothing but a liar.


Other poor poll results for Barack Obama handling domestic and foreign policy issues:

  • The economy: 53% disapprove – 42% approve
  • Foreign policy: 60% disapprove – 36% approve

Full poll results (pdf.)

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Six in 10 Americans are dissatisfied with the state of the U.S. economy, more than 70 percent believe the country is headed in the wrong direction, and nearly 80 percent are down on the country’s political system, according to the latest NBC News / Wall Street Journal poll.

The frustration carries over to the nation’s political leaders, with President Barack Obama’s overall approval rating hitting a new low at 40 percent, and a mere 14 percent of the public giving Congress a thumbs up.

“We’re in the summer of our discontent,” said Democratic pollster Peter Hart, who conducted this survey with Republican pollster Bill McInturff. “Americans are cranky, unhappy… It is with everything going on the world.”

What’s more, a combined 71 percent say the recession personally impacted them “a lot” or “just some,” and 64 percent say it’s still having an effect on them.

Then there are these numbers in the poll:

  • 40 percent say someone in their household lost a job in the past five years;
  • 27 percent say they have more than $5,000 in student-loan debt for either themselves or their children;
  • 20 percent have more than $2,000 in credit card debt they are unable to pay off month to month;
  • 17 percent say they have a parent or a child over 21 years old living with them for financial or health reasons.

Check out the average job approval polling at RCP, if not for that bias Republican Rasmussen poll, Obama’s average approval would be at 40%.


Source – Real Clear Politics

What a Coincidence, Another Hard Drive Crash … This Time It’s April Sands, a Former Employee at the Federal Election Commission who Resigned After Admitting to Violating the Hatch Act Promoting Obama’s Re-election in 2012 .


Democrat playbook, page 7, paragraph 2, subsections 6: When caught committing a crime and perpetrating a fraud upon the American people, destroy your hard drive.

April Sands was a Federal Election Commission lawyer before she resigned earlier this year and accepted a ban on holding government jobs until 2016. Sands resigned after admitting to violating The Hatch Act, which prohibits government workers from advocating for candidates while on the job. Just curious, is there any government agency that did not violate the Hatch Act and promote Obama’s 2012 reelection? However, Sands escaped prosecution as her computer hard drive “mysteriously” crashed  and was recycled by the FEC before any evidence could be recovered. Hmm, haven’t we heard this one before? As former NY Yankee MLB great Yogi Bearra would say, “it’s deja vu all over again”. Can you say Lois Lerner? Funny Lois Lerner’s name is mentioned as Lerner, who has a case of her own missing emails and hard drive crash was Sands’ supervisor until 2001. you just can’t make this stuff up.

Just curious, is there any governmental agency that backs up data?

It’s becoming very evident that the 2012 presidential election may have been the greatest case of voter fraud ever in American history. Sorry, just one too many coincidences.


The Blaze:

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) on Monday made yet another request to the federal government for details about a crashed hard drive that may have contained information allowing criminal charges to be brought against a federal official.

Issa’s newest letter concerns the hard drive of April Sands, a former employee at the Federal Election Commission who resigned in the spring after admitting to violations of the Hatch Act. That law puts restrictions on the ability of government officials to conduct political activities while on the job, or from government offices.

Issa noted that while Sands admitted to violating the law, the FEC just recently told Congress that it could not recover her hard drive, which made it impossible to seek criminal charges against her.

“Recent information obtained by the committee suggests that the FEC OIG could not pursue criminal prosecution for the misconduct because the attorney’s hard drive had been recycled by the FEC,” Issa’s letter said.

As a result, Issa asked the FEC to provide information to his committee by July 28. That includes all documents related to the hard drive loss, and documents detailing the FEC’s practices for retaining information on computers.

The FEC is an independent agency, but Sands’ emails clearly indicated she favored Obama’s re-election in 2012. Before the election, she tweeted things like:

“Our #POTUS’s birthday is August 4. He’ll be 51. I’m donating at least $51 to give him the best birthday present ever: a second term.” In another tweet, she said anyone supporting Republicans is her “enemy.”

I guess this is just another phony scandal.

UPDATE I: More from Town Hall, It sounds like they have found there to be one too many coincidences as well ….  Lerner Associate: “I Don’t Understand How Anyone But Straight White Men Can Vote Republican”

Which brings us to the case of April Sands, an employee at the Federal Elections Commission (FEC), who struck a deal with the agency’s Inspector General to avoid criminal charges related to running afoul of the Hatch Act on numerous occasions. She has openly confessed to breaching federal law as part of her effective plea bargain, but investigators were unable to probe a potential goldmine of incriminating activity: Her email. Why? You guessed it; her hard drive crashed, supposedly wiping out her email records, and resulting in the FEC recycling (i.e., destroying) the hard drive. Sounds familiar. Did I mention that Ms. Sands worked under Lois Lerner when Lerner served as the agency’s Associate General Counsel for Enforcement? Lots of coincidences and similarities, no?

UPDATE II: Interview with Lou Dobbs discussing the amazing coincidences of corrupt government employee hard drive crashes.

Federal Judge Emmet Sullivan Demands IRS Explain the Lois Lerner Lost Emails


Judge Emmet Sullivan of the U.S. District Court in Washington has ordered the IRS to explain under oath how former IRS employee Lois Lerner’s emails went missing. Do you mean a federal judge will not except the excuse, that the dog ate my hard drive? Imagine that, Lois Lerner warned IRS employee’s what they put in their emails and then her’s miraculously disappeared. Yup, not a smidgen of corruption here.


A federal judge on Thursday ordered the IRS to detail under oath how some of former agency official Lois Lerner’s emails went missing, as well as any potential methods for recovering them.

Judge Emmet Sullivan of the U.S. District Court in Washington gave the Internal Revenue Service exactly a month — until Aug. 10 — to file a report, which he demanded as part of a lawsuit from a conservative watchdog, Judicial Watch, against the agency.

Judicial Watch is seeking a wide range of documents from the IRS, including Lerner’s emails, as part of a Freedom of Information Act request. It has complained that the IRS didn’t tell it that the agency couldn’t recover all of Lerner’s emails from 2009 to 2011.

Sullivan cast his ruling as a compromise, and a potential way for Judicial Watch to get answers without the court wading any deeper into the matter. Judicial Watch had asked the court to potentially compel IRS officials to testify about the lost emails, through a process called limited discovery.

Quinnipiac Poll: Barack Obama Is the Worst American President Since WWII

File this one under, tell me something we do not already know … OBAMA IS THE WORST PRESIDENT!

According to a new Quinnipiac University poll, Americans say that Obama is the worst post-WWII president of them all. It would appear that Barack Obama is not the one that “we’ve been waiting for”, actually far from it. Just think, Obama is already at the bottom of the list and his presidency is not even over, sadly. Look for this poll number to go down even further as the US economy continues to struggle, the Middle East continues in turmoil and the scandals mount.  Ronald Reagan is far and away considered the best president. What does it say when a current sitting US president is considered worse than Richard Nixon, who had to resign and leave office in disgrace because of “Watergate” before he was impeached? Had it not been for a liberal media refusing to dig deeper in to the all too numerous Obama administration scandals like a Woodward and Bernstein, Obama would have a 20% approval rating and been impeached.

Obama_Worst President

Not only do Americans say that Obama is the worst post-WWII president, they also have “buyer’s remorse” as 45% of voters say that America would be better off had Mitt Romney been elected president in 2012, while 38% believe the country would be worse off. This includes independent voters 47 – 33, who wish they could get a Mulligan and have a do-over to elect Romney. Hot Air opines, “If independents have double-digit buyer’s remorse from 2012, that suggests a strong desire to make up for their earlier mistake.”

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President Barack Obama is the worst president since World War II, 33 percent of American voters say in a Quinnipiac University National Poll released today. Another 28 percent pick President George W. Bush.

Ronald Reagan is the best president since WWII, 35 percent of voters say, with 18 percent for Bill Clinton, 15 percent for John F. Kennedy and 8 percent for Obama, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University poll finds. Among Democrats, 34 percent say Clinton is the best president, with 18 percent each for Obama and Kennedy.

Obama has been a better president than George W. Bush, 39 percent of voters say, while 40 percent say he is worse. Men say 43 – 36 percent that Obama is worse than Bush while women say 42 – 38 percent he is better. Obama is worse, Republicans say 79 – 7 percent and independent voters say 41 – 31 percent. Democrats say 78 – 4 percent that he is better.

My list of worst post WWII presidents would be as follows: 1) Barack Obama, 2) Jimmy Carter, 3) Gerald Ford, although not sure if he should even count, 4) Richard Nixon, 5) LBJ  6) Bill Clinton, 7) GWB, 8) GHWB, 9) JFK, 10) Eisenhower. Ronald Reagan and Harry S Truman would not even get a vote to be on this list.

I would actually go one further, Obama may just be the worst president since WWI. Hell, for that fact Obama is the worst president since The Revolutionary War of American Independence.

Rasmussen: 71% of Voters Believe the IRS Deliberately Destroyed E-mails to Hide Guilt of Criminal Activity

According to a recent Rasmussen poll, a remarkably 71% of voters believe that the IRS deliberately and willfully destroyed emails related to IRS-gate and the targeting of Tea Party and other conservative groups to hide evidence of criminal activity. Only 22% believe the IRS did not break the law, while 4% were undecided. It is fair to say that this polling is a resounding condemnation against the IRS that crosses all political parties. How bad is it when a government agency like the IRS is believed to play partisan politics and cannot be trusted?

Think about this, more than 7 in 10 individuals surveyed believe that the IRS committed a criminal activity in destruction of property and obstruction of justice to hide the guilt of their even greater criminal activity as a Democrat party ignores it and Barack Obama calls it a phoney scandal. This should be chilling for all Americans.


Most voters think it’s likely the IRS deliberately destroyed e-mails about its investigations of Tea Party and other conservative groups to hide its criminal behavior. Two-out-of-three now believe IRS employees involved in these investigations should be jailed or fired, and most suspect the agency of targeting other political opponents of the Obama administration.

As we are reminded by Real Clear Politics, a recent Fox News poll found similar results, 76% of voters surveyed believed that ex-IRS official Lois Lerner’s emails were deliberately destroyed.  The distrust in the IRS was spread across all parties, including 90% of Republicans, 74% of Independents and 63% of Democrats. Only 12% of respondents believe the emails were accidently destroyed.

It gets better, these are the folks in charge of enforcing Obamacare. How’s that “Hopey-Changey” stuff working out for ya America?

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